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      • KCI등재

        國家自然資源管理體制下的再共有化 : 臺灣野生動物共管制度的興起與最新趨勢

        따이싱셩,루이츠 역사문화학회 2019 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.22 No.1

        This paper aims to study the “re-commoning” process of natural resources in Taiwan, in particular related to indigenous context. As one of the most typical and important types of common-pool resources, wildlife has been, and still is the core of Taiwan indigenous society’s daily life and culture practice. To highlight the significance of indigenous struggle toward reclaiming their natural resources rights, we study the latest trends of the rise of indigenous- state wildlife co-management regime in Taiwan. Indigenous commons regime, including the traditional wildlife hunting and management institutions, once dominated the land and natural resources in Taiwan. In the case of wildlife, the invasion of modern state regime did to certain extent exerted influences on indigenous institutions. The state, however, has never absolutely taken over the indigenous wildlife use and management rights until 1980s. In 1989, the Wildlife Conservation Act was passed by the parliament, which absolutely prohibits wildlife hunting, ignores the de facto indigenous institutions, and virtually includes wildlife as part of the state-centric, command-and-control natural resources management regime. The strict Wildlife Conservation Act causes serious, negative impacts on indigenous wildlife hunting practice, as well as its institutions. This has also been one of the focuses of indigenous movement’s claims. The indigenous claim of legal rights of wildlife hunting and management is steadily withstand by both the state authority and the mainstream society. Meanwhile some activists in the indigenous movement, environmental organizations, and academics achieved some sort of consensus, and formed a coalition to pursue a co-management wildlife regime in recent years. For some people, the goal might be an autonomous, self-governed indigenous wildlife management regime. In 2016, a new window of opportunity arose. The new Taiwan President, Tsai In-Wen, declared a new indigenous policy toward pursuing transitional justice for indigenous rights. The policy significantly changed the traditional route of the state authority, the Forestry Bureau, which is in charge of the wildlife conservation. The Forestry Bureau actively initiated eight pioneer projects, trying to build up step by step an indigenous-state wildlife co-management regime, in which the academics are also involved. To illustrate the deliberate re-commoning process, we study a case of Truku Tribe. The case study unpacks some of the key challenges and current achievements, including the support and/or resistance of external institutions, intra-community dynamics, management capacity, and the roles of academics and non-governmental organizations. These novel experiences may offer critical insights for a possible paradigm shift of commons governance in Taiwan. 本論文探討臺灣原住民族脈絡下自然資源的再共有化過程。野生動物是重要的共有資源類型,它也一直是原住民族社會日常生活與文化實踐的核心。我們研究臺灣野生動物共管制度的興起與最新趨勢,以及原住民族在追索他們的自然資源權過程中所歷經的過程。 原住民族共有資源傳統制度,包括野生動物狩獵與管理制度,歷史上曾經是臺灣土地與自然資源治理的主流。在野生動物的案例中,現代國家體制的進入的確一定程度影響了原住民族制度。然而,國家遲至1980年代才絕對控制了原住民族的野生動物利用與管理權。在1989年,國會通過野生動物保育法的立法,徹底禁止狩獵行為,忽視事實上存在的原住民族制度,並將野生動物納入以國家為中心的命令控制式自然資源管理體制。 嚴苛的野生動物保育法對原住民族狩獵與傳統制度造成嚴重的負面衝擊,這一點持續成為原住民族運動訴求的焦點。然而,原住民族追求合法狩獵與管理的訴求,卻持續的被國家與主流社會所抗拒,在這過程中,近年來部分原住民族運動、環境團體、學術界中的積極行動者達成某種程度的共識,並組成社會運動聯盟倡議野生動物的共管機制。對很多人而言,終極的運動目標是追求自主的、自我治理的原住民族野生動物管理制度。 在2016年,一個新的機會之窗產生了,新當選的臺灣總統蔡英文宣示了新的原住民族政策及推動原住民族轉型正義的工作。這個政策顯著的改變了主管野生動物事務的國家機構林務局之傳統政策路線,林務局轉而積極推動八個先導型計畫,試圖逐步的建立原住民族與國家的野生動物共管制度,同時學術界也成為共管體制的重要成員。 為了細緻說明與分析這個再共有化的過程,本文也研究太魯閣族的一個個案。這個個案研究顯示了目前達成的進展、以及重要的挑戰。這些議題包括外部制度環境的支持與抗拒;部落內部的動態;管理能量;學術界及非政府組織的角色等。我們認為,這些嶄新的試行經驗,將可以為臺灣共有資源治理體制可能的典範移轉提供重要洞見。

      • KCI등재

        國家自然資源管理體制下的再共有化 -臺灣野生動物共管制度的興起與最新趨勢-

        Hsing-Sheng Tai(따이싱셩),I-Chi Lu(루이츠) 역사문화학회 2019 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문은 타이완의 자연자원에 대한 “리커머닝” 과정을 특히 토착민의 맥락과 연관하여 분석하고자 한다. 가장 대표적이고도 중요한 공유재의 일종인 야생동물은 지금까지 타이완 토착 사회의 일상과 문화적 관습에 있어 핵심적인 것이었다. 자신들의 자연자원 권리를 되찾기 위한 토착민투쟁의 중요성을 강조하기 위하여, 나는 토착(민)-국가 야생동물 공동 운용체제의 부상과 최근의 경향을 연구하였다. 토착적 커먼즈 체제는 전통적 야생동물 사냥 및 운영 기관들을 포함하여 한때 타이완의 토지 및 자연자원을 장악하였다. 야생동물의 경우, 근대 국가 체제의 침략은 상당 부분 토착적 기관에 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 국가가 토착적 야생동물의 활용과 운영권을 완전히 차지한 것은 1980년대에 이르러서였다. 1989년, 의회에서 야생동물 보호법이 통과되었다. 이는 야생동물 사냥을 완전히 금지하고, 사실상 토착적 기관을 무시하는 것이었으며, 야생동물을 국가 중심적, 지휘 및 통제 방식의 천연자원 운용 체제 하에 실질적으로 포함시켰다. 그러한 엄격한 야생동물 보호법은 토착 야생동물 사냥 관습과 제도에 심각하고도 부정적인 영향을 끼친다. 이는 그간 토착민 운동의 핵심적인 주장 중 하나이기도 하다. 야생동물 사냥과 활용에 관한 토착민들의 법적 권리 요구는 지속적으로 정부 당국과 주류 사회의 저항에 부딪힌다. 다른 한편, 토착 운동 및 환경단체의 몇몇 활동가들과 학자들은 일종의 합의를 이루어 냈고, 최근 몇 년간 야생동물 공동 운용 체제를 이룩하기 위한 연합을 형성했다. 몇몇 이들에게 최종 목표는 독립적이며 자치적인 토착 야생생물 관리체제일 것이다. 2016년, 새로운 가능성이 열렸다. 타이완의 새 대통령 차이잉원(蔡英文)이 토착민들의 전통적 정의를 추구하기 위한 새로운 토착 정책을 공표한 것이다. 해당 정책은 야생동물 보전을 담당하는 국가 기관인 산림부의 기존 경로를 상당히 바꾸어 놓았다. 산림부는 적극적으로 8개의 선구적 프로젝트에 착수하였는데, 이는 학계의 참여 하에 토착(민)-국가 야생동물 공동관리체제를 시행하기 위한 점진적인 과정이었다. 계획적인 리커머닝 과정을 서술하기 위해, 필자들은 트루쿠(Truku)족의 사례를 연구하였다. 이 사례 연구는 외부 기관의 지원과 저항, 커뮤니티 내부의 역학, 자원 운용 능력, 학계와 비정부 기관의 역할 등을 포함한 핵심적인 도전 과제와 현재의 성과들을 제시한다. 이러한 새로운 경험들은 타이완 커먼즈 거버넌스를 향한 체제 전환의 가능성에 관해 비판적 통찰을 제시할 수 있을 것이다. This paper aims to study the “re-commoning” process of natural resources in Taiwan, in particular related to indigenous context. As one of the most typical and important types of common-pool resources, wildlife has been, and still is the core of Taiwan indigenous society’s daily life and culture practice. To highlight the significance of indigenous struggle toward reclaiming their natural resources rights, we study the latest trends of the rise of indigenousstate wildlife co-management regime in Taiwan. Indigenous commons regime, including the traditional wildlife hunting and management institutions, once dominated the land and natural resources in Taiwan. In the case of wildlife, the invasion of modern state regime did to certain extent exerted influences on indigenous institutions. The state, however, has never absolutely taken over the indigenous wildlife use and management rights until 1980s. In 1989, the Wildlife Conservation Act was passed by the parliament, which absolutely prohibits wildlife hunting, ignores the de facto indigenous institutions, and virtually includes wildlife as part of the state-centric, command-and-control natural resources management regime. The strict Wildlife Conservation Act causes serious, negative impacts on indigenous wildlife hunting practice, as well as its institutions. This has also been one of the focuses of indigenous movement’s claims. The indigenous claim of legal rights of wildlife hunting and management is steadily withstand by both the state authority and the mainstream society. Meanwhile some activists in the indigenous movement, environmental organizations, and academics achieved some sort of consensus, and formed a coalition to pursue a co-management wildlife regime in recent years. For some people, the goal might be an autonomous, self-governed indigenous wildlife management regime. In 2016, a new window of opportunity arose. The new Taiwan President, Tsai In-Wen, declared a new indigenous policy toward pursuing transitional justice for indigenous rights. The policy significantly changed the traditional route of the state authority, the Forestry Bureau, which is in charge of the wildlife conservation. The Forestry Bureau actively initiated eight pioneer projects, trying to build up step by step an indigenous-state wildlife co-management regime, in which the academics are also involved. To illustrate the deliberate re-commoning process, we study a case of Truku Tribe. The case study unpacks some of the key challenges and current achievements, including the support and/or resistance of external institutions, intra-community dynamics, management capacity, and the roles of academics and non-governmental organizations. These novel experiences may offer critical insights for a possible paradigm shift of commons governance in Taiwan.

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