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      • KCI등재

        The leading principles of Tolerance in 21Century, An Islamic Viewpoint & Proposal

        Mohammad Jabasini(무함마드 자바시니) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2007 중동문제연구 Vol.6 No.-

        이슬람은 그간 서구세력에 의해 오해와 편견의 시각으로 일반화되어왔다. 고등교육을 이수한 사람들조차 이슬람은 강압과 압제, 칼에 의한 극단적인 종교라고 간주해왔다. 그러나 이슬람은 뜻 그대로 평화의 종교, 관용의 종교이다. 본고는 이슬람에서의 관용의 의미와 역사적 사건 속에서의 이슬람의 관용의 예를 제시하고 나아가 현대 이슬람관용의 대표적인 경우라 할 수 있는 시리아의 종교 화합 정책을 살펴봄으로써 이슬람의 관용에 대해 제고하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이슬람의 종교적 관용은 크게 6가지로 분류될 수 있다. 첫째, 모든 인류가 하나의 거대한 가족으로서 형제애를 강조한다. 따라서 인종, 민족, 피부색 앞에 인간은 평등하다는 것을 강조한다. 둘째, 사회정의를 강조하며 셋째, 이슬람은 범세계적인 종교로서 유일신에 대한 믿음을 강조한다. 넷째, 이슬람은 무슬림과 유대인, 기독교인과의 특별한 유대관계를 강조한다. 이슬람은 코란과 함께 토라와 성경을 인정하며 코란은 무슬림과 기독교인의 밀접한 관계를 강조한다. 다섯째, 이슬람은 인간 개개인의 생각의 자유와 종교의 자유를 중시하며 여섯째, 종교 간의 차이를 인정하고 타종교를 존중한다. 이러한 이슬람의 종교적 관용은 역사 속에서도 찾을 수 있다. 선지자 무함마드는 비무슬림들에 대한 위해행위를 금지하였으며 무슬림들과 대하는 것과 같게 대하라 말하였고, 메디나로 히즈라를 행한 직후 무슬림과 비무슬림과 맺은 협약에서 무슬림은 믿음에 대한 자유를 보장받고 비무슬림에게 무슬림과 같은 의무와 권리를 부여하였다. 무함마드의 뒤를 이은 제2대 칼리파 오마르는 이집트의 기독교도인 콥트인과 비무슬림들이 내는 인두세인 지즈야(Jizya)에 대해서도 비무슬림을 배려하는 모습을 보였다. 이렇듯 이슬람의 종교적 관용은 현대까지 이어졌다. 대표적인 예가 1946년부터 1969년 까지 시리아의 종교지도자를 중심으로 일어난 움직임이다. 시리아는 무슬림이외에 마론파를 비롯한 기독교 종파가 공존하고 있으며 당시 시리아와 중동지역은 정치적으로 혼란한 시기였다. 정치, 사회적 상황을 비추어볼 때 종교적 갈등이 발생할 소지가 높았으나 종교지도자의 리더쉽으로 종교 간의 긍정적인 대화가 이루어졌다. 당시 젊은 종교 지도자였던 아흐마드 쿠프타로(Ahmad Kuftaro)는 이슬람 사원 내에서 성탄절 축하 행사를 가졌고 마론 기독교파의 한 시인은 선지자 무함마드를 칭송하는 시를 발표하는 등 종교 간의 상생을 위한 노력이 지속되었다. 시리아의 종교적 관용 정책은 당시 시리아 사회의 여러 계층을 연결해주는 다리 역할을 수행하였고 이는 이슬람의 관용적인 측면을 잘 나타내주는 좋은 예라 할 수 있다.

      • Between Theories of Language and Language Acquisition

        무함마드 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2014 국제문화연구 Vol.7 No.2

        Interested in the subject to study the various theories that explain language acquisition , where the width of these theories with an indication of the criticism that came her every theory, has varied theories of linguistic research , in the interpretation of language acquisition , and had different orientations of intellectual and philosophical clear impact on the variation of the views of the scientists and their attitudes , in a time when there proponents of behaviorism that it is necessary to undergo events linguistic experimentation laboratory to prove their validity by some of the actions Scout, the proponents of school mental believe that a child is born equipped with a card innate linguistic whereby language acquisition with its ability to produce an infinite number of sentences and understand, and refuse to be a child was born and his mind completely empty of language. The school’s supporters argue that cognitive improve the language proficiency of the child, but it is a result of the interaction between the child and the environment surrounding it, and the acquisition of language like any other behavior acquired by the child. And because of that all of the schools former have been clobbered, it is best to look at language acquisition look complementary, so you can not overlook the earlier theories are all, therefore, it is essential that we take the language as a product of the interaction of the child its potential membership with environmental expertise as stimuli sound, instead of trying to separate them artificially, or unrealistic. The research aims to find out the theories different language that talked about language acquisition , and to know the views of each school to explain the process of acquisition and development, and the statement of what has happened in each school of criticism , also aims to statement that it is necessary to take advantage of the data for each theory in explaining the acquisition of Child language ; this is because of the child and that he was ready to acquire any language and has adequate tools to complete this process, as it has the inherent ability to acquire language, and it also has centers cerebral , and members of pronunciation which translate this capacity effectively, but it can never, to acquire language which has the tools in advance , and is qualified to acquire, unless he lived in the linguistic environment enabled him to this acquisition, and therefore it is necessary to look at a complementary look for the interpretation of this process . Among the most important findings of the study: it is better to look at the process of language acquisition from the perspective of integration because the various theories that explain the process of language acquisition can not be any theory, including the interpretation of the language of the full acquisition alone, it was necessary to take advantage of the data each these theories to explain the process of language acquisition.

      • KCI등재후보

        The stages of evolution of Generative and Transformational theroy

        무함마드 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2018 국제문화연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Generative and Transformational theory realize, that the underlying rules of the human mind are known behind the formation of sentences in natural languages. The generative theory is a science that believes that any language can produce infinite number of sentences already contained in the language. Every human being who speaks a particular language is capable, at any time and spontaneously, of formulating, and understanding an infinite number of sentences in this language, but has never uttered most of it or heard before. The "transformative" is the science that studies the relationships between the various elements of the sentence, as well as the relationships between the possible sentences in a language. The transformative rule contribute to the transformation of the sentences from active to passive and from the question to its multiple meanings, such as negation, exclamation, disapproval and other different meanings of the question, and it helps us to clarify the surface structure of the sentence.

      • KCI등재

        압둘 카힐 알-줄자니의 형태학 연구가 지닌 독창성과 현대성

        무함마드 조선대학교 인문학연구원 2017 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.53

        In this study I explored morphology according to Abdul Qahir in light of originality and modernism. This study investigated that the morphological research on Abdul Qahir greatly benefited the phonological studies such as “Inflection”, “The number of characters in nouns and verbs”, “Substitution characters with one another”, or “Assimilation”. This is because phonology, morphology and grammar all complement one another, and they integrate as a collective whole to the point that each field is linked with the other, and it is not possible to completely separate one from the other. This is because ultimately they all lead to one goal; to study the features and characteristics of language. On this basis morphology does not exist without phonology. As Abdul Qahir realized, morphology is a part of grammar; for grammar studies vocabulary and syntax together, which does not contradict modern linguistic theory. If we were to attempt to separate grammar and morphology, it would only be for temporary purposes necessitated by the nature of research or traditional educational curricula. 본 연구는 압둘 카힐 알-줄자니 의 형태학에 대한 연구를 독창성과 현대성의 관점에서 연구했다. 본 연구는 형태학에 관한 압둘 카힐 알-줄자니 의 연구는 “굴절”, “명사와 동사에 포함된 글자 수” “글자들의 교차변형” 및 “동화” 등의 단원에서 확인할 수 있듯이 음운론에 관한 연구에 기초를 두었다는 사실을 검증하였다. 이는 음운론, 형태학 및 문법학은 상호보완적이며, 각각의 영역이 밀접한 관계를 형성하여 서로 구분할 수 없는 하나의 총체로 이루어져 있으며, 세 영역이 ‘언어의 특성과 특징의 연구’라는 궁극적 목표를 공유하기 때문이다. 이러한 근거로 형태학은 음운론 없이 존재할 수 없다. 압둘 카힐 알-줄자니가 인지한 바와 같이, 문법학은 어휘와 통어법을 함께 연구하는 것처럼 형태학은 문법학의 일부이며, 이러한 사실은 현대 언어학 이론에 배치되지 않는다. 문법학과 형태학을 구분하고자 하다면, 그러한 구분은 연구의 성격 또는 전통적인 교육과정에 따라 임시적인 목적으로만 이루어지게 된다.

      • KCI등재

        A study on the investigation of Arab Heritage

        무함마드 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 중동연구소 2016 중동연구 Vol.35 No.2

        Some Arab researchers believe that the art of investigating heritage is a recent topic which was undertaken by contemporary Arab investigators, or those which were learnt from the Orientalists of the current era who slightly preceded them in archeological investigations and their publications. However they were not accurate in this regard as Arab scholars had in fact begun investigating texts since the dawn of Islamic history, and were the first to create rules for this kind of Arab heritage. Those of different fields were also influenced by their style of heritage investigation. Accordingly, much of the current work in investigating texts and publishing them today is a continuation in the work of the great Arab scholars of the past. This study as well as others which have been published in these field are themselves examples of this. In this respect, those who pursue this subject understand the huge effort of the great Arab scholars of the past, and of those who came after them in this field from among the contemporary Arab scholars and Orientalists, in this field of investigating Arab heritage. This study has resulted in the following important findings: Analysing heritage involves the analyst taking great care of the manuscript under analysis in order to assure that all the conditions have been met for confirming its authenticity. Also title of the book under analysis should be correct, as well as the name of the author and the related portion of the book. It is equally necessary to confirm that the text of the book is identical to the image left by the author or at least as close to this as possible. The task of the analyst is to link the text with the reader according to the image that the author would have desired. In addition, mistakes that occur in the text should be left as they are and alluded to in the footnotes with suggestions on possible corrections. من خلال الدراسة السابقة، تأكد لنا أن تحقيق التراث فن قديم، ليس وافدًا إلى العرب من الغرب، كما يظن بعض الدراسين؛ فقد اجتهد العرب الأوائل في توثيق النصوص المنقولة عن غيرهم بدقة وإتقان، وكانوا مثلًا يحتذي في دقة التوثيق وأمانة التحقيق. كما تأكد لنا أهمية تحقيق التراث ونقله للقارئ بأدق صورة ممكنة، حتى تستطيع الأجيال القادمة التعرف على تراثهم وأهمية دراسته وفهمه؛ فإن الأمة التي تحيا بلا تاريخ لا يمكن أن تنهض بحاضرها ومستقبلها. لذلك أوصى بترجمة النصوص المحققة إلى كثير من اللغات؛ لتتعرف الأمم الأخرى على تراثنا العربي وقيمته في الحاضر والمستقبل، كما أوصى العالِمين باللغة العربية من العلماء الكوريين نقل هذا التراث إلى لغتهم، فمن الأهمية بمكان أن يتعرف الكوريون على تراث البلاد التي يريدون الانفتاح عليها، كما أوصهم بضرورة نقل تراثهم الكوري باللغة العربية إلى الدراسين العرب لأهمية التبادل العلمي والثقافي بين بلاد العرب وكوريا. وبعد، فقد توصلت الدراسة إلى النتائج الآتية: 1- يجب على أي باحث أن يستوثق من النصوص التي ينقلها، وأن يتحرى الدقة والأمانة في ذلك، كما يجب عليه الكشف عما حدث للنص من تحريف وتصحيف، وألا يمرر النص للقارئ دون التأكد من صحة النص ونسبته إلى صاحبه. 2- أهمية التقديم للنص الذي يتم تحقيقه، والترجمة لصاحبه، ووصف المخطوطة التي يتم تحقيقها ووضع الفهارس الميسرة للتيسير على الباحثين في الوصول إلى ما يبحثون عنه بسرعة ودقة. 3- أعلى النصوص مرتبة وأفضلها قيمة النصوص التي وصلت إلينا حاملةً عنوانَ الكتاب واسمَ المؤلف وجميعَ مادة الكتاب على آخر صورة تركها المؤلف. 4- الفيصل في ترتيب المخطوطات من حيث الأهمية واختيار الأمهات منها، يعود إلى: قدم النسخة، وعلم الناسخ، وكمال النسخة. 5- لا بد للمحقق عند تحقيقه لنص من النصوص أن يقوم أولًا بترجيح الروايات من خلال المقابلة بين النصوص وترجيح أحد النصوص على غيره، ومعرفة أي عيب في المخطوطة التي يريد أن يحققها، ومعالجة هذه العيوب بكل دقة وأمانة. 6- ليس من حق المحقق أن يزيدَ في النص أو يُنْقِصَ منه إلا إذا كان هناك ضرورة تقتضي ذلك، ولابد من وضع الزيادة بين قوسين معقوفين[ ] والتنبيه على مصدرها في الهامش مع ضبط ما يشكل من الكلمات. 7- يجب على المحقق أن يفسر كل ما يحتاج إلى تفسير وشرح، بأن يقوم بالتعليق على النص الغامض وشرحه في الهامش.

      • KCI등재

        Studies on Grammar by Abdul Qahir Aljurjani

        무함마드 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 중동연구소 2017 중동연구 Vol.36 No.1

        This research comprises of an introduction, two main sections and a conclusion containing the most important results of the study. In the introduction, I discussed Abdul Qahir’s interest with the Element Theory and the way he presents it in his book 100 Elements. Similarly, Systems Theory is considered among the most important linguistic theories in both traditional and modern linguistic studies. I discussed in the first section the traditional aspects of Abdul Qahir, while they mostly centre on the different types of grammatical elements. As for the second section, I dealt with the aspects of innovation by Abdul Qahir, and among the most important of these is the Systems Theory which suggests that words on their own do not carry any meaning until they are joined with other words, at which point the differences in meaning become apparent. يعتقد كثير من الدارسين أن عبد القاهر يعد عالمًا بلاغيًّا في المقام الأول، وأن الدراسات اللغوية عنده جاءت تابعة للدراسات البلاغية، لكن المتتبع لآثاره العلمية يجد أنه عالم لغة قبل أن يكون عالم بلاغة، ولهذا السبب اختار الباحث هذا الموضوع ليؤكد هذه الرؤية. يهدف هذا الموضوع لعرض الدراسات النحوية عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني لمعرفة الجوانب التقليدية، والوقوف على جوانب التجديد في الدراسات النحوية عنده، ومن أهم الدراسات التقليدية التي عرضها عبد القاهر: نظرية العامل في كتابه )العوامل المائة(، فإعراب الكلمة يختلف باختلاف العامل الذي يدخل عليها، وبذلك فإن العلامة الإعرابية تتغير بتغير العوامل؛ فإعراب الفعل المضارع مثلًا يكون بعامل - - لفظي بدخول أدوات النصب أو الجزم عليه، وبعامل معنوي وهو سلب هذه الأدوات منه فيصبح مرفوعًا، وبناء على ذلك يكون إعراب المضارع على الرفع والنصب والجزم وهكذا... ومن أهم جوانب التجديد في الدراسات النحوية عند عبد القاهر: نظرية النظم، وهي نظرية تتعلق بحسن اختيار المعاني النحوية في الكلام بحيث يصبح لكل ترتيب في الجملة دلالة لا تكون لغيره، وذلك لأن الاهتمام بنظم الجمل ينتج عنه التراكيب المختلفة التى تتفاوت فيما بينها، ويعلو بعضها على بعض حتى يصل إلى درجة الإعجاز.

      • KCI등재

        Reading in some Arabic proverbs

        무함마드 조선대학교 인문학연구원 2019 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.57

        This study aims to outline that common proverbs spring out from societies as a whole, as it isn’t possible to identify the source of a proverb or when it was said. Proverbs are therefore part of a cultural and social heritage that reflects the nature of people, the systems of their lives, and how they deal with one another. It is for this reason we find semantic similarities in a number of proverbs between different nations and races that may be geographically distant, and of which there is no clear historical interaction influencing language, thought or ancient customs and beliefs. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. There is an intellectual convergence between many nations without any confirmed historical interaction between them. 2. Historical interaction between some nations raises and supports the possibility of intellectual convergence, but it doesn’t disprove it for other geographically distant nations that were not able to interact due to their environment. Their interaction therefore paints a clear picture as to their social integration and intellectual influences. 본 연구는 사회로부터 나온 속담을 설명하는데 목적이 있다. 속담이 쓰인 시간이나 속담의 기원을 밝혀내는 것이 불가능하기 때문이다. 속담은 문화적 사회적 유산의 한 부분이다. 이는 사람들의 본성, 삶의 방식 그리고 서로를 대하는 법을 반영하고 있다. 이러한 이유로 우리는 지리적으로 멀고 언어, 사고, 고대관습 그리고 신념에 영향을 미치는 역사적 상호작용이 없는 다른 국가와 인종들 사이의 많은 속담들에서 의미론적인 유사성을 찾고자 한다. 이 연구의 주된 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 많은 국가들 사이에는 확인된 역사적 상호작용 없이도 지적 수렴이 가능하다. 2. 국가들 사이에서 역사적 상호작용이 일어나고 있으며 그것이 지적 수렴의 가능성을 지지하고 있다. 그렇다고 해서 환경 때문에 상호작용 할 수 없는 지리적으로 멀리 떨어져 있는 국가들도 이점을 반증하지는 않는다. 그러므로 그들의 상호작용은 사회적 통합과 지적 영향에 대한 분명한 그림을 그립니다.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on Transformational Grammar between Egyptian Dialects and Modern Standard Arabic: A Study on Simple Sentences

        무함마드 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 중동문제연구소 2016 중동문제연구 Vol.15 No.3

        This paper aims to study transformational grammar in Egyptian dialects and compare it with Modern Standard Arabic(MSA) while highlighting areas of agreement and differences between them. It is also a historical analysis on the development of modern Egyptian dialects, and a clarification of the characteristics of these developments through the study and comparison of the simple sentences in Egyptian dialects and Modern Standard Arabic using examples from the holy Quran and ancient Arabic poetry to verify its authenticity as well as Arab compositions related to the field of modern and ancient Arabic grammar. This study was conducted within a historical and comparative framework to allude to the historical development that took place in these dialects.

      • KCI등재

        The Phonetical Studies of Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjani in the Context of Modern Linguistic Study

        무함마드 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 중동문제연구소 2017 중동문제연구 Vol.16 No.1

        This first section of this study explains Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjani’s ability to understand phonetics and his dependence on previous phonetical studies, especially that which he took from the book of Sibawayhi and that of his teacher’s teacher Abi Ali Al-Farisi. It also explores Abdul Qahir’s work on consonants and vowels which indicate his understanding and knowledge of phonetics. Then the section compares his understanding to modern phonetical studies, and how the field of modern phonetics has developed. In the second section, this paper explores the phonetic classifications of Abdul Qahir, and compares this with recent studies in phonetics and the precision of Abdul Qahir’s findings in phonetic classification which closely resemble recent phonetic classifications.

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