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      • 스리랑카 승가 교육제도의 어제와 오늘

        마성 중앙승가대학교 1994 僧伽 Vol.11 No.-

        지금까지 우리는 초기 승가교육의 기원과 전개 과정 그리고 과거 및 현재의 스리랑카 승가 교육 제도의 현황을 개략적으로 살펴보았다. 이러한 작업은 머리말에서 지적한 바와 같은 다른 나라 승가교육의 좋은 점을 본받아 한국의 승가교육 발전에 이바지하고자 함에 있다. 흔히 승가는 초세간적이기 때문에 사회와 전혀 관계가 없는 별개의 집단으로 이해하는 사람이 있다. 물론 붓다의 근본 교설은 시공을 초월하여 변함없는 진리이지만, 역사적 소산물인 승가는 사회 환경의 영향을 받기 마련이다. 따라서 승가는 사회와 전혀 관계를 맺지 않고 존재할 수는 없다. 만일 승가가 이 사회와 전혀 관계가 없다면 이 땅에 존재할 필요가 없는 것이다. 필자는 승가와 사회와의 관계는 연꽃과 연못의 관계가 되어야 한다고 믿고 있다. 연꽃은 더러운 물에서 자라지만 그 더러움에 물들지 않고 언제나 깨끗함을 간직하고 있다. 마찬가지로 승가도 세간에 의탁하여 생활하지만 세간에 물들지 않는 청정함을 유지해야만 한다. 그러기 위해서는 그 시대, 그 상황에 알맞은 승가교육이 실시되어야 한다고 믿는다.

      • KCI등재

        風景畵에서의 古典主義

        순자(馬淳子) 한국미술연구소 2002 美術史論壇 Vol.- No.14

        Landscape painting is the type of work in which natural scenery is the essential visual motif. 111e classicism in art is on the other hand characterised through it's normative form with spiritual and moral meaning. The different nature of the two resulting from the naturalism of the one and formal and normative nature of the other raises me question how the two, me landscape painting and the classicism could be united and formed into me classical landscape painting and what does the 'classical landscape painting' mean. This paper aims to clarify the historical process in which the classical landscape painting had been established as a proper genre and to review some of it's conceptual features, The classical landscape painting had been formed during 16-17th century. It was also during these period that the landscape painting had been acknowledged as an independent genre in alt. In the beginning of the 18th century Roger de Piles mentioned the concept 'classical landscape painting' for the first time, He classified the classical landscape painting into 'heroic' and 'pastoral'. As the representative of the heroic he named Nicolas Poussin and the pastoral Tiziano. De Piles valued heroic landscape especially highly as the greatest classical landscape painting because of its formal strictness and moral content. But he did not estimate Claude Lorrain's landscapes as classical because he thought Claude's paintings didn't fulfill the academic norm. Through the influence of de Piles the Academy of the late 18th century in France named the heroic genre as 'the historical landscape painting' De Piles defined the classical landscape painting as the depiction, not of the appearances of nature in chance but of 'the essential qualities of nature'. He insisted that me classical landscape painting should be a composition of perfect elements. It means that the classical landscape painting should be the realization of 'the perfect beauty', i.e. the reality in itself. In this sense it has the same character as the classical art in general. It differs from them that it takes it's motive from nature. De Piles's judgements is formulated on the basis of Poussin's landscapes between 1648 and 1651. But Poussin painted landscapes in other times too, in his early years of 1630's and in the late years between 1657 and 1665. But his landscapes of theses two phases are more naturalistic and even romantic than the landscapes around 1650's. One can ask then: Are not these paintings classical? But the analysis of Poussin's landscapes in all of it's phases shows that all his landscapes have the heroic character. Only me features of me heroic are concealed under the naturalistic appearances. In this respect Poussin's early and late landscapes have similar characteristics with Claude Lorrain's landscape. But Claude's works are more naturalistic than Poussin's both in composition and expression. Both painters selected the subjects from the bible and the classical literature. But Poussin's landscapes are more strict in form and more moralistic in subject while the Claud's are more natural and poetic. In other words Poussin's paintings are heroic while Claude's are pastoral and lytic. Poussin prefered historical subjects more, while Claude depicted the natural scenes independently and transformed it into arcadian landscapes. Despite the minute differences the landscapes of both Poussin and Claude are typically classical because they prefer me general to individual, because the general represents the order and the intrinsic phenomenon of nature. In this point the two painters can be judged as same, And on this point we can reconsider De Piles view on Poussin and Claude. His concept and evaluation was not freed totally from the traditional academic view and on account of it his evaluation of Claude was not fair.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Bovine Enterovirus에 關한 硏究

        점술(馬点述) 대한바이러스학회 1971 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.1 No.1

        Twenty-one viral strains have been isolated in primary cultures of calf kidney cells from fecal specimens collected from cattle, apparently healthy or showing various elinical manifestations, in various parts of Japan. Of these isolates three strains, BF-20, BFS-1 and BFK-1, were examined regarding the biological, physicochemical and immunological properties in the present study. The three strains were shown to be strains of the enterovirus group on the bases of the size of virlon, the type of viral nucleic acid, the resistance to ether, chloroform and deoxycholate and the acid stability. Thus, the strains were filtrable through Sartorius membrane filters with a pore size of 50mg. The multiplication of the strains in bovine kidney cell cultures was not inhibited with 50mg/ml of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyu- ridine in the culture medium. The strains lost no infectivity by treatment with 50% anesthetic ether at room temperature for 30 minutes, with 0.5% chloroform at room temperature for 30 minutes, or vith 0.01% sodium deoxycholate at room temperature for 2 hours. The strains were very stable at pH 3 to 9 with a slight loss of infectivity at pH 2.5 when stored at 4C for 18 hours. The strains were relatively resistant to ultraviolet irradication. They were readily inactivated by heating at 56C or higher, slowly lost infectivity at 37C or room temperature, but they could be stored without any significant loss of infectivity at 4, -20 or -80C. Worthy to note is a difference in inactivation at 50C shown between BF 20 and the other two strains. When tested with undiluted infectious culture fluids, strain BF 20 showed no significant 'decrease in titer after heating at 50C for 60 minutes, whereas strains BFS-1 and BFK-1 demonstrated considerable losses of infectivity to 10-4 or 10-4 of the original titers after the heating. This difference was also observed when the infectious culture fluids were diluted tenfold with distilled water and then heated at 50C for 60 minutes.Thus, the infectious titer decreased only about tenfold with strain BF 20 in contrast with 10 to 10-fold decrease with strains BFS-1 and BFK-1 from inactivation by incubation at 50C for 60 minutes. The slight inactivation of strain BF20 at 50C was also suppressed with 1M.MgC1,. All the strains readily multiplied and induced cytopathic effect in various cell cultures: primary cell cultures of bovine kidney and testicle, swine kidney, chick embryo, and chick kidney, and cultures of bovine embryo kidney cells subcultured many times, BHK21 cells of baby hamster kidney origin and HmLu stable line cells of hamster lung origin. Serial passages were readily accomplished in these cultures and the infectivity usually reached peak titers of 10 to 10 TCID/ml in 18 to 24 hours of incubation at 34C. Strain BF20, however, showed slower growth with lower peak titers in chick kidney and chick embryo cell cultures than in the other cultures, and strains BFS-1 and BFK-1 did so in bovine testicle cell cultures. The strains induced similar cytological changes in infected cultures, consisting of rounding, shrinkage and deterioration of the cells alnd sloughing of the glass surface. Caves developed no clinical signs and symptoms when inoculated per orally with these three strains. The viruses, however, were excreted in feces for fairly long periods of time, and neutralizing antibodies were praduced, indicating that the viruses actually infected the animals. The strains showed no pathogenicity for rabbits and guinea pigs by the intraperitoneal or intravenous route. No illness was induced in mice, 24 hours to 10 days of age, inoculated intracerbrally or intraperitoneally with these strains. Blind passages were carried out by both routes at 4-day intervals, through the 3 or 4th generation. No illness occurred in none of the inoculated mice and no virus was recovered from various tissues of those rnice. Strain BFS-1 grew in developing hens eggs when inoculated into the yolk sac, or the allantoic cavity,

      • KCI등재후보

        사홍서원의 사상적 연원 탐구

        마성 대행선연구원 2023 한마음연구 Vol.9 No.-

        This study began with a question about the developmental process of the Four Great Vows, commonly used in Korea today as a ritual text. The concept of the Four Noble Truths (cattāri ariyasaccāni) ― presented in Buddha’s first teaching titled the (Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion) ― is an essential teaching of Early Buddhism and explains a system for applying his teachings. This system consists of three stages: indicative stage, hortatory stage, and evidential stage. Of these three stages, the second stage ― hortatory stage ― is most important. The truth of suffering must be understood (pariññeyya); the cause of suffering must be severed (pahātabba); the truth of the cessation of suffering must be realized (sacchikātabba); and the truth of the path to the cessation of suffering must be cultivated (bhāvetabba). The Four Great Vows refined the application of the Four Noble Truths found in Early Buddhist sutras into the perfection of the vow (praṇidhāna-pāramitā), aprofound resolution to attain enlightenment in Mahayana Buddhism. Therefore, the philosophical origin of the Four Great Vows ― commonly used as a ritual text in East Asian Mahayana Buddhism ― can be said to be the Four Noble Truths of Early Buddhism. However, the present version of the Four Great Vows did not evolve directly from the Four Noble Truths, but went through several phases of development. The philosophy that provided the matrix for the Four Great Vows was already seen in early Mahayana sutras. Later, in China, application of the Four Noble Truths reflected in Mahayana sutras evolved into the present Four Great Vows. The prototype for these vows can be found in Mohe zhiguan,compiled by Tiantai Zhiyi. These verses by Zhiyi were gradually refined and later included in Seongmum uibeom(Buddhist Ceremonial Models), a Korean publication by An Jin-ho. KEYWORDS Four Noble Truths, Four Great Vows, perfection of the vow, “twelve applications in the three turns of the wheel of the Dharma,” indicative stage, hortatory stage, evidential stage 이 연구는 현재 국내에서 의식문으로 통용되고 있는 ‘현행 사홍서원은 어떤 과정을 거쳐 형성된 것인가?’라는 의문에서 출발한 것이다. 붓다의 최초 설법인 「전법륜경轉法輪經(Dhammacakkapavattana-sutta)」에 나타난 사성제四聖諦(cattāri ariyasaccāni)는 초기불교의 중요한 교설이면서 실천 체계로 이루어져 있다. 사성제의 실천 체계는 시전示轉, 권전勸轉, 증전證轉의 세 단계로 구성되어 있다. 그중에서 제2단계 권전勸轉이 사성제의 실천 체계에서 가장 중요하다. 이른바 고성제는 알아야 할 것(pariññeyya, 知)이고, 고집성제는 끊어야 할 것(pahātabba, 斷)이며, 고멸성제는 실현해야 할 것(sacchikātabba, 證)이고, 고멸도성제는 닦아야 할 것(bhāvetabba, 修)이다. 사홍서원은 초기경전에 나타난 사성제의 실천 체계를 대승불교의 원바라밀願波羅蜜(praṇidhāna-pāramitā) 사상으로 승화시킨 것이다. 따라서 동아시아 대승불교권에서 의식문으로 통용되고 있는 현행 사홍서원의 사상적 연원은 초기불교의 사성제라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 사홍서원은 사성제에서 곧바로 형성된 것이 아니다. 여러 단계의 전개 과정을 거쳐 현행본으로 정착되었다. 사홍서원의 모태가 될 수 있는 사상은 이미 초기 대승경전에 나타난다. 그러나 아직 원바라밀로 발전하지는 않았다. 그 후 중국에서 대승경전에 나타난 사성제의 실천 체계를 현행의 사홍서원 게송문으로 완성되기까지의 과정을 거쳤다. 현행 사홍서원의 원형은 천태지의天台智顗의 󰡔마하지관摩訶止觀󰡕에서 찾을 수 있다. 지의의 게송문이 점차 다듬어진 것이 안진호安震湖 편, 󰡔석문의범釋門儀範󰡕에 수록된 현행 사홍서원이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Bovine Enterovirus 에 關한 硏究

        점술(馬点述) 대한바이러스학회 1972 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.2 No.1

        The strains produced hemagglutinin in cell cultures although its production varied in different cells; in some cases virus grew well but no hemagglutinin was detected. In hemagglutination strain BF20 differed again from strains BFS-1 and BFK-1 The latter two strains agglutinated erythrocytes of guinea pig and mouse and did not thos of monkey, hourse, swine and sheep, whereas strain BF20 agglutinated erythrocytes of all these spacies. Hemagglutination occurred at 4C, and the optimum pH was 7.4. The tests were readily read after 2 hours of reaction with monkey erythrocytes, but it took a long time of 18 to 20 hours when erythrocytes of the other species were used.

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