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      • KCI등재

        『태종실록(太宗實錄)』국역본에 나타난 백화(白話) 자료(資料)의 번역 오류

        문미진 ( Mi Jin Moon ) 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 중국연구소 2010 中國硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        This article is based on the vernacular materials which extracted from the veritable records of Taejong, the purpose of the research is to correct errors in the Korean translation of the veritable records of Joseon Dynasty. Translation errors mainly the following types; (1) errors of the punctuation (2) errors of word meaning. The vernacular Chinese is the vivid oral language at that time, so when the vernacular Chinese to be translated into Korean, we should pay attention to the special. This article is to make some research on the words and grammar in the collection based on previous efforts of others.

      • KCI등재

        미용 괄사요법을 이용한 체형 변화 연구

        문미진(Moon Mi-Jin),김경희(Kim Kyung-Hee) 한복문화학회 2008 韓服文化 Vol.11 No.1

        With growth of media and information technologies these days, some high school girls want to look like a model or celebrity, and try to change their body types, even If It dangers their health. Therefore, the purpose of this study is finding out effects on body shape changes of high school girls before and after Meridian Scraping Massage by studying values measured by using the Martin-type anthropometer and through surveys. The data analysis was done by using SPSS program and descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis and paired-sample t-test were used for of statistical analysis. The Meridian Scraping Therapy has outstanding effect In breaking down cellulite, stabilizing digestive system and removing feces contained long in the Intestines, helping the blood Circulation and improving metabolism. Therefore, when we review the reason that there are larger number of Items that were supported than the ones denied, the Meridian Scraping Therapy improves blood Circulation and turns acids In the body Into mild alkaline body, helping to maintain the balance of body floods, relaxing suppression of appetite of the low-weight group and normal-weight group and increasing their food consumption. I think there're many Items matching Kim Jae-Chun's argument that when our body is slightly alkaline (pH 74), which is almost neutral, we're most healthy, and people worry that our body flood might turn to acid, but a healthy body discharge acid materials to out of body, maintaining the body flood, and when we use the natural remedies properly, overweight people can control their appetite and thin people can Improve their appetite. For the body type, the satisfaction level of the subjects participated In the study had Increased Significantly after the massage due to reduction of stress and change to positive thinking.

      • KCI등재

        “한국고전종합DB”에 보이는 몇 가지 문제점 -詞에 나타난 誤脫字 및 句讀의 문제를 중심으로-

        문미진(Moon, Mi-jin) 한국고전번역원 2019 民族文化 Vol.53 No.-

        한국고전종합DB는 漢文 古典을 연구하는 데 있어 필수불가결한 DB이다. 原文이미지와 원문텍스트의 제공만으로도 원시자료(raw data)의 필요를 충족시켜주는데, 여기에 주석을 통한 각종 典故 및 번역문까지 덤으로 얻을 수 있으니, 文理가 더디 트이고 있는 연구자들에게 甘露水의 역할을 톡톡히 하고 있다. DB를 만든 공은 淸의 乾隆帝의 명으로 편찬된 『四庫全書』의 공과 대등하다고 할 수 있다. 워낙 방대한 자료를 원문텍스트로 만드는 과정에서 誤字와 脫字가 나오는 것은 피할 수 없는 현상이지만, DB의 운영팀에서 사용자들의 의견을 받아들여 수시로 이를 바로잡고 있다는 점도 높이 평가할 만하다. 일반적으로 唐宋詞라고 불리는 ‘詞’라는 韻文은 원래는 가락이 먼저 생기고 그가락에 글자 수를 맞게 집어넣어 노래 부르는데 사용된 장르였으나, 훗날 詞樂이 실전되자 옛 작품들을 모아 공통된 규율을 찾아내어, “사조마다 정해진 틀이 있고, 글자는 정해진 숫자가 있으며, 운은 정해진 소리가 있다”(明 徐師曾의 『文體明辨序說』)며, 詞調마다 句數와 字數 平仄 押韻을 제한하는 까다로운 규율을 지닌 韻文으로 변화하고 말았다. 高麗와 朝鮮에도 이 詞가 전래되어 많은 文人들이 塡詞를 하였고, 그 작품들이 한국고전종합DB 속에 포함되어 있는데, 원시자료(raw data)의 오류와 詞律에 대한 이해 부족 등의 원인 때문에 같은 詞調의 작품도 句讀가 통일되지 않고, 詞律에 맞지 않는 경우가 상당수 발견된다. 本稿는 이러한 문제점에 대한 수정안을 제시하고자 한다. The Korean Classics Comprehensive DB is an indispensable DB for those who wish to study Chinese Classical writing in Korea. The raw image and the text not only help you to read the raw data, but they also provide authentic precedent and translations through footnotes. Thus the DB plays a major role as nourishment for researchers who are not used to classical Chinese writing. Its contribution is equivalent to that of Emperor Qianlong’s Sikuquanshu. It is inevitable that use of wrong vocabulary and missing words occur in the process of converting such a huge amount of original text into digital form, but it is commendable that the operation team of the DB accepts opinions from users and corrects errors from time to time. The verse Tang and Song Ci originally belonged to a genre that was to be sung as a melody. The order was first to create a melody and weave the words into it later. But when Ci music disappeared in Ming dynasty, they gathered old works of Ci and figured out some common rules, such as: “The tone shall have a fixed case, the sentence shall have a fixed number, and the word shall have a fixed sound”. Thus Ci turned into a verse form that strictly followed the rules. Each tone required restriction of the number of sentences, number of characters level and oblique tones. During the era of the Koryo and Chosen Dynasty, many literati engaged in writing Tang and Song Ci, and their works were included in the Korean Classical Databases. But because of the errors in the raw data due to lack of understanding of strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, the works of the tone are not unified and the number of sentences is also frequently incorrect. This paper aims to point out these errors and bring these to the attention of later researchers who wish to continue revising.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮에서 간행된 中國의 군신도상(君臣圖像) -조선(朝鮮) 중종(中宗) 명편(命編) 『역대군신도상』 『歷代君臣圖像』-

        문미진 ( Mi Jin Moon ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2014 中國硏究 Vol.60 No.-

        In the history of Chinese and Chosun paintings, the ancient figure painting had the function of enlightenment. In this enlightened human purpose and the creation of the painting works were called "Reference picture". It helped the king to rule the country and to folks, it played the role of education teaching people in interpersonal communication to understand loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, and to follow the truth. King Jungjong kicked Yeonsangun off his throne and took his place, had faced the chaotic political situation. So he was in hurry to publish "The Portraits of Kings and Subjects", as a kind of spiritual education on subjects of teaching. King Jungjong let Lee Hang take responsibility for publishing, so Lee Hang borrowed the ancient figure from Chinese paintings, and attached praise written by officials of Hongmunguan. In this book you can identify the differences between the Chosun and Ming dynasty literati in Chinese historical figures. The fact that Korea retained data that China has lost, and the fact that Japan had the book reprinted are enough to prove this book not only played a decisive role in Chosun, but also in China and Japan. This study is to correct the errors in understandings of the world of past dynasties, and to access the basic work of the good edition. For that I found the "The annals of the Chosun dynasty", "The daily records of royal secretariat of Chosun dynasty" and other related records. I also gathered all versions for comparative analysis.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        혈액 투석중인 상염색체 우성 다낭성 신질환에서 발생된 요흉 1 예

        미진(Mi Jin So),나병주(Byoung Ju Na),김종률(Jong Lyul Kim),이진한(Jin Han Lee),김진수(Jin Su Kim),노용호(Young Ho Rho),김태효(Tae Hyo Kim),경협(Kyoung Hyoub Moon) 대한신장학회 2001 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.20 No.1

        Urinothorax is rare cause of pleural effusion. Urinothorax should be considered when pleural effusion occurs in patients with urinary tract obstruction accompanied by retroperitoneal urinoma. It has been reported in patients with trauma, malignancy, kidney biopsy and renal transplantation. Most cases are diagnosed retrospectively by promt resolution of symptoms after relief of urinary obstruction. But dia- gnosis can be made based on clinical suspicion, radiological findings and biochemical analysis of the effusion and most important finding is the pleural level of creatinine is higher than the serum level. We experienced right pleural effusion in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease hemodialyzed. The patient had right urinoma in the retroperitoneal space before pleural effusion developed. After 3month, he complained acute dyspnea. There was no effect in resolving effusion by lowering dry weight. We thou- ght alternative diagnostic possibility, urinothorax and checked the pleural fluid to serum creatinine ratio. Finally concluded that pleural effusion was urinothorax secondary to remnant left polycystic kidney rup- ture and tried left nephrectomy. The patient showed reduction of pleural effusion. It is important to alert physician to this condition and to avoid the other invasive diagnostic study.

      • 유방암 환자 중 유관에서 발병되는 암의 종류(IDC와 DCIS)별 시간경과에 따른 SUVmax 변화에 대한 비교

        미진,김정립,평수,김길환,Hyoung, Mi-Jin,Kim, Jeong Nip,Moon, Pyeong Soo,Kim, Kil Hwan 대한핵의학기술학회 2014 핵의학 기술 Vol.18 No.1

        최근 유방암 환자의 급증은 여러 가지 통계로 보고되고 있다. 유방암의 발병부위는 크게는 유관, 소엽등으로 분류하고 그 중 85% 이상이 유관에서 발병되고 있다. 본 연구는 유관에서 발병되는 암의 종류를 분별하여 시간의 경과에 따라 변화되는 $SUV_{max}$의 차이를 알아보고자 하였다. 2012년 7월 1일부터 2013년 7월 22일까지 유방암 진단을 받고 본원 PET-CT센터를 방문한 여성 환자 291명을 대상으로 하였다. 병리학적 결과를 기준으로 IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma) 환자 248명과 DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) 환자 43명을 선별하였다. 일반 PET-CT 검사와 동일한 방법(3.7 MBq/kg)으로 $F^{18}-FDG$를 주사 후 1시간 경과 후 1차 검사(routine 검사)를 진행하였고 또 한 번의 1HR 경과 후 2차 검사 (Delay검사)를 진행하였다. 2회 진행된 검사 Data를 토대로 하여 병소부위에 ROI를 설정하여 $SUV_{max}$를 측정하였다. IDC와 DCIS의 두집단의 병소 $SUV_{max}$의 변화를 비교 확인한 결과 IDC의 경우 $SUV_{max}$값이 1차 검사에서는 M=7.11, SD=5.405이고 2차 검사에서는 M=8.363, SD=6.624으로 상승(P<0.05)하였으며, DCIS의 경우 $SUV_{max}$는 1차 검사에서는M=2.739, SD=1.229이고 2차 검사에서는 M=2.614, SD=1.470으로 감소(P<0.05)하였다. 결 론: IDC와 DCIS의 시간에 따른 $SUV_{max}$의 결과를 비교해본 결과 IDC에서는 1차 검사(routine검사)보다 2차 검사(Delay검사)에서 $SUV_{max}$가 상승(P=0.000)함을 확인하였고 DCIS에서는 1차 검사(roution검사)보다 2차 검사(Delay검사)에서 $SUV_{max}$값이 감소(P=0.039)함을 확인하였다. 본 연구를 통해 유관에서 발병되는 유방암의 종류(IDC와 DCIS)별 시간경과에 따라 $SUV_{max}$의 변화가 발생함을 확인하였다. Purpose: The recent surge in breast carcinoma patients is reported in a variety of statistics. Breast cancer occurs mainly from duct and lobulus: 85% is from the breast ducts. The present study is aimed to distinguish the difference in $SUV_{max}$ changing over time by identifying the type of cancers attacking from the duct. Materials and Methods: The subjects of the study are 291 female breast cancer patients who have visited the present PET/CT center from July 1, 2012 to July 23, 2013. Based on the pathological results, 248 IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma) patients and 43 DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) patients were selected. In the same manner as the general PET/CT scan (3.7 MBq/Kg), F-FDG was injected, followed by the primary test (Routine tests) after 1 hr, and the secondary test (Delay test) after another hr. $SUV_{max}$ was measured after setting ROI in the lesion based on the data from the two tests. Results: As the comparative result of the change in the lesion $SUV_{max}$ between the two groups, IDC group's $SUV_{max}$ showed M=7.11 and SD=5.405 in the primary test and increased M=7.11 and SD=5.405 in the secondary test (P<0.05); DCIS group's $SUV_{max}$ showed M=2.739, SD=1.229 in the primary test and increased M=2.614, SD=1.470 in the secondary test (P<0.05). Conclusion: As the comparative result of $SUV_{max}$ over time between the groups, IDC showed increased $SUV_{max}$ in the secondary test (Delay test) compared to the primary test (Routine test) (P=0.000); DCIS showed decreased $SUV_{max}$ in the secondary test (Delay test) compared to the primary test (Routine test) (P=0.039). It was confirmed through this study that the change in $SUV_{max}$ has occurred over time by the type of breast cancer (IDC or DCIS) occurring from the breast ducts. However, the onset of breast cancers (ILC, LCIS) from the lobulus was not discussed due to the lack of samples. Future research on the breast cancers from the lobulus is suggested.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        통합기술수용모델을 활용한 로봇 프로세스 자동화 수용 의도에 관한 연구

        김동윤(Dong-Yun Kim),문미진(Mi-Jin Moon),김준석(Joon-Seok Kim) 한국SCM학회 2022 한국SCM학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        This study related to the acceptance intention of the robotic process automation. A research model using variables such as innovative technology acceptance, perceived values and acceptance intention is developed based on UTAUT. We verified the effects of performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions as factors of innovative technology acceptance and functional values and Monetary values as factors of perceived values on the acceptance intention using a structural equation model. Reliability of the model was verified by Cronbach’s α coefficient and discriminant validity and model’s goodness of fit were tested by confirmatory factor analysis. As a result of this study, performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions of innovative technology significantly and positively acceptance affects functional and Monetary values of perceived values. Functional and Monetary values have a positive and significant effect on the acceptance intention. Effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have a positive and significant effect on the acceptance intention, but performance expectancy does not have a significant effect. This study is different from the previous studies by verifying the relationship between user acceptance of innovative technology, perceived values, and the acceptance intention in the implementation and use of robot process automation. It is expected that the results of this study will be used to establish operational strategies for the robotic process automation.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘병동 중심의 처치수가 산정지침 개발’ 등을 통한 간호업무 표준화 및 그 효과

        한혜정,미진,김영주,박소영,박아리스,한경,이현영 한국의료QA학회 2009 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        문제: 병동 처치수가 산정 부정확 및 누락으로 인한 부적절한 재고관리로 진료차질, 불필요한 업무발생 및 수익이 감소한다. 목적: 병동 처치수가 산정 정확화를 위한 업무 표준화 도구 및 시스템을 개발하여 적정 재고관리를 통한 수익증대 및 직무만족도를 향상시킨다. 의료기관: 서울시 종로구에 소재한 대학병원 질 향상 활동: 병동중심의 처치 산정지침 개발 및 수가물품의 적정재고 관리방안을 모색하였다. 개선효과: 병동중심의 처치수가 산정 지침서를 제작하여 업무표준화를 기하였음. 응급청구 품목 및 수량이 ’07년 대비 71%감소하고 타 병동 차용품목이 활동 전에 비해 61% 감소, 수량은 77% 감소함. 응급청구 총소요시간이 활동 전에 비해 ’07년 대비 77% 감소하고 타 병동 차용 총 소요시간이 61% 감소함. 전년 동기간 대비 수익이 4% 증가하였으며 또한 54병동과 보험 심사팀에서 직원들의 직무만족도가 향상되었다.

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