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      • KCI등재

        이탈리아 민법상 혼인의 효과

        우병창(Woo Byoung-Chang) , 마르타 짐바르도(Marta Zimbardo) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2012 法學論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 한국에 잘 알려져 있지 않은 이탈리아 법제의 일부로서 민법상 혼인의 효과에 대한 소개이다. 그 주요 내용은 크게 두 부분으로 나누어지는데 첫부분에서는 혼인의 일반적 효력을 살펴보고자 한다. 이 부분에서는 「이탈리아 민법」 제1편 제6장 제4절에 규정된 혼인에 따른 권리와 의무에 관하여 살펴본 후에 기타 일반적인 효력에 관하여 설명한다. 「이탈리아 민법」 제143조(배우자 상호 사이의 권리와 의무)에 의하여 부부는 서로 충실, 정신적ㆍ물질적 부양, 가족의 이익을 위한 협조, 동거의무를 지고, 또한 배우자 쌍방은 각자의 재산 및 직업이나 가사수행능력에 비례하여 가족의 필요에 대하여 분담하여야 할 의무를 진다. 그리고 「민법」 제147조에 의하여 배우자 쌍방은 혼인에 의하여 자녀의 능력, 성향 및 포부를 참작하여 자녀의 부양ㆍ가르침ㆍ교육의 의무를 진다. 두번째 부분은 혼인의 재산적 효력(즉 혼인시 부부재산제도)에 관한 부분이다. 이탈리아에서는 1975년에 가족법(민법)의 개정을 통하여 부부공동재산제가 법정부부재산제로 채택되었다. 이탈리아의 부부재산제도 또한 세부적으론 약정재산제와 법정재산제의 두 가지로 나뉘는데 약정재산제는 부부가 반드시 법에 구속되는 것이 아니라 자유롭게 계약을 체결하여 부부 사이의 재산관계를 정할 수 있는 것으로서 부부는 법률상 규정된 부부재산계약제 중의 하나를 선택하여 쌍방의 재산에 관한 약정을 할 수 있다. 민법상 규정된 부부재산계약의 종류에는 부부별산제(separazione dei beni), 계약공동제(comunione convenzionale), 가족자금(fondo patrimoniale) 등이 있다. 끝으로 혼인의 효과에 관한 이탈리아 법제의 특징을 정리ㆍ평가함으로써 결론에 대신하고자 한다. This paper aims to provide an overview of the effects of marriage in the Italian Civil Code. Effects of marriage can be divided into personal and pecuniary ones. The first part of this article discusses the personal effects, including the rights and duties between husband and wife deriving from marriage, the effect of marriage on parental duties, the effect of marriage on a woman’s surname and other indirect effects. Personal effects mostly concern the rights and duties arising from marriage. Both spouses acquire the same rights and assume the same duties. These duties, that are fidelity, material and mora1 support, cooperation and cohabitation, are mutual and both husband and wife, according to their means and their ability for professional work or housework, must contribute to the family’s need (Art. 143 of Civil Code). Regarding the effect of marriage on duties towards children, parents have thc duty to maintain, instruct and educate their children, taking into account their capacity, natural inclinations and aspirations (Art. 147 of Civil Code). They must provide for these needs according to their means and their ability for professional work or housework, and if they do not have enough means, the ascendants, both legitimate and natural, must provide them (Art. 148 of Civil Code). The second part of the paper aims to introduce thc pecuniary effects of marriage, that is the matrimonial property system. In Italy through the 1975 family law reform, the community property system became the legal matrimonial property system. According to it, both spouses own together all properties acquired during the marriage (with the exception of personal assets), whether acquired together or separately. Revenues from the personal assets of each spouse and separate earnings collected but not consumed at the time of dissolution of the community and business enterprises established after the marriage and carried on by both spouses are also included (Art 177 of Civil Code). Personal assets of the spouses include assets acquired before the marriage or acquired during marriage by gift or succession, items for personal use of one of the spouses, assets which serve the exercise of the profession of one of the spouses, damages and pensions obtained as compensation for the total or partial loss of the ability to work, and assets acquired by the transfer or exchange of personal propriety if expressly declared (Art. 179 of Civil Code). The community property system is the legal system and it applies by default. All properties acquired, together or separately, during the marriage (with the exception of personal effects), belong jointly to both spouses. However, the spouses can choose, also after the celebration of the marriage, other regimes. They can prefer the separate property system, and doing so, they will own separately all property, pre-marital and marital (Art. 215 of Civil Code). They can also modify, with some restrictions though, the provision of community property regime. Besides, both spouses, only one of them or even a third party, can allocate some particular assets exclusively to the family's needs, establishing a family trust fund (Art. 167 of Civil Code). The last part of the paper brief1y discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the Italian effects of marriage relating system.

      • KCI등재

        이탈리아 파시즘 시기 미래주의의 입지와 창의성의 사회적 맥락에 대한 연구

        최병진,짐바르도 마르타 한국외국어대학교 EU연구소 2022 EU연구 Vol.- No.61

        This paper analyzes the relationship between the sociopolitical environment of the Italian fascist period and the creativity of Futurism that developed at that time. Futurism tried to embrace politics, but failed to create an independent political position. Like other avant-garde movements of the time, Futurism also tried to be recognised by the fascist regime as art of the State, but in vain. Since its creation, the purpose of the creative expressions of the Futurist Movement was strongly influenced by concepts of modernity, speed and industrialization, and although during the fascist period some fascist themes were addressed, they kept adhering to their distinctive artistic style. Since Futurists considered changing the lives of the Italian people as a condition for industrialization, the challenging attempt to achieve this change, that did not happened, pushed them to express themselves through continuous and increasing creative efforts. This paper tries to overview this phenomenon and to provide some considerations about it.

      • KCI등재

        이탈리아 파시즘 시기 선전물의 쟁점과 어법 : 무솔리니의 도상을 중심으로

        최병진,마르타 짐바르도 유럽문화예술학회 2020 유럽문화예술학논집 Vol.11 No.2

        1922년부터 2차 세계 대전까지 이탈리아의 파시즘 정부는 역사적 전통과 근대화의 이미지를 복합적으로 절충하고 중첩해서 정치적 이데올로기를 메시지로 고안했다. 이 과정에서 무솔리니를 다룬 선전물은 이 같은 메시지에서 가장 중요한 매체였다. 연구를 통해서 확인할 수 있었던 것은 그를 다루는사진, 포스터, 영화가 현실에서 차용한 이미지를 활용했지만 이를 조합하고 계열화 해서 독립적인파시즘의 상징적 의미 체계를 만들어냈다는 점이다. Mussolini's image, which was immortalized during the twenty years of fascism, played a particularly important role in fascist propaganda. It became an allegory for fascist political ideology, and by virtue of this, his cult could be developed. Mussolini's representation was intended to establish a consensus, and to ensure the adherence of Italians to fascism. This study aims to provide an overview of the iconography of Mussolini, focusing on some of the recurring images found in remaining photographs, posters, and films. Changes in Mussolini's image over time, as his representation adapted to the development of propaganda, are also presented. Some concrete examples are explored to elucidate how Mussolini's representation, which borrows an image of reality and renders it more persuasive, created an independent metaphor for fascism, with its principles but also contradictions.

      • KCI등재

        이탈리아 민법상 혼인의 효과

        우병창(Woo Byoung-Chang),마르타 짐바르도(Marta Zimbardo) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2012 法學論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 한국에 잘 알려져 있지 않은 이탈리아 법제의 일부로서 민법상 혼인의 효과에 대한 소개이다. 그 주요 내용은 크게 두 부분으로 나누어지는데 첫부분에서는 혼인의 일반적 효력을 살펴보고자 한다. 이 부분에서는 「이탈리아 민법」 제1편 제6장 제4절에 규정된 혼인에 따른 권리와 의무에 관하여 살펴본 후에 기타 일반적인 효력에 관하여 설명한다. 「이탈리아 민법」 제143조(배우자 상호 사이의 권리와 의무)에 의하여 부부는 서로 충실, 정신적ㆍ물질적 부양, 가족의 이익을 위한 협조, 동거의무를 지고, 또한 배우자 쌍방은 각자의 재산 및 직업이나 가사수행능력에 비례하여 가족의 필요에 대하여 분담하여야 할 의무를 진다. 그리고 「민법」 제147조에 의하여 배우자 쌍방은 혼인에 의하여 자녀의 능력, 성향 및 포부를 참작하여 자녀의 부양ㆍ가르침ㆍ교육의 의무를 진다. 두번째 부분은 혼인의 재산적 효력(즉 혼인시 부부재산제도)에 관한 부분이다. 이탈리아에서는 1975년에 가족법(민법)의 개정을 통하여 부부공동재산제가 법정부부재산제로 채택되었다. 이탈리아의 부부재산제도 또한 세부적으론 약정재산제와 법정재산제의 두 가지로 나뉘는데 약정재산제는 부부가 반드시 법에 구속되는 것이 아니라 자유롭게 계약을 체결하여 부부 사이의 재산관계를 정할 수 있는 것으로서 부부는 법률상 규정된 부부재산계약제 중의 하나를 선택하여 쌍방의 재산에 관한 약정을 할 수 있다. 민법상 규정된 부부재산계약의 종류에는 부부별산제(separazione dei beni), 계약공동제(comunione convenzionale), 가족자금(fondo patrimoniale) 등이 있다. 끝으로 혼인의 효과에 관한 이탈리아 법제의 특징을 정리ㆍ평가함으로써 결론에 대신하고자 한다. This paper aims to provide an overview of the effects of marriage in the Italian Civil Code. Effects of marriage can be divided into personal and pecuniary ones. The first part of this article discusses the personal effects, including the rights and duties between husband and wife deriving from marriage, the effect of marriage on parental duties, the effect of marriage on a woman’s surname and other indirect effects. Personal effects mostly concern the rights and duties arising from marriage. Both spouses acquire the same rights and assume the same duties. These duties, that are fidelity, material and mora1 support, cooperation and cohabitation, are mutual and both husband and wife, according to their means and their ability for professional work or housework, must contribute to the family’s need (Art. 143 of Civil Code). Regarding the effect of marriage on duties towards children, parents have thc duty to maintain, instruct and educate their children, taking into account their capacity, natural inclinations and aspirations (Art. 147 of Civil Code). They must provide for these needs according to their means and their ability for professional work or housework, and if they do not have enough means, the ascendants, both legitimate and natural, must provide them (Art. 148 of Civil Code). The second part of the paper aims to introduce thc pecuniary effects of marriage, that is the matrimonial property system. In Italy through the 1975 family law reform, the community property system became the legal matrimonial property system. According to it, both spouses own together all properties acquired during the marriage (with the exception of personal assets), whether acquired together or separately. Revenues from the personal assets of each spouse and separate earnings collected but not consumed at the time of dissolution of the community and business enterprises established after the marriage and carried on by both spouses are also included (Art 177 of Civil Code). Personal assets of the spouses include assets acquired before the marriage or acquired during marriage by gift or succession, items for personal use of one of the spouses, assets which serve the exercise of the profession of one of the spouses, damages and pensions obtained as compensation for the total or partial loss of the ability to work, and assets acquired by the transfer or exchange of personal propriety if expressly declared (Art. 179 of Civil Code). The community property system is the legal system and it applies by default. All properties acquired, together or separately, during the marriage (with the exception of personal effects), belong jointly to both spouses. However, the spouses can choose, also after the celebration of the marriage, other regimes. They can prefer the separate property system, and doing so, they will own separately all property, pre-marital and marital (Art. 215 of Civil Code). They can also modify, with some restrictions though, the provision of community property regime. Besides, both spouses, only one of them or even a third party, can allocate some particular assets exclusively to the family's needs, establishing a family trust fund (Art. 167 of Civil Code). The last part of the paper brief1y discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the Italian effects of marriage relating system.

      • KCI등재

        부모 외의 자의 면접교섭권 : 유럽인권법원의 결정을 중심으로

        김보람(Boram Kim),짐바르도 마르타(Marta Zimbardo) 한국가족법학회 2020 가족법연구 Vol.34 No.2

        In this paper we analyzed several decisions taken by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) regarding visitation between non-parents and children, in order to provide some suggestions in relation to the direction to be taken by Korean legislators in this respective field. To this end, we briefly covered the content of some relevant sources of law. We provided a general overview of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Convention on Contact concerning Children, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and a brief explanation of the general criteria used by the ECtHR in relation to visitation rights, particularly regarding the existence of “family life”, as well as some mentions of the positive obligations, margin of appreciation, and proportionality doctrines. We subsequently covered some of the ECtHR’s decisions-namely, Manuello and Nevi v. Italy, and Bogonosovy v. Russia in relation to the visitation rights of grandparents, as well as Kopf and Liberda v. Austria and V.D. and Others v. Russia about foster families’ visitation rights-by examining the application of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights by the ECtHR in these circumstances. In the final section, with reference to the outcome of the aforementioned decisions, we sought to provide some inputs regarding what ought to be considered for the expansion of visitation rights in Korea.

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