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      • KCI등재후보

        圓覺寺13層塔에 대한 근대적 인식과 오해

        남동신(南東信) 국립중앙박물관 2021 미술자료 Vol.- No.100

        본고는 원각사탑에 대한 지난 백 년간의 근대 학설사를 층수에 초점을 맞추어 비판적으로 성찰하 였다. 먼저 제Ⅱ장에서는 근대 개항기에 조선을 여행한 서양인들이 종래 한성의 ‘非美’내지는 흉물로 간주되던 원각사탑을 한성의 ‘奇觀’내지 ‘偉觀’으로 재발견하는 역동적인 과정을 추적하였다. 이들 은 불탑에 관한 예비지식이 거의 없는 서양 출신이었기 때문에, 역설적으로 원각사탑에 대하여 객관 적인 견문기를 남길 수 있었는바, 그들이 접촉한 조선 지식인들을 통하여 대체로 13층설을 받아들 였다. 이어서 제Ⅲ장에서는 대한제국 선포 이후 일인 관변학자들이 원각사탑을 본격적으로 학술 조 사하고, 일제식민기 동안 조선총독부가 원각사탑을 문화재로서 관리하는 과정 및 그 문제점을 언급 하였다. 특히 지난 100여 년 동안 원각사탑 층수 문제에 관하여 가장 큰 영향력을 행사한 세키노 타 다시(關野 貞)의 학설이 10층설에서 13층설로, 다시 다층설로 변하는 문제를 집중 조명하였다. 마지 막으로 제Ⅳ장에서는 해방 이후부터 1962년까지 원각사탑에 대한 인식이 다층설에서 10층설로 바 뀐 경과를 정리하되, 선행하는 일제식민기 조선 지식인들의 인식이 13층설 일변도였음을 특기해두 었다. 다만 1962년 이후 지금까지 원각사탑에 관련하여 중요한 연구성과가 적지않이 발표되었지만, 층수에 관한 한 대부분 1962년에 확정된 10층설을 전제로 하였기 때문에, 본고에서는 따로 정리하지 않았다. 학설사 검토의 결과, 원각사탑이 13층탑으로서 건립되었다는 근거가 명백함에도 불구하고, 일제 시기는 물론 해방 이후 지금까지 백 년이 넘도록 13층설은 단 한 번도 공인받지 못하였으며, 학계에 서 층수 문제가 본격적으로 다루어지지도 않았음을 확인할 수 있었다. 원각사탑과 경천사탑이 10층 탑이라는 현재의 통설은, 백 년 전에 세키노 타다시(關野 貞)가 최초로 주창하였다. 세키노는 원각사 에 남아있는 「원각사비」가 글자를 거의 판독할 수 없을 정도로 마멸이 심하였기 때문에 원각사탑의 현상만 건축학의 관점에서 고찰하고 10층탑이라고 주장하였다. 공교롭게도 그 직후에 발견된 『속동 문선』에 실린 「원각사비」에서 ‘탑 13층을 세웠다.’라는 구절이 확인되었다. 또한 15세기 후반 왕명으 로 『동국여지승람』을 편찬한 편찬자들도 원각사탑의 모범인 경천사탑 또한 ‘13층탑’임을 분명히 인식 하고 있었다. 특히 원각사탑 건립 직후 왕명으로 건립된 「원각사비」는 세키노의 10층설이 전제에 오류가 있음 을 명백히 보여준다. 세키노는, ‘3층의 기단 위에 탑신 10층이 올려져 있어서, 세상 사람들이 13층탑 이라고 불렀다.’라고 하였는데, 「원각사비」는 세조가 처음부터 13층탑으로서 원각사탑을 건립하였음 을 생생하게 증언한다. 다만 이례적이게도 13층탑을 3층의 기단 위에 탑신 10층을 올린 형태로 조성 하였을 따름이다. 그렇다면 세조는 왜 13층탑을 세웠으며, 왜 그것을 3층의 기단 위에 탑신 10층이라는 이례적인 국문초록 52 美術資料 제100호 2021 형태로 구현하였는가? 세조가 원각사13층탑을 건립한 의도를 온전히 이해하려면, 먼저 원각사탑의 정체를 파악해야 하는바, 그 첫 단추는 원래의 명칭을 회복하는 데 있다. 필자는 전제의 오류 위에 구축된 세키노의 10층설―나아가 절충적인 다층설―은 이제 폐기하고, 「원각사비」에서 말하는 13층 설을 복원할 것을 촉구한다.

      • KCI등재

        甘山寺 阿彌陀佛像과 彌勒菩薩像 造像記의 연구

        남동신 국립중앙박물관 2020 미술자료 Vol.- No.98

        This paper analyzes the contents, characteristics, and historical significance of the dedicatory inscriptions (josanggi) on the Amitabha Buddha and the Maitreya Bodhisattva statues of Gamsansa Temple, two masterpieces of Buddhist sculpture from the Unified Silla period. In the first section, I summarize research results from the past century (divided into four periods), before presenting a new perspective and methodology that questions the pre-existing notion that the Maitreya Bodhisattva has a higher rank than the Amitabha Buddha. In the second section, through my own analysis of the dedicatory inscriptions, arrangement, and overall appearance of the two images, I assert that the Amitabha Buddha sculpture actually held a higher rank and greater significance than the Maitreya Bodhisattva sculpture. In the third section, for the first time, I provide a new interpretation of two previously undeciphered characters from the inscriptions. In addition, by comparing the sentence structures from the respective inscriptions and revising the current understanding of the author (chanja) and calligrapher (seoja), I elucidate the possible meaning of some ambiguous phrases. Finally, in the fourth section, I reexamine the content of both inscriptions, differentiating between the parts relating to the patron (josangju), the dedication (josang), and the prayers of the patrons or donors (balwon). In particular, I argue that the phrase “for my deceased parents” is not merely a general axiom, but a specific reference. To summarize, the dedicatory inscriptions can be interpreted as follows: when Kim Jiseong’s parents died, they were cremated and he scattered most of their remains by the East Sea. But years later, he regretted having no physical memorial of them to which to pay his respects. Thus, in his later years, he donated his estate on Gamsan as alms and led the construction of Gamsansa Temple. He then commissioned the production of the two stone sculptures of Amitabha Buddha and Maitreya Bodhisattva for the temple, asking that they be sculpted realistically to reflect the actual appearance of his parents. Finally, he enshrined the remains of his parents in the sculptures through the hole in the back of the head (jeonghyeol). The Maitreya Bodhisattva is a standing image with a nirmanakaya, or “transformation Buddha,” on the crown. As various art historians have pointed out, this iconography is virtually unprecedented among Maitreya images in East Asian Buddhist sculpture, leading some to speculate that the standing image is actually the Avalokitesvara. However, anyone who reads the dedicatory inscription can have no doubt that this image is in fact the Maitreya. To ensure that the sculpture properly embodied his mother (who wished to be reborn in Tushita Heaven with Maitreya Bodhisattva), Kim Jiseong combined the iconography of the Maitreya and Avalokitesvara (the reincarnation of compassion). Hence, Kim Jiseong’s deep love for his mother motivated him to modify the conventional iconography of the Maitreya and Avalokitesvara. A similar sentiment can be found in the sculpture of Amitabha Buddha. To this day, any visitor to the temple who first looks at the sculptures from the front before reading the text on the back will be deeply touched by the filial love of Kim Jiseong, who truly cherished the memory of his parents. 본 논문에서는 甘山寺의 阿彌陀佛像과 彌勒菩薩像의 光背에 각각 새겨진 造像記를 재검토함으로써, 통일신라기 불상을 대표하는 걸작이자 기준작인 두 상을 새롭게 이해하고자 하였다. 이를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 Ⅰ장에서는 ‘근대적 발견’ 이래 지난 100년간의 연구 성과를 네 시기로 나누어 검토한 다음, 필자의 새로운 관점과 방법론을 제시하였다. 이어서 Ⅱ장에서는 기왕의 미륵보살상›아미타불상의 位次를 비판하고 조상기를 재검토한 후 두 상의 배치와 외관에 근거하여 아미타불상›미륵보살상의 위차가 옳음을 논증하였다. Ⅲ장에서는 마지막까지 판독 불능으로 남았던 두 글자를 처음으로 판독하고, 이를 포함하여 기존에 의미가 불분명하였던 몇몇 구절을 새롭게 해석하였다. 아울러 아미타불상조상기와 미륵보살상조상기의 문장 구조를 비교하고 조상기의 찬자와 서자에 대하여 새로운 해석을 시도하였으며, 書體 연구는 앞으로의 과제로 남겨두었다. 끝으로 Ⅳ장에서는 조상기의 내용을 造像主와 造像 및 發願으로 나누어 재검토하였다. 특히 필자는 ‘돌아가신 부모님을 위하여’라는 조상기의 구절이 상투적인 표현에 그치지 않고 실질적인 의미가 있음을 밝히고자 하였다. 결론적으로 말하자면 다음과 같다. 金志誠이 돌아가신 부모를 모두 화장해서 동해 바닷가에 산골하였기 때문에, 나중에 부모를 추모하려 해도 그 마음을 의지할 물질적 標識가 없었다. 그래서 만년의 김지성은 甘山田莊을 희사하여 절로 삼고, 여기에 돌아가신 부모님을 위하여 돌로 각각 아미타불상과 미륵보살상을 조성하되, 부모님의 실제 모습을 투영하여 像의 尊容을 사실적으로 조각하고 그 頂穴에 부모의 상징물을 안치하였다고 해석하였다. 두 상 가운데 특히 미륵보살상은 冠에 化佛이 있는 立像인데, 미술사학자들이 지적하였듯이, 이러한 圖像의 미륵보살상은 동아시아 불교조각사에서 그 유례를 찾아보기 어려워서, 도상적 특징만 본다면 십중팔구 관음보살상이라고 간주할 것이다. 반대로 조상기만 읽는 사람들에게는 의심할 여지없이 미륵보살상이다. 김지성은 돌아가신 어머니가 來世에는 도솔천에 上生하기를 기원하였기에 도솔천을 주재하는 미륵보살상을 만들기로 하되, 그 상에 慈母의 이미지를 투영하기 위하여 慈悲의 화신인 관음보살상의 도상을 취했던 것이다. 이것은 아미타불상도 마찬가지여서, 돌아가신 아버지의 극락왕생을 희구하여 아미타불상을 조성하되 모든 불교도의 慈父인 석가여래상의 도상을 차용하였다고 유추된다. 후대의 추모자들이 정면에서 상[Image]을 친견하고 뒤로 돌아가서 조상기[Text]를 읽었다면, 그들은 김지성의 부모님을 향한 추모의 마음에 깊이 공감하였을 것이다.

      • 고려 중기 법상종(法相宗)[자은종(慈恩宗)]과 해린(海麟)

        남동신 ( Nam Dongsin ) 서울대학교 국사학과 2019 韓國史論 Vol.65 No.-

        본고에서는 고려 중기에 부흥하는 法相宗[慈恩宗]의 사상사적 의의가 무엇인가 하는 문제를, 智光國師 海麟(984-1070)을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 먼저 고려 중기 법상종의 교학은 『瑜伽師地論』에서 『成唯識論』으로 그 무게 중심이 이동한 것으로 보았다. 이는 동시에 『成唯識論』의 編譯과 註釋을 주도한 慈恩大師 基(632-682)의 교학, 즉 慈恩學이 主流였음을 의미한다. 고려 법상종의 특색은 『金光明經』을 중시한 데에서 찾을 수 있다. 『金光明經』은 불교교단과 세속사회 사이의 이상적인 관계를 역설하는데, 고려 법상종단이 이 경전의 ‘護國’내지 ‘護世’ 사상에 크게 공감한 듯하다. 다만 기존에는 ‘護國’을 국왕의 관점에서 이해하였는데, 본고에서는 불교의 관점에서 ‘護世’의 중요성도 부각하였다. 고려 중기 법상종 승려들이 보여주는 放生, 慈善, 救濟 등의 활동상은 분명 『金光明經』에 경전적 근거를 둔 것이다. 법상종의 『金光明經』 중시가 나말여초 禪宗의 흥기에 대한 대응이라고 보기는 어렵다. 이는 경쟁 종단인 華嚴宗의 義天(1055-1101)이 渡宋遊學 때 강렬한 禪敎 충돌을 체험함으로써 귀국 이후 기왕의 華嚴學에 실천성을 강화하고 나아가 교종 중에서도 가장 실천수행을 강조한 天台宗을 개창한 것과 비교된다. 당시 법상종단의 중심 인물 중에서 義天 만큼 禪敎 간의 강렬한 충돌을 체험한 사례는 지금까지 알려진 바가 없다. 결국 고려 중기 법상종이 보여준 현실 중시의 주된 배경이 고려 사회 내부에 있었음을 강력하게 시사한다. This paper examines the significance of the revival of the Beopsang School of Buddhism(法相宗 or Jaeun-jong, 慈恩宗, Ch. Faxiang-zong), centered around National Preceptor Jigwang Haerin(智光國師 海麟, 984-1070). First it looks at the precepts of mid-Goryeo Beopsang and examines how its emphasis shifted from the Yugasajiron(瑜伽師地論, Discourse on the Stages of Concentration Practice) to the Seongyusikron(成唯識論, Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness Only). The special feature of Beopsang-jong in the Goryeo can be found in the importance it accorded the Geumgwangmyeong-gyeong(金光明經, Sutra of Golden Light), which stressed the idealistic relationship between the Buddhist clergy and secular society. The Beopsang-jong clergy of Goryeo greatly sympathized with the hoguk(護國, saving the nation) and hose(護 世, saving the world) thought of this religious text. However, prior scholarly understandings of hoguk have largely emphasized the perspective of the national monarch, but this paper stresses as well the importance of hose. The range of activities of Beopsang-jong monks in the mid-Goryeo period such as pangsaeng(放生, release of living creatures), jaseon(慈善, benevolent goodness), guje(救濟, relief of suffering) had a textual basis in the Geumgwangmyeong-gyeong. It is difficult interpret the importance accorded the Geumgwangmyeong-gyeong as a response to the rise of Seon(禪宗) Buddhism in the late Silla and early Goryeo period. This is in comparison to the case of Uicheon (義天, 1055-1101) of the Hwaeom School(華嚴宗) who when studying in Song China had a bout of fierce conflict with Chan(禪宗) Buddhism, an experience that after returning to Goryeo strengthened his practice of his earlier Hwaeom study, and to go further led to his founding of the Cheontae(天台宗, Ch. Tiantai) school, which among the various Buddhist groups was the most devoted to Buddhist practice. Down to the present, among the main members of the Beopsang clergy, there no contemporary instance known of someone who personally had such a fierce encounter with the Seon school. The Buddhism of Liao, with which at the time Goryeo had an active exchange, was led by the Gyo School(敎宗) and the Esoteric Buddhism(密敎). Among these, the Emperor Daozong(道宗), who had a deep attainment in Huayan(華嚴宗) study, was highly critical of Chan(禪宗). In the end, during the mid-Goryeo period the importance placed by the Beopsang-jong on reality hints strongly hints that it had found for itself a place within Goryeo society.

      • KCI등재

        미술사의 과제와 역사학

        남동신 한국미술사학회 2010 美術史學硏究 Vol.268 No.268

        This paper, written on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Korean Art History, explores tasks facing the discipline of Korean art history – research directions and methods in the 21st century - by looking at Korean Buddhist art from a historical perspective. I begin by discussing methodological tasks. One of the recent research trends in Korean art history has been to extend the field of research to include a broader visual culture and even material culture as a whole. In terms of methodology, this trend has been concerned with the active use of not just visual art forms, but also texts. On the relationship between images and texts, I argue that they are different ways of recording one and the same experience, and that when these media are used to transmit religious messages, there is a difference in terms of authoritative value; a fact well understood by Buddhist artists of premodern and modern times. My discussion then moves on to future research directions. As is well-known, the modern discipline of Korean art history was a field transplanted to Korea by Japanese government- sponsored researchers as part of an attempt to legitimize Japan’s colonial rule over Korea, and what was transplanted was not art history as a modern academic discipline,which was created in Europe, but the way it was understood and re-adapted in Japan. This transplanted framework of art history could not properly reflect Korean history and culture,concerning both the selection of research subjects, methods, and terminology. In light of this, I propose, in this paper, the ways in which we conduct research on and interpret Korean art history as well as East Asian art history from various perspectives. To give a concrete example, I have reviewed two records of repair and renovation found inside the Seokgatap Pagoda of the Bulguksa Temple, Mugujeonggwang Jungsugi (Dabotap Jungsugi , 1024)and Seoseoktap Jungsugi (Seokgatap Jungsugi , 1038) and have identified fifteen names of stone pagoda parts that were widely used in the early Goryeo period. I suggest that these names be used to replace or complement the Japanese-style names of pagoda parts that are currently in use. Art history and history are intimately related to each other insofar as they both reorganize the history and culture of the past. No two academic disciplines are as closely linked to each other as art history and history. In this sense, this paper serves to stimulate the communication and exchange between these two research fields. 본고는 한국미술사학회 창립 50주년을 맞아, 역사학의 관점에서 불교미술사를 중심으로 한국미술사학의 당면 과제–새로운 세기의 연구방향과 방법론–를 검토하였다. 첫째는 방법론의 과제이다. 최근 한국미술사학의 연구동향은, 연구 영역을 미술에서 시각문화로, 시각문화에서 물질문화로 확장하면서, 방법론에 있어서도 시각자료만이 아니라 문자자료까지 적극적으로활용하는 추세를 잘 보여준다. 이와 관련하여 필자는 시각자료와 문자자료가 동일한 체험을 다른 방식으로 기록하며, 종교적 메시지를 전달하는 데서 종교적 권위에 차이가 있는바, 이 사실을 전근대 불교도들도충분히 인식한 위에서 불교미술품을 제작하였음을 부각시켰다. 둘째는 연구 방향의 문제이다. 주지하다시피 한국근대미술사학은, 서구에서 성립된 근대미술사학이일본식으로 번안되고, 이것이 다시 일본 관학자들에 의하여 일제의 한국 식민지화를 합리화 하려는 의도에 부응하며 한국에 이식된 것이다. 따라서 미술사학의 주제 설정, 방법론, 용어 등에서 한국의 역사 및 문화를 정당하게 반영하지 못하는 문제가 불가피하였다. 필자는 이와 관련하여 한국적 시각에서 한국의 미술사, 동아시아의 미술사를 새롭게 정립할 것을 제언하였다. 구체적으로 불국사 석가탑에서 출토된 「무구정광탑중수기」(다보탑중수기, 1024년)와 「서석탑중수기」(석가탑중수기, 1038년)를 검토하여, 고려 초에 통용된 한국의 전통적인 석탑 부재 명칭 15종을 발굴하였으며, 이것이 현재 통용되고 있는 일본식 석탑 부재 명칭을 수정 보완할 수 있음을 밝혔다. 미술사학과 역사학은 과거의 역사와 문화를 재구성하고자 한다는 점에서 매우 밀접한 관계에 있으며, 다른 어떤 학문분야보다 친연성이 깊다. 그런 점에서 본고는 향후 두 학문 분야간의 소통과 교류를 더욱 활성화시키는 데 기여하리라 기대된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        聖住寺 無染碑의 '得難'條에 대한 考察

        南東信 한국고대사학회 2002 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.28 No.-

        The word Deuknan(得難) which was a word indicating the social status of particular figures, and the annotations for that word (the Deuknan-jo section/得難條) which were created by the editor of the <Seongjusa Nanghae Hwasang Tabbi (also known as the Muyeom-bi tablet)>(聖住寺郞慧和尙塔碑/無染碑), have all been considered extremely invaluable for the researchers who were trying to figure out the inner structure and dynamics of the Golpum-jae(骨品制/ Bone-rank system) classification. But the researchers' interpretations of the 49 letters of this Deuknan-jo section have very much varied over the years, and therefore usually the understandings of a particular word or sentence have been intoterably different from one another. The Deuknan-jo section was created by Choi Chi Weon(崔致遠), to help the Chinese people understand the term Deuknan, which was being used in the area of classification. So this researcher decided to re-examine the text itself while also keeping in mind the original intent of the editor. In order to do that this researcher tried to stay away from any previously announced interpretations to avoid falling victim to any unnecessary presuppositions, and also tried to interpret the text matter not with the Korean ways of interpreting Chinese letters(which has been developed since the later days of the Chosun dynasty) but with the grammatical system which was supposedly used by the Chinese intellects during the latter half of the 9th century. The following are the results of this new attempt. The five ranks (五品) , to which the Shilla officials of the ending days of the 9th century were subjected, were the Song-Ih-Jingol figures (otherwise known as the Songgol & Jingol members=聖骨ㆍ眞骨=the Hallowed-bone & True-bone members), the Deuknan figures, and the 6th/Yuk, 5th/Oh and 4th/Sa Dupum figures (Head-rank six, five and four). The 'Song-Ih-Jingol' title was not a merged title for both the Songgol and Jingol figures as believed by many researchers, but rather a title for a group of people who were all hallow and truly honorable in their nature and social status. This means that even though the House of King Gyeongmun -wang tried to enforce the Hallowed-bone sentimentality in order to outrank and outclass the other ordinary True - bone members during the later periods of the 9th century, it was not able to establish the Hallowed-bone concept as an independent definition of a class. The Deuknan class was demoted from the rank of a True-bone class, but it was still a noble class. Because the only source from the Shilla dynasty where the mention of a Deuknan figure can be confirmed is the Muyeom-bi(無染碑) tablet epitaph, some scholars doubt the very existence of the Deuknan figure itself. But researches conducted by this researcher suggest that, unlike the existing theories, the Deuknan figure did appear during the time period in which Muyeom(無染/800-888) father Beomcheong(範淸) lived, and it was established as an independently stratified class, positioned between the True-bone members and the Yukdu-pum members, during the reign of Queen Jinseong-yeowang(眞聖女王/887 -897), when the tablet epitaph was created. These particular figures were called Deuknan figures because they were able to use the noble names in a time when not only the high class nobles but also the middle and lower class ones were also becoming able to use last names in addressing themselves, and therefore making other people's use of those names increasingly difficult during the 9th century. These Deuknan figures must have been granted privileges which were usually only granted to the nobles. The types and nature of the privileges, which would have usually meant exemption from national services, are all examined here and also compared to the other examples of the Chinese dynasties since the days of the North & South period and till the Tang dynasty period.

      • KCI등재

        慧超 『往五天竺國傳』의 발견과 8대탑

        南東信(Nam Dongsin) 동양사학회 2010 東洋史學硏究 Vol.111 No.-

        In this article, I attempted to investigate two issues in relation to Hyecho's Memoir which is a travelogue written by a Silla monk Hyecho. The first issue I intended to examine is how Paul Pelliot determined that this text was indeed the legitimate Hyecho's Memoir. This issue is important to understand, because Pelliot discovered only a handwritten copy, and the section containing the title of the text and the identity of the author was lost. Particularly, in relation to the discovery of Hyecho's Memoir, I considered the circulation of Huilin's Yitqiejing yinyi to be very important, because it is the only Buddhist text that mentions Hyecho' Memoir. And second themes I intended to deal with in this paper is the Eight Great Stupas. As the ultimate objective of his pilgrimage to India was to pay respect to the Eight Great Stupas, so he documented the names and locations of the Eight Great Stupas, composed of 4 sacred stupas and 4 other great stupas. It was ascertained that Hyecho's Memoir is the oldest extant text indicating the identities and locations of those eight great stupas. I utilized written texts and archaeological survey reports to shed light on those stupas. By accomplishing this task, I hoped to answer the following two questions: how East Asian pilgrims perceived Indian Buddhism in the early 8th century, and how such Indian Buddhism was understood and consumed throughout the East Asian Buddhist community. The Eight Great Stupas Hyecho referred to were not the so-called Eight Original Stupas, each containing 1/8th of Buddha's sar?ra. Instead, they were the stupas or temples that A?oka erected at Eight Sacred Buddhist Places throughout India. A?oka also erected stone pillars around the stupas he created, and engraved inscriptions upon them. Consequently, the Eight Great Stupas came to symbolize the Eight Sacred places, and the A?okan pillars came to serve as markers of those Eight Great Stupas. The pilgrims were able to identify the eight great stupas with those pillars, and by paying respect to the great stupas, they found themselves inspired by the greatness of Sakyamuni, and had a deep spiritual experience.

      • KCI등재

        三國統一과 思想界의 動向 : 中代初 국가와 불교 교단의 관계를 중심으로 Focusing on the Relationship between the Shilla State and the Buddhi Order in the Early Middle Period

        南東信 한국고대사학회 2001 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        Buddhism of the Shilla middle period was formed as Shilla reacted to the social changes in the aftermath of unification of the three kingdoms. During this period Buddhism was characterized by the equal human view originating from the One Mind( 一心), altruisti human relationship based on merciful heart. and the ideal sovereign image which stresses on the 'straight path' and 'for the common people'. This was the result as Shilla society sought its direction from the Buddhist indiscriminate society after the Unification. After the Unification, Shilla Buddhist Order was deprived of it extraterritorial rights and started to be subordinated to state power As the priest-official system was constructed, even the Buddhis priest was obliged to pay homage to the king himself. In return th Order gave king and his officials the bodhisattva-samvara(菩薩戒) which enabled the Order to 'morally' check the mighty monarch a power. Such trend and practice became commonplace in the Koryo period. From this perspective, it could be said that Buddhism of th Unified Shilla is the original form of Korean Buddhism.

      • KCI등재

        『三國遺事』의 史書로서의 特性

        남동신(Nam Dong-Shin) 불교학연구회 2007 불교학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        There has been a premise that had been suggested during the time of Choi Nam Seon/崔南善 and has been widely accepted since then, which considered『Samguk Yusa/三國遺事』written by priest Ilyeon/一然 as the only text that was left to the Korean people to show them the original forms(原形) of the ancient Korean culture. In this article, this grand premise is critically examined. So, this author attempted to reevaluate the value and true nature of『Samguk Yusa』from the viewpoint of the late 13th century(the time period when the text was born) and not from a viewpoint that would have been engineered in later periods. Result of such reevaluation shows two distinct characteristics of 『Samguk Yusa』 as an historical text. First, as we can see from the title, the text shows the characteristic of being the documentation of ‘Left facts(遺事)’. In 『Samguk Yusa』, things that were left out of the historical texts which had dealt with the Three-dynasties period and the Unified Shilla dynasty period were mainly collected and examined. And it seems that such collection of the "left-out" facts continued in three directions. First, things that were not dealt with or included in『Samguk Sagi/三國史記』written by Kim Bu Shik/金富軾, who was a Confucian scholar(儒者) and therefore designed the text as a King-based, royal affairs-based one and also concentrated upon the history of political affairs, were collected. Second, things that were not dealt with or included in『Haedong Goseung-jeon/海東高僧傳』 written by Gakhun/覺訓, who was a Gyojong/敎宗-school Buddhist priest and designed the text around Buddhist priests" biologies, were collected. And third, things that were not included in his(一然) own texts about the history of Seon school(禪宗史) must have been collected as well. As we can see, historical texts that dealt with the ancient history and culture of Korea existed in at least three of these areas at this point, so it can be said that the publication of 『Samguk Yusa』was intended to supplement these existing texts. Because『Samguk Yusa』was a collection of ‘left facts[遺事]’, it covered the historical facts of the Korean history that were not included in previous historical texts, and as a result came to reflect the society of the Goryeo dynasty up until the latter half period of the 13th century. As we can see from the title originally it must have been meant to deal with the left out things in the history of the Three dynasties, yet the facts that are discussed in this text are from the 4th century through the ending days of the 13th century. This means that between the date of publication of 『Samguk Yus a』 and the days of the Three dynasties and the Unified Shilla, there was a time gap bigger than 250 years and smaller than 900. This kind of time gap would surely have had influence upon the people"s viewing of the "original forms of the ancient culture". So, it is clear that texts which were written during the Goryeo dynasty period cannot be considered as texts containing the "original forms of the ancient culture", and they should be interpreted instead as reflections of the Goryeo people"s view upon the ancient culture. This is what this author wish to label as the second characteristic of『Samguk Yusa』.

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