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      • 在中国法视角下研究仲裁裁决的效力 - 以仲裁裁决的实质效力为中心

        류웬리 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2016 국제법무 Vol.8 No.1

        Arbitration plays an increasingly significant role in the area of commercial arbitration settlement due to some characters of arbitration, i.e. efficiency and finality. It is commonly recognized that giving legal effects to arbitral award will not only conform to the expectation of the concerning parties, but will be beneficial to the execution of the court. It is not difficult to reach a consensus that the arbitral award is binding, so all the countries regulate that the arbitral award is final and binding in their legislations to represent the orientation of supporting arbitration. In China, the research on the effects of arbitral award is usually based on the study of court decisions. However, the arbitral award is different from the court decision, owing to the reason that the arbitral award cannot be enforced by the arbitration institution if one party refuses to implement the award. In order to clarify the scope of recognition and enforcement of arbitral award, it is necessary and urgent to pay attention to the research on the effects of arbitral award. This essay starts on Chinese “international” criteria for the judging the international commercial arbitration agreement, and then introduce how China People’s court identify the nationality of arbitral award. In addition, this essay also includes the content of effect of the arbitral award, especially focuses on the res judicata and the effect of enforcing. The reason why the res judicata and the effect of enforcing is important is that every different theory on the scope of these two effects of the arbitral award will lead to difference of the procedure of recognition and enforcement of arbitral award. Therefore, summarizing the content of effect of arbitral award is beneficial to the arbitration development of China, and also has theoretical value and practical meaning on the recognition and enforcement of international commercial arbitral award in China. 仲裁的优势中一裁终局的特性使得仲裁在民商事领域纠纷的解决方面发挥了日益重要的的角色。仲裁过程不是目的,将仲裁裁决的结果加以实现才是当事人期待的结果,毕竟当事人希望的不是“一纸裁决”。各国的仲裁立法出于对仲裁当事人利益的考虑,都在立法中规定了“一裁终局”,体现了对仲裁制度支持的普遍精神。要实现仲裁裁决的内容以此来保护仲裁当事人的利益,仲裁裁决能否得以承认和执行,以及承认与执行的范围如何都成为各国针对仲裁裁决理论研究的重点。在中国,针对仲裁裁决的效力理论研究主要着眼于法院判决的效力研究,然而本质上,仲裁裁决与法院判决的效果并不相同,因为仲裁机关对仲裁裁决没有强制执行力,所以对仲裁裁决效力的专门研究十分必要且刻不容缓。 研究仲裁裁决的效力内容首先需要了解仲裁裁决效力的来源,鉴于仲裁协议法律性质中具有诉讼性和契约性,仲裁裁决的效力来源于仲裁协议和法律规定,讨论外国仲裁裁决的效力内容则要明确何为外国仲裁裁决,基于何种仲裁协议才会产生外国仲裁裁决。本文是研究中国视角下的仲裁裁决的效力,故而本文首先介绍中国的国际商事仲裁协议的“国际性”判断标准,然后介绍中国对仲裁裁决国籍的判断标准,最后从商事仲裁效力的效力内容入手,着墨于裁决的既判力与执行力,原因在于各国对仲裁裁决的既判力与执行力学说会对仲裁裁决的承认和执行程序产生影响。从理论上厘清仲裁裁决的效力内容,对于我国仲裁制度的进一步发展,促进我国对国际商事仲裁裁决承认与执行的健康发展具有理论价值和实践意义。

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