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      • 호미 바바와 포스트콜로니얼 비평

        민경숙 龍仁大學校 人文社會科學硏究所 1999 인문사회논총 Vol.- No.3

        요약 호비 바바는 인도 출신의 포스트콜로니얼 비평 이론가로, 라캉, 데리다 등의 포스트구조주의 이론을 이용하여, 제국주의자들의 재현구조의 오류를 지적하고, 서구와 제3세계, 흑과 백, 순수성과 잡종성 등의 전통적인 이항대립 관계의 해체를 시도한다. 특히 틈새 공간, 제3의 발화 공간, 동일시 과정과 흉내내기 전략에 수반되는 양가적 성질 등에 주목하여, 해체가 일어나고, 차이가 인정되며, 차연이 가능한 장소, 즉 다문화주의의 길을 여는 장소로서의 중요성을 부여한다. 반면 바바는 서구 이론을 빌어 서구 이론의 해체를 모색하므로, 또 다시 서구 이론의 정당성을 입증하였다는 비난도 받고 있다. ABSTRACT Homi Bhabha, one of the most eminent postcolonial scholars, boorrows his theoretical frame mainly from poststructuralists, Derrida and Lacan. Recognizing our contemporaries' special position located in so-called 'in-between,' a site between the fin de si cle and the new Millenium,' the Indian scholar insists that the 'in-between' be a place where negotiations rather than negations can take place. Similarly, establishing his own postcolonial theory, he makes accents on the ambiguity which necessarily occurs in the third space of enunciation where hybridity can be acknowledged. His main ideas such as 'in-between,' 'ambiguity,' 'the third space of enunciation' and 'the beyond' have one property in common that they make resistance against hierarchical binary opposition possible, and finally even the reversibility. As his theorization, like that of Frantz Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks, is mainly based on the psychoanalytic analysis of both the imperialists and the colonized, the fictionality of the representation of the Orient or the third World, and the reversibility of the relation between subject and the Other, many scholars point out that his theory has several weaknesses, namely that they do not contain specific historicity and commitment to society, and that bhabha tries to undermine the western theoretical system using the western theories, eventually ensuring their greatness and justice. But nevertheless nobody can deny that his theory upgraded the postcolonial theory, eliminating firm theoretical basis. And nobody can deny that his theory not only contributes to the development of the postcolonial criticism, but also presents a new Millenium vision where differences could be welcomed and inter-nationalism could be the next theoretical frame.

      • 도리스 레싱의 유토피아,『4대문의 도시』

        민경숙 龍仁大學校 人文社會科學硏究所 2003 인문사회논총 Vol.- No.9

        The Four-Gated City, the fifth and the last of The Children of Violence Series is considered the best and the deepest, as it describes mature and middle-aged Martha s thoughts and life. It still deals with themes such as imperialism, racism, sexism, ideological problems of communism, socialism and capitalism, marriage, maternity, patriarchy, family etc. as the other works of The Children of Violence Series do, but it is different from the others in that it approaches the problems more psychoanalytically, using especially Jungian concepts like self, ego, shadow, personal unconscious and collective unconscious. Of course we can see the possibility of analyzing the other works with the tool of psychoanalysis as well, because their characters suffer from neurosis or mental breakdown that society or the world violent and keeping divided brings about. But psychoanalysis plays a greater role in The Four-Gated City, where Martha finally solves the problem of divided self through the journey into the deepest of the mind. Having achieved the integration of self which she has longed for throughout the whole Series, Martha in the Appendix to this work proceeds to help save the world suffering after the Great Catastrophe. Having survived the Catastrophe and living with survivors in an island called Faros, Martha cares and educates newborn children. This island is more similar to the Utopian image young Martha imagined than ideal cities represented in Mark s novel or constructed in Northern Africa. The new-born children after the Catastrophe are subnormal in eyes of the Old World people, but Martha suggests that they'll be the new race of the earth. It is because they are of every color and race, which will lessen the possibility of the New World being divided into two groups, the oppressed and the oppressor; and because they have extra-sensorial capabilities, specific organs which came into being as a result of a need for living in New World and will make people keep awake and not hypnotized.

      • 치누아 아체베의 '역사 바로 세우기'

        민경숙 龍仁大學校 1999 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        Achebe is a Nigerian writer, but he is better known as a writer who made Africa and Africans familiar to the World. He tried to elevate the position of Africa or "the third World," turning the image of Africa as a dark continent into a brilliant continent who has its own culture and history. It was because for many centuries Africa and Africans had been deprived of their history and had been considered under-develpoed children, barbarians or cannibals in a pre-cultured society. This paper deals with Achebe's three works, so-called the trilogy of Achebe, Things Fall Apart, No Longer At Ease, and Arrow of God, making a point of his vocational responsibilities. According to his determined belief, the principal role of the writer is to educate his ignorant people, tend to their pain and encourage them to recover their pride and to find their own identity. To perform these purposes, Achebe called our attention to various African traditions, manners, practices and customs, and their religion. Although they include superstitions, bad habits and bad conventions, it is sure that they could have survived very well, if Europeans had not intruded into their history. Addition to composing a counter-discourse which reverses the European colonial discourse, Achebe tries to tell us that the decay of Africa did not result solely from the invasion of European culture, but from the split of the African society, making strong accents on the heroes' personal weaknesses and their outcomes in his works. Achebe wanted to emphasize Africans not as passive sacrifices, but as active subjects, that is, masters of history. In sum, Achebe had two intentions: first he tried to correct European prejudices, insisting that Africans have their own culture and history: and then he tried to cure Africans' inferior complexes caused by Europeans' colonialism, to make them restore their pride and identity and to encourage them to build a new post-colonial world.

      • 홀리스틱 예술 통합 교육과 교육과정

        민경숙 한국홀리스틱교육학회 2013 한국홀리스틱융합교육학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.3

        통합 교육을 지향하는 교육과정에서 음악, 미술, 드라마, 댄스, 시와 같은 예술의 자리와 역할에 대하여 많은 연구와 논의가 진행되어 왔다 (Burnaford et al, 2007; Davis, 2008). 특별히 최근 아동 교육의 연구 동향을 살펴보면, 예술을 중심으로 인 지적, 사회적, 문화적 통합을 추구하려는 움직임이 크게 자리를 잡고 있음을 쉽게 파악하게 된다. 이러한 흐름 속에서 예술을 중심으로 한 통합 교육과정 (arts-integrated curriculum)의 방향, 목적, 방법을 정립하고자 할 때, 우선적으로 ‘예술 의 가치와 의미를 어떻게 이해하고 접근하는가’를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 현재, 교육 현장과 학자들간의 논의를 통해 중요성이 크게 인식되어가는 반면, 예 술이 다른 교과목의 학습 증진과 두뇌발달을 위한 도구로써 제한적으로 활용되거나, 이러한 관점에서만 흔히 그 가치가 인정되고 있다. 이는 홀리스틱 교육 관점과 크 게 어긋나는 교육 현실이다. 홀리스틱 교육과정은 통합 교육과정을(integrated curriculum) 추구한다(Miller, 2007). 이를 위해 예술이 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다면 홀리스틱 교육자들은 - 특별히 창의적 인간양성을 위해 균형(balance)있는 발달에 초 점을 두고 있는 교육자들은 - 더 깊고 넓은 차원에서 예술의 가치를 이해하고 활용할 필요가 있다. 이 연구는 홀리스틱 교육이 추구하는 예술의 길(holistic ways of the arts)을 재고해보고 교육과정 통합을 위한 적용 가능성을 찾아볼 것이다.

      • 한국무용 연습 시 발생되는 슬관절 (膝關節) 상해에 관한 연구

        민경숙 한국안전교육학회 1998 한국안전교육학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        This research is about causes and prevent ions of the injury of knee joint which frequently happens in practicing Korean dance. The causes are : immoderate exhaustion. inappropriate exercise of movements, curved legs, 'Hak-che' or other movements with knees, muscle strain, lack of body strength, or insufficient warming-up and subsequent exercise. Recommended preventions are as follows: 1. Full Recognition of Causes of the Injury 2. Improvement of Physical Strength 3. Warming-up and Subsequent-Exercise 4. Strenghthening Exercise of Knee joint

      • KCI등재

        5부작 『폭력의 아이들』을 통해 본 진화와 여성성

        민경숙 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2003 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.11 No.1

        It is important to analyze the Children of Violence Series as a whole, although it appears to be a collection of five independent works. It is because it has a structure which reveals the protagonist's repeated self-deception. Martha, the heroine, comes to a big decision at the end of each work, the next begins with her disappointment with the decision, and her failure repeats itself. As a consequence, readers are forced to keep postponing their final judgments. Throughout the first three works, Martha, a fifteen-year old English girl living in an African colony, makes various efforts to live a new life: escaping from her parents, marriages and divorces, abandoning her daughter, plunging into political activities etc.. But at the end of each work, she finds them futile and her self more divided. In the fourth work, Land-locked, Martha is newly born through an affair with Thomas Stern, a Polish jew and gardener. She experiences psychic integration for an instant, in which she shares with him the suffering and pain of the forty million sacrifices of the Second World War. In the last work, The Four-Gated City, Martha devotes her middle age to the caring and education of two children abandoned by their mothers in the Coldridge family and regains the feminine. And she tries to form an integrated self through processes of so-called individuation and transcendence, Jungian concepts. Doris Lessing, the author, who examined the effects of society on individuals and the possibility of social revolutions through the first three works, shifts to emphasizing personal change in the last two. She seems to insist that personal change can bring about the change of a group and an individual can be the seed of humanity's evolution.

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