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        해상에서 VIE 추적 조사에 의한 양성 기구의 수용 밀도 및 개체 크기별 해삼 (Apostichopus japonicus, Selenka)의 성장 비교

        문선주 ( Sunju Moon ),권인영 ( Inyeong Kwon ),김태호 ( Taeho Kim ) 한국어업기술학회 2017 수산해양기술연구 Vol.53 No.1

        The objective of this study was to investigate the growth rate and the optimal stocking density of sea cucumbers. Grow-out was studied in situ by conducting a follow-up survey using visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags. The rearing systems were made of polypropylene pipe for the frames and netting. The experiment ran for 70 days near Yeosu, Korea in the water depth of about 7 m. A total of 576 sea cucumbers which have three groups of body sizes (small: 5.15, medium: 12.34 and large: 23.26 g) were used. The five groups of stocking densities (150, 300, 450, 600 and 850 g/m<sup>2</sup>) in rearing system for sea cucumber were considered. Sea cucumbers were fed a mixed diet (mud, mineral, fish meal, etc.). The feed was supplied to 10% of their body wet weight once every 7 days. The survival rate (73%) of sea cucumber in 850 g/m<sup>2</sup> was lower than those of other density groups (150 g/m<sup>2</sup>: 89%, 300 g/m<sup>2</sup>: 84%, 450 g/m<sup>2</sup>: 78% and 600 g/m<sup>2</sup>: 86%). The survival rate of medium size group was higher than those of small and large groups regardless of the density (P< 0.05). Most of density groups have no significant difference except for 850 g/m<sup>2</sup> (P >0.05). The growth rate of small size group (0.63% day<sup>-1</sup>) was higher than those of medium (0.38% day<sup>-1</sup>) and large (0.34% day<sup>-1</sup>) group regardless of the density (P<0.05). The threshold water temperature was 11.0℃ for sea cucumber growth in winter season.

      • 소년 형사사법절차의 개선에 관한 연구 - 통합적 운용가능성을 중심으로 -

        문선주 ( Moon Sunju ),김윤정,서용성 사법정책연구원 2019 연구보고서 Vol.2019 No.3

        The ideology of juvenile protection is the basic idea of the juvenile justice procedure for both domestic and international rules. However, as the risk of juvenile delinquency has risen due to the occurrence of violent crime by juvenile offenders or the increase in the recidivism rate of juvenile delinquents, there are many discussions about necessity of punitive turn in juvenile justice procedure. This research ultimately aims to offer suggestions for an improved system of Korean juvenile justice procedure by summarizing the problems in Korea’s current juvenile justice procedure and seeking ways to improve the operation, focusing on the fact that the Korean juvenile justice procedure has adopted the dual procedure and provision in which the prosecutor may determine whether to proceed initially in juvenile or criminal court. First, this research analyzes the current situation and problems of the juvenile justice procedure through the statistical analysis and the results of surveys of judges who hear juvenile delinquents or offenders. This research also tries to draw some suggestions to complement the problem of the Korean system by examining comparative legal analyses of the US juvenile justice system which tries to combine the dual procedure and the Germany’s which operates the unified procedure. Based on the analysis above, this research examines procedural improvement measure, 1) subdividing the jurisdiction of juvenile cases into local court, 2) operating the unified procedure by same judge who should punish juvenile delinquents and offenders, furthermore as long-term improvement plan, 3) revising laws to integrate jurisdiction of juvenile delinquency and criminal case and 4) establishing the Juvenile Court as a specialized court. For practical improvement measures, 1) clarifying the priority of the ideology of juvenile protection, 2) strengthening professionalism of judges who hear juvenile offenders, 3) imposing probation and special observations on juvenile probation and 4) limiting the roles of prosecutor. Juvenile delinquency is a result of the manifestation of various problems in our society. Therefore, the resolution of juvenile delinquency should not be approached as a punishment- oriented ways, but should start from a long-term perspective consistent with juvenile protection ideology. Hopefully, this research would contribute to stimulate the improvement of the practice and system of juvenile justice procedure in Korea.

      • 재판연구원 제도의 바람직한 운영방안

        문선주 ( Moon Sunju ),김효정 사법정책연구원 2020 연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.7

        With an amendment to the Court Organization Act on July 18, 2011, the law clerk system was introduced together with full-scale unification of the legal profession (appointing judges from among experienced attorneys) and has been implemented since 2012, the year when law school graduates were produced for the first time in the country. Not only is it a newly introduced system that has just begun to take root, but its operation is still going through a transitional period until 2026, when unification of the legal profession will be implemented at full scale. However, as 2021 marks 10 years since the introduction of the law clerk system, it is worth noting how much its implementation has achieved so far. In this context, this report focuses on summarizing the introduction, operation progress and status of the law clerk system so far, and makes some suggestions for noteworthy improvements in the future. For this study’s method, various internal data in courts were referenced because this system was mainly introduced and established by courts. To identify its current status and gather feedback for improvements, opinions were collected from current and former law clerks and judges who worked with law clerks. In this report, Chapter 2 describes the progress and intended purposes for the introduction of the law clerk system in detail and reviews a direction for the system’s operation. According to the law clerk system’s intended purposes, it is clear that law clerks are introduced to support judges appointed from among experienced attorneys. Hence, while the law clerk system may supplement the footing of law schools or practical training of attor-neys and promote exchanges among related legal professions, a major direction for its operation in courts should ultimately focus on practically supporting judges. As a comparison with other countries’ laws, Chapter 3 briefly examines the systems in the United States and the UK and summarizes their implications for Korea’s law clerk system. Next, Chapter 4 looks at the current operation of the law clerk system, summarizes the results of questionnaires conducted on the current status of law clerks’ work and non-work duties in courts since the system’s introduction, and identifies the actual operation status so far and related feedback for improvements. According to these results, the law clerk system has been introduced and operated in a relatively stable manner, contributed to practically alleviating workloads for judges, and established itself as a system that nurtures talented legal professionals. Finally, Chapter 5 suggests practical improvements and long-term uses as specific proposals to overcome problems or structural limitations identified in the operation status. As for practical improvements to consider, improvements involving specific duties, a joint law clerk system, stronger law clerk training, establishment of a manual, and other matters related to system operation are reviewed to tackle problems with law clerks’ work. In particular, this study suggests a proposed manual for law clerks that summarizes improvements for specific duties and includes minimum guidelines for the defined description of law clerks' duties. As for long-term uses, several options discussed in regard to the law clerk system are briefly reviewed, including assigning more law clerks, increasing the number of law clerks, and improving the recruitment of law clerks.

      • 해상 실험에 의한 튜브형 양성기구의 밀도별 왜문어(Octopus vulgaris Cuvier)의 생존율 및 성장률

        권인영(Inyeong Kwon),문선주(Sunju Moon),이효영(Hyoyeong Lee),박대혁(De-Hyuk Park),서준범(Jun-Beom Seo),신여림(Yeo-Rim Shin),김태호(Taeho Kim) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2015 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the biological performances, survival and growth rates of the common octopus in individual rearing systems according to stocking density. The experiments were performed near Yeosu, Korea in the water depth (5-7 m) were used with an initial body wet weight of 486 ± 114 g. The cage models were made of polypropylene tube for the frames. The size of the cage models were 1100L × 460B × 500D mm, The three cages were used. The installation of eight each 1200L × 200D mm (density 10kg/㎥), 700L × 160D mm (density 30kg/㎥) and 350L × 130D mm (density 60kg/㎥) tube inside the cage. At this site, the water temperature ranged from 12.25 to 21.36℃, and salinity ranged from 30 to 32.79 psu, DO ranged from 5.08 to 9.28 mg/L, pH ranged from 7.8 to 8.13, respectively. Octopuses were fed a diet of frozen sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) (approximately 3-8% of their body weights). The results of the experiments were analysed with the statistical computer package SPSS ver. 21 from IBM. In experiment, the survival rates of octopus in density 10 kg/㎥ tube(75%) and 30 kg/㎥ tube(87.5%) were higher than those of density 60 kg/m3 tube(62.5%). The specific growth rate (SGR) of octopus in density 60 kg/m3 tube(0.24%/d-1) was slightly higher than those of density 10 kg/m3 tube(0.18%d<SUP>-1</SUP>) and 30 kg/m3 tube(0.17%d<SUP>-1</SUP>).

      • 실내수조에서 문어 (Octopus vulgaris)의 수온변화 및 은신처 유무에 따른 이동거리와 평균속력

        권인영(Inyeong KWON),문선주(Sunju MOON),이대덕(Dae-Duk LEE),박호준(Ho-Jun PARK),김태호(Taeho KIM) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2016 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.9 No.1

        The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is considered a strong candidate for marine aquaculture due to its high growth rate and competitive market price. To investigate product potential, This study aims to investigate the moving patterns of common octopus between pipe and no shelter type up on changes of water temperature (10, 15 and 20℃). Experiments were conducted in a recirculation aquaculture system with dimensions of 2100 × 1000 × 1100 mm for 15 days (16 to 30 Nov, 2015). Three octopuses used in the experiment was 430 ± 21.6 g in body weight. Video cameras were set on the upper, front and inside of water tank and video camera footage were analyzed by PVS (private virtual studio) program. The octopuses showed the highest activity at 20℃ of water temperature in no shelter condition and at 15℃ of water temperature in shelter condition. The maximum moving distance and speed of 29.80 m in no shelter condition and approximately 27 10-3m/s at 20℃.

      • 실내 수조 실험에서 은신처 형태에 따른 해삼 (Apostichopus japonicus, Selenka)의 은신처 선호도

        권인영(Inyeong KWON),문선주(Sunju MOON),김재호(Jaeho KIM),이석화(Seokhwa LEE),임규환(Kyuhwan LIM),김태호(Taeho KIM) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2016 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.9 No.1

        Sea cucumber aquaculture has increased in the last several years due to the exploitation and population depletion of natural stocks. To investigate product potential, this study was conducted to examine several physical aspects of shelter design necessary for enhancing sea cucumber resources. Physical factors were restricted to hole shape (i.e., circle, triangle and quadrangle) of the shelter structure focused on which hole shapes sea cucumber prefer by water temperature (10, 15, 20℃). Experiments were conducted in a recirculation aquaculture system with dimensions of 2100 × 1000 × 1100 mm. Observations of video camera footage were made of sea cucumber given the choice of experimental plastic shelters with circular, triangular, and quadrangle holes. Sea cucumber used in the experiment was 13.38 ± 2 g in body weight. Fifty sea cucumbers were used for each experiment, based on the maximum inner area of all holes capable of occupation. The same experiment was replicated 3 times. Sea cucumbers were placed at distances of about 450 mm from the blocks. The data were evaluated by an analysis of variance (ANOVA). More sea cucumbers were attracted to circular holes than others in the experiment plastic shelters at 15℃ and 20℃ (P<0.05).

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