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        지체부자유학교 교사의 체육수업 어려움 해결하기

        박병도 ( Byung Do Park ),손천택 ( Cheon Taik Son ) 한국특수체육학회 2007 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 지체부자유학교에서 근무하는 교사의 체육수업의 어려움 해결 과정을 심층적으로 이해하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 수도권에 위치한 5개 지체부자유학교에서 근무하는 교사 8명(남자 6명, 여자 2명)이 연구참여자로 참여하여 7개월 동안 심층면담, 참여관찰 그리고 문서 수집을 통한 자료 수집을 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 Strauss와 Corbin(1998)이 제시한 근거이론적 연구 방법으로 분석하여 개방 코딩, 축 코딩 그리고 선택 코딩을 실시하였다. 개방 코딩 결과 73개의 개념을 발견하였고, 이를 다시 25개의 하위 범주와 6개의 범주가 도출되었다. 이러한 개방 코딩 결과를 바탕으로 축 코딩을 실시하여 나타난 중심 현상은 ``체육수업의 어려움``이었으며, 중심현상에 영향을 주는 인과적 조건으로 ``체육수업 준비``, 중재적 조건으로 ``학교 방침``, 맥락적 조건으로 ``학생들의 장애 수준``, 작용/상호작용 전략으로 ``어려움 해결 노력`` 그리고 결과로 ``체육수업의 변화``가 나타났다. 축 코딩에서 나타난 결과들을 바탕으로 선택 코딩에서 범주의 속성과 차원을 찾아본 결과 지체부자유학교 교사의 체육수업의 어려움을 해결하는 유형은 ``혼자 해결하기``, ``함께 해결하기`` 그리고 ``함께 나아가기`` 등으로 구분되었다. This study is to understand the solving process of difficulties experienced by teachers in school for physical impairment. To achieve the suggested purpose of this study, 8 teachers teaching the subject of physical education(6 males and 2 females) were selected as participants who are working in school for physical impairments. Data were collected through in-depth interview, participant observation, and documents during 8 months from April to November. Collected data were analyzed by the approach of grounded theory proposed by Strauss & Corbin(1998). The subject was deduced from the process of open coding, axial coding, and selected coding. And also, 73 concepts were deduced through the open coding and 25 subordinate categories, and 6 categories. The main phenomenon through axial coding stands on result of open coding. And then, after the selected coding stands on the results of the axial coding were of the major phenomenon ``difficulties of physical education class``. The causal condition was ``preparation of physical education class``, intervention condition was ``policy of school``. Contextual condition were ``level of disabilities with students``. Action/interaction strategy were ``effort to improve physical education class`` and those result were ``change of physical education class``. Lastly, selective coding data were analyzed by finding out core category, writing down story outline, inducing relation of category focusing and conditional matrix analyzing patterns. The patterns of settle a problem on physical education class were ``solving alone``, ``solving together``, and ``improving together`` by selective coding in school for physical impairments.

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        나마즈에[鲶繪]에 나타난 일본의 지진신앙과 그 변모

        박병도(Park, Byoung-Do) 한국역사민속학회 2012 역사민속학 Vol.- No.40

        1855년 음력 10월 2일 현재 일본의 도쿄 지역인 에도에서 규모 7을 넘는 강진이 일어났다. 이른바 ‘안세이 에도 지진’으로 불리는 이 지진이 일어나고 삼일 뒤부터 카와라판이라는 재해 신문을 통해 나마즈에(??)가 시장에서 유통되기 시작했다. 이른바 ‘메기화’라고 부를 수 있는 이 민속화는 안세이 지진에 대한 민중들의 지진신앙이 회화적으로 표출된 것이었다. 나마즈에에는 지진을 일으키는 메기와 이 메기를 카나메이시로 통제할 수 있는 카시마대명신이 그려져 있다. 이러한 지진신화를 표현한 나마즈에 속에서 메기는 사람들에게 맞거나 먹히거나 사과하는 모습으로 그려졌다. 하지만 나마즈에에는 오랜 시간을 두고 형성되어온 지진신화의 구조와는 전혀 다른 주제도 나타난다. 메기가 신의 사자로서 잘못된 세계를 꾸짖거나 부자들의 돈을 빼앗고 지진으로 피해를 본 서민들을 도와주기도 하는 것이다. 나마즈에에는 기존의 지진신화의 내용뿐만 아니라 그 신화의 구조를 변화시키고 전복시킨 주제까지 함께 표현되었던 것이다. 이러한 상징의 충돌과 구조적 변화는 세계의 재생 또는 세계의 변혁을 뜻하는 ‘요나오시[世直し]’라는 용어를 통해 설명할 수 있다. 1855년의 지진 재해를 겪은 이들은 지진을 계기로 두 가지 차원의 현세의 변화를 꿈꾸었다. 하나가 지진 이전의 풍요롭고 평화로운 세계로의 재생과 회복 즉 ‘재생과 회복의 요나오시’였다면, 다른 하나는 불평등한 경제적 질서를 변혁시켜 평등한 세계를 꿈꾼 ‘변혁의 요나오시’였다. 이러한 두 차원의 요나오시의 열망이 기존의 지진신화의 구조마저 변형시켜 나마즈에 속에서 상징적으로 표현되었던 것이다. In this article, I attempt to examine the diversity of religious recognition of and practice related to natural disasters by looking Japanese earthquake disasters. Especially, I focus on the Ansei Edo Earthquake(安政江戶地震) that occurred in 1855 and namuzu-e(염繪), which are folk paintings that appeared after the earthquake in Edo. Through this work, I present how and why these recognitions have changed by employing the approach of the symbolic interpretation of the anthropology of religion. On the second day of the tenth month of 1855(November 11 in the solar calendar), an earthquake with a magnitude of 7 shook Edo and the resultant estimated deaths amounted to 10,000. Three days after the initial earthquake, namazu-e, which means ‘catfish paintings’ were distributed in markets and gained explosive popularity. Namazu-e mainly featured three elements: Namazu(염, catfish), Kanameisi(要石) and Kashima-daimyojin(鹿島大明神, God of Kashima). Basically, catfish in the namazu-e were described as ringleaders of disaster and they were suppressed by Kanameisi and Kashima-daimyojin. In this context, catfish were beaten and even eaten by people and sometimes catfish apologized to sufferers for causing earthquakes. On the other hand, interestingly, the different structure of the stories was also depicted in the namazu-e. In these paintings, catfish were no longer the cause of earthquakes. Catfish became independent agents who try to accomplish another purpose through earthquakes. As messengers of Kashima-daimyojin, catfish punish greedy rich people or deprive them of their money. Furthermore, catfish even help those who suffer after the occurrence of an earthquake. From these dual types of namazu-e, we can find the clash and transition of symbolism. The motivation behind such a symbolic reversal could be explained by the term ‘Yonaoshi(世直し)’ which literally means the renewal of the world, the recovery of the world or the reform of the world. In namazu-e, we can find not only the ‘Yonaoshi of Renewal and Recovery’ but also the ‘Yonaoshi of Reform’, which pursues social equality through redistribution of wealth as a consequence of the reformation of society. In conclusion, the earthquake in 1855 was a unique case that showed the idea of world reform through folk paintings as a reinterpretation of then existing mythology.

      • 環境汚染에 대한 國家責任과 節次的 義務

        朴炳度 건국대학교 1994 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.39 No.-

        Pollution respects no jurisdictional boundaries. Air and water carry dangerous substances from one nation to another. Such transboundary pollution can arise from a single accident in one state that harms the environment of other states of from a continuous emission of substances that affects the environment of other states. Faced with pollution that knows no borders, legal analysts have resorted to principles of international law to develop a comprehensive framwork of environmental protection. International legal analysts have developed the doctrine of state responsibility to attribute activities of private citizens to state. They have sought to develop an international liability scheme to regulate transbounday pollution and have codified rules of customary international law to clarify the legal duty upon states to prevent serious transnational environmental harm. This article analyzes legal experts' continuing reliances on international custom as a source of rules for assigning state liability in instance of transboundary pollution. The codification of international custom for rules governing state conduct necessarily falters on an irreconcilable tension: the obligations are too vague to impose meaningful restrictions on behavior, the duties risk positing norms too idealized to obtain the consent of states necessary to an international environmental regime. Therefore, efforts to develop an effective international liability scheme have failed. The modern response to such failure has been the codification of procedural duties, such as duty to assess and duty to disclose, in treaties and international charters. This stategy, however, replaces substantive norms against transbounday pollution with procedural obligations that require no curtailment of environmental harm. Thus, customary international law remains at the periphery of any regime designed to control extraterritorial pollution.

      • 半導體 粉末의 縣濁液에서 不均一 光觸媒와 光合成에 의한 구리 析出

        朴炳瑞,成正燮 순천대학교 기초과학연구소 1992 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.3 No.-

        The deposition of copper by irradiation of semiconductor suspension occurs in the photosynthetic or photocatalytic mode(Cu^2+ + H_2O + 2hν→ Cu + ½O_2 + 2H^+). The method appears effective in the removal or recovery of copper, even from dilute solutions, under oxygen-free conditions. Deposition led to removal of as much as 83% of the Cu(Ⅱ) from a solution containing 4.2㎍/ml. In the presence of acetate the reaction is photocatalytic (Cu^2+ + 2CH_3COO^- + 2hν→ Cu + CH_3CH_3 + 2CO_2). A comparison is made between the photoprocesses at powder and the photoelectrochemical behavior at single crystal semiconductor electrode.

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