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      • 서울시 정신장애인 자립생활주택 시범사업 성과 분석 연구

        박가영,조연정,신주희,이해우,이승연,황은정 서울시정신건강복지센터 2020 정신건강연구집 Vol.9 No.-

        • 연구목적: 본 연구는 2018년 8월부터 2019년 8월까지 진행한 서울시 정신장애인 자립생활주택 시범사업의 양적, 질적 성과를 분석함으로써 정신장애인의 자립생활주택 및 서비스에 대한 경험, 필요성을 이해하고자 한다. 또한 이러한 경험적 근거를 바탕으로 서울형 자립생활주택과 지원주택에서의 양질의 주거지원서비스 제공 방향성을 구축하는 데에 기여하고자 한다. • 연구방법: 양적연구로서 행정자료를 바탕으로 시범자립생활주택 입주자에게 제공된 자립지원서비스 내역을 조사 및 분석하고 입주자 전원을 대상으로 시범자립생활주택과 자립지원서비스에 대한 만족도 설문조사를 실시하였다. 질적연구로서는 시범자립생활주택 입주자 및 관계자 총 15명을 대상으로 시범사업 참여 경험과 입주 이후 입주자에게 나타난 삶의 변화, 향후 주거서비스 방향성 등을 조사하였다. • 연구결과: 본 연구결과 서울시 정신장애인 자립생활주택 시범사업에 참여한 입주자 대부분 자립지원서비스를 통해 자립생활을 영위하면서 거주지 환경, 건강, 사회적 관계, 금전관리 등 모든 영역에서 입주 전과 비교하여 긍정적인 변화를 경험하였음을 확인하였다. FGI를 통하여 주택, 서비스, 긍정적 변화, 지역사회 통합, 방향성의 총 5개 영역에서 21개의 주요 개념이 추출되었으며, 안정적이고 장기적인 주거환경, 입주자 공용 공간, 개인의 능력에 따른 자립지원서비스 차별화, 동료지원가의 적정 업무 배치, 정신질환 인식 개선 등의 방향성 구축의 필요성이 제기되었다. • 결론: 본 연구를 통해 서울시 정신장애인 자립생활주택 시범사업의 성과와 향후 주거서비스방향성을 모색할 수 있었다. 시범사업은 주택과 서비스가 결합된 지원주거 모델의 실현을 통해 자립에 의지와 욕구가 있는 정신장애 당사자에게 지역사회에서의 삶의 발판을 마련하였으며, 당사자의 자기결정권의 중요성을 확인하였고, 동료지원가의 새로운 직업 모델을 마련하였다. 이러한 성과를 바탕으로 향후 당사자의 자립지원을 위한 서울형 주거서비스는 자립생활주택 및 지원주택의 공급 확대, 정신질환자 욕구 중심의 자립생활 지원서비스 개발, 서울시 주거전환 서비스 지원체계 구축이라는 방향성으로 나아갈 필요가 있겠다. • Objective: The current study analyzes the quantitative and qualitative performance of the self-reliant living housing demonstration project in Seoul, which was conducted from August 2018 to August 2019, to fully understand the experiences and necessity of the self-reliant living housing and services for mentally-disabled people. In addition, based on such empirical grounds, it sought to contribute to establishing a suitable direction in providing quality housing support services for Seoul-type self-reliant living housing and supportive housing. • Methods: For a quantitative study, the details of the self-reliance support services provided to the occupants were investigated and analyzed based on administrative data, and a satisfaction survey was conducted for all occupants on the self-reliant living housing demonstration project and self-reliance support services. For a qualitative study, a total of 15 occupants and others that are related to the self-reliant living housing demonstration project were surveyed on such matters as their experience in participating in the project, any changes that occurred to the occupants after moving in, and the direction of the future housing services. • Results: As a result, most of the occupants who participated in the self-reliant living housing demonstration project in Seoul for the mentally-disabled people successfully managed to live independently via the self-reliance support service. It was confirmed that the experiences of the occupants were more positive than before in all aspects of their lives, such as the living environment, health, social relations, and financial management. Of a total of 5 areas, such as housing, service, positive change, community integration, and direction, 21 main concepts were extracted through FGI. It presents an issue on the stable and long-term residential environment, common space for occupants, the differentiation of support services for self-reliance according to individuals, the necessity of establishing directions such as the appropriate job placement of peer supporters and the improvement of mental illness awareness. • Conclusion: The study allows us to have an insight in the outcome of the demonstration project for self-reliant living housing in Seoul for the mentally-disabled people and in the direction of future housing services. By establishing a model for a supportive housing model that combines housing and services, the demonstration project laid the foundation in a local community for those with mental disorders who have the will and desire for self-reliance. Moreover, the study not only indicates the importance of self-determination for those who are directly involved but also establishes a new job model for peer supporters. Based on such outcomes, it is necessary to expand the supply for self-reliant living housing and supportive housing, develop support services for self-reliant living, which is centered on the needs of mentally-disabled people, and establish a support system for the Seoul housing conversion service.

      • KCI등재

        Reduction of total, organic, and inorganic arsenic content in Hizikia fusiforme (Hijiki)

        박가영,강다은,Munkhtugs Davaatseren,신춘식,강길진,정명섭 한국식품과학회 2019 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.28 No.2

        This study aimed to evaluate the reduction oftotal, organic, and inorganic arsenic content in Hizikiafusiforme (hijiki). Initially, the six most common arseniccompounds in hijiki and its organs were evaluated, amongwhich only arsenate and arsenobetaine were detected. Thereafter, the entire plant, including the stalk and leaves,was treated with heat and NaCl solution, individually andin combination. Heating at 90 C for 5 min significantlyreduced arsenic content in hijiki by approximately33–80%. Treatment with NaCl solution significantlyreduced arsenic content in hijiki, except for arsenobetainecontent in the stalk. Combinatorial treatment furtherdecreased arsenic content by more than 5–20%. In conclusion,consumption of hijiki after boiling at 90 C andsoaking in 2% NaCl solution reduces the intake of inorganicarsenic by consumers.

      • KCI등재

        서울 아차산성의 축조과정과 시기 고찰

        박가영 서울역사편찬원 2023 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.114

        This paper attempts to examine the construction period and the transition of Achasanseong, by analyzing how the fortress was constructed, the transition pattern of it via repair and reconstruction, and excavated artifacts. In doing so, it also conducts an analysis on the internal wall of the fortress. The transition of it is largely divided into five steps. The step I was the period from the mid-6th century to the first half of the 7th century, when Silla occupied the basin of Han River and constructed a lot of fortresses. The step II can also be divided into two. In the step II-1, in that the first repaired/reconstructed external fortress walls were constructed. The step II-2 was the stage in which the second repaired/reconstructed external fortress walls, Chiseong 1 and 2, and Bangdaehyeong(方臺形) facilities were constructed. At the step III, Chiseong 3 and underpinned fortress walls were constructed. The Unified Silla fortresses built around the basin of Han River were largely repaired/reconstructed, and Achasanseong seems to be largely constructed at that time. The step IV is thought as the last step in which the walls and attached facilities of Achasanseong were repaired/reconstructed. so the importance of Achasanseong was decreased, and therefore, its function was gradually lost and fortress walls were also very roughly repaired/reconstructed. The step V is thought as the stage in which a transition in the character of Achasanseong was verified. In the period of time after the first half of the 10th century, building sites and artifacts, which were related with rituals, were found, and the building site No.1 became the center. Achasanseong was a fortress constructed by Silla, the method of constructing walls and the patterns of attached facilities were in line with those of other Silla fortresses built around the basin of Han River. Achasanseong is presumed to function as the ruling place fortress of Bukhansanju, after it occupied the basin of Han River in the Unified Silla, and then, lose its military/administrative function after the establishment of Hanju, leading to the transition in its character. 본 논문은 아차산성의 축조 방법 및 수・개축을 통한 변화 양상, 출토유물 등을 분석하여 산성의 축조 시기와 변천에 대한 검토를 시도하였다. 이러한 과정 중 그동안 미진했던 성곽의 내벽에 대한 분석도 함께 시도하였다. 아차산성의 변천은 크게 5단계로 구분된다. Ⅰ단계는 신라가 한강 유역을 점유하고 다수의 산성을 축조하던 시기로, 6세기 중반에서 7세기 전반에 해당한다. Ⅱ단계는 다시 둘로 나눌 수 있다. Ⅱ-1단계에는 1차 수・개축 외성벽이 축조되며, Ⅱ-2단계는 2차 수・개축 외성벽과 치성1, 치성2와 방대형시설이 축조되는 단계이다. Ⅲ단계에서는 아차산성의 치성3과 보축성벽이 축조되는 단계이다. 한강 유역을 중심으로 축조된 통일신라 산성들을 대대적으로 수・개축 또는 증축하는데, 아차산성 역시 해당 시기에 대대적인 축조가 이루어진 것으로 보인다. Ⅳ단계는 아차산성의 성벽과 부속시설들이 수・개축되는 마지막 단계라고 생각된다. 아차산성의 중요성이 떨어짐에 따라 그 기능을 잃어가는 시기라고 생각되며 성벽의 수・개축 양상 역시 매우 조잡하게 나타난다. Ⅴ단계는 아차산성의 성격이 변화하는 면모가 확인되는 단계라고 생각된다. 10세기 전반 이후에 해당하며 제의와 관련된 건물지 및 유물이 확인되는 단계로 1호 건물지가 중심이 된다. 아차산성은 신라에 의해 축조된 성곽으로 성벽을 축조하기 전 기저부를 조성하는 단계부터 성벽의 축조 방법, 부속 시설의 양상이 여타 한강유역 신라 산성들과 궤를 같이 한다. 역사적 배경과 수・개축 양상, 출토유물 등을 고려하면 아차산성은 신라의 한강 유역 점유 이후 北漢山州의 치소성으로서 기능하다가, 漢州의 설치 이후 군사・행정적 기능을 상실하고 성격이 변화하였을 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        Bordetella bronchiseptica bateriophage suppresses B. bronchisepticainduced inflammation in swine nasal turbinate cells

        박가영,이혜민,유현진,손지수,박상준,송경섭 한국유전학회 2018 Genes & Genomics Vol.40 No.12

        The development of therapeutic bacteriophages will provide several benefits based on an understanding the basic physiological dynamics of phage and bacteria interactions for therapeutic use in light of the results of antibiotic abuse. However, studies on bacteriophage therapeutics against microbes are very limited, because of lack of phage stability and an incomplete understanding of the physiological intracellular mechanisms of phage. The major objective of this investigation was to provide opportunity for development of a novel therapeutic treatment to control respiratory diseases in swine. The cytokine array system was used to identify the secreted cytokines/chemokines after Bordetella bronchiseptica infection into swine nasal turbinate cells (PT-K75). We also performed the real-time quantitative PCR method to investigate the gene expression regulated by B. bronchiseptica infection or bacteriophage treatment. We found that B. bronchiseptica infection of PT-K75 induces secretion of many cytokines/chemokines to regulate airway inflammation. Of them, secretion and expression of IL-1β and IL-6 are increased in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, membrane-bound mucin production via expression of the Muc1 gene is increased in B. bronchiseptica-infected PT-K75 cells. However, cytokine production and Muc1 gene expression are dramatically inhibited by treatment with a specific B. bronchiseptica bacteriophage (Bor-BRP-1). The regulation of cytokine profiles in B. bronchiseptica-induced inflammation by B. bronchiseptica bacteriophage is essential for avoiding inappropriate inflammatory responses. The ability of bacteriophages to downregulate the immune response by inhibiting bacterial infection emphasizes the possibility of bacteriophage-based therapies as a novel anti-inflammatory therapeutic strategy in swine respiratory tracts.

      • KCI등재

        부모음주수준 및 태도가 대학생의 문제음주에 미치는 영향: 음주조장환경 노출과 또래음주수준 및 태도의 다중가산조절효과

        박가영,송인한 연세대학교 사회과학연구소 2022 社會科學論集 Vol.53 No.2

        This study aims to explore the effects of parental drinking level and attitude on problem drinking in college students according to the ecological system perspective. In addition, the interaction was verified through the multiple addictive moderation effect of drinking environmental exposure and peer drinking level and attitude. 2,900 college students aged over 20 years were recruited for online survey and the size of the final sample analyzed was 2,553. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing using SPSS 27.0 and SPSS Process macro 4.0. The multiple additive moderation effect was verified using Process macro Model 2. As a result of the analysis, first, the frequency and amount of drinking were higher in male students than female students, but the problem drinking experience was higher in female students. Second, parent drinking level and attitude, drinking environmental exposure, and peer drinking level and attitude were found to have a direct influence on positive problem drinking in college students. The more parental drinking level and attitude, drinking environmental exposure, and peer drinking level and attitude, the higher problem drinking in college students. Second, drinking environmental exposure and peer drinking level and attitude appeared to moderate the relationship between parental drinking level and attitude and problem drinking. Third, both drinking environmental exposure and peer drinking level and attitude moderated the relationships between parental drinking level and attitude and problem drinking in college students which showed that multiple additive moderation effects were supported. Based on these results, we suggested that both individual level strategies and environmental level strategies should be combined to prevent problem drinking in college students.

      • KCI등재

        노인 디지털 리터러시가 우울 수준에 미치는 영향: 경제활동 유무의 조절효과

        박가영,유수정 한국노인복지학회 2023 노인복지연구 Vol.78 No.3

        본 연구는 활동이론을 근거로 노인의 디지털 리터러시가 우울에 미치는 영향을 살펴보며, 그 관계에서 경제활동 유무의 조절효과를 검증하여 노인의 사회참여 증가를 위한복지정책 개발의 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 2020년 노인실태조사데이터 중 본인 응답자 7,054명의 자료를 활용하였으며, 우울수준은 종속변수로 디지털리터러시는 독립변수, 경제활동 유무는 조절변수로 설정하여 SPSS 27.0과 Process macro model 1로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 비경제활동 노인이 경제활동 노인보다 전반적 우울수준이 높았으며(=-.734, <.001), 노인의 디지털 리터러시는 우울 수준에 부적 영향을끼치는 것으로 나타났다(=-.100, <.001). 노인의 경제활동 유무는 디지털 리터러시와우울의 관계에서 완충효과가 있음을 검증하였으며, 이는 디지털 리터러시가 우울에 미치는 영향력의 세기가 경제활동 노인보다 비경제활동 노인에게 더욱 큼을 의미한다. 분석 결과를 바탕으로 급격히 변화하는 정보화 사회에서 비경제활동 노인을 대상으로 디지털 리터러시 교육을 확대하고 경제활동 연계 및 지원을 통한 사회참여 확대 방안을제언하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of digital literacy on depression among the elderly based on activity theory and to verify the moderating effect of economic activity on this relationship, providing foundational data for the development of welfare policies to increase social participation among the elderly. To accomplish this, data from 7, 054 self-respondents in the 2020 Korean Elderly Survey were utilized. Depression level was set as the dependent variable, digital literacy as the independent variable, and economic activity as the moderating variable. The data were analyzed using SPSS 27.0 and Process Macro Model 1. The analysis results showed that economically inactive elderly individuals had a higher overall depression level than economically active elderly individuals(b=-734, p<.001), and the digital literacy of the elderly was found to have a significant negative impact on their depression levels(b=-.100, p<.001). The moderating effect of economic activity on the relationship between digital literacy and depression was verified. It means that the impact of digital literacy on depression is greater on economically inactive elderly individuals than economically active elderly individuals. Based on the results, it is suggested to expand digital literacy education for economically inactive elderly individuals in the rapidly changing information society and enhance the social participation of the elderly through economic activity support.

      • KCI등재

        Innovativeness in tradition: a study on the physical performance of leather scale armors during the Joseon Dynasty

        박가영,Han Bi Lee,오유리,Jung Ah Lim,Min Wook Lee 한국의류학회 2023 Fashion and Textiles Vol.10 No.1

        During the Joseon Dynasty, light and convenient leather armors were developed to replace metal armors, which were heavy and difficult to manufacture. Leather armors allowed easy movement of the troops and, because arrows were the primary weapons at the time, provided them with protection. The excellent performance of leather armors can be attributed to their materials and manufacturing method. The scales of the leather armor relics are prepared by layering animal skins, attaching them with natural glue, and then coating their outer surface with lacquer. The lacquer extracted from the lacquer (Ott) tree is an excellent material with high strength, waterproofing and antiseptic properties, insect repellency, heat resistance, as well as chemical resistance. The superior performance of the leather scale was reported in old scripts; however, it has not been proven through scientific analysis and testing. Therefore, in this study, the physical and mechanical properties, impact resistance, and anti-stab performance of leather scales manufactured following the traditional method were investigated. The results confirmed the excellent protection, impact resistance, and mechanical properties of the leather specimens glued with fish glue and coated with lacquer compared to those of specimens glued with synthetic glue and uncoated specimens glued with fish glue. This study reveals the excellent properties of fish glue and lacquer, which enable them to be used in various industries.

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