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      • KCI등재

        Experimental transmission of red sea bream iridovirus (RSIV) between rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) and rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii)

        민준규,Jeong Ye Jin,Jeong Min A,Kim Jae-Ok,Hwang Jee Youn,Kwon Mun-Gyeong,김광일 한국어병학회 2021 한국어병학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Red sea bream iridovirus (RSIV), belonging to the genus Megalocytivirus, is the predominant cause of mortality in marine fishes in Korea, including rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) are the host fish for RSIV, exhibiting no clinical signs or mortality. Cohabitation challenges, which mimicked natural transmission conditions, were performed to evaluate viral trans- mission between rock bream and rockfish, and to determine the pathogenicity and viral loads. In cohabitation challenge, artificially RSIV-infected rock bream were the viral donor, and healthy rockfish were the recipient. The results showed that although the donor rock bream had 95-100 % cumulative mortality (>108 viral genome copies/mg of spleen 7-14 days after viral infection), the recipient rockfish did not die, even when the viral genome copies in the spleen were >105 copies/mg. These results indicated asymptomatic infections. Notably, in a reverse-cohabitation challenge (artificially RSIV-infected rockfish as the viral donor and healthy rock bream as the recipient), RSIV horizontally infected from subclinical rockfish to rock bream (107 viral genome copies/mg of spleen 21 days after cohabitation) with 10-20% cumulative mortality. These results suggest that an asymptomatic, infected rockfish can naturally transmit the RSIV without being sacrificed.

      • KCI등재

        이매패류 소화 효소 및 환경수에서의 WSSV (white spot syndrome virus) 안정성

        민준규,정현도,김광일 한국어병학회 2023 한국어병학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a viral disease that causes significant economic losses in the global shrimp industry, primarily through horizontal transmission among aquatic animals. The virus can also be spread by shellfish, which can concentrate and release the virus through filter-feeding activity. The potential for virus transmission depends on whether the virus can survive in the environment for a while without being digested. From the artificial degradation analysis in the environmental water, the number of WSSV genome copies decreased more rapidly in seawater than in freshwater, and at 18℃ compared to 23℃. Moreover, WSSV had a lower digestion rate with shellfish digestive enzyme compared to the reduction rate in seawater, indicating that WSSV may persist in the digestive tracts of shellfish for longer, increasing the chance of transmission. These findings conclude that shellfish play a significant role in the transmission of WSSV and further research is needed to determine their specific contribution to the virus spread in aquatic environments.

      • KCI등재후보

        통일시나리오 논의의 틀 : 북한경제의 이행・발전 방식 및 남북한의 국가결합 유형을 중심으로

        민준규,문성민 법무부 2016 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.25

        Despite the suggestions of various unification scenarios during the abundant discussions on Korean unification, there has not been any framework for discussion encompassing both the political and the economic aspects of the unification process. Building on the three major politico-economic challenges that will accompany unification (transition of the North Korean economy, economic convergence of the unified Korea, and the provisional state-form to support this transition and convergence), as well as the proposed possible responses to them, this paper seeks to provide a framework for interdisciplinary discussions of Korean unification, with a focus especially on its economic effects. By consolidating the proposed options for meeting the first two challenges, three prime unification scenarios are put forward. They are: the “one-system-one-economy” model, also referred to as the East-West Germany type, the “one-system-two-economies” model, analogous to the Hong Kong-China model, and finally the “two-systems-two-economies” model, designed in accordance with the Korean National Community Unification Formula. A “discussion framework” is then proposed, by juxtaposition of the different possible levels of economic integration against the different possible forms of political union. The options for economic integration between South and North Korea can be broken down into seven stages: general exchanges, deepened cooperation, a free trade agreement, free capital mobility, labor market integration, monetary union, and a complete single market. The choices for provisional political union between the two Koreas can meanwhile be divided into six types: a normalized relationship, China-Taiwan style relationship, establishment of a Special Administrative Region, a confederation, a federation, and a unitary state. This framework for discussion can graphically capture the idea of politico-economic integration proposed by most unification studies. A general typology of Korean unification scenarios can also be constituted based on the two criteria of level of economic integration and form of political union. Another noteworthy finding of this study is that there is a growing consensus among researchers on the need for a one-system-two-economies stage during the initial process of unification so as to reduce the unification costs, in relation to which the German unification experience comes immediately to mind. 통일의 범주, 방식, 통합유형 및 수준 등과 관련한 다양한 연구를 포괄할 수 있는 ‘논의의 틀’이 부족함에 따라 정치・경제・법제도 연구자간의 학제간 교류가 어려운 실정이다. 본고에서는 통일에 수반되는 세 가지 정치・경제적 과제인 북한경제의 이행, 발전 및 과도적 국가형태를 기준으로 활용하여 ‘3대 통일시나리오’와 ‘통일논의의 틀’을 구축한다. 먼저 통일초기 북한경제의 체제전환 여부 및 경제발전 방식(남북한경제의 분리 여부)을 조합하여 ‘3대 통일시나리오’를 구성한다. 동서독식의 ‘1체제 1경제’, 중국/홍콩식의 ‘1체제 2경제’ 및 ‘민족공동체통일방안’형의 ‘2체제 2경제’가 그것이다. 다음으로 북한경제 발전을 위한 구체적 정책방안에 해당하는 남북한 경제통합 유형 및 이를 뒷받침할 과도적 국가결합 형태를 연계함으로써 ‘통일논의의 틀(남북한 정치경제통합 유형)’을 제시한다. 경제통합 유형은 수준에 따라 통상적 경제교류, 경제협력 심화, 재화시장 통합, 자본시장 통합, 노동시장 통합, 통화통합 및 재정정책 분리, 재정정책 통합 등으로 구분할 수 있다. 국가결합 형태는 결합의 강도를 기준으로 정상관계, 양안관계, 국가연합, 연방제, 단일국가내 특별행정구역, 완전한 단일국가 등으로 구분할 수 있다. 경제통합 유형과 국가결합 형태를 조합하면 대부분 통일방안의 좌표를 포착할 수 있는 ‘통일논의의 틀’을 시각적으로 제시할 수 있다. ‘통일논의의 틀’을 이용하여 기존 연구에서 논의되고 있는 남북한의 정치・경제통합 유형들을 재구성해 보면 통일비용의 최소화에 중점을 두고 있는 최근 통일연구의 흐름이 포착된다. 즉, 통일의 완성단계 이전에 과도기를 두고 1체제 2경제를 운영할 필요가 있다는 주장이 적지 않다는 점이다. 이들 논의에서는 과도기간중 북한지역을 관할하는 별도의 정치체제를 존속시키되 북한지역내 경제정책・제도의 수립・운용 과정에 사실상 남한정부가 높은 정도로 협력, 지원, 개입하는 것을 전제하는 경우가 보통이다. 경제통합 측면에서는 상당한 기간 동안 남북한간 노동시장이 분리되어야 한다는 점에 콘센서스가 형성되어 있는 것으로 평가된다. 이는 북한경제 체제전환 비용의 감소 및 남북한간 경제격차의 지속적 확대라는 최근 통일환경의 변화를 연구자들이 통일시나리오 구축의 핵심 전제로 반영한 결과라고 본다.

      • KCI등재
      • 계통도를 이용한 중·고등학생의 지구와 달의 운동에 관한 개념 유형 연구

        우종옥,이항로,민준규 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1995 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.5 No.1

        In spite of school science learning, the students' conceptions have not been changed easily. Therefore, to make students overcome their non scientific conceptions has been an important issue in science education. The purpose of this study was to identify the conceptions of students and teachers on the motion of the earth and the moon. The instrument was developed for estimating students' understandings of the concepts related to the motion of the earth and the moon. The validity of the instrument was examined by the specialists in Science Educator and Astronomer. At the same time, the two field trials had been executed, and the items were modified. Also, it consists of 12 items including 9 two-tier multiple choice items and 3 multiple choice items. The population of this study consists of 250 eighth-, 299 tenth-, 292 eleventh-grade students, 134 science teachers in secondary school. SPSS/PC+ was adopted for the statistical analysis. The type of misconceptions possessed students were as follows: 1) At 12:00 noon, the sun is directly overhead. 2) First quarter moon is a half of overall surface of the moon. 3) Air don't rotate with the earth surface because it keeps apart from the earth surface. 4) Summer is warmer than winter, because the earth is nearer from the sun in summer. 5) Whenever season is changed, the direction of rotation axis of the earth is changed. 6) The moon is the brightest at the position of new moon, because the distance between the moon and the sun is the shortest and the moon is received strongest sunlight. 7) The moon is not seen at the position of real full moon, because it is covered with shadow of the earth. 8) When the moon is not seen in the earth, sunlight is not reached at the moon. The major findings were as follows: 1) The middle school students had more misconceptions than those of high school students. And female students had more misconceptions than those of male ones. 2) The rate of correct answer and the type of conception in the tenth grade students were very similar with eleventh grade students. 3) The higher cognitive level, the better development of scientific conception and the less misconception. Also, the correlation coefficient between scientific conception score and GALT score was 0.57. 4) The students in scientific part had higher the rate of correct answer than those of students in human part and the former had less misconception than the latter. 5) The rate of correct answer about model and figure items was lower than descriptive ones, because they did not understand about figures itselves. These types of misconceptions will be used for science instruction and studies of other conceptions need.

      • KCI등재

        계통도를 이용한 중 , 고등학생의 지구와 달의 운동에 관한 개념 유형 연구

        우종옥,이항로,민준규 한국과학교육학회 1995 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        In spite of school science learning, the students' conceptions have not been changed easily. Therefore, to make students overcome their non scientific conceptions has been an important issue in science education. The purpose of this study was to identify the conceptions of students and teachers on the motion of the earth and the moon. The instrument was developed for estimating students' understandings of the concepts related to the motion of the earth and the moon. The validity of the instrument was examined by the specialists in Science Educator and Astronomer. At the same time, the two field trials had been executed, and the items were modified. Also, it consists of 12 items including 9 two-tier multiple choice items and 3 multiple choice items. The population of this study consists of 250 eighth-, 299 tenth-, 292 eleventh-grade students, 134 science teachers in secondary school. SPSS/PC+ was adopted for the statistical analysis. The type of misconceptions possessed students were as follows: 1) At 12:00 noon, the sun is directly overhead. 2) First quarter moon is a half of overall surface of the moon. 3) Air don't rotate with the earth surface because it keeps apart from the earth surface. 4) Summer is warmer than winter, because the earth is nearer from the sun in summer. 5) Whenever season is changed, the direction of rotation axis of the earth is changed. 6) The moon is the brightest at the position of new moon, because the distance between the moon and the sun is the shortest and the moon is received strongest sunlight. 7) The moon is not seen at the position of real full moon, because it is covered with shadow of the earth. 8) When the moon is not seen in the earth, sunlight is not reached at the moon. The major findings were as follows: 1) The middle school students had more misconceptions than those of high school students. And female students had more misconceptions than those of male ones. 2) The rate of correct answer and the type of conception in the tenth grade students were very similar with eleventh grade students. 3) The higher cognitive level, the better development of scientific conception and the less misconception. Also, the correlation coefficient between scientific conception score and GALT score was 0.57. 4) The students in scientific part had higher the rate of correct answer than those of students in human part and the former had less misconception than the latter. 5) The rate of correct answer about model and figure items was lower than descriptive ones, because they did not understand about figures itselves. These types of misconceptions will be used for science instruction and studies of other conceptions need.

      • KCI등재

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