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      • KCI등재

        금속막을 이용한 저압 막 공기병용 역세척수 처리 타당성 연구

        박노석,윤석민,문용택,이선주,박성혁 대한상하수도학회 2015 상하수도학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The main objective of this research is to study feasibility for applying metal membrane to remove particles from air scouring membrane backwash water. Also, the research was conducted to investigate the influence of polyamine coagulation on floc growth in membrane backwash water as pretreatment for removal particles. From the results of experiments for evaluating the influence of polyamine coagulation on floc growth, it was investigated that particles in the rage of 2~50 μm grew up to 30~5,000 μm. In addition, all six metal membranes showed lower removal efficiency, which was 0.87~13.89%, in the case of no polyamine coagulant. On the other hand, in the case of injecting polyamine coagulant, those did extremely high efficiency in 56~92%. From the SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) images of filtered wiremesh and metal foam membrane, sieve effects were predominant for liquid solid separation in wiremesh and adsorption and diffusion capture effects were predominant in metal foam membrane.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고구려의 발전과 현도군 책구루의 변화

        박노석 전북사학회 2015 전북사학 Vol.0 No.46

        The relations between Goguryeo and the Hyeondo-gun(玄菟郡) are the one of the important issue of the proper Goguryeo History. This article is about the Chackguru(幘溝漊) which the Hyeondo-gun installed for control of Goguryo. It had existed before and after Jumong founded Goguryeo. Existing studies stressed on installation and abolition of it. Various views about it’s establishment time was presented from B.C. 75 to the Goguryeo’s sixth king, Taejo, so did abolition time. But it was established as Hyeondo-gun was moved in B.C. 75, and was abolished as King Yuri occupied Goguryeo-hyeon(高句麗縣) in Hyeondo-gun. It was established with the aim of controling Goguryeo people and of boundary trade.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 農業機械 所有農家의 營農實態 調査 硏究 : 동력경운기, 동력탈곡기, 동력탈맥기를 중심으로 Concenfrating on Power Tillers, Threshers, and Barley Threshers

        박노석,정봉수 진주산업대학교 1972 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        This is the second step investigation of the usage and the Custom Work on the actual Conditon of Agricultural machinaries in Chinju area. Power tillers threshers and barely threshers were investigated for this examine and the results are as follows, 1. In percentage by age of agricultural machinaries, it was the highest between 31 and 40 with 30%. 2. Ones who had their own power tiller was 93.9% of the whole proprietor. 3. In the age of proprietor, farmers below the primary sehool level kept 46.4% and farmers above the high school had 31% in power case. 4. The average number of days for the farmers own use of their threshers and barley threshers is less than 5 days per year, but 35% of the farmers who custom work for 6-10 days occupys the highest percentage and 33.3% of them custom work for 11~15 days per year. 5. Income from power tiller are the highest as 47% with carring among the whole incomes of the cultivates, seeding and carryings.

      • KCI등재

        『삼국지』위서 동이전의 정보 출처에 대한 고찰

        박노석 전북사학회 2011 전북사학 Vol.0 No.38

        When we researched early Three Kingdoms, Samguksagi(三國史記) and Samkukji(三國志) were considered as the most important historical materials. We know that "DongiJeon(東夷傳)" was written in 280s, its contents have been regarded as the contemporary document. Especially, Jin Su, its author, wrote in introduction that it was based on obtained information in course of Mugugeom(毋丘儉)'s invasing Goguryeo(高句麗). Mugugeom, however, could not afford to acquire the data by that time. Because its contents contained many data in 3rd century ago, so we can know that this didn't reflected 3rd century's conditions. Meanwhile, Chae Dong who had consecutively filled the governor of Liaodong(遼東) from 41 to 69, sent people in surrounding regions to collect the information. After that, he moved his office to the central government. Given this fact, there was quite a possibility that its written contents were recorded on basis of his gathering the data. Also, he collected the data told before and could seem to contain contents in 1st century ago.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 만경강 일대 제방축조와 수로관리-완주군 봉동읍 사례를 대상으로-

        박노석 남도민속학회 2019 남도민속연구 Vol.39 No.-

        In agriculture, water is essential. For this reason, we have endeavored to build water embankment from ancient times. The Mankyong River basin is the same, so the embankment was built in the Three Kingdoms period, including hwangdeungje, and many embankments were built through the Chosun dynasties. The Wanju-gun Bongdong-Eup area has long been built with Embankment. However, since there is no related data, it is not known exactly from when. The remaining literary materials can be found from the inscription of Hong-ulyang in the Galam jib葛庵集collective, and the embankment was found at 1645 before the latest. After that, you can see that the embankment(墓誌銘) here has been continuously repaired or reconstructed from the Geumseok-moon or other materials at Bongdong-Eup Jangki-Ri. This embankment was managed by the Japanese during the Japanese colonial period, and the present embankment was created. 농업에서 물은 필수적인 요소이다. 이런 이유로 고대부터 제방을 만들어 물을 확보하기 위해 노력하였다. 만경강 유역에도 백제 때에 황등제를 축조하였으며, 조선시대에도 계속해서 많은 제언을 만들고 수로를 관리하였다. 만경강의 상류에 해당하는 완주군 봉동읍 일대에도 오래전부터 제언을 축조하고 관리하여 왔을 것이다. 하지만 관련된 자료가 없기 때문에 정확히 언제부터 제언을 축조하였는지는 알 수 없다. 현재까지 알려진 바로는 이현일의 문집인 갈암집에 홍우량의 일화가 최초의 기록이다. 이에 따르면 봉동지역에 1645년 이전부터 제언이 있었음을 확인할 수 있다. 그리고 봉동읍 장기리에 있는 비석군에도 장기리 일대의 제언과 관련된 기록이 있다. 이곳에 있는 「신사영불망비」와 「윤영신불망비」에 따르면 봉동지역에서는 1645년 이후에도 계속해서 제언과 수로를 관리하기 위해서 끊임없이 노력한 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 이 지역 주민들은 면계(面契)를 조직하여 제언과 수로를 관리한 것도 파악할 수 있다. 이곳에 있던 제언과 수로는 이후 일본인들에 의해서 현재와 같은 방천과 대간선수로로 정비되었으며, 현재에도 계속해서 관리되고 이용되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        통계적 기법을 이용한 배·급수 관망 내 감압 밸브 성능 평가에 관한 사례 연구

        박노석,윤석민,최두용,이영주 대한상하수도학회 2015 상하수도학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        It has been widely accepted that the pressure management of water distribution systems using pressure reducing valves(PRVs) would be an effective method for controlling leakages. A pressure reducing valve (PRV) regulates outlet pressure regardless of fluctuating flow and varying inlet pressure, thereby reducing leakage and mitigating the stress on the water distribution system. However, the operation of a PRV is vulnerable to its mechanical condition and hydraulic operability. In this research, the effect of PRVs installed in water distribution system are evaluated in terms of hydraulic pressure reduction and mechanical performance by analyzing measured pressure data with statistical approach. A statistical approach using the moving average filter and frequency analysis based on fourier transform is presented to detect abnormally operated PRVs that have been densely installed in water distribution system. The result shows that the proposed approach can be a good performance evaluation method by simply measuring pressures for the PRVs.

      • KCI등재

        ‘동해지빈(東海之濱) 가섭원(迦葉原)’의 의미에 대한 고찰

        박노석 전북사학회 2021 전북사학 Vol.- No.62

        부여를 부르는 명칭으로 부여, 북부여, 동부여, 남부여 등이 있다. 이중 남부여는 백제에서 다르게 불렀던 것으로 기존의 부여와는 다르다. 기존의 연구에서는 부여와, 북부여는 같은 나라로 고구려의 북쪽 내륙에 있었다고 정리되고 있다. 그리고 동부여는 두만강 하류에 있었으며 부여와는 별개의 세력으로 보고 있다. 하지만 두만강 하류에는 북옥저가 있었으며, 고구려 초기부터 고구려에 점령된 지역이므로 동부여가 두만강 하류에 있었을 수는 없다. 한편, 수도를 옮기거나 같은 장소에서 두 개의 국가가 있을 때에는 동(東)을 붙이는 경향이 있다. 즉, 수도를 옮긴 주(周)를 동주(東周)라 부르고, 후한을 동한(東漢)이라고도 부르는 것이 그것이다. 부여는 해부루왕대 가섭원으로 중심지를 옮겼다. 그리고 이때부터 북부여로 불리게 되었다. 즉, 부여도 수도를 옮겼기 때문에 이러한 과거의 사례에 따라서 동부여라 했을 가능성이 있다. 그러므로 부여, 북부여, 동부여는 하나의 나라인 것이다. 단지 수도의 위치가 달랐을 뿐이다. Puyeo is called Puyeo, North-Puyeo, East-Puyeo, South-Puyeo, etc. Among them, South-Puyeo is sung differently in Baekje and is different from the existing Puyeo. In the previous study, Puyeo and North-Puyeo were the same country as inland north of Koguryo. And East-Puyeo was located in the lower part of the Duman River and is considered a different force from Puyeo. However, North-Okjeo was located downstream of Duman river, and East-Puyeo could not have been downstream of Duman river because it was occupied by Koguryo from the early Koguryo. On the other hand, there is a tendency to put East when capital is moved or there are two countries in the same place. In other words, Ju(周) with capital moved is called East-Ju(東周), and Later-Han(後漢) is also called East-Han(東漢). Puyeo moved capital to Gasubwan during the King of Haeburu. From then on, it was called North-Puyeo. In other words, since Puyeo also moved capital, there is a possibility that it was called East-Puyeo according to these past cases. Therefore, Puyeo, North-Puyeo, and East-Puyeo are one country. Only the location of the capital was different.

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