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      • KCI등재후보

        3E 교통안전정책의 우선순위에 관한 연구

        남승용 ( Nam Seung Yong ) 한국도로교통공단 2018 교통안전연구 Vol.37 No.-

        This study considers safety facility, traffic intermittence, and traffic safety education in Korea. Importance of each driver’s traffic safety policy was analyzed. For this purpose, the weights of each policy were derived through consciousness surveys for general drivers, and weights of each item were evaluated by comparing an expert group with a general driver group. The weight of traffic enforcement was the highest for the expert group of the main category, was the lowest for the general driver group, and it was the highest for safety facility. Importance of facilities that can artificially inhibit or induce driver behavior was emphasized such that the weight of a general driver, an expert group, or a road safety facility was high in the middle class. In the case of traffic intermittence, there was a difference between the ratio of mechanical interdictions for general drivers and engineering intervention for experts. In middle classification, the weight of a general driver, expert group, or road safety facility was high, and facilities that artificially suppressed or induced driver behavior seemed important.

      • KCI등재후보

        보행시뮬레이터를 활용한 고령보행자 특성분석 연구

        남승용 ( Nam Seung-yong ) 한국도로교통공단 2020 교통안전연구 Vol.39 No.-

        In this study, the difference in gait patterns between the elderly and the non-aged was confirmed using a walking simulator. For the analysis, six variables, including the speed of the crossing, whether the vehicle was hit during the crossing, the direction of approach of the collision vehicle in the event of a collision, checking the left side of the crossing, and checking the right side of the crossing, were evaluated. It was observed from the analysis that the elderly pedestrians were slower in traversing than the non-aged, the cross-section failure rate was higher, and the vehicle crash rate was also higher during traversal. In addition, in the event of a collision, more number of crashes were caused by right-hand approach vehicles than by approach vehicles, and the left-hand confirmation rate dropped, but the right-hand confirmation rate was higher. These results suggest that the reduced physical abilities of elderly people due to aging can significantly increase the risk of pedestrian traffic accidents. Therefore, it is likely that the elderly will need to change their understanding and behavior of the vulnerabilities and characteristics of the elderly population as a result of this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        고령보행자의 횡단행태 분석 연구

        남승용 ( Nam Seung-yong ) 한국도로교통공단 2019 교통안전연구 Vol.38 No.-

        In this study, a conscious investigation and a walk status survey were conducted to establish countermeasures by analyzing the characteristics of the elderly walkers. First, the survey found that the elderly considered the age, which was one of the judgment criteria, for the elderly to be high than those for the nonaged. The elderly believed that there was no problem with their physical condition, and the risk of an accident was not high in their case. However, the percentage of elderly people who experienced pedestrian traffic accidents over the past five years is about three times higher, which presents the conclusion that there prevails a high risk of traffic accidents in the case of elderly pedestrians. Second, the analysis of the status of the elderly pedestrians crossing six types of crosswalks revealed that they had slower traversal speeds in comparison with the nonaged, and their reaction time after the green signal was also slower than the nonaged. There was no difference between the elderly and the nonaged in the case of left- and right-check identifications while crossing; the overall identification rate was very low.

      • KCI등재

        OTT 서비스의 확산과 ISP 수익모델에 관한 연구

        곽정호 ( Jeong Ho Kwak ),남승용 ( Seung Yong Nam ) 정보통신정책학회 2021 정보통신정책연구 Vol.28 No.3

        인터넷망을 활용하여 콘텐츠를 전송하는 OTT서비스가 급속히 확산되면서 ISP 수익모델이 더 이상 지속될 수 없다는 우려가 나타나고 있다. 즉, 막대한 트래픽을 유발시키는 OTT서비스로 인한 망고도화 투자비용을 감당할 수 없어서, 인터넷 생태계가 붕괴될 수도 있다는 것이다. 이처럼 OTT서비스의 과도한 트래픽 유발과 ISP의 수익성 악화에 대한 논란이 오랫동안 제기되면서, 그동안 인터넷망의 적정 투자 비용 회수와 관련한 다양한 연구들이 지속적으로 수행되어왔다. 하지만 인터넷 망중립성에 관한 합리적 기본원칙, 비용부담 주체, 공정한 비용산정 등에 관한 이론적 연구는 다수 진행되었으나, 실질적인 문제해결을 위해서 요구되는 인터넷망의 투자비용 분담에 관한 이슈를 정량적으로 비교분석한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 OTT서비스의 트래픽이 급속히 증가하는 상황에서 인터넷 생태계의 안정적 협력체계 및 ISP 수익모델의 지속가능성에 대한 실증분석을 수행하고자 한다. 구체적으로 OTT사업자의 동영상서비스 제공이 인터넷망의 트래픽 증가에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는지, OTT서비스로 인한 트래픽 증가가 ISP의 수익구조에 어느 정도의 불안전성을 초래하는지를 실제 데이터에 기초하여 정량적으로 분석하고자 한다. With the rapid proliferation of over-the-top (OTT) services transmitting content on the Internet, concerns have arisen that the ISPs' revenue model can no longer be sustained. The Internet ecosystem may collapse because ISPs cannot bear the cost of investment in network improvements in response to the heavy traffic caused by OTT services. The excessive traffic due to OTT services and the erosion of ISPs' profitability have long caused controversy. Numerous theoretical studies have tackled the prospective cost recovery of investment in Internet networks, and the rational basic principles of network neutrality subject to cost bearing and fair cost calculation. However, no studies have compared and analyzed the issue of Internet investment cost sharing based on quantitative data, in order to find a practical solution to the issue. As the controversy over OTT services and ISP’s revenue models continues, this paper analyzes the problem empirically based on data. The analysis draws up several implications regarding the proliferation of OTT services and ISPs' revenue model. First, OTT services are found to have caused an excessive increase in the Internet network traffic over a short time span, because their business structure centers on video traffic and their growth is extremely fast. Second, the ISPs should inevitably bear the cost of significant investment in facilities to prevent the deterioration of Internet network quality. Third, if the current trend of OTT service proliferation continues, ISPs will not be able to bear the excessive investment costs, and the quality of the Internet network will be compromised.

      • KCI등재

        최대하운동시 음악템포별 청취로 인해 심폐기능에 미치는 영향

        (Sang-Nam Nam),승용(Seung-Yong Shim) 한국생활환경학회 2007 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        This study was to analyze the effect of the listening of different tempo of music on heart-lung function during maximum exercise. After conducting exercise with listening of each tempo of music, the change of heart-lung function were found. The results were as follow. First, HR with listening of different tempo of music during maximum exercise was appeared to be significant difference in 10 minutes. Second, VE with listening of different tempo of music during maximum exercise were appeared to be significant differences around 5 and 30 minutes. In conclusion, there was a significant difference in HR between fast tempo of dance music and slow tempo of ballard music in 10 minutes. That is, the fast tempo of dance music was shown to be more effective than slow tempo of ballard music during exercise. Also, there were significant differences in VE around 5 and 30 minutes. Therefore, this study suggested that fast tempo music was more effective than slow tempo music during aerobic exercise. Future study based on popular music will be conducted to analyze the physiological and psychological factors for different age groups.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라의 직업훈련에 의한 임금과 취업효과에 대한 실증분석

        남승용,송일호 동국대학교 사회과학연구원 2005 사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate economic effect of job training in Korea. The data used in this study is 「 Korean Labor Panel Data」 in 1998~1999. The panel data includes recent individual data in Korea from 13,000 people(5,000 households). The economic effect of job training generally can be divided into two group such as micro-economics and macro-economics effects. From the micro-economic point of view, the level of employment and wage are increased. On the other hand, the national produtivity increase because of decreasing the level of unemployment. This study is to analyze the effect of job training on the level of employment and wage in the micro side. First of all, this study analyzes the determinants of job training experience for whom have special quality. Secondly, the determination of employment is analyzed by probit method. In addition, the wage equation is estimated by Heckman's two step method. Empirical results of this study are the same as the results from previous studies in terms of job training experience. The results confirm that probability of job training experience increases as the amount of human capital stocks increase. Besides, this study considers the effect of demographic variables such as sex, age, and the level of education on the level of employment. The employment effects are different from each group and statistically significant, These results can suggest some implications to policymakers. This study also analyzes the employment effect based on different programs such as government and private job training programs. According to the results of this study, private programs are more efficient than government programs in terms of employment rate. Finally, this study adopts Heckman's two step procedure to estimate wage equation in order to correct self-selection bias. The empirical results show that job training variable can affect the wage level and which support theoretical background of this study. In sum, the job training can affect the level of employment and wage positively.

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