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        담배광고 규제에 관한 헌법적 고찰 - 미국에서의 경고도안(graphic warnings) 부착강제에 제기된 헌법적 의문을 중심으로 -

        박동열 ( Dong Yeol Park ) 안암법학회 2014 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.44

        Tobacco-related disputes can generally be classified as litigation for the damages caused by smoking and tobacco regulation. In our current reality, absent comprehensive tobacco control acts, tobacco litigation functions are regarded as the most important social means of tobacco control. The Unites States has enacted and is enforcing the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (TCA). The essential feature of the TCA is the granting of powerful supervisory authority over tobacco products to the FDA, which is designated as the main federal regulatory body for the manufacture, marketing and distribution of tobacco products. Meanwhile, based on the TCA, the FDA has enacted regulations making the affixing of graphic warnings, etc., on cigarette packs and tobacco advertisements mandatory, to which tobacco companies filed suit against the TCA and the regulations enacted by the FDA for the violation of their First Amendment rights. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled that the TCA provisions providing for the FDA regulation of cigarette packs and tobacco advertisements did not violate the First Amendment rights of the tobacco companies. However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found the regulations enacted by the FDA forcing the affixing of graphic warnings, etc., on cigarette packs, etc., to violate the First Amendment rights of tobacco companies. In our case, discussions regarding comprehensive tobacco control laws have, up to this point, mainly been from the perspective of the recognition of the right to smoke, or the restriction of tobacco companies’ freedom of occupation. However, an examination of the discourse in the United States regarding graphic warnings shows that the violation of the freedom of expression also accounts for a very important portion of the discourse surrounding comprehensive tobacco control laws. With the enactment of comprehensive tobacco control laws now a task immediately at hand, discussions in the United States regarding the TCA, and the content thereof, have many implications on us.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 격 실현에 관한 연구 - 프랑스어 격 실현과 비교 연구 -

        박동열 ( Park Dong-yeol ) 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2004 프랑스어문교육 Vol.17 No.-

        Comment le cas du coréen peut-il être réalisé de façon adéquate? Partant de l'hypothèse qu'il ne faut pas confondre le cas de langue, qui est un cas précoce, inscrit dans la forme même du nom dès sa constitution en langue, et le cas de discours, dont la construction plus tardive ressortit au discours et qui est, par conséquent, obtenu seulement en phrase, nous avons comparé la réalisation du cas en français avec celle du cas en coréen. Etant donné que le français et le coréen sont dépourvus du cas de déclinaison au sens propre du terme, ces deux langues diminuent le nombre des cas de langue et augmentent en conséquence le nombre des cas de discours. Par ailleurs, la réduction du nombre des cas sémiologiques dans la langue apporte la conséquence d'un élargissement de la neutralisation de plusieurs cas psychiques sous un seul cas sémiologique et, par conséquent, donne lieu au cas synthétique(ou cas synaptique) qui réunit en lui, sans discriminer en langue les fonctions de sujet, d'objet et d'attribut. Le cas synthétique de langue, cas zéro et négatif, devient en discours un cas positif, soit sujet, soit objet, soit attribut. Il peut donc se résoudre en discours en cas analytiques et positifs, l'agent de résolution étant l'ordre des mots ou la relation sémantique entre les arguments et les prédicats. En coréen, certains mots d'aide, nommé keogjosa, en même temps qu'ils apportent au substantif une fonction de discours, lèvent l'indiscrimination du cas synthétique. C'est à dire que le coréen possède une bon moyen de clarifier la fonction syntaxique. Parmi ces mots d'aide, {ka}, {nûn}, {rûl} sont des marqueurs du cas d'extension qui indique l'extension revenant au nom dans la phrase. Donc, il leur faut mentalement être en direction du large ou de l'étroit-l'aboutissant étant, respectivement, l'universel ou le singulier.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 인칭의 보편성과 특수성

        박동열(Park Dong yeol)(朴東㤠,) 형태론 2016 형태론 Vol.18 No.2

        본고는 한국어 인칭 실현 양상에 관한 목정수 (2014)의 저서 『한국어, 그 인칭의 비밀』 에 나타난 인칭 개념과 인칭 분석의 틀을 정신역학적 관점에서 재해석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 먼저, 그의 인칭 개념은 비교언어학과 유형론적 관점에서 보편성을 가질 뿐만 아니라 기존 개념과 달리 광의적이다. 필자는, 이 광의의 인칭 개념을 가지고 그가 설정한 한국어 인칭체계는 보편적 적용이 가능한 체계이며, 저자의 ‘어미중심 문장론’과 ‘인칭중심 언어학’ 주장은 바로 넓은 인칭 개념에서 기인하는 것으로 보았다. 다음, 그의 전방위적 인칭 분석은 발생적 관점에서 재해석될 수 있다. 즉 한국어 인칭 양상은 잠재적 인칭 자질을 내포한 형태소 층위에서 출발하여 발생적으로 단어 층위, 문장 층위를 거치면서 각종 문맥의 영향을 받아 중층적으로 발현된 것이다. 따라서 필자는 좀 더 체계적 인칭 분석을 위해 각 층위에서 발생하는 인칭 작용을 세밀히 분석할 필요가 있다고 보았다. The objective of this article is to reinterpret the concept of person and the frame for the analysis of person shown in the book Korean language, Secret of the Person, written by Mok, Jungsu. First, unlike existing concept, his concept of person is broad and universal as well in the perspective of comparative linguistics and typology. We claim that Korean person system he established on the basis of this broad concept, can be applied universally and his argue about ‘inflectional ending-centered syntax’ and ‘person- centered linguistics’ is due to this large concept of person. Second his various analysis of person can be reinterpreted in the genetic viewpoint. That is, Korean person starts from the morpheme layer which involves a potential person figure and then goes through the word layer and the phrase layer in the genetic fashion to be realized with the effect of various contexts in multi-levels. Therefore we claim that it is necessary to minutely analyze the process of person rising which occurs in each layer for more systematic analysis.

      • KCI등재

        시간생성시간(chronogénèse)체계에 기반 한 서법이론의 보편성 연구 - 프랑스어와 한국어 대조 분석 -

        박동열 ( Park Dong-yeol ) 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2016 프랑스어문교육 Vol.52 No.-

        Dans cette étude, nous avons pour ambition générale d'établir l'universalité du système de mode fondé sur la notion de chronogénèse, noyau du système verbal dans la théorie guillaumienne. Pour ce faire, notre travail a comparé le système du mode en français et celui en coréen. Notre travail débute par une présentation de deux notions fondamentales de la théorie de chronogénèse. D'une part, la spatialisation du temps qui comporte les contenus suivants : le temps ascendant et le temps descendant, le temps d'univers et le temps des événements, la configuration pluridimensionnelle, le temps opératif; et d'autre part, la systématique du mot et la formation du verbe. Ensuite, nous avons exposé le système de la chronogénèse en français et en coréen qui consiste essentiellement en un processus de représentation de l'image du temps qui se développe lui-même dans le temps et qui est susceptible d'être interrompu à divers moments de son développement. La sémiologie du verbe français, corrélées à cette hypothèse d'une image du temps en formation, permet de poser l'existence de trois saisies fondamentales, de trois chronothèses : chronothèseⅠ, une image du temps en puissance, mode quasi-nominal(infinitif, participe); chronothèseⅡ, une image du temps en devenir, mode subjonctif; chronothèse Ⅲ, une image du temps formé, mode indicatif. En ce qui concerne le système du mode coréen, nous avons proposé également trois modes, à savoir, un mode quasi-nominal se terminant par des morphèmes, um, ki, un, ul, a, ko, ke, gi, da; un mode de la citation et de la connexion se terminant par nya, da, ja, la, ryo; un mode indicatif se terminant par ni/nya?, a, na?, ji, ke. Enfin, nous avons comparé la propriété de la forme du présent des deux langues, représentant un centre de symétrie sur l'axe des époques. En français, le passé et le futur sont vus comme des mouvements en éloignement du présent. En revanche, le présent coréen se construit horizontalement dans un sens descendant avec le composé d'une quantité minimal de passé et d'une certaine quantité de futur. Il est l'instant ultime du futur et l'instant premier du passé. Par rapport à ce présent, en coréen, les événements sont perçus comme étant situés, soit dans la finitude du “non-révolu”, soit dans celle du “révolu” qui n'est autre que le passé. Le morphème ôt donne une image qui se développe sur son cours descendant.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 인칭의 특수성이 제기하는 문제 - 정신역학적 관점에서의 한국어와 프랑스어 대조 연구 -

        박동열 ( Park Dong-yeol ) 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2017 프랑스어문교육 Vol.56 No.-

        Dans cette présente recherche, nous avons eu pour ambition générale d'étudier des questions soulevées par la particularité de la Personne en coréen. Pour ce faire, notre travail s'est porté sur une comparaison du système de la Personne en coréen et celui en français dans une perspective psychomécanique. La Personne coréenne est analysable en termes d'espace et du temps. Au niveau de l'espace, le système de la Personne procède d'une opération de séparation du NA (Moi) et Tal Na (Hors-Moi) : au NA, entité spatiale, s'oppose tout ce qui n'est pas Na (Neo, Keu). Au niveau temporel, intervient une autre opération d'inclure des terminaisons finales ou pré-finales, entités temporelles qui sont primitives dans le système de la personne en coréen et se voient être face à face première personne (Eo/A)/deuxième personne (Ya?, Eo?, Ni) au sein du rapport interlocutif. Et Ce face à face exclut du présent de parole l'autre partie du Tal Na, la troisième personne (Dae, Si) qui est réduit à l'état de délocuté. En coréen, une Personne pronominale constituant l'élément essentiel dans une discussion traditionnelle est un élément facultatif. Notre travail débute par une mise au point de l'élargissement de la notion de Personne. Étant donné que la Personne coréenne est réalisée par l'intermédiaire de moyens variés (terminaison finale et préfinale, sémantème du verbe, pronom etc), nous affirmons que le système universel de la Personne devrait être établi sur la base d'une notion élargie, contrairement à la notion existante. Ensuite, cette étude a examiné la corrélation entre la différence du système de la personne des langues et celle de la lexigénège du mot appartenant à la psychomécanique. Suivant que le mot s'achève au niveau de la langue ou celui du discours, la Personne réalisée diffère. Enfin, nous avons analysé le processus sur l'émergence de Personne qui se produit à partir de la couche de morphème impliquant une figure de personne potentielle dans la “Langue”, et qui passe ensuite par la couche de mot et la couche de phrase dans le mode génétique à réaliser sous l'effet de divers contextes en multi-niveaux dans le “Discours”.

      • KCI등재

        분석적 계층화 과정법에 의한 전문대학의 교육 효과성 평가지표 개발

        박동열(Dong Yeol Park),정철영(Chyul Young Jyung) 한국직업교육학회 1999 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.18 No.2

        The purposes of this study were 1) to determine indicators for evaluating educational effectiveness of junior colleges within Parsons` theoretical framework, 2) to compute the appropriate weights for indicators by the analytic hierarchy process(AHP), and 3) to identify an application scheme for the developed indicators and their weights. This study was conducted through reviewing available literature, surveying college experts with mailed questionnaires, and holding a series of conferences with leading experts. The major findings of this study were as follows; 1) According to the result of factor analysis, indicators to evaluate educational effectiveness of junior colleges consisted of 4 divisions, 11 sub-divisions and 40 elements. 2) Regarding the divisions` weights, there was a conflicting view between two specialist groups; the faculties in college weighed high on the environmental adaptation division, while the researchers high on the goal attainment division. But both weighed relatively lower in the management function division and the college health division than the others. 3) Concerning the sub-divisions` weights, the human & physical resource sub-division and change adaptation sub-division were weighed relatively higher than the other sub-divisions in the environmental adaptation division. The weights for educational achievement was the highest in goal attainment division, and the weights for clarity of management was the highest in management function division, and the weights for job motivation was the highest in college health division. 4) Most of the faculties and researchers perceived that the evaluation of educational effectiveness was very necessary to promote competition among colleges. Indicators and their weights should be developed once every two or three years by researchers, managers in community, faculties in college, and administrator.

      • KCI등재

        헌법상 환경권의 구체적 내용형성과 표현의 자유

        박동열 ( Dong Yeol Park ) 경상대학교 법학연구소 2015 法學硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        헌법은 환경권을 기본권 형성적 법률유보조항으로 보장하고 있고, 환경권을 구체화하는 입법 내지 정부의 환경정책은 정부 정책기조의 직접적인 영향 아래에 있다. 행정의 패러다임이 통치에서 협치로 전환된 현재, 협력의 원칙이 지배하는 환경법에서 일반 대중의 실질적 참여기회 부여의 의미는 지대하다. 환경권은 헌법상 표현의 자유와 밀접한 관련을 가진다. 환경권의 구체적 내용형성에 있어서 궁극적으로 사회 구성원들의 참여가 필수불가결하고, 이는 표현의 자유에 의하여 뒷받침되기 때문이다. 환경권의 한계가 분명한 상황에서 표현의 자유는 환경권 내용의 구체화에 있어 필수불가결하다. 특히 표현의 자유가 전면적으로 기능하는 부분은 행정의사 형성 과정에서의 참여로 보인다. 헌법이 보장하는 표현의 자유는 관련 법령이 예정하는 방식에 의하거나 사법절차에 의하는 경우보다는 자유롭게 의사를 표현하고 이를 통해 여론형성에 참여하는 과정에서 보다 직접적으로 기능하기 때문이다. 환경권의 구체화 방식과 관련한 일반 대중의 참여는 단지 정책적인 필요성에만 터 잡은 것은 아니다 일반 대중의 참여는 특히 피규제자 및 이해관계인의 참여를 통해 행정기관으로 하여금 다양한 시각에서 환경정책을 숙의할 수 있는 가회를 부여한다는 실천적 의미가 있지만, 그와 동시에 환경정의를 실현하는 의미도 지닌다. 미국에서의 SLAPP에 관한 논의는 환경권의 구체적 내용형성과 표현의 자유와의 관계를 단적으로 보여준다. 일반 대중들은 표현의 자유를 헌법적 토대로 하여 환경입법이나 환경정책 등 환경권의 구체적 내용형성에 참여할 것이다. The Constitution guarantees the environmental rights as the formative legally reserved provision of the basic rights, and the legislation or environmental policy of government that embodies the environmental rights is under the direct influence of the policy directions. Under the current transition of the administration paradigm from government to governance, the significance of the granting of the practical opportunities for the general public to participate under the environmental law governed by the principles of cooperation is enormous. Environmental rights are very closely related to the freedom of expression under the Constitution because, ultimately, the participation of the constituent members of the society is indispensable in the formation of the specific contents of the environmental rights. The right to participate in the public decision making is supported by the request of democracy and equality. Under the circumstances of the definitive limits of the environmental rights, the freedom of expression is indispensable in embodiment of the details of the environmental rights. In particular, the aspects for which the freedom of expression functions totally appears to be the participation in the process of formation of administrative opinions. This is because the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution is more directly possible in the process of freely expressing the opinions and participating in the formation of public sentiments through such expression rather than through the format prearranged by the relevant law or in accordance with the legal procedures. Participation of the general public has the practical significance of having the administration institutions to provide the opportunity to deliberate on the environmental policies from a wide range of viewpoints particularly through the participation of those being regulated and interested parties. it also has the significance of realizing environmental justice at the same time. Discussions on SLAPP in the USA directly illustrate the relationship between the formation of specific contents of the environmental rights and the freedom of expression.

      • KCI등재

        환경 분쟁과 전략적 봉쇄소송

        박동열 ( Dong Yeol Park ) 한국환경법학회 2014 環境法 硏究 Vol.36 No.1

        전략적 봉쇄소송(Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation; SLAPP)은 법적 분쟁의 해결보다는 일반대중의 참여를 봉쇄하는 것에 목적이 있다. SLAPP는 소송에 수반되는 비용이나 부담을 공적 발화나 행동을 한 자에게 전가할 뿐만 아니라 소송의 상대방이 아닌 자의 참여를 위축시키는 폐해가 있어, 미국의 27개 주는 SLAPP 억제법을 제정하여 시행하고 있다. SLAPP가 문제되는 일반적인 영역은 환경 분쟁과 관련된 영역이다. 개인 및 사회집단과 국가 간의 상호협력 작용을 통해 환경정책이 형성됨을 고려할 때, 일반대중의 공공참여가 SLAPP로 인해 저해되어서는 안 될 것이다. SLAPP는 일반적으로 불법행위를 원인으로 한 손해배상청구 사건과 이를 본안으로 하는 가압류신청 사건으로 대별할 수 있다. 특히 문제가 되는 부분은 가압류신청 사건이다. 그동안 실무는 가압류신청 사건의 긴급성과 밀행성을 강조하여 가압류신청을 쉽게 인용하는 경향이 있었는데, 채무자는 일단 가압류가 인용되면 즉각적인 영향을 받게 된다. 현행 법률의 해석상 소권남용의 법리를 SLAPP에 대한 억제논의의 근거로 볼 수 있을 것이다. 가압류신청 사건은 채권자의 주장과 소명만을 기초로 보전재판이 이루어지는 관계로 채권자에게 소권남용의 법리가 엄격하게 적용된다. 피고를 보호하고 실익이 없는 재판의 진행을 자제하며 소송이 당사자 일방의 자의에 의해 좌우되는 것을 방지하는 차원에서도 가압류신청이 SLAPP로 해석될 수 있는 경우에 그 신청을 받아들여서는 안 될 것이다. 우리나라의 경우는 미국의 경우와 달리 법률적, 사실적 근거를 갖춘 SLAPP가 상당수 존재하고, 승소율 역시 높은 수준이다. 법원으로부터 인용될 가능성이 높은 소를 제기한 제소자에게 SLAPP 억제논의로부터의 해방 기회의 부여가 문제된다. 제소자가 해당 소송의 승소개연성을 밝히는 등의 방법으로 SLAPP 억제논의로부터 벗어날 수 있는 기회를 부여하는 것이 필요하다. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) is aimed not so much to resolve legal disputes as to block people from participating in public affairs. SLAPP not only imputes the cost or burden involved in a lawsuit to the person who has expressed an idea or has taken action but also shrinks participation of any other person than the adversary of the suit. Due to this undesirable effect, twenty-seven states in the United States have enacted and implemented laws that place certain restrictions on SLAPP. SLAPP issues most frequently arise in the aspects related to environmental disputes. Since environmental policies are formed through interactions among individuals, social groups and the state, we should not allow SLAPP to discourage people`s participation in public affairs. Generally, SLAPP may be grouped in two contrasting types: The first one is lawsuit seeking compensation for tort-based damage and the second one is, with the said first one being the merit, the case of motion for provisional attachment, and cases of the second type generally pose more imminent issues that should be fully addressed. With much stress on the nature of urgency as well as necessity for sudden action, courts have been rather generous in granting request for provisional attachment without strict scrutiny. Once a provisional attachment is granted, the debtor subject to such decision is instantly affected. In light of interpretation of the laws currently in effect, the doctrine against misuse of suit may be viewed as a ground to restrict SLAPP. As provisional attachment request leads to a trial that should proceed only based on allegations and explanations unilaterally provided by the creditor, it is imperative that the creditor be governed by the good faith doctrine against the misuse of suit with greater stringency. Protection of defendant, restriction of meritless claims, and prevention of leaving a lawsuit at a unilateral discretion of one of the parties are the other reasons that the courts should not grant request for provisional attachment if it may be constructed as SLAPP. It should also be noted that Korean courts, unlike their US counterparts, have numerous SLAPP cases established well with legal and factual grounds, with high percentage of winning the suit. It is argued whether one who has filed a lawsuit that bears a high probability of winning should be granted an opportunity to keep himself/herself unaffected by theories justifying restriction of SLAPP. It is necessary to provide the filer with opportunity to be shielded from theories to restrict SLAPP, particularly if such filer shows high chance that the case will be concluded in favor of him/her.

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