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      • KCI등재

        EAVGⅡ 이후의 대 아세안+3 협력

        박번순 ( Bun Soon Park ) 서강대학교 동아연구소 2013 東亞 硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        With the continuous economic growth in the last several decades, East Asia has emerged as an important economic region. The population of the ASEAN +3 in 2011 reached 2.1 billion which was more than 30% of the total world population. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was around 25% of the world`s entire GDP. However, due to an export-oriented growth, East Asia has relied on the developed market rather than the regional market. Furthermore historical and political conflict among countries made it difficult to cooperate each other in East Asian countries. EAVGⅠ which was initiated by Korea government after 1997 financial crisis in East Asia has contributed to formation of East Asia as a regional entity. In addition, in order to continue to paly the same role, Korea suggested to launch EAVGⅡ which will study the future vision of East Asia for the 2011-2012. EAVGⅡ reflecting the changing environment surrounding East Asia, proposed the establishment of the East Asian Economic Community(EAEC) as the new vision of cooperation in East Asia. EAVGⅡ submitted to ASEAN+3 summit in 2012 Vision report which faithfully reflects a reality, rather than the visionary report due to the major stakeholder`s intention of status quo such as China, Japan and ASEAN. Nevertheless, establishment of the EAEC will be depending on the future efforts of the ASEAN+3. In this regard, role of South Korea in the future is important. As a medium sized country with no intention of weilding power, Korea which is relatively neutral in conflicts in East Asia is in a good position to bridge the conflicting parties. As Korea in the past played a role of idea bank for EAVG, it should continue to play a crucial role in the process of the creation of the EAEC. Korea should lead the negotiation of RCEP in order to liberalize trade and investment in ASEAN+3 and at the same time should promote trilateral FTA of Korea, China and Japan. In addition, the economic cooperation with ASEAN which would play an important role in establishment of the EAEC should be strengthened. Korea should be a true friend of ASEAN. To do this, Korea should formulated and promote a long-term strategy for ASEAN.

      • KCI등재

        아세안 경제협력의 진화와 평가

        박번순 ( Bun Soon Park ) 한국동남아학회 2013 동남아시아연구 Vol.23 No.2

        The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (hereafter ASEAN) was established in 1967 in order to manage the conflicts of member states and to collectively deal with the changes of international order. Its main priority at the inception was political solidarity; but economic cooperation also became paramount since the mid 1970s. It is true that the efforts for economic integration within ASEAN evolved with time but the most definitive form that has emerged out of these is an ``ASEAN Community``, promoted since 2000s. The ASEAN Community is made up of ASEAN Political Community, ASEAN Economic Community, and ASEAN Socio-cultural Community. This study aims to assess the progress made in forming ASEAN Economic Community due to be completed by 2015. Rather than using specific indicators for its definition, the ASEAN Economic Community is defined to exist when 4 objectives in the ASEAN community blueprint are met: a single market and production base; a highly competitive economic region; a region of equitable economic development; and a region fully integrated into the global economy. This study focuses on the achievements made to meet the first and the third objectives in order to analyse the extent to which ASEAN has moved closer to creating the ASEAN Economic Community. This study finds that both the level of intra-regional trade and integration have been falling since 2008 and thus it is difficult to say that the efforts to create a single market and achieve economic integration have been successful. For instance, the level of intra-regional direct investment has remained below 20%; the investment to the less developed countries within ASEAN has remained scarce; and lastly the investments of multinational corporations (MNCs) have concentrated on service industry rather than manufacturing industry. All of these confirm that the creation of a single market has a long way to go. This study also looks at the changes of income per capita of member countries as well as the differences in national income at specific time intervals to find out whether or not there has been any significant progress made to reduce the development gap within ASEAN. It finds that, as a result of economic growth and social development, the quality of life for advanced countries has improved dramatically whereas that of CLMV countries has still remained at low-level.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        한국의 동남아 경제 연구

        박번순(Bun-Soon Park) 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2011 아시아리뷰 Vol.1 No.1

        이 연구는 1970년대 말 이후 한국에서의 동남아 경제 연구의 성과를 개관한 것이다. 시기별, 주제별, 지역별 연구의 현황, 그리고 연구자의 성격을 분석했다. 분석결과에 의하면 한국에서 동남아 경제 연구는 국제경제연구원에서 시작되어 현재 대외경제정책연구원에 이르기까지 정부 출연 연구기관이 상당한 역할을 했다는 사실을 알 수 있고, 연구결과는 주로 정책보고서가 중심을 이루고 있었다. 일반 학술 논문의 경우도 정책지향성이 강했다. 시기별로는 동남아 외환위기가 발생한 1997년 이후의 연구가 많았고 지역으로는 베트남이 상대적으로 높은 관심을 끌었다. 연구주제는 현지 경제연구가 많았으나 한국기업의 진출 환경, 한국과 동남아와의 협력관계에 대한 연구도 많았다. 동남아 현지 경제를 연구한 경우, 일반적인 경제분석이 많아서 연구의 구체성과 깊이가 부족한 것으로 보인다. 동남아 경제 연구를 활성화하기 위해서는 인력양성을 위한 대학교육과정의 개편, 국제경제론의 방법론 대신 지역지향적인 현장 연구 강화, 정부나 대학에서의 연구지원 강화 등이 필요하다. This research is a survey on Southeast Asian studies undertaken in Korea since the late 1970s, which analyzed them according to their different themes, areas within Southeast Asia, and types of researchers. This survey reveals that the Korea International Economics Institute (KIEI) and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) have played a leading role in the field of Southeast Asian studies, and that most of their research outputs have been in the form of ‘policy briefing.’ In general, most academic papers on Southeast Asia were on the topic of ‘policy advice.’ In terms of time period, most research papers on Southeast Asia were written after the 1997 Asian financial crisis and analyzing Vietnam was relatively popular in particular. In terms of research topics, studies dealt with not only on the economic issues of Southeast Asia, but also topics related to Korea such as the business expansion environment for Korean corporations, or the co-operative relations between Korea and Southeast Asia. Yet, researches on Southeast Asian economy were mostly general economic analyses that lacked depth or detail. In order to encourage more research on Southeast Asia, university curricula must be reformed in order to train students as experts. Moreover, researches should be more areafocused, rather than based on international economics. The government should also expand their support.

      • 동남아의 정치사회 발전과 경제개발 전략

        박번순(Park Bun Soon) 동서대학교(동아시아연구원) 2022 동아시아와 시민 Vol.1 No.-

        민주화는 경제성장과 함께 진행되고, 민주화는 경제성장을 가져온다는 주장이 많다. 이 글은 동남아시아의 국가들이 경제성장을 통해 민주화를 달성했는가를 살펴본다. 동남아는 지난 수십 년 동안 경제성장에도 불구하고 민주화를 이루지 못하고 있다. 동남아시아가 민주화에 실패한 이유 중 하나는 경제발전 전략에 있다. 동남아에서는 수입대체공업화와 수출주도형 공업화 과정에서 양극화가 발생하고, 시민사회가 튼튼하게 형성되지 않았다. 이 때문에 민주주의의 기회가 있었으나, 이를 정착시키는 데 실패했다. 동남아의 지속적인 성장을 위해서는 정부가 시장을 규율할 수 있는 성장전략을 추진해야 한다. It is said that democratization proceeds with economic growth, and that democratization contributes to economic growth. This article examines whether Southeast Asian countries have achieved democratization through economic growth. Southeast Asia has not achieved democratization despite economic growth over the past several decades. One of the reasons Southeast Asia failed in democratization lies in its economic development strategy. In Southeast Asia, polarization occurred in the process of import substitution industrialization and export-led industrialization, and civil society was not firmly formed. Because of this, there was an opportunity for democratization, but failed to establish permanently it. In order for the Southeast Asia to sustain its economic growth, democratization must be fully achieved, Southeast Asia should change its economic policy to regulate the market more efficiently.

      • KCI등재

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