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        임진왜란에 납치된 조선인과 정보의 교류

        민덕기(Min. Deok-Kee) 한국사학회 2004 史學硏究 Vol.- No.74

        The Korean captives who were abducted to Japan during Hideyoshi's aggressive war tended to socialize with each other within their social statuses that they had possessed in Korea. For example, those in the wanior class socialized mainly with other warriors. When they attempted to escape back to Korea, however, these Korean captives collaborated as members of the same nation, beyond differences in their social statuses. These Korean captives actively exchanged information with each other: most of such information was about their repatriation, the timing of Korean delegates' arrival in Japan, and the Korean government's treatment of repatriated Korean captives.<br/> These Korean captives visited Korean delegates to Japan, and asked them about life of and letters from their families in Korea. Based on information they received through the delegates, the captiwes decided whether they should repatriate to Korea or rather stay in Japan. Entrusted letters for these captives from their families in Korea who craved the envoy to bring their captivated relatives back to their home country, the delegates also made efforts to find and repatriate certain captives,<br/> Tsushima domain attempted to maneuver information through Korean captives they repatriated to Korea. For instance, on the one hand, when the Korean government did not responded to Japan's peace proposal, the officers in Tsushima expedited the negotiations on the peace treaty by threatening Korea with Japan's possible next military aggression against Korea. On the other hand, after burying the hatchet, they continuously returned Korean captives to their home country in order to expand trades between Tsushima and Korea, or to urge the Korean government to send an envoy to Japan.<br/> It was Tsushima domain and Korean delegates to Japan that made the mail communication between the Korean captives and their families possible. While communication through the official channels was rare, exchange of letters between the captives and their families through private channels was often practiced, The agents of such communication were people in Tsushima.<br/> <br/>

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