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      • KCI등재후보

        모바일 미디어와 공간적 실천 -파올로 소렌티노 영화 중심으로-

        문안나 ( Anna Mun ) 한국영상미디어협회 2016 예술과 미디어 Vol.15 No.1

        이 연구는 모바일 미디어(mobile media)를 이용한 공간적 실천에 대해 탐구했다. 이를 위해 우선 오제(Auge)의 비장소(non-place) 개념을 통해 현대의 공간과 장소에 대해 고찰했다. 오제가 제시한 < 슈퍼모더니티 > 사회는 < 비장소 >라는 물리적 장소를 만들어낸다. 소렌티토 감독은 영화 < 그레이트 뷰티 >에서 < 비장소 >의 일시적이고 고독한 이미지를 영상으로 잘 표현했다. < 비장소 >에서 개인의 정체성은 계약 관계로 환원된다. 이름, 직업, 출생일, 주소에 대한 신원 확인 후 공간점유가 승인되어 공유된 정체성(shared identity)을 갖게 된 개인은 소비 공간인 < 비장소 > 공간에 들어가 정체성이 상실된 수동적인 즐거움(the passive joys of identity-loss)을 즐긴다. 하지만 < 아버지를 위한 노래 >, < 유스 >를 통해 탐색했듯결국 < 비장소 >, 공간을 규정하는 것은 물리적 장소 그 자체라기보다 사람의 인식과 경험, 기억의 역사라는 것을 확인했다. < 걷기 행위 >로 물리적 공간을 전유하는 공간적 실천을 일상적 전술로 활용할수 있다는 드 세르토의 이론은 유효하다. 내가 직접 걷고, 그 곳에서 숨쉬고 느껴본 공간의 궤적은 ‘이야기’로 의미가 드러난다. 하지만 이러한 실천이 사회 구조적 공간의 역학 관계를 전복할 수는 없다는 점에서 이론의 한계가 있다. 이 논문은 모바일 미디어를 통한 일상에서의 감성 공간 실천을 대안으로 제시했다. 모바일 미디어를 통한 자기 경험의 공감각적 기록은 공간에 대한 경험을 인지적, 지각적 요소로 확대하여 감각적 공간으로 실천하는 행위이다. 손가락을 이용한 ‘탭행위(the act of tapping)’는 모바일 미디어를 통해 공간적 실천을 시도하는 실천적 측면이란 점에서 ‘걷기 행위(the act of walking)’를 통해 공간적 실천 이론을 제시한 드 세르토 이론의 연장 개념이 될 수 있다. This study explored the spatial practice by using mobile media. Firstly, the author investigated the concept of space and place in modern times through < non-place > concept suggested by Mark Auge. As he presented, there are aspects that < supermodernity > has been producing a physical place called < non-place >. Paolo Sorrentino well represented the temporary and solitary image of < non-place > in his movie < The Great Beauty >. In the < non-place >, personal identities are replaced with a contractual relationship. An identified person acquiring a shared identity is authorized to enter < non-place >, consumption space and indulged passive joys of identity-loss. However, the conceptual navigation through Sorrentino’s another films, < This must be the place > and < Youth >, it is the history of perception, experience, and memories rather than the physical place itself to define the space or < non-place >. Michel de Certeau suggested ‘walking act theory’ which explains that people can take spatial practices in everyday life in terms of tactical appropriation of physical space. This drives ‘spatial stories’ following personal walking, breathing, and feeling along with trajectory of the space. However, this theory has limit in the sense that structural dynamics of social space cannot be easily overturned in that way. Thus, this paper presented everyday spatial practice through mobile media. Sensual recording of his experience through the mobile media space is an act of practicing sensual space by expanding the experience of cognitive and perceptual factors. The concept ‘act of tapping`` is suggested as an extension of de Certeau’s concept of ‘act of walking’ in point that everyday spatial practice in modern times through the Mobile Media.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회의 IR (Investor Relations) 개념 -1994∼2014년 신문기사 내용분석 및 의미연결망 분석

        문안나 ( Anna Mun ) 한국PR학회 2016 PR연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This study explored how the concept of IR (Investor Relations), the international communication practice, has been adopted and changed in Korea society from 1994 to 2014. Applying asymmetry and symmetry communication model, the researcher constituted IR concept dyad as ‘technical IR’ and ‘cultural IR’. The technical IR is mainly related to management information delivering. This aims short-run outcomes such as stock priceincreasing. On the other hand, cultural IR pursues market improvement by long-run relationship building among members of financial communities like as firms, financial analysts, and investors. While performing a content analysis of 341 news articles reported on Chosun Ilbo, the researcher examined three aspects of IR concept: discourse per se, norm drivers, and actors. The findings indicate that the discourse on the concept of IR mainly covers technical IR in terms of ‘information delivering aspect’. Also, ‘outcome discourse’ has appeared since 1997 such as share price, financing, and securing management right. Partly,cultural IR has presented. From 2000 to 2010, the discourse related to shareholders protection, social responsibility and transparency paradigm has showed up. While IR drivers have been expanded to public sector from the market sector, actors mostly were the market sector. As a second study, semantic network analysis supported this findings. Extracted key words were ‘corporate’ · ‘foreign’ · ‘investment’ · ‘quarter’ · ‘revenue’ · ‘operating profit’ · ‘securities’ and ‘plan’. Additionally, the result of LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) topic modeling analysis, suggested five topics like as ‘companies’ · ‘investment plan’ · ‘disclosure’ · ‘quarterly earnings’ · ‘market economy’ and ‘share price’. These results strongly confirm the results of content analysis suggesting that asymmetry IR concept is dominant in Korea society.

      • KCI등재

        기업 웹사이트를 통한 투자자 관계(Investor Relations) 채택 : 한국 기업의 동형화와 디커플링

        문안나 ( Anna Mun ),심재철 ( Jae Chul Shim ) 한국PR학회 2017 PR연구 Vol.21 No.3

        This study empirically analyzed investor relations via corporate websites (Web IR) of Korean companies as a contemporary instance of strategic communication behaviors. Results of content analysis on Web IR adoption reported that Korean companies have mostly adopted Web IR. We regarded it as isomorphism of firms` strategic communication behaviors. However, the level of implementation was mostly low. We assumed that the gap between Web IR adoption and implementation is related to the idea of decoupling. With this reasoning, we tested hypotheses which explain possible determinants of Web IR level. We posited two mechanisms of the common behavior of firms: (1) competitive isomorphism and (2) institutional isomorphism. Results of regression analysis demonstrated that Korean companies are more likely to increase Web IR level when they seek to win resource allocations for maintaining equity effect. Also, this study supported that Korean companies are more likely to increase Web IR level when they have coercive, mimetic, and normative mechanisms. More importantly, we found that IR adoption arising from the institutional isomorphic mechanism results in Web IR decoupling.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 정보통신기술(ICT) 혁신 담론의 전환: 1965-2016 신문기사 내용 분석

        문안나 ( Anna Mun ) 인천대학교 사회과학연구원 2021 사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze how the discourse of ‘innovation’ coupled with ICT development has been socially formed. To do so, the author conducted a content analysis of 1,494 news articles which were reported from January 1 1965 to December 31 2016. The result revealed that the ‘technical innovation’ discourse claiming survival and prosperity of Korea economy was formed from 1965 to 1997 which is the period of beginning and leap of ICT development in Korea. However, the discourse has changed in the ‘normative innovation’ discourse claiming social consequences, creativity, and consumer culture from 1998 to 2016 which is the period of transition and expanding of ICT development in Korea. The result also suggested that the discourse section, ‘norm diver’, and ‘norm actor’ have been changed in tandem with the discourse transition. This paper interprets these findings and discusses social phenomena arising with the transition.

      • 류성룡의 『징비록』에 나타난 성패지적 프레임과 책임 귀속의 공론화

        심재철 ( Jae-chul Shim ),김문환 ( Moon-hwan Kim ),문안나 ( Anna Mun ),이완수 ( Wansoo Lee ),심재웅 ( Jae Woong Shim ) 서애학회 2023 서애연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This study delves into the examination of Ryu Seong- ryong's news frames within the context of responsibility attribution for both the failure and success of the Imjin War, as documented in his work, Jingbirok. Adopting a journalism scholarship perspective, our analysis scrutinizes Ryu's observations during the seven-year conflict (1592-1598), shedding light on the challenges faced by Koreans and providing insights into the battles, people, and pertinent issues of the war time and the battle space. Employing a quantitative content analysis method, we investigate the causes of success and failure in the war, exploring the nuanced layers of responsibility attributed throughout. Our findings reveal that the Jingbirok adheres to the 5W1H principle, employing a rhetorical system characterized by analogies, spatial constructs, and temporal frames. The attributional proportion for causing the war spans personal, organizational, international, and supernatural levels, with a notable emphasis on individual responsibility for overcoming it. Intriguingly, a substantial portion of episodic articles attribute responsibility at the personal level for both defeat and triumph over the war's challenges. Contrary to expectations, the rate of attributing blame to the organizational level was not prominent in the combined frame, encompassing episodic and thematic storytelling. The study underscores the nuanced variations in responsibility attribution contingent upon the type of historical text, revealing a tendency to ascribe greater responsibility to individuals in episodic contexts. Our frame analysis aligns with framing theory, affirming that any correspondent’s war description selectively opts, emphasizes, and elaborates on news values such as accessibility and timeliness. This research posits the possibility of applying journalistic framing construction to historical records, offering a novel perspective. In conclusion, we discuss the historical lessons gleaned from Ryu Seong-ryong's observations during the Korean-Japanese War, as documented over four centuries ago. Our findings contribute to the ongoing public discourse on his interpretation of the causes behind the defeat and victory in the Japanese invasion of Korea. Furthermore, we explore the potential implications of the Jingbirok, advocating for a reflective approach to past mistakes, objective evaluation of current situations, and proactive planning for future crisis management and risk prevention.

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