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      • CEO 리더십과 우수기업의 경영: 한미글로벌의 사례

        노부호 ( Boo Ho Rho ) 서강대학교 경영연구소 2011 서강경영논총 Vol.22 No.2

        It is not an over exaggeration to say that the role of a leader is almost everything responsible for the success of a firm, It is because the leader establishes vision and culture which are important to the success of a firm and takes responsibility in major decision makings. This paper is trying to explain what role CEO, a leader of a firm plays and how he leads a firm to success through the case of Hanmi Global, Co., Ltd. based on the Seven Factor Leadership Model and the Strategic Chain Model The Seven Factor Leadership Model maintains that there are three roles to play i.e., visionary, executor, and motivator and four character elements i.e. values, passion, love and wisdom. When the values of a leader are established, the passion and love of a leader comes out and the wisdom is to be developed. The wisdom is the basis on which a leader exercises three roles of visionary, executor and motivator. Also when there are values planted in a firm, business management places importance on the long-term oriented people, technology, customer rather than on the short-term oriented profit which are the basics for a firm to be successful and excellent. Chairman Kim Chong-Hun, the CEO of Hanmi Global is a person with a relatively high level of values. He started the company with the purpose of becoming the pioneer of construction industry which denotes the business values and making people have the ownership spirit of the company which denotes the human values. From these values I believe he how shown passion for his work and love for others and has developed wisdom to become an excellent leader. He is a visionary as he always dreams about the future of the company. He is also an executor who has strength in detail developed from his field experience, which is evidenced by winning the order in the World Cup Main Stadium and finishing it earlier than the deadline. He is clearly perceived as a motivator as he tries to make the company a paradise of salary men. With these business values and human values in mind, he has placed importance on people, technology, quality and customer. He understands the virtuous circle where good people satisfies customers, raises the competitiveness of a firm and thus makes good company which in turn attracts good people. This is what the Strategic Chain Model maintains.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국제조기업의 품질경영 관행과 기업성과에 대한 연구

        노부호(Boo Ho Rho),박영수(Young Su Park) 한국경영학회 1999 經營學硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze practices of quality management(QM) that can be used to discriminate superior firm`s from inferior ones in firms performances(quality & non-quality performance) and to present practices of QM that contribute to the performances. The results of this study is as follows. First, the degree in the implementation of QM has a positive correlation with the performances. Second, practices of QM such as top management leadership on quality, use of quality information, supplier relationships, general practices for customer orientation, were used to discriminate superior firms from inferior ones. Third, practices such as strategic planning process, reliable relations with suppliers, quality assurance contribute to the improvement of firm`s performances. This study is meaningful in the sense that both QM contribute to the improvement of firm`s performance and its direction was presented.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유일한의 기업가정신과 경영

        노부호(Boo-Ho Rho) 한국경영사학회 2010 經營史學 Vol.56 No.-

        본 논문은 기존 문헌과 유한양행의 연만희 고문과의 인터뷰에 기초하여 유일한의 기 업가정신과 경영 특징을 본인이 개발한 개념적 모형에 비추어 평가해 봄으로써 그의 기업가정신과 경영이 어떤 수준에 있는가를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기업가정신을 문화, 성품 그리고 가치로 정의를 내리고 있다. 기업가정신은 기본적으로 창의와 도전이지만 창의적이기 위해서는 대화와 협력의 문화, 도전적이기 위해서는 시도와 실패의 문화가 요구된다. 문화는 사람들의 성품으로부터 나온다. 성품은 열정과 애정으로 구성되어 있는 데 열정은 내가 하는 사업을 세계 최고로 키워보겠다는 사업적가치관이 있을 때 나오고 애정은 다른 사람을 잘되게 도와주려는 인간적 가치관이 있을 때 나오는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 그의 기업가정신이 ‘기업가정신의 위계적 개념구조’에 비추어 이상적수준으로 개발되었고 이러한 기업가정신이 있기 때문에 그의 경영 또한 우수기업의 경영모델인 ‘전략의 고리’를 그대로 실천하고 있음을 보여주었다. 그는 보통 사람들에게서는 찾아보기 힘든 강한 도덕적 가치관과 영성적 가치관을 보여주었고 이 때문에 남다르게강한 열정과 애정을 가지고 개방적이고 도전적인 문화를 심고 임직원들의 헌신적인 봉사에 기초를 두고 기업을 혁신적으로 이끌어 갈 수 있었다. 이로써 기업경영자에게 가장 중요한 것은 기업가정신의 개발이고 기업가정신의 개발에 중요한 것은 가치관의 개발이 라는 결론을 제시할 수 있었다. 이 논문은 기업경영에 가치의 중요성을 강조하였고 가치를 사업적 가치, 인간적 가치,도덕적 가치, 영성적 가치, 문화적 가치로 나눔으로써 가치를 좀 더 깊이 있게 분석할수 있는 틀을 제공하였다. 우리가 일생의 많은 시간을 경영에 종사하면서 보낸다면 경영에도 도가 있어야 한다. 기업이 인격도야의 장이 되어야 한다는 것이다. 이런 의미에서 이 논문에서 유일한의 기업가정신을 평가하면서 가치의 중요성을 강조한 것은 의미 있는일이라고 생각된다. The purpose of this paper is to identify on what level the entrepreneurship and management of New Il-Han are developed by evaluating them by the conceptual model developed by the author. The analysis is based on the information from the existing literature and the interview of an adviser M. H. Yun of Yuhan Corporation. In this paper, entrepreneurship is defined as a hierarchical structure of culture, character and values. Entrepreneurship is basically creativity and challenge. To be creative, however, it is necessary to have a culture of communication and cooperation and to be challenging, a culture of trial and failure. Culture is determined by the character of people. Character is composed of passion and love. Passion comes from business values which mean the will to develop their business to the world class level and love comes from human values which mean care and attention to help others to get better. New Il-Han is the person who has strong entrepreneurship supported by these values. This paper shows his entrepreneurship is fully developed in view of the model, ‘hierarchical structure of entrepreneurship’ and his management, with this entrepreneurship, practices the ‘strategic chain’ which is the management model of excellent companies. He had shown strong moral and spiritual values which can rarely be found in the ordinary people and because of this he was able to develop open and challenging culture which is the result of his extraordinary character of passion and love and lead his company’s innovation based on the service and commitment of his people. Thus, the conclusion was able to be made that the most important thing to managers including CEO is the development of entrepreneurship and the most important thing for the development of entrepreneurship is the development of values. This paper emphasized the importance of values in management by indicating that values are the basic element of entrepreneurship and provided the framework to analyze values more deeply by dividing values into business values, human values, moral values, spiritual values, and cultural values. There has to be right values and principles in management as we spend most of our time in the company. In other words, company has to be the place for the development of character. In this regard, it is meaningful to emphasize the importance of values by evaluating the entrepreneurship of New Il-Han.

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