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        여자박사의 노동시장내 지위에 대한 여성주의적 해석과 대응

        민무숙(Moo-Suk Min) 한국여성학회 2002 한국여성학 Vol.18 No.1

        그동안 여자박사의 노동시장내 지위나 미취업문제에 대한 논의는 거의 이루어지지 못하였다. 이 글은 여자박사들의 취업이 남성들에 비하여 상대적으로 불리한 원인에 대하여 크게 인적자본론에 터한 논의와 여성주의적 해석에 대한 논의를 중심으로 살펴본후, 여자박사의 노동시장내 열악한 지위를 해결하기 위한 방법의 하나로 한시적인 적극적 조치도입의 필요성을 논하였다. 인적자본론에서는 주로 여성인력의 부족과 상대적인 질의 낮음이 논의된다. 여성인력의 편중된 양성이 주원인이라고 보는 관점은 일부 현실을 반영하는 것이지만, 동일한 분야에서도 여성이 절반정도의 취업율만을 보이고 있는 점으로 볼 때, 정확한 설명이 되지 못한다. 나아가 여성박사의 학문적 탁월성이 낮은 것이 원인이라는 주장은 좀 더 객관적인 증거가 필요하지만, 적어도 박사학위를 취득한지 얼마되지 않는 신규인력의 경우는 동일한 능력을 가지고 있다고 보여진다. 이러한 이유들보다는 대학의 조직구조나 문화풍토가 남성중심적으로 형성되어 있음이 더 큰 장애요인으로 작용된다는 점을 여러 여성주의자들의 기존 논의에서 발견할 수 있다. 한시적으로는 기존의 누적된 성차별을 치유하기 위한 방법으로 적극적인 조치가 필요한 이유를 성차별의 비가시성과 누적효과, 그리고 기회균등정책의 한계에서 논의하였다. This study is to contrast two viewpoints, the human capital theorist interpretation and the feminist interpretation, of the inferior status of women doctoral holders in job market. According to the human capital theory, the inferior status of women is explained firstly by the unbalanced supply of women doctoral holders, and/or secondly by the inferiority of women applicants' quality. The former explanation seem; to be true in that female students tend to aggregate specific areas, so called feminine majors, and do not choose the areas like science and engineering. This interpretation, however, cannot explain why the gender gap of hiring rate has been maintained in the field where men and women have been similarly supplied. The other interpretation about inferior quality of women applicants is not confirmed by the data yet. On the other hand, for the case of fresh doctors, no significant difference was found between sexes. The Feminist interpretation, as an alternate explanation to the human capital theory, argues that the inferior status of women doctoral holders in job market is mainly caused by the male-dominated culture of university and research institutes. In that culture, women have less or no power in decision making process, are perceived as less productive owing to the double roles, and are sometimes regarded as potential trouble-makers. Sex-discrimination has been continued overtly and/or indirectly for a long time to result in a widespread environment to discourage women applicants. In such a situation, equal opportunity policy could hardly ice-break the inbreeding pattern of hiring and patriarchical culture of universities. In conclusion, more rigid actions such as affirmative ones in a short time are to be enforced to improve substantially the employment rote of women doctoral holders.

      • KCI등재
      • 여자대학생의 진로결정수준과 취업전략 분석 : Female College Students' Career-Decision Making Status and Employment Strategies

        민무숙 順天鄕大學校 學生生活硏究所 1996 學生生活硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to explore the sex-difference in career-decision making status and employment strategies and related factors. The questionnaire made by reviewing litereature were distributed to 400 students of Soonchunhyang University. 157 female students' and 131 male students' responses were used for the final analysis. Data analysis making use of SPSS PC computer program were Frequencies, T-test, and Pearson's Correlation Analysis. The result of this study can be summarized as follows. First, there were significant difference in career-decision making status by sex. Female students had lower status of career-decision making rather than male students. Second, their were significant difference in employment strategies by sex. Female students, compared to their counterparts, did not active in getting the information related to their employment or upgrading their abilities or skills. Third, female students tended to express more liberal towards the role of men and women whereas male students were somewhat conservative. Forth, compared to male students, female students experienced their school life rather negatively. They were disadvantageous in having their social relationship, psycho-stability, academic satisfaction, teacher's attention, and opportunities of leadership experiences. Fifth, there were significant sex-differences in factors related to Employment strategies.

      • 대학생들의 학교생활 적응에 관한 연구

        신은숙,김현덕,민무숙 順天鄕大學校 學生生活硏究所 1995 學生生活硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        This study examines college students' adjustment to their campus lives. The hypothesis of this research is that the school experiences of college students are different depending on the background of those students, and these influence their adjustment to their lives in college. The study sample included 293 students who are freshmen, sophomore, and junior students at Soonchunhyang University in Onyang City. First, the school experiences were measured with respect to six background variables from two points of view: the extents of their use of school facilities and hours of staying on campus. School adjustment score were also measured depending on the six background variables of students. Four areas of adjustment were also attained: academic adjustment, Social adjustment, personl_emotional adjustment, and attachment. These four facets were analyzed with relation to the school experiences. Statistical analysis showed that the level of school adjustment were different depending on three background variables, such as gender, economic condition, and commuting distance. That is, the male students showed higher degree of school adjustment than the females; the students with poor economic condition showed the lowest adjustment score; those who are living in the university dormitory were proved to be generally competent in adjusting themselves in campus life. Furthermore, the subscores of school adjustment were different depending on all of six background variabls. The statistical analysis also showed that there existed no relationship between the adjustment level and the frequencies of the school facilities. However, the hours of staying on campus showed a positive relationship with the adjustment. This was variant depending on gender and commuting distance. That is, the male students stayed longer on campus and showed higher adjustment, scores than the female students; the students living in the university dormitory stayed longer in campus and showed higher adjustment scores than the commuting students from long distance, such as Seoul, and Taejeon.

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