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      • KCI등재
      • 契約締結强制

        朴慶亮 順天大學校 1985 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.4 No.-

        Compulsion to contract is a system correcting the defects of the freedom of contract. Then, it must be argued systematically in connection with the freedom of contract. By the way, the arguement has hardly made so far. Therefore, in such a standpoint compulsion to contract is inquired, considering the insufficient and obscure facts of theories up to now. The conclusions are as follows: (1) A definition of concept of compulsion to contract is confused. (2) An adoptable possibility into a theory of civil law is discovered. (3) The straigt recognition of legal compulsion to contract based on a duty about reparation derived from tort is illogical. (4) The grounds that restrict the freedom of contract must be greater than those that restrict the freedom of determination of the details of contract. (5) Compulsion to contract isn't congronted with the freedom of contract.

      • 私的自治의 再照明

        朴慶亮 순천대학교 사회과학연구소 1987 社會科學硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        Private autonomy is the only means to embody human dignity and the backbone of private law. Therefore, it should be emphasized. But by reason of wrong function in it, it has come under challenge in various parts. By the way, the emphasis on its wrong function is apt to lose its substance. Accordingly its basic points have been reexamined under such a critical mind. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Private autonomy has high merits compared to its demerits. (2) Private autonomy is ahead of legal order and realized through it. (3) There is a difference between the applications of private autonomy to individual and national economy. (4) A theory on factum contract, die Lehre von den faktischen Vertragsverha¨ltnissen. should be excluded, because it is apt to give a fatal blow to private autonomy. (5) A theory that public welfare is the highest principle in Korean civil law should be corrected, because the concept of public welfare is the subordinate concept of the liberal democratic fundamental order.

      • KCI등재

        住宅賃貸借保護制度의 沿革과 改善方案

        박경량 한국토지법학회 2008 土地法學 Vol.24 No.1

        A house is a place to rest and refill one‘s energy. Therefore the stability of daily housing life ,whether an owner or renter, should be protected by state. Currently in Korea joint housing just like an apartment exceeds the majority in the form of housing compared with a house. Tenants are more than an owner. In Korea there is the firm practice the lessor gives the lessee a large deposit, when a lease contract is made. The deposit money should be returned when the lease expires. But in reality the lessee does not pay back the money quickly or fully. The Korean Housing Protection Law guarantees the repayment of deposit money especially in an auction process. On the contrary, in the case of the normal termination of a housing lease there is no legal device to get back the deposit money. In fact in these cases a lessee often does not repay the lessor. For the protection of a lessor a kind of insurance that guarntees the repayment of deposit money should be introduced. In addition, if a property is sold during a lease period, the present tenant can not assert his rights against the new owner. Resident registration is a requisite to assert the right of lessor against a third. Therefore it is necessary for us to make a new tenant‘s registration system for any transactions concerned. 주거는 삶의 안식처이다. 따라서 주거생활의 안정은 주거의 소유여부를 떠나서 국가차원에서 보호해주어야 한다. 오늘날 주거형태로서 아파트와 같은 공동주택의 주거형태가 단독주택 형태를 앞지르고 있다. 여전히 다른 사람 소유의 주택을 빌려쓰는 사람들이 많다. 우리나라는 남의 집을 빌릴 때 많은 액수의 임대保證金(전세금)을 건네주는 관행이 정착해 있고, 임차인이 임대인에게 건네주는 保證金은 임차인에게는 전재산과 같은 비중을 지니고 있어 임대차계약기간이 끝났을 때 保證金의 확실한 반환은 임대차기간의 보장 못지않게 임차인에게 중요한 관심사이다. 우리 민법상 타인의 부동산을 이용하는 방식으로는 전세권과 임차권 방식이 있다. 후자의 경우 임대차기간 동안 제3자에게 대항하려면 임차권설정 등기를 해야 한다(민법 제621조 제2항). 양자의 등기 여부는 부동산 소유자의 의사에 좌우된다. 따라서 거주차원에서 부동산 특히 건물을 이용하려는 자의 법률상 지위는 불안정하게 된다. 가장 바람직한 방법은 무주택 영세서민들이 쉽게 구할 수 있는 저렴한 가격의 주택이나 임대주택을 공급하는 것이나 실효성이 없다. 그러므로 불가피하지만, 주택소유자 등의 권리 등을 일정한 범위에서 제한하여 무주택 영세민의 주거생활 안정을 도모하는 소극적인 방법을 모색할 수밖에 없게 된다. 현행 주택임대차보호법상 주택임차인 보호는 실체적인 접근이 아니라, 법규범적인 접근에 그치고 있어서 구체적 타당성과 실효성확보라는 점에서 내재적인 한계가 있다. 주택임차인 보호제도 중에서 주택임차권의 대항요건의 하나로 규정한 주민등록 전입신고 제도는 주민등록비공개 원칙 때문에 공시제도의 기능발휘에 한계가 있다. 따라서 임차인명부와 같은 새로운 제도를 도입할 필요가 있고, 정상적인 상태에서 임대차계약기간이 끝났을 때 임차인이 바로 바로 保證金을 돌려받을 수 있는 실효성 있는 법적 장치가 없으므로 주택임대보증금 반환보장 보험제도와 같은 새로운 제도를 적극적으로 도입해보는 것도 바람직하다고 본다.

      • 指名債權의 二重讓渡와 對抗要件 : (-日本의 判例와 學說을 中心으로-) -Concentrated on Japanese Precedents and Theories-

        朴慶亮 順天大學校 1984 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.3 No.-

        Korean Civil Code has the provision concerning the possiblity of assignment of a claim in the article 450(1). In addition, it has the provision concerning assignment of a nominative claim in the article 450 and downward. By the way, assignemtn of a nominative claim poses the problem of double assignment of it. Korean common opinion and judicial precedent about double assignment of a nominative claim adopts the authorized, fixed date theory that the decision about the priority of double assignment of a nominative claim depends on the order of an authorized, fixed date. On the contrary, Japaness common opinion aud judicial precedent about double assigmnent of a niminative claim adopts what is called th arrival-time theory that the decision abont the priority of double assignment of a nominative claim depends on the order of the time arrived. Japanese common opinion and judicial precedent about double assignment of a nominative claim didn't adopt from the first the arrival-time theory. Recently, they have performed a historic trunabont from the authorized, fixed date theory. That is derived from the new understanding on the legislative purport that article 467 in Japanese Civil Code expects itself to function through the recognition of obligor on the fact of assignment of a nominafive claim. The author has examined carefully Japanese theory and judicial procedent about double assignment of a nominative claim on ondition that the arrival-time theory can be adopted in the construction of Korean Civil Code. Therefore, the author has come to a conclusion that the arrival-time theory can be adopted in the interpretation of Korean Civil Code so far as the principle of requlsite for setting up assignment of a nominative clam continues.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        집합건물법의 개정과 향후 입법과제

        박경량 한국토지법학회 2013 土地法學 Vol.29 No.1

        Ⅰ. Background The background of amendment work of the Act of Possession and Management of Multi-unit Buildings(APMMB) is as follows. (1) Enhancement of the actual effect of APMMB and the management of common parts of multi-unit building (2)Improvement of ways of passing resolutions according to the developing IT technology. Ⅱ. Progress The progress of APMMB amendment work is as follows. Last January 2011 the practice committee for the APMMB amendment work was established with 6 members including one practicing prosecutor and one researcher in the Ministry of Justice. Last February 11th 2011 the committee for APMMB amendment work was assembled for the first time at 11 a.m. at the Grandballroom of the hotel Palace, Seocho-gu, Seoul. This committee consisted of 8 members(6 professors, one judge and one lawyer). It had convened 17 times on July 8. In July 21 the public hearing for the amendment of APMMB was held at 14:00~16:00 p.m. at the El Tower, Seoho-gu, Seoul. Ⅲ. Prospect This time the amendment of the APMMB will help people solve inconveniences and add convenience. Furthermore, it will play a role in the promotion of the in-depth study and the amendment work of APMMB in the future. And throughout it an opportunity that creates the right relation between APMMB and the Housing Act will be established. A norm-harmonized interpretation and legislation between related acts will also be realized. 1984년 4월 집합건물법을 제정할 당시에는 보기 드물었던 주상복합상가, 오피스텔 등 새로운 유형의 비주거용 집합건물이 현저하게 늘었고, 규모가 큰 공동주택도 많아져서 동법을 시행하는 과정에서 입법 당초에 예상하지 못했던 문제점들이 드러나기 시작하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 집합건물법은 이러한 상황에 탄력적으로 대응하지 못하였다. 이에 반하여 주택건설촉진법 내지 주택법은 신속하게 현장의 수요를 적극 수용하는 방향으로 개정을 수시로 하여 집합건물 관리의 기본법의 성격을 지니는 집합건물법에 비해 그만큼 구체적 타당성을 확보해왔다. 현장이나 실무에서 뿐만 아니라 입법과정에서도 주택법을 주거용 집합건물의 기본법으로 생각하고 적용하고 동시에 그러한 방향으로 후속 개정작업을 계속하는 경향이 농후하게 나타났다. 개정집합건물법은 집합건물법을 집합건물 관리의 기본법으로서의 위상을 강화하고, 상업용 집합건물 관리에서 나타난 그동안의 문제점을 해소하기 위해서 관리위원회 등을 담고 있다. 또한 공동체정신을 함양하는 방향으로 집합건물을 관리할 필요가 있어 분쟁을 원만하게 해결할 수 있도록 분쟁조정위원회제도도 담고 있다. 이번 집합건물법의 개정은 집합건물관리의 실효성을 제고하고, 주택법에 대한 위상을 제고시킬 수 있는 계기를 마련하였다. 앞으로 중단된 2012년도 개정작업이 속개되어야 하고, 그 외에 집합건물법과 주택법의교통정리 작업 등도 뒤따라야 주어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        물적 담보제도의 현재와 미래

        박경량 한국민사법학회 2007 民事法學 Vol.36 No.-

        물적 담보제도의 현재와 미래 320The Present and Future of the Real Security System in KoreaPark, Kyong LyangA s e c u r i t y s y s t e m i s a k i n d o f t o l t o c r e a t e c r e d i t . W i t h t h e growth of economy, the demand for security in the transactions increases. K o r e a n C i v i l Law regulates the right of pledge and a mortgage as a important r e a l s e c u r i t y system. But among them the right of pledge for movables is underutilized. The current law requires a more rigorous accounting of value of the security object. However, such a regulation ist inefficient. Therefore, especially we should be careful of improving the enforcement procedure of security rights.Traditionaly, the esence of rights of security against property (RSP) is said to dominate the whole or part of the exchange value derived from th security object. On the contrary, rights for use and profit are said to dominate all or part of its use value, and to be the so-called substance rights or use rights. It is in fact for us to separate these two values, because the exchange value derived from the security object is influenced by its use value m a k i n g t h e exchange value relative.To fully grasp the security right system, we should well understand civil, procedural and insolvency law.Irregularity in non-model security is the most important feature o f i t . T h e history of security law shows this well. We can not evade the so-called alternative phenomenon of law. This is the fate of many social norms including legal norms. Therefore, the important thing is to concentrate on reducing the demerits of non-model security.물적 담보제도의 현재와 미래 321

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