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        프랑스 사회주택 정책 발전에서 파리시의회의 역할, 1880-1914

        민유기 한국프랑스사학회 2004 프랑스사연구 Vol.0 No.10

        The social housing policy in France began with the legislation of the HBM law in 1894, and the orientation of the policy was established with some revisions to related laws by the First World War. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the role of the municipal council of Paris in the process of social housing policy making and in the development of the policy in France at the turn of 20th century. In Paris a housing crisis broke out in 1882, and the municipal council of Paris discussed a lot of programs to solve the crisis, but there were no concrete results. Radical republicans and municipal socialists both suggested lots of housing reform programs to the municipal council. Leading the discussion on the housing problem, these two parties contributed to spreading the perception that public intervention in the market system was required to solve the housing problem. In 1894, the HBM law gave public support and control to the HBM building society. In 1906, the HBM law granted the municipality the right to participate indirectly in the construction of social housing and it consolidated the sanitation condition with social housing polices. In addition, the law granted it the right to take part directly in the building of social housing in 1912. The power of the municipality to manage social housing policy was expanded by the revision of the law which in also included the central government. The municipal council of Paris, which applied pressure on policy decision, participated in the building of social housing indirectly or directly under the new legislation. At the turn of 20th century, the social housing policy of France was formed and it established a pragmatic and productive relationship between the central government of France and the local municipality of Paris.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        도시 공공개발을 위한 환경운동과 사회주의의 협력 - 20세기 초 파리 성곽부지 활용을 중심으로 -

        민유기 한국중앙사학회 2010 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.31

        This thesis is designed to demonstrate that the partnership between socialists and environmentalists contributed to the fact that Paris fortification walls torn down in 1920’s and their surrounding land were transformed for public uses, not for speculative development. To provide such an analysis, this study explores these main themes: how different the positions of socialist and environmentalist were regarding the uses of the fortification walls and their vacant lots, what kinds of shared interest the two groups had, and more specifically, how the walls and their surroundings were refurbished and utilized. The fortification walls were built 10km away from the city center for military defenses. With the neighboring small communes being annexed to Paris, the walls became the border encircling the city in 1860. At the turn of 20th century, the removal of the walls became a controversial issue because they proved ineffective in the defense of the city. Socialists in Paris municipal council argued that the walls needed to be destroyed and Social Housing should be built for working class. On the other hand, the bourgeois environmentalists argued that the walls should be replaced by public parks, serving as an open space to beautify the city and improve the urban hygiene conditions. The two competing opinions were reconciled as Musee Social functioning as a think tank of conservative social reform and socialists embraced the ideas of open space. The partnership between environmentalists and socialists was attributable to their common recognition that transferring the lot to private sectors would encourage speculative development and that public properties should be rehabilitated for public interest. The fortification walls and their surrounding land demolished in 1920’s were transformed into a complex of social housing, public parks, and sports facilities, and university dormitories. The public development of the Peripherie as a boundary between Paris and its suburban towns has many meaningful implications for social discussions over the urban development.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 파리 지역 역사 연구의 흐름과 특성

        민유기 서울역사편찬원 2018 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.100

        2천년 이상의 역사를 지닌 파리에 대한 최초의 역사서는 16세기 중반에 출판되었고, 구체제에서도 지속되었다. 19세기 근대도시로의 변화는 오래된 역사적 흔적을 파괴하였다. 이에 19세기 말에 로컬역 사협회가 조직되었고, 시역사도서관, 시역사박물관 등 역사연구를 지 원하는 공공기관도 설립되었다. 20세기 중반 도시사의 발전과 함께 파리 지역 역사 연구가 크게 증가했다. 도시의 물리적 구조, 도시경 제, 도시사회, 자치행정과 정치, 도시문화 관련 연구가 많고, 도시환 경사 연구도 최근에 주목을 받고 있다. 선거로 시장이 선출된 1977년 부터 파리시는 역사문화예술 전시회와 출판을 지원한다. 이를 통해 파리 지역 역사 연구를 촉진하고 역사 대중화 시민의 문화유산 향유 에 기여한다. History books of Paris, a city that owns a history of more than 2,000 years, was first published in the mid-16th century, and continued to be produced during the ancien-regime. Traces of the old city, however, was mutilated due to the city’s modernization in the course of the 19th century. In response, Paris and Ile-de-France History Association was established in the end of the century. Public organizations that support historical research, such as the City History Library and City History Museum were also built. Historical researches that focused on Pasris and Ile-de-France increased in hand with the development of the urban history from the mid-20th century. The study deals with various aspects of a city including structure, economy, society, politics and self-governing, and culture. Environmental approach is also gaining attention recently. Since the mayor was first elected in 1977, the City of Paris supported exhibitions and publications on history, culture and art. This encouraged local history research, supported popularization of history and enabmed the citizens to enjoy the historical and cultural heritage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        프랑스 근현대 도시사 연구의 발전과정과 특성

        민유기 역사학연구회 2007 사총 Vol.65 No.-

        This paper aims to investigate the development of the studies of Urban history in France, specifically focusing on their methodologies, characteristics and important issues, and further to try to predict where the study will go. Until the middle of the 20th century, monographic description of Town history has been actively issued. However on the contrary of this, the basis of a new methodology of Urban history was established during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Urban history makes emphasis on the autonomy of the urban space and its complexity, and therefore seeks to analyze a city's political, economical, social, and cultural elements altogether for the study of cities and of Urban form. In the background of evolution of Urban history in the 20th century, there was an expansion of public interests about social problems which were resulted from urbanization around the country. The interaction between the research of towns and cities in terms of socio-cultural history and urban history investigations which treat space as a theater as well as an historical actor has contributed to the growth of modern and contemporary history. In the 1970s, Historical anthropology accelerated the study of Urban history, by stimulating the research of diversity of Urban culture. Since the mid 1990s, the important issues in Urban history has been urban image, cultural representation, and urban identity. During recent 10 years, Urban history in Comparative perspective and Urban ecological history has been newly brought into relief. Future studies of Urban history in France will extend to large number of small towns and cities which have various backgrounds, different from the studies which mainly deal with Paris or some important industrial cities, and are expected to revitalize the urban history in the late 20th century.

      • KCI등재

        Health and Hygiene in the Modern Western Discourses of the Ideal City

        민유기 도시사학회 2022 도시연구 Vol.- No.31

        Since global urbanization has affected the spread of infectious diseases, the idea of ​​a healthy ideal city after Covid-19 Pandemic is more important. Thomas More’s Uptopia(1516) is still the source of reflection on utopia even today. In Utopia, health was the basis of happiness, valued the city’s water supply and emphasized the need for good hospital facilities and community care. In the early 17th century, Italian Tommasso Campanella’s The City of the Sun(1602) and Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis(1627) both emphasized the daily healthy food and the role of city health officers. Louis-Sebastian Mercier’s L’an 2440(1771), published in the late 18th century, is an interesting description of Paris about 670 years later. Mercier presented the reformed future of poor public hospitals, a more important sense of duty of medical personnel, and the generalization of vaccination. Benjamin Richardson’s Heigia, Healthy City(1876), dedicated to the Public Health reformer E. Chadwick, is an modern ideal city idea that puts hygiene and health in the forefront. This article examines the health and hygiene issue in the ideal cities in these five utopian literatures and aims to provide a major reference to future discussions on Healthy Cities.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스의 베트남전쟁과 한국군 파병에 대한 인식

        민유기 한국프랑스사학회 2015 프랑스사연구 Vol.- No.32

        The purpose of this article is to observe the position of France in relation to the Vietnam War and the Korean Troop Dispatch to Vietnam. Concerning the Korean Troop Dispatch, Le Monde reported objectively, L’Humanité expressed negative opinions by labelling the soldiers as mercenaries for the US, while Le Figaro emphasized the economic benefits of South Korea. The French diplomatic papers emphasized the leading role of South Korea in the Korean Troop Dispatch to Vietnam, and noted the economic benefits of South Korea. But the idea of a regional security system for Southeast Asia had very little effect and the Third World began to regard South Korea with hostility. De Gaulle criticized the escalation of the Vietnam War by USA and proposed the neutralization of Vietnam. So France did maintain a relatively critical view on Korean involvement in Vietnam war. Ultimately, the French opinion was that the Korean Troop Dispatch to Vietnam had contributed to the reinforcement of the Cold War order in East Asia. 이 글의 목적은 베트남전쟁과 한국군의 베트남 파병 문제에 대해 프랑스가 어떤 인식을 갖고 있었는지를 프랑스 외교문서와 언론 자료를 통해 분석하는 것이다. 한국군의 베트남 파병에 대해 『르몽드』는 객관적인 시각에서, 『뤼마니테』는 미국의 용병이라는 부정적 시각에서, 『르피가로』는 한국의 경제적 이익을 강조하는 시각에서 보도하였다. 한국군의 베트남 파병에 대해서 프랑스 외교문서들은 한국의 주도적 입장을 강조했다. 또한 한국군 파병으로 인한 경제적 이익이 크다고 인식하였다. 하지만 한국이 추진한 동남아 집단안보 체제 구상은 별다른 효과를 거두지 못했고, 베트남 파병으로 제3세계가 한국에 반감을 갖게 되었다고 파악하였다. 드골 대통령은 미국에 의한 베트남전쟁의 확산을 비판했고 베트남 중립화를 제안하였다. 따라서 프랑스는 한국의 베트남전쟁 참전에 비판적 시각을 견지하였다. 프랑스는 1960년대 중반 한국군의 베트남 파병을 통해 동아시아에 냉전 질서가 강화되었다고 인식하였다.

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