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        다면평가 피드백 수용도 결정요인과 결과에 관한 연구

        김정진(Jung Jin Kim),박경규(Kyung Kyu Par) 한국경영학회 2008 經營學硏究 Vol.37 No.4

        Multi-source feedback system has recently become pervasive among Korean companies to enhance recipients competence th rough the self motivational feedback. Multi-source feedback system is an alternative to the traditional top-down employee appraisal system which has limit to support subordinates' development. It focuses on feedback which takes place from interactions with ones' supervisors. subordinates and peers. Indeed. employees in the competitive environment need information which Qualifications they need to achieve organizations' goal and performance requirements or what organizations expect from them. and what they should do to be the Qualified persons. In other words. today's employees increasingly need to identify where they can make improvements, which techniques and knowledge they need in order to explore information to future development. In this context, feedback has recently attracted attention. The primary goal of multi-source feedback is essentially to facilitate individuals' t raining and development by providing useful information collected from multiple perspectives in relation to performing about an individual's role. Accordingly, this feedback information to the appraisee can be served as a basis for identifying one's strengths and weakness. and engage in personal development. Past research indicates that people use feedback to evaluate products and the performance of others, but t hey also use it to gather information about appropriateness, quality, and acceptability in the evaluation of their own performance. Such information is then used to reaffirm one's belief that his or her actions are correct or to make adjustments if needed. Individuals actively assess the accuracy of a feedback message before making decisions to accept or reject it. Thus, feedback acceptance is a critical step for the effects of feedback on the receiver. as it moderates one's reaction to the feedback message. In this perspective, the core in the successful operation of multi-source feedback system is to effectively work feedback process with motivational function. and to facilitate changing employees' behavior by increasing feedback result acceptance of the constituencies. and improving performance of organization. Compared to traditional evaluation systems. multi-source feedback. which yields evaluation from multiple raters. can reduce the impact of the evaluation of specific persons who has a biased view against feedback recipients and is relatively acceptable to recipients because of the met hod's lower possibility of evaluation error. Korean companies have also introduced multi-source feedback to enhance subjectivity of performance ratings. However. Korean enter prises have had hard time to establish the system as it was rather recent when the system was introduced and. moreover. Korean companies lack the environment of performance feedback which is the key in multi-source feedback. In addition. most Korean companies deployed multi-source feedback as a supplemental method of traditional performance ratings. not for its original purpose of developing employees' capacity. Under the circumstances. little domestic studies have examined to address the feedback result acceptability and items of feedback of multi-source feedback process that is implementing substantial feedback. In this regard. this study investigated the impact of feedback characteristics on feedback acceptance and development orientation following multi-source feedback. In addition. this study aimed to identify the impact of self-efficacy on the relations between feedback acceptance and development orientation. Recipient s' feedback acceptance is closely related to a psychological state called self-efficacy. which can form recipients' developmental motivation following feedback acceptance. To collect the data for empirical ana lysis. 340 Questionnaires were distributed for about 4 weeks to feedback recipients working in 25 Korean companies which introduced multi-so

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