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        GM식품의 정책형성 과정 분석과 신기술 활용 식품의 규제 방향: 옹호 연합 모형(ACF)을 통한 정책 중개자 변화를 중심으로

        정일영,목은지,이광호 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2022 국가정책연구 Vol.36 No.3

        Regulatory issues related to genetically modified(GM) foods emerged in the early 2000s and have not reached consensus among stakeholders until now. Accordingly, in order to identify the point of conflict and predict the direction of regulation, this study analyzed the major actors in GM food policy formation and the conflict resolution process by applying the Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF). The period is divided into agenda formation period, policy discussion period, and policy stagnation in consideration of major policy changes and events, and the implications for food using new technologies are as follows. Having reviewed types of intermediaries, an active mediator can be the most suitable type to perform policy mediation under the following conditions. First, in the context of a policy dilemma, the government's policy direction should be established ahead. Second, regulatory issues with mixed values ​​should be separated from issues that can be solved. Third, it is necessary to disclose information for evidence-based deliberation and fact confirmation as well as establish democratic opportunities to participate in the policy making process. Finally, it is necessary to consider reliability and neutrality in arbitration in science and technology-based fields to set the directions for food regulation utilizing emerging technologies. 유전자 재조합(GM) 식품의 규제 이슈는 등장 이후 20년의 세월이 지난 현재까지도 이해관계자 간 합의 도출에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 정책 옹호 연합모형(ACF)의 이론적 틀을 적용하여 GM 식품 정책형성의 주요 행위자와 갈등 해결 프로세스를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 정책 변화와 사건을 고려하여 시기를 의제 형성기, 정책 논의기, 정책 정체기로 구분하여 시기별 정책 중개자 유형을 확인하였으며, 적극적 조정자 유형이 갈등 해결 과정에 개입하며 다음의 전제조건이 수반될 경우, 정책 갈등이 해소될 가능성을 제기하였다. 첫째로 다양한 가치가 혼재된 규제 이슈는 해결할 수 있는 이슈부터 분리하여야 하며, 둘째로는 근거에 기반한 숙의 과정과 사실 확인을 위한 정보 공개가 필요하다. 마지막으로는 과학기술 기반 분야의 중재는 신뢰성과 중립성을 고려하는 동시에 민주적 참여 기회를 확대할 수 있어야 함이 향후 신기술 활용 식품 규제 정책 방향 설정 시 선제 되어야 할 것이다.

      • 지식재산 정책 거버넌스의 재정비

        손수정(Soo J. Sohn),목은지(Eunji Mok) 과학기술정책연구원 2022 STEPI Insight Vol.- No.299

        ⦁The maintenance of the intellectual property environment has been the cornerstone of industrialization, operating as a major system that drives industrial transformation and growth. - Historically, the shift in intellectual property hegemony led to the shift in the power of industrialization, and it is evaluated that the creation of an environment for intellectual property served as a major input resource for economic growth as the basis for industrialization. - As the driving force for national development has shifted to an economic system that relies on knowledge, major innovative countries have paid attention to intellectual property. ⦁Intellectual property will be used as a weapon in the countrys trade and related disputes, and will function as the most powerful weapon in the global innovation game. - Therefore, the strengthening of intellectual property capacity is an essential task that must be examined for innovative growth and entry and subsist in the global value chain. ⦁The intelligent digital innovation environment where awareness is expanded along with the development of related technologies and policy attention is concentrated. - In particular, the formation of an intelligent digital manufacturing ecosystem, the convergence of knowledge, and the disappearance of boundaries are major challenges that innovation activities are faced. ⦁In addition to digitalization, external shock factors affecting innovation activities such as climate change, technological hegemony, and COVID-19 are expanding ⦁This Insight aims to suggest the necessity and direction of change in intellectual property policy governance. ⦁Intellectual property-related policies serve as a channel from one industry to another and serve as a tool for innovation in a specific industry to spread to other industries. ⦁Unless industry-related intellectual property policies are linked among departments dealing with industrial policies, synergistic effects of industrial innovation cannot be expected. ⦁Therefore, this Insight examine whether the current structure is suitable for this connection. ⦁We would like to suggest the need for efficient redesign of governance, securing global leadership based on internal capabilities. ∎Policy Recommendations 1. Amend ‘Framework Act on Intellectual Property’ ⦁The Act should understand and reexamine the IP environment required in the era of digital transformation. ⦁Required provisions for digitization and policy efficiency are enacted, and existing provisions are amended. 2. Elevate the Council to the Central Administrative Agency ⦁It has responsibilities and authority as a central administrative agency. ⦁It coordinates the policies of each ministry and leads the key agenda for the national IP competitiveness. 3. Appoint the IP Special Advisor ⦁The Advisor leads the national vision for the enforcement of intellectual property rights and advises the President. ⦁The Advisor is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the pan-ministries engaged in intellectual property policy.

      • 산업구조 변화를 감지하는 새로운 지표로서의 표준

        박현준(Hyun-jun Park),목은지(Eun-ji Mok),이정노(Jeong-no Lee),조용래(Yong-rae Cho) 한국기술혁신학회 2018 한국기술혁신학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.5

        본 연구는 기술과 산업의 변화를 감지·예측하는 새로운 지표로서의 표준의 역할과 관련하여 두 가지 이슈를 규명하고자 하였다. 첫째, 표준이 새로운 기술과 산업의 출현으로 대표되는 혁신을 감지하는 선행지표로서 활용될 수 있는지 여부이다. 둘째, 표준이 기존 산업 가치사슬의 재편을 감지하는 지표로서 활용될 수 있는지 여부이다. 이러한 연구문제들을 해결하기 위하여, ‘활동의 과정’과 ‘활동의 결과’의 관점에서 표준화 활동 정보 및 제정된 표준 정보를 활용한 사례연구와 정보분석의 실증연구를 진행하였다. 분석결과, 표준화 활동 정보가 새로운 기술과 산업 출현의 선행지표로서 활용될 수 있음을 사례연구를 통해 규명하였다. 또한, 표준 간 인용 네트워크 분석을 통하여 기술지식 흐름의 특성을 파악하였다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 산업 전략적 관점에서 표준화 활동에의 적극적 참여, 표준 정책적 관점에서 정보 시스템 구축·보강 및 체계적 관리의 필요성을 제안한다. This study sought to identify two issues related to the role of standards as a new indicator to detect and predict changes in technology and industry. First, whether a standard can be used as a leading indicator to detect innovation represented by the emergence of new technologies and industries. Second, whether the standard can be used as an indicator to detect the reorganization of the existing industrial value chain. In order to solve these research problems, case study and information analysis using standardized activity information and established standard information were conducted from the viewpoint of "activity process" and "activity result". As a result of the analysis, case study shows that standardization activity information can be used as a leading indicator of emergence of new technology and industry. In addition, the characteristics of the flow of technical knowledge were grasped through the standard network analysis. Based on the results of the study, this paper propose the necessity of active participation in standardization activities from the viewpoint of industrial strategy, construction and reinforcement of information system in terms of standard policy, and systematic management.

      • 기술규제 개혁을 위한 의제설정 연구사업(2차년도) - 제2권: 기술규제 사전타당성 분석체계 구축방안 -

        이광호(Kwang Ho Lee),김명순(Myungsoon Kim),목은지(Eunji Mok),박현준(Hyunjun Park),박정원(Jungwon Park),원소연(Soh-Yeon Won),이수일(Suil Lee),이종연(Jongyearn Lee) 과학기술정책연구원 2019 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The pre-feasibility analysis is carried out in accordance with ‘Framework Act on Administrative Regulations’. However, it has following limitations. First, the scope of targets analysed is limited to regulations newly adopted or reinforced except for that are mitigated or abolished which highly required recently. Second, there is a limit to realise the industry as a whole by current cost-benefit analysis directly conducted by a relevant company. Third, it is difficult to grasp the overall reality of regulatory impacts with current analysis unit based on articles. Fourth, it does not reflect enough on the distinct characteristics of technological regulations with complex options to tackle. This study analysed the cost-benefit analysis with the cases of not only newly adopted and reinforced but also mitigated in order to overcome those limitations. In addition, the study tried to find concrete and practical policy alternatives by setting various assumptions to reflect market impacts by regulatory changes. There were two cases: Direct-To-Consumer Genetic testing as a deregulation case, and labelling nanomaterials for cosmetics as a reinforced regulation. The research designed cost-benefit analysis model for each case and the WTP(willingness to pay) was derived through surveys, followed by quantitative and qualitative analysis. As a result of case study, a plenty of assumptions are needed in quantitative analysis and the results are showed great changes when market sensitivity changed. Moreover, it found that it is necessary to link with qualitative analysis to supplement quantitative analysis which is highly variable. There are five policy suggestions given the following: First, it is necessary to establish a department of technological regulation in the regulatory reform committee and to strengthen its deliberation functions. In the case with hugh impact, however, should designate pre-feasibility analysis before the preliminary announcement on legislation. Second, it should improve reliability of ripple effects predictions by economic analysis based on multi-dimensional and multi-standard perspectives. It should present comparative alternatives in considering stakeholders who influenced by regulations as broadly as possible. Third, the checklist showed in the study should be used as conducting the pre-feasibility analysis practically. The checklist can be applicable in conjunction with ex post impact assessment. Fourth, it is required to improve administrative efficiency by differentiating analysis levels and upgrading regulatory infrastructure. Building a professional database and a platform that shares analysis results and methods could increase reliability. Fifth, it should be linked with the introduction of ex post impact assessment system. It requires that relevant articles should be added to the ‘Framework Act on Administrative Regulations’. Also an independent organisation from the department should carry out the ex post impact assessment in order to avoid political controversy.

      • 과학기술 행정 혁신을 위한 인공지능 활용 방안

        양현채(Hyeonchae Yang),박기범(Ki Beom Park),엄미정(Mi Jung Um),목은지(Eun Ji Mok) 과학기술정책연구원 2020 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        This study was performed with a view to exploring the possibility of utilizing AI(Artificial Intelligence) in administration for the scientific technology sector. The significance of AI technology is emphasized as a rapidly evolving new technology driving the world"s transition into the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Governments around the world are also paying attention to measures to promote the conversion from the existing e-government to intelligent government. In other words, the government is attempting to apply the digital information accumulated during the period of e-government to actual issues and utilize the information for appropriate decision-making on the policy. Additionally, as the Science and Technology(S&T) sector must especially respond quickly to the rapidly changing domestic and foreign environments, this mission must be handled separately from the tasks of general administration. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to 1) identify the status of utilizing AI in administration for the S&T sector and derive the fields where utilization of AI is possible, and 2) find methods to utilize AI for administrative innovation in the S&T sector based on sound understanding of the technical characteristics of AI and administrative work. This study is composed of five chapters in total. Chapter 1 is the Introduction, which takes a look back into the emergence and development of AI technology. Furthermore, the estimated effects of AI on administration of public sector and scientific technology sector are reviewed to examine the necessity of utilizing AI. Chapter 2 describes the concept and scope of administration for the S&T sector, which is subject to utilization of AI, and examines the development of administration for the S&T sector as it changed from the previous drive for informatization to the recent move toward intelligence. In Chapter 3, cases of utilizing AI in the administration for the S&T sector are examined, and utilization is classified based on these cases. Chapter 4 reviews the overall goal of utilizing AI in administration for the S&T sector through interviews with experts, and the obstacle factors anticipated for the future are derived based on the issues faced in the policies where AI is currently being utilized. Lastly, Chapter 5 provides the conclusions of this study to propose the direction for the method and place of utilizing AI. In this study, as a result of classifying various ideas on utilizing AI in the standards of "availability" and "necessity" on applying AI, the ideas that can be applied immediately were shown to have similar private services. Furthermore, there are existing tasks that are performed periodically to be regularized. Meanwhile, the necessity of applying AI is high, but the ideas that are difficult to be utilized immediately were shown to require the establishment of criteria for constructing new data or to enable AI to make decisions. Therefore, these ideas must be promoted for the goal of mid-long term utilization. Eventually, the purposes of utilizing AI in administration for the scientific technology sector are to replace the repetitive work in the short-term to improve efficiency and convenience and to review management of research ethics or supervise the execution of research costs in the mid-term to enable transparency. Lastly, in the mid-long term, it is to enable excellence in scientific technology by recruiting the right talents in the right place. The policy tasks for utilizing AI, outlined in this study, are focused on discovering the cases of utilizing various AI capabilities, and improving the utilization environment.

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