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        류진아 한국카운슬러협회 2013 학교상담전문가 자격연수 Vol.- No.1

        ∙ 조직적이고 체계를 갖춘 학교상담은 20세기 초 미국에서 출발한 직업지도운동으로부 터 유래되었고 이후 학교상담 및 생활지도의 발달로 이어졌다. – 황순길, 류진아, 이경아, 장진이, 정재우, 유형근 (2005):학생들이 학교의 안팎에서 당면하는 제반 문제를 예방하고 스스로 해결하며 건강하게 적응 및 성장할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 종합 적이고 체계적으로 조력하는 활동

      • KCI등재

        ‘구렁덩덩 신선비’에 나타나는 여성의 스키마와 상흔

        류진아 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2016 한국학 Vol.39 No.2

        이 글에서는 구비 설화인 ‘구렁덩덩 신선비’에 나타나는 여성의 의식세계를 관찰하였다. 연구 자료는 『한국구비문학대계』에서 채록한 48편의 각 편과 제보자 정보를 대상으로 하였다. 『한국구비문학대계』의 각 편 48편의 제보자 성별은 모두 여성이다. 이 글에서는 ‘구렁덩덩 신선비’의 제보자가 여성이라는 점에 초점을 두고, ‘구렁덩덩 신선비’에서 나타나는 여성의 스키마와 상흔을 분석하였다. ‘구렁덩덩 신선비’를 가정생활에 필요한 여성의 스키마에 관한 스크립트로서 해석하여, 가부장적 사회에서의 여성의 스키마를 확인하였다. 또한 ‘구렁덩덩 신선비’를 구술하는 과정에서, 가부장적 남성 중심의 사회를 살아오면서 겪었던 여성의 상흔이 어떻게 표출되는지도 관찰하였다. 일찍 사별하여 힘들고 가난하게 살아온 경우의 보상 심리, 언니 또는 시누이와의 갈등관계와 그들에 대한 부정적 인식, 축첩제도로 인한 후처에 대한 적대감과 보상 심리 등을 확인하였다. This study analyzed Women’s Schema and Trauma in Korean Folktale, GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi.A total of 48 GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi stories and their 48 narrators in Collections of Korean Oral Literature are selected as materials for this study. All 48 narrators are female, most of whom were married. This study, focusing on the fact that all narrators are female, analyzed Women’s Schema and Trauma in Korean Folktale, GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi. According to narrators’ informations, it implies the possibility that GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi contains schema necessary for women who have a family. This study confirmed women’s schema needed in patriarchal society in GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi. Also, this study observed that women’s traumas brought on by an androcentric society are revealed in the process of dictating GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi stories: Widows’ difficulties and their compensation mind, conflicts with sisters and sisters‒in‒law, and hostility on second wifes from concubinage and their compensation mind.

      • KCI등재

        학교 내 위기청소년에 대한 지역사회연계 학교상담모형 효과연구

        류진아,권해수 한국교육방법학회 2008 교육방법연구 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 학교 내 위기청소년의 문제 해결과 중도탈락을 예방하기 위해서 상주형 학교상담자가 내담자의 욕구에 적합한 다각적인 학교상담을 실시한 내용 및 성과를 밝혀내기 위한 것이다. 분석대상은 위기청소년 13사례였다. 본 연구에서는 학교 내 위기청소년에 대하여 지역사회연계 학교상담모형을 적용하였는데 위기청소년에 대한 지원은 심리상담 및 지역사회 자원 연계를 통해 이루어졌으며 구체적으로 심리상담, 가족지원, 의료 및 약물지원, 법률지원이 이루어졌다. 이를 통해 청소년의 개인적, 정서적 문제와 가족관련문제가 해결되고, 학교적응행동이 증가하였으며, 진로태도 및 학업성적이 향상되었음을 확인하였다. This study purposed to explore preventive role of school counseling of at-risk adolescents' dropout from school and society. To investigate it we performed a qualitative approach by analyzing the 13 cases of school maladjustment which were reported by school counselors. We derived significant meaning, formulated meaning, theme, theme clusters, and clusters from the data. The findings of this study were as follow: first, to prevent adolescents' dropout school counselors should have intervened complex harmful circumstances related with them as well as treated with mental problems. Second, to intervene the maladjustive social environments of adolescents the school counselors had served family support, medical support, law consultation and so on by using community youth safety network.

      • KCI등재

        스마트폰 중독성향 청소년을 위한 미술치료프로그램

        류진아 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2017 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.30 No.4

        This study was intended to develop a group art therapy program to reduce adolescents’ smart phone addiction tendency. Particularly, this study aim to provide subjects, contents and activities using the approach of a group art therapy based on person centered counseling. The program was designed to intervent to solve the problems such as relationship based on unsecure attachment, negative emotions like depression and anxiety, low self-efficacy, and impulsiveness and lack of self-regulation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Projective Drawing Tests for Diagnosis and Intervention in University Students’ Gaming Disorder

        류진아 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2019 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.32 No.3

        This study analyzed proven academic journals to look at sensory stimulation-based art therapy interventions for college students with gaming disorder. College students can be vulnerable to game disorders, and they need to pay more attention. Since people who have game using disorder are very sensitive to visual stimuli, diagnosis and intervention programs should be developed in consideration of their sensitivity. Online game addicts actively analyze and process game stimuli that they accept through their senses in their brains. Therefore, sensory-based interventions should be actively considered, and basic research should be done in a variety of ways. Diagnosis and intervention based on the causes of disability for college students' games are self-identity, ego resiliency, adhesion in adults and tree painting, HTP (House-Tree-Person), depression and Wartegg Zeichen Test(WZT), college life adaptation level and Landcape Montage Technique(LMT), Family strength and Kinetic Family Drawing(KFD), Stress coping stances and Person In The Rain(PITR), interpersonal relationships, ego resiliency, attachment and Mother and Child Drawing, ego resiliency and Favorite Kind of Weather(FKW), depression and mania, stress response level and Person Picking an Apple from a Tree(PPAT), and Person Picking an Apple from a Tree(PPAT), depression and anxiety and Star Wave Test(SWT).

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Parent Education for Attachment-based Infant Brain Development Using M-Learning

        류진아 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2019 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.32 No.4

        This study is based on the interest in brain development, a global trend proclaimed in advanced countries. In particular, we proposed the importance of attachment-based parenting education for infants' brain development, which is the basis of brain development. We have proposed a mobile learning program that modern parents can access easily and individually. Brain development is rapid and rapid in infancy. Parenting experience by stable attachment affects the emotional expression of infants and the neurochemicals in the infant's brain, positively affecting social and emotional behavior control. Eventually, the cause of brain development may be called stable attachment formation. Lack of time was the leading cause of adult learners such as parents not attending education. M-learning is useful in addressing these shortages in the development of teaching-learning methods for higher education. Smartphone applications are designed to be self-directed learning, but there is a lack of interaction between learners and learners-teachers. The parent education application is proposed to be developed according to Seels & Richey's ADDIE model.

      • KCI등재

        Arts Therapy based on Neuroscience for Youth Game Addiction

        류진아 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2020 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.33 No.3

        This study suggested methods of intervention for juvenile game addiction based on literature studies on brain plasticity and addiction and application of arts therapy techniques. First, it provides repetitive experiences through art therapy. When the frequency of use of a specific synapse changes due to repeated experiences, the synapse adapts to the changed positive environment by changing and controlling its structure and function. Synaptic plasticity through repetitive experiences causes the mind to re-regulate the brain. Second, art therapy activities based on the youth's environment and experiences are applied. Art therapy changes the brain through the development of new neural networks. It incorporates the physical, emotional, and cognitive functions of adolescents by accepting the integrated nature of art and psychotherapy. Third, creative art therapy finds an activity that can effectively approach an individual's positive sensory experience and repeats it to control the overwhelmed emotion. There is an effect of activating self-healing through activities that repeat the experiences that give game addiction adolescents now-here (present) pleasure.

      • KCI등재

        신소설 『광야』에 나타난 기독교 사상: 『광야』와 『숨은보배』의 비교를 통한 맹인 전도사 백사겸의 신앙을 중심으로

        류진아 한국기독교역사학회 2019 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.0 No.51

        이 논문은 신소설 『광야』(1912, 유일서관)에 나타난 실존 인물 맹인 전도사 백사겸의 삶과 기독교 사상을 살펴보았다. 우선 백사겸(1860-1940)의 신앙 일대기 『숨은보배』(1938, 동양선교회 성결교회 출판부)와의 비교를 통해, 『광야』에 나타나는 백사겸의 회심과 실천적 신앙의 모습을 확인하였다. 더불어 신소설 『광야』의 문학적 형상화와 기독교사상을 분석하여, 기독교 소설로서 그 의의를 규명하고자 하였다. 백사겸은 초기 한국 기독교계의 맹인 전도사로서 알려져 있다. 또한 백사겸은 민중 전도사 또는 조선의 삭개오라는 별칭이 있다. 백사겸의 일대기는 1938년 박소천에 의해 『숨은보배』라는 ‘신앙전기’로 발간되었다. 『숨은보배』 속의 개성중부교회 이종필 목사의 ‘추천사’에 따르면, 이미 팔십 고령에 이른 백사겸은 1897년 회심 후 사십여 년을 한결같이 신앙생활을 하였고 한국 초기 기독교 신앙을 보여주는 믿음의 선배였다. 백사겸에 관한 일대기 『숨은보배』가 발행되기 26년 전, 신소설 『광야』(유일서관, 1912)가 출판되었다. 신소설 『광야』는 ‘박장님’이라는 맹인 점술가가 기독교로 회심하여 전도인이 된 사건을 서사화 한다. 지금까지 신소설에 나타난 기독교 사상 연구는 선진문명의 사상적 배경 또는 문명 기호의 의미를 중심으로 이루어지는 경향이 있었다. 따라서 개인의 기독교적 회심과 실천을 주제로 하는 신소설 『광야』는 주목받지 못했으며, 신소설 『광야』와 맹인 전도사 백사겸의 관련성 역시 조명된 바 없다. 『숨은보배』와 『광야』는 각 주인공인 ‘백장님’과 ‘박장님’이 맹인 점술가로서 큰 성공을 거두었으나, 기독교인으로 회심한 후 전도인으로 헌신하며 화목한 가정을 이루었다는 서사이다. 신앙 전기 『숨은보배』는 백사겸의 탄생과 불우한 어린 시절, 점술가로서의 수학과 성공, 성공으로 인한 죄책감과 회심, 전도사로서 헌신이 순차적으로 이어지며, 탄생, 고난, 극복, 회심, 행복에 이르는 일대기의 서사 구조를 취하고 있다. 반면 신소설 『광야』는 박장님의 가난한 삶과 부인과의 이별, 점술가로서의 성공과 부인과의 재회, 부로 인한 타락과 발병, 회심과 실천적 삶, 전도사로서 헌신이 순차적으로 서사화된다. 숨은보배 의 서사와 비교해 볼 때, 『광야』는 박장님의 탄생과 불우한 어린 시절에 관한 내용이 생략되고 남녀이합의 서사가 가미되어 재구성된다. 신소설 『광야』에서 1. 박장님이 회심후 점술로 얻은 재물을 강도를 통해 처분하였다거나 2. 부인에게 합의 이혼하자고 권한 것, 3. 전도인으로 헌신한 삶과 가족들이 구원받고 자녀들이 훌륭하게 성장한 사건 등은 신소설 장르에 나타나는 일반적 제재와 거리가 있으면서, 맹인 전도사 백사겸의 신앙 일화와 매우 유사하다. 즉 신소설 광야』의 내용은 실제 맹인 전도사 백사겸의 삶을 참고로 하지 않고는 나올 수 없는 서사라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 신소설 『광야』는 백사겸을 모델로 하여 그 삶을 소설로 재구성한 것으로 보인다. 나아가 신소설 『광야』는 기독교인의 삶을 소설화함으로써 기독교 사상을 전파하는 기독교 소설로 볼 수 있다. 특히 『광야』에서 언급하는 우상숭배와 축첩 금지의 문제의식은 한국 초기 기독교계에서 문제로 지적되었으며, 기독교의 감화력을 기반으로 한 윤리적 삶과 가족구원은 기독교 사상을 효과적으로 전파하기 위한 선교사들 ... This paper looked at Christian thought in the new novel “KwangYa”(1912, YullSeoGwan), focusing the life of Baek Sa-kyum. Through a comparison with “SumeunBobae”(1938, the publication department of the Oriental Church Integrity Church), Baek Sa-kyum's religious life story, was confirmed in “KwangYa”, especially his repentance and practical faith. In addition, the author analyzed the literary imagery and Christian thought of the new novel, “KwangYa”, to establish its significance as a Christian novel. Baek Sa-kyum is known as a blind evangelist in early Korean Christianity. Baek Sa-kyum is also nicknamed a folk preacher or a Joseon sakgaeo. Baek Sa-kyum's biographies were published in 1938 as a book published by Park So-cheon, called “SumeunBobae”. According to “Recommendation” by Lee Jong-pil, a pastor of the Kaesong Middle Eastern Church in “SumeunBobae”, Baek Sa-kyum, who was already at the age of 80 years, had been a steady believer for more than 40 years since 1897 and was a senior member of faith in Korea's early Christian faith. Twenty-six years before the publication of “SumeunBobae”, a life story about Baek Sa-kyum, was published, the new novel “KwangYa” in which a blind fortuneteller named Park became a evangelist and missionary. Until now, the research of Christian thought in the new novel tended to revolve around the ideological background of advanced civilization or the meaning of the symbol of civilization. Therefore, the new novel “KwangYa” which focuses on individual Christian repentance and practice, was not noticed, and the relevance to the new novel “KwangYa” and “Baek Sa-kyum” a blind evangelist, was never revealed. “SumeunBobae” and “KwangYa” each had the story of the great success as a blind fortuneteller, but after they became Christian, they devoted themselves as preachers and formed a harmonious family. The religious biography “SumeunBobae” is a life-long epic structure that leads to the birth, hardship, overcoming, practice and success as a fortuneteller, guilt and remorse for success, and repentance and dedication as a preacher. On the other hand, the new novel “KwangYa” is written sequentially as Park's poor life, separation from his wife, success as a fortuneteller and reunion with his wife, corruption and disease due to wealth, remorse and practical life, and dedication as a preacher. Compared to Baek Sa-kyum's epic, “KwangYa” is reconstructed by omission of Park's birth and his unhappy childhood, and the addition of parting and reunion of man to woman. In the new novel, “KwangYa”, a hero has disposed of the fortune gained by fortune-telling through robbery after the reincarnation, recommended to divorce to his wife after the diposition of the fortune, and finally his all family was saved and their children grew up wonderfully, which are similar to the life of Baek Sa-kyum, but are also far from the general materials that appear in the genre of the new novel. In other words, the content of the new novel, “KwangYa” cannot be written without reference to the life of Baek Sa-kyum, a blind missionary. Therefore, it seems that the new novel, “KwangYa”, is a re-creation, based on Baek Sa-kyum's christian life. Furthermore, the new novel, “KwangYa”, can be seen as a Christian novel that propagates Christian thought by fictionalizing Christian life. In particular, the awareness of the problem of idolatry and concubinage was pointed out as a problem in early Christian circles in Korea, and ethical life and family salvation based on the influence of Christianity were also missionary strategies to effectively spread Christian ideas. The new novel, “KwangYa” is a novel about a real-life story of a Joseon Christian who believes in God and lives a changed life, reflecting the aspects and realities of the indigenousization of Christianity that permeated the daily lives of the Joseon people. The enlightenment novel, ...

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