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      • 기본권의 민사재판상 적용에 관한 문제

        류지강 ( Zhi Gang Liu ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2010 영산법률논총 Vol.7 No.2

        헌법 뿐 아니라 민법도 기본권에 기초한 법 체계에 속한다. 헌법과 민법의 차이는 민법은 사권이며, 반면에 헌법은 기본권에 관한 법이다. 이들 권리의 법적 지위와 효력에 차이가 있기 때문에 민사행위와 재판에서 그 의미는 차이가 있다. 최근 많은 학자들은 기본권의 민사재판상 적용에 대하여 적극적인 태도를 취하고 있다. 그들은 법원이 민사재판에서 헌법상의 기본권을 적용하도록 주장하고 있다. 그 적용에 있어 문제는 기본권과 민사재판의 기타 기본적 요소를 어떻게 조절하는가에 달려 있다. 법리학자들과 마찬가지로 민법학자들은 민법의 연원을 민법으로 표현하기도 한다. 법원의 입장에서는 왜 헌법을 민사재판에서 적용하지 못하는가 하는 점에 대하여 충분한 대답을 하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 의문을 전제로 헌법상의 기본권이 민사재판에서 적용될 여지가 있는가 하는 점에 대하여 연구를 진행하고자 한다. Constitution, as well as the civil law, is a system, which is based on rights. The difference between the natures of these rights is that: civil law is a private right, while the constitution is a basic right. Since the status and validity scope of these rights are different, there is a different meaning on civil behavior and justice. Currently, most scholars hold a positive attitude towards basic rights application of civil trial. They claimed that court may apply the constitutional basic rights as the basis of civil trial. However, there is a great dispute on the way to apply basic rights on civil trial. As the way of application, the problem is how to adjust the relations between basic rights and other basis of civil trial. The same as jurisprudence theorists, civil law theorists tend to associate the sources of civil law with forms of civil law. Realize the source of the law in the view of justice cannot explain the reason why constitution, as the sources of civil law, cannot be applied in the civil trial? Therefore, the premise of basic rights be applied in civil trial is to distinct “sources of law” and “forms of law” in theory, then deal with the relations between basic rights and other rules, like laws, regulations, interpretations, customary law, which are used as the basis of civil trial.

      • 公法性價値規範的憲法功能與私法效力

        류지강 ( Zhi Gang Liu ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2011 영산법률논총 Vol.8 No.1

        公法性價値規範是從私法的視角對公法中沒有明示其私法效力的價値規範的一種稱謂. 該種規範對于那些純粹國家取向之基本權利的實現具有重要的意義,同時,他們還肩負著構築和平衡市民社會與政治國家之間關系的憲法責任. 該種規範具有重要的私法價値,確認其私法效力,一方面可以使其避免遭受私法主體的侵害,令一方面也有助于整固公法規範的效力、確保民法和國家立法體制保持動線的流暢. 但是,私法和公法中都不適合對其私法效力作出明示,較爲妥當的辦法是在私法的規範體系之內預設相應的接駁管道,倂將平衡私法自治與公法價値的責任交由法院來承擔. 就該種規範所承載的權利而言,其在私法領域發揮權利功效的唯一路徑就是訴訟,法官應接受關涉他們的私法訴訟,但同時要對其在私法領域的流量進行控制. The value norms in public law is a kind of appellation to the value norms in terms of private law, which exist in public law and that their effectiveness in private law isn’t prescribed in public law. The norms are of great importance to the realization of the fundamental rights which face the state purely, meanwhile, they also shoulder the constitutional responsibility to construct and balance the relation between the civil society and the political state. The norms possess important value in private law. If we admitted their effectiveness in private law, they would avoid the invasion from the populace on the one hand, and it would help to reinforce their effectiveness and insure the fluency between the civil law and the state’s legislation system on the other. However, their effectiveness in private law don’t fit to be prescribed in both the private law and the public law, the more preferable means is to install beforehand corresponding integrating conduit in private law and endow courts the duty of balancing the autonomy of private law and the value of public law. As far as the rights bearing in the norms, the only route to exert their efficacy is litigation. The judges should accept the litigation in private law on them, but should restrict their flow in the domain of private law.

      • 立憲主義視野下的市民社會

        류지강 ( Zhi Gang Liu ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2009 영산법률논총 Vol.6 No.2

        市民社會的涵義有古典主義和現代主義之分。就當今社會而言,市民社會的含義是由黑格爾和馬克思所確立的,馬克思認爲“市民社會乃是私人利益的體系或特殊私人利益關係的總和,타包括了處在政治國家之外的社會生活的一切領域”。市民社會與國家的關係有三種模式,卽洛克式的“市民社會先於國家模式”、黑格爾式的“國家高於社會模式”以及馬克思所提出的“市民社會與國家互動模式”。市民社會的分離和活動是由立憲主義由已存在的社會基礎。 In recent years, some Chinese scholars usually cite the theory of Civil Society to analyze and illustrate the problems in civil law and constitutional law. To this phenomenon, some scholars could not help but concern the correctness of their citation. In this paper, I intent to hackle the theory primarily, so that we can clear the basic problems on Civil Society. The category of Civil Society can be cast back to the ancient Greece times. People usually believe that it is Aristotle who brought forward the concept of "Civil Society" firstly. His understanding on Civil Society established the foundation of ancient Civil Society, from then on until the end of 17th century, people understand and annotate Civil Society in the framework of his theory. The meanings of Civil Society have two kinds, namely, classical and modernistic. As far as Today``s society, the meanings of Civil Society are established by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx. Marx believed that Civil Society is the system of private interests or the summation of the relationship between private interests, and it includes all areas of social life outside the political state. The relations between Civil Society and Political State have three patterns: firstly, the mode of Civil Society ahead of Political State, which is put forward by Locke; secondly, the mode put forward by Hegel, in which Political state is higher than Civil Society; thirdly, the mode put forward by Marx, in which Civil Society and Political State are interactive. The separation and interaction of Civil Society is the social infrastructure of constitutionalism.

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