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        전자기록위작죄에서 ʻ권한남용적 허위작성ʼ의 판단기준을 위한 소고 - 대법원 2020. 8. 27. 선고 2019도11294 전원합의체 판결 이후의 논의를 위하여 -

        류경은 법조협회 2023 法曹 Vol.72 No.2

        The Supreme Court ruled that the crime of falsification of electronic records, like the crime of falsification of public electronic records, includes not only the act of entering information by an unauthorized person, but also the act of creating an electronic record against the will of the system installer and operator by abusing the authority to enter false information even if the authority to enter individual unit information is granted by the system installer and operator (hereinafter referred to as 'abuse of authority falsification'). Leaving aside the criticism of the Target Judgment, the Target Judgment has led to the need for further discussion on the criteria for distinguishing between abusive falsification that is in the realm of guilt and falsification that is not. In light of the evidentiary and assurance functions of electronic records, it may be possible to determine whether the act of entering false information into an electronic record is an abuse of authority based on whether it violates the assurance and evidentiary functions of the information processing system. It is in the same vein that the target judgment ruled that "the offense of falsification of electronic records is not established if the electronic record does not fulfill its intended evidentiary function by being used in the system". In other words, a person who is "authorized by the entity installing and operating the system to enter information that appears in the name of the system" can be evaluated as abusive falsification only if the person "abuses the authority," and the authority abused here does not simply mean the authority to access the record and enter information, but the information must be "information that the entity installing and operating the system displays as a person, i.e., a subject of expression," and the information must be able to perform the evidentiary function intended by the entity installing and operating the system. Therefore, even if a user is authorized to enter information by being granted a user ID and password by the system installation and operation entity, it cannot be considered as an 'abuse of authority' if the information entered cannot be evaluated as the intention expressed by the system installation and operation entity, or if the information is unrelated to the attestation facts planned by the system. Although electronic records certainly have their own specificities, they are basically understood to protect the "public trust in documents or records" as the legal interest of the document crime, so they can be evaluated as performing a guarantee and attestation function. The forms of electronic records are very diverse, and it cannot be excluded that there will be forms of electronic records that we have not yet imagined in the future. From the perspective of the "function" of the medium for expressing various forms of communication, which breaks away from the framework of the existing document concept, criteria such as the one proposed by the author can be fully considered in determining "abusive falsification". Ultimately, I think that legislation should introduce a new concept of documents that encompasses electronic records, electronic documents, and paper documents, and regulate them uniformly. 사전자기록등위작죄에서도 공전자기록등위작죄와 마찬가지로 권한 없는 자의 정보 입력행위뿐 아니라 “시스템의 설치·운영 주체로부터 개개의 단위정보를 입력할 권한을 부여받았더라도 그 권한을 남용하여 허위의 정보를 입력함으로써 시스템 설치·운영 주체의 의사에 반하는 전자기록을 생성하는 행위”도 ‘위작’에 포함된다는 대법원 판결(대법원 2020. 8. 27. 선고 2019도11294 전원합의체 판결)이 선고되었다. 대상판결에 대한 비판은 별론으로 하고 대상판결로 인해 유죄의 영역에 있는 권한남용적 허위작성과 그렇지 않은 허위작성을 구별하는 기준이 무엇인지 추가적인 논의가 필요한 상황이 되었다. 전자기록의 보장적·증명적 기능에 비추어 보면, 전자기록에 허위 내용의 정보를 입력하는 행위가 해당 정보처리시스템의 보장적·증명적 기능을 침해하고 있는지를 기준으로 권한을 남용한 허위작성인지를 판단할 수 있을 것이다. 대상판결이 “해당 전자기록이 시스템에서 쓰임으로써 예정된 증명적 기능을 수행하는 경우에 해당하지 않는 경우 사전자기록등위작죄는 성립하지 않는다”고 판시한 것도 같은 맥락에서 이해할 수 있다. 즉, ‘시스템 설치·운영 주체로부터 해당 시스템 명의로 표시되는 정보를 입력할 권한을 부여받은 자’가 그 ‘권한을 남용한 경우’에만 권한남용적 허위작성이라고 평가할 수 있을 것이고, 여기에서 남용된 권한은 단순히 기록에 접근하여 정보를 입력할 권한을 의미하는 것이 아니라 해당 정보가 ‘시스템 설치·운영 주체가 명의인 즉, 의사표시의 주체로서 표시하는 정보’여야 하고, 그 정보를 통해 ‘시스템 설치·운영 주체가 예정한 증명적 기능’을 할 수 있어야 한다. 따라서 시스템 설치·운영 주체로부터 아이디와 비밀번호를 부여받아 정보를 입력할 수 있는 권한을 부여받기는 하였지만, 입력한 정보가 시스템 설치·운영주체가 표시한 의사로 평가할 수 없는 경우이거나, 시스템이 예정하고 있는 증명사실과 무관한 정보인 경우에는 ‘권한남용적 허위작성’이 될 수 없다고 보아야 한다. 전자기록은 분명 그 자체의 특수성을 지니고 있으나, 기본적으로 문서죄가 갖는 “문서 내지 기록에 대한 공공의 신용”을 보호법익으로 하고 있는 것으로 이해되므로, 보장적·증명적 기능을 수행한다고 평가할 수 있다. 전자기록의 형태는 매우 다양하고, 앞으로 현재 우리가 상정하지 못한 형태의 전자기록이 나올 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. 기존 문서 개념의 틀에서 탈피하여 다양한 형태의 의사표시를 표현한 매개체에 대한 ‘기능’의 관점에서 보면 ‘권한남용적 허위작성’을 판단함에 있어 필자가 제안한 것과 같은 기준도 충분히 고려할 수 있을 것이다. 궁극적으로는 전자기록, 전자문서, 종이문서, 이미지파일 등을 모두 포괄하는 형태의 새로운 문서개념을 도입하고 이를 통일적으로 규율하는 방향으로의 입법이 되어야 하지 않을까 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        자동화된 투자수단 이용과 투자자 보호

        류경은 사법발전재단 2022 사법 Vol.1 No.61

        In the era of great digital transformation, interest in the development and use of artificial intelligence technology is high. In the financial field, it is easier, faster and more accurate to invest by using automated investment tools such as using algorithms to find optimal conditions to automatically trade stocks, or to analyze investors' propensity to present investment portfolios and manage assets. On the other hand, in automated financial transactions using technology, errors that occur in the process of minimizing human intervention or without human intervention combine with the speed and mass of transactions to cause large-scale accidents. As such, along with the convenience of technology, the risks associated with it cannot be overlooked. Algorithmic trading using an automated system is being introduced and used by general investors, and the robo-advisor introduced around 2017 promotes and promotes “customized” investment advice and management services. As advertising takes place, the need for protection for investors is growing. From the point of view of investors using automated investment tools, there is a big difference in investor protection depending on whether the service provider is an investment advisory business entity, a investment discretionary business entity, or a quasi-investment advisory business entity. Not only investors but also service providers need to know exactly which ‘business’ the service they want to provide falls into in order to meet the entry requirements. In particular, as the damage caused by illegal and illegal business of quasi-investment advisors increases and the voices for tightening regulations increase, it seems that a legislative solution as well as an interpretative approach is necessary. As artificial intelligence technologies such as algorithms, machine learning and deep learning develop, they are exposed to the risk of becoming a black box, and even experts cannot properly explain automated investment means due to lack of understanding. It is inevitably passed on to investors. In addition, when the development of technology exceeds a certain stage, it is necessary to prepare for this because there is a possibility that such technology may not be properly regulated even if such technology is abused to cause unfair trade practices under the Capital Market Act. Research and contemplation to find a balance between the two should be carried out continuously to prepare for risks without hindering the development of technology, and ‘human’ should be at the center of it.

      • KCI등재

        영상녹화물의 바람직한 사용방법에 대한 소고 - 피의자에 대한 영상녹화조사를 중심으로 -

        류경은 대검찰청 2022 형사법의 신동향 Vol.- No.77

        The investigative agency’s recording of the suspect interrogation proc ess was devised as an institutional device to prevent human rights viola tions against suspects comparatively and to secure transparency and leg itimacy of the investigation procedure. Criminal Procedure Act was revi sed in 2007 and introduced the video recording system as part of the s ystem to guarantee the human rights of the suspect and to realize the trial-centered system. It is an important task in the area of criminal ju stice to check the actual condition of the video recording system of the suspect interrogation to realize the principle of due process and to find a rational way to use the evidence of video recordings. In this article, we will review the problematic situation of video recordings of suspect s under the current Criminal Procedure Act, and try to find a desirable way to use video recordings of suspects in criminal trial practice. Investigation agencies analyze various types of video recordings of susp ect newspapers in the investigation stage by referring to ‘analysis of st atements on video recordings of victim statements’ or ‘integrated psych ological analysis of statements of suspects (psychophysiological tests, b ehavioral analysis, clinical psychological evaluation)’, etc. The procedure is implemented, and the analysis results can be used to judge the arbitr ariness of statements in the suspect interrogation report or the investig ator’s testimony or to examine the special status. In addition, the accus ed can use the controversial part of the video recording of the suspect’ s interrogation specifically to contend with the facts of the charges or to refute the prosecutor’s argument. Through this, it is possible to corr ect the wrong part of the statement of the suspect in the interrogation report, and furthermore, it is possible to clearly state the purpose of th e statement of the suspect, and through this, an effective court battle c an be conducted. Above all, apart from whether a witness in an accomp lice relationship can reproduce or watch a video recording of the suspe ct’s statement rather than his or her own, at least in the evidence pres ervation procedure, a video of the suspect interrogated by the witness about himself in order to evoke his memory. In principle, it is possible to play or watch a recording or to present a transcript or summary of the statement in which the statement is written to a witness.

      • KCI등재후보

        개성공업지구 현지기업과 투자기업의 관계 - 남한주민과 개성공업지구 투자기업 사이의 분쟁사례를 중심으로 -

        류경은 법무부 2021 統一과 法律 Vol.0 No.47

        It has been five years since the Gaeseong Industrial Complex (“GIC”) Project, a symbol of mutual benefits and common prosperity between the North and the South, was completely suspended. In order to resume the GIC project, which was evaluated as successful one despite various problems, in addition to political and diplomatic resolution, legal improvement are needed. Among the various lawsuits related to the GIC, this article examines the legal nature of local companies and the relationship between local companies and investment companies, focusing on civil disputes filed by South Koreans who have done business with local companies against investment companies. In the “Act on Support for GIC,” the term ‘local company’ is used not only for companies established in the form of a company within the GIC, but also for those established in the form of branches, sales offices, and offices. In practice, a local company, a subsidiary established in the form of a joint stock company, is referred to as a ‘Gaeseong branch’ and an investment company, which is a parent company in South Korea, is referred to as the ‘headquarters.’ It can be misunderstood as being the subject of duty. If a local company is established in the form of a branch, sales office, or office, a legal personality separate from the investment company is not recognized, so South Koreans who have transacted with such a local company can hold an investment company liable for the transaction. However, when a local company is established in the form of a joint stock company, the local company has an independent legal personality separate from the investment company and, in principle, has legal status as a North Korean corporation which cannot be questioned for liability against. Nevertheless, taking into account the legal status of the two Koreas, the specifics of the GIC project, and the relationship between local companies and investment companies, in specific individual cases, the Corporate Entity Disregard Doctrine is more actively applied to deny the legal personality of local companies and to take responsibility for investment companies. 남북경제협력사업의 대표적 모델인 개성공업지구 사업이 전면 중단된 지 어느덧 5년이 흘렀다. 여러 문제에도 불구하고 성공적이라는 평가를 받았던 개성공업지구 사업의 재개를 위하여 정치·외교적인 해결뿐 아니라 법제도 개선이 필요하다. 이 글은 그동안 있었던 개성공업지구와 관련한 각종 소송 중에서도 현지기업과 거래한 남한주민이 투자기업을 상대로 제소한 분쟁사례를 중심으로 현지기업의 법적 성격과 현지기업과 투자기업의 관계를 검토하였다. 「개성공업지구 지원에 관한 법률」에서는 개성공업지구 내 회사 형식으로 설립된 기업뿐 아니라 지사, 영업소, 사무소의 형태로 설치된 경우에도 ‘현지기업’이라는 용어를 사용하고 있다. 실무에서는 주식회사 형태로 창설된 자회사인 현지기업을 ‘개성지사’로, 남한의 모회사인 투자기업을 ‘본사’로 지칭하고 있어, 마치 현지기업에 별개의 법인격이 없고, 현지기업과 투자기업은 동일한 권리·의무의 주체인 것으로 오해할 여지가 있다. 현지기업이 지사, 영업소, 사무소의 형태로 설치된 경우에는 현지기업에 투자기업과 별개의 법인격이 인정되지 않으므로 이러한 현지기업과 거래한 남한주민은 투자기업을 상대로 거래관계에서 발생한 책임을 물을 수 있다. 그러나 주식회사 형태로 창설된 현지기업은 투자기업과 별개의 독자적인 법인격을 가진 데다가, 원칙적으로는 북한 법인으로서의 법적 지위를 가지므로, 이러한 현지기업과 거래한 남한주민은 특별한 사정이 없는 한 투자기업을 상대로 책임을 추궁할 수 없다. 하지만 남북한의 법적 지위를 비롯한 개성공업지구 사업의 특수성, 현지기업과 투자기업의 관계 등을 고려하여 구체적인 개별 사안에서는 법인격 부인 이론을 보다 적극적으로 적용하여 투자기업의 책임을 인정할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        북한체제변화 연구방법론에 대한 비판적 고찰과 대안의 모색

        류경아 ( Kyunga Ryu ),김용호 ( Yong Ho Kim ) 북한연구학회 2012 北韓硏究學會報 Vol.16 No.1

        북한 최고지도자의 교체와 재스민혁명이라는 국제환경의 변화로 인해 북한의 체제변화에 대한 논의가 쟁점으로 재부상 하였다. 그러나 북한체제 변화에 관한 기존의 연구들은 북한의 특수성을 강조한 분석에 머무르거나 소련·중국·베트남 등 사회주의 국가들의 정치경제체제 변화와의 비교에 한정되거나 학문적 논의보다는 진보와 보수 간 정책 및 이념 경쟁의 한계를 보여왔다. 따라서이 연구는 북한체제변화 연구가 가졌던 기존의 한계를 극복하고자 최근의 체제변화에 관한 일반 연구들과 남미와 동유럽, 그리고 최근에 이르는 중동지역의 체제변화 사례들을 종합 분석하여 북한체제변화연구에 비교연구학적 측면에서 보다 일반적인 시각을 제시하고자 하였다. 사례연구를 통해 제도와 행위자들(지도자, 엘리트, 인민, 주변국가) 간의 상호작용이라는 체제변화의 주요 요소들을 이끌어낼 수 있었다. 북한은 공식제도의 신축적 변화를 통해 김일성 일가의 유전적 승계를 정당화하여 김정은의 권력을 강화하고 있으며 이 과정에서 부상하는 경쟁세력에 대한 제거나 통제도 이루어져 엘리트의 분열도 차단되고 있다. 또한 국가의 통제와 사회구조의 제약으로 인민들의 자발적 연대는 불가능할 것이다. 주변국인 중국도 북한정권과의 우호관계를 위해 인민이나 경쟁세력에 대한 지원을 막고 있으며 미국은 북한의 변화가 선행되어야 체제변화에 개입할 것으로 예상된다. 일반요소를 분석한 결과 현재 김정은의 권력집중화 현상으로 보아 급진적인 북한의 체제변화 가능성은 낮지만 정치와 경제제도의 부조화와 행위자의 상호작용 가운데 체제변화의 가능성은 상존한다. Two recent monumental changes in Asia, the North Korean hereditary succession and the Arab Spring, reinvigorate discussions on regime change in North Korea. However, previous studies on the North Korean regime change tend to be limited to general assessments of North Korea`s intrinsic political system or comparative analyses to other socialist states, such as the Soviet Union, China and Vietnam. Some of them lacks academic value, since their discussions are dominated by ideological competition between liberals and conservatives, Thus, this paper aims to provide a wholistic review on the political change in North Korea through a comprehensive study on previous works pertaining to regime change in regions, including South America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East following the advent of the Jasmine Revolution. It introduces a framework of institutions and interaction among four actors - political leaders, elites, the people, and neighboring countries-as well as the prospects for the possibility of a North Korean regime change, To solidify the foundations of Kim Jong-un`s reign, North Korea has revised formal institutions and glorified the Kim family and their accomplishments. In the process, division among the elites has been obstructed by the removal of political rivals and potential threats. Any voluntary uprising by the people is highly unlikely under the North Korean authority`s control and repression. China, its most influential neighbor, has blocked support to anti-government groups and rival powers in order to maintain its friendly relationship with the Kim Jong-un regime. Moreover, another important actor, the United States, will not intervene in North Korean internal affairs unless North Korea changes its attitude. Therefore, this paper concludes that possibility of a North Korean regime change in the near future is low.

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