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        구형복단면(矩形複斷面) 수로(水路)의 자유도수(自由跳水)에 관한 연구(硏究)(2) -도수(跳水)의 길이를 중심(中心)으로-

        김희종 ( Hi Chong Kim ),민병형 ( Byung Hyung Min ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 1978 石堂論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        ①The lengths of hydraulic jump in rectangular double section channels and rectangular section channels are affected remarkably by the loss head and Fr. which are fetors influencing the lengths of hydraulic jump in trapezoidal channels studies by OHTSU. ② In the case of Fr. less than 1.7 which has generally wave-edged hydraulic jumps, the phemomenon of hydraulic jump is shown an abnomal phenomenon. ③ The following experimental equation was obtained after a study on the lengths of hydraulic jump. log(Li/HL)=3.8-7.6 (Fr.) provided that, 1.7<Fr.<2.2 ④ The more values of Fr. for an abatement equipment, to design rectangular double section channels in comparison with rectangular section channels in more useful.

      • 부유유사(浮遊流砂)의 연직농도분포(鉛直濃度分布)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        유시창 ( Shi Chang Yoo ),김희종 ( Hi Chong Kim ) 한국농공학회 1982 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.24 No.4

        To precict the suspended sediments which are 80% of total sediments in a flood disch-arge, an equation representing vertical distribution of sediment concentration was derived based upon the diffusion theory and the logalithmic velocity distribution function in the tubulent flow mechanism. The hypothesis that the uniform mass transfer is occurred at upper part along the center line of water depth, was established as a preconition to solve the problem. The theorecal and the observed values were compared. And the theoretical equation was modified to be fit the theoretical values the observed values. Observed results are as follow; 1) Equation 12) is the theoretical equation representing the vertical concentration distri-bution of suspended sedimenta 2) Rous&exonential type vertical concentration distribution equation shows signification errors near the water surface. But the equation 12) shows substation cocentration values near the water surface. 3) Equation 15) is the modified theoretical equation which is possible to predict the vertical concentration distribution of suspended sediments.

      • 糞尿와 煉炭재로서 肥料化를 위한 反應塔의 最適設計 : 反應條件과 分散板의 特性을 中心으로 Character of distribitor of bubble column and reaction condition

        金熙鍾,金燦國,孫晋彦,金相烈 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1979 硏究報告 Vol.3 No.1

        球型反應器와 氣泡塔反應器內에서 糞尿와 煉炭재를 混合合成하여, 肥料化함에 알맞은 消化條件을 糞尿溶液의 物性(稀釋倍率, 表面張力 및 返送汚泥의 混合比率), 煉炭재의 特性, 曝氣流速, 消化中空氣의 가스홀드엎 및 消化時間等의 變化에 따라 硏究하였다. 또한 消化速度에 미치는 두 反應器의 特性을 상호 비교하였으며 이들 인자사이의 상호관계를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 消化溶液의 表面張力變化에 의해 反應速度의 測定이 可能하였으며, 이는 BOD法이나 COD方法보다는 짧은 時間內에 간단히 측정할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있다. 2. 球型反應器와 같이 원통형 氣泡塔內에서도 연탄재의 粒子가 클수록 反應速度가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 3. 원통형 氣泡塔內에서는 희석배율이 5배일때가 더 경제적이다. 4. 분산판의 구멍의 지름이 0.9㎜이하에서는 지름이 적을수록 반응의 완결도와 가스홀드엎이 크게 나타났으며, 0.9㎜ 이상에서는 구멍의 크기가 거의 영향을 받지 않는다. The appropriative condition of digestion for the compost of anthracite ash and nightsoil in ball-type reactor and bubble column reactor, according to the ratio of dilution and surface tension of nightsoil solution, the compounding ratio of the treated nightsoil charactor of ash, velocity of aeration, gas holdup during the digestion and the time of reaction, have studied. The different charactor between two reactor which have an effect on degree of completion of reaction and the relation among various factors has been investigated as the following results. ⅰ) The degree of completion of digestion was more conveniently measured by mean of a change in surface tension of nightsoil solution than BOD or COD measurement. ⅱ) The particle size of ash accelated to the degree of completion of digestion in bubble column likewise ball-type reactor. ⅲ) The optimun ratio of dilution economically is 5 times in bubble column. ⅳ) Below 0.9㎜ of hole diameter of distributor, degestion and gas hold up were in inverse proportion to the diameter of hole, but above 0.9㎜ the size of diameter have not an effect an digestion.

      • 糞尿와 都市 廢棄物과의 混合處理에 대한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 肥料化를 中心으로한 實驗室的 考察 Experimental study for the fertilization

        金熙鐘,金相烈,金秀生,孫晋彦,金燦國,成周慶,吳英敏 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1977 硏究報告 Vol.1 No.1

        우리나라에 있어서 都市廢棄物의 主인 糞尿와 固形廢棄物의 太宗인 無煙炭재를 同時에 效果的으로 處理할 수 있고 또한 堆肥化시킬 수 있는 好氣性 酸化方式의 最適條件을 얻기 위하여 生糞尿 및 煉炭재의 理化學的 및 生物學的 數値를 測定하고 이를 基礎로하여 上記 兩者를 混合處理 할수 있는 消化條件(溫度, 糞尿와 煉炭재의 配合比, 기타 固形物의 添加量, 注入되는 空氣量의 變化)에 따른 C.O.D., B.O.D.의 變化, 水分 및 電氣傳導度의 變化, 熱灼減量, N量의 變化 等을 硏究하였으며 이들 사이의 相關關係를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 生糞尿에 固形廢棄物인 煉炭재나 紙類를 配合시켜 消化시키므로서 케이크속의 질소成分의 量을 增加 시킬수 있다. 2. 煉炭재의 配合은 糞尿의 消化速度를 增加 시킨다. 3. 糞尿의 處理를 위한 反應槽의 溫度는 50℃보다 60℃로 維持 시킬때 消化速度가 크다. 4. 反應槽의 溫度를 一定하게 했을때 空氣의 注入速度는 初期 反應時는 적게하고 後期 反應時는 크게 함이 效果的 이다. For the effective treatment and usable disposal of urban wastes in the area of Busan city, the composition of the nightsoil and anthracite bulky ash which is the main munic ipal solid wastes have been studied on the digestion of the compositive mixtures with the variable conditions that are ratio of compounding between nightsoil and ash, amount of solid additives and volume of air for the effective airation at 50, 65℃. The digestion has been detected by the physico-chemical and biological data; pH, specific gravity, content of moisture, C.O.D., B.O.D., electroconductance of the solution of the results, decrease of nition, and volume of total free nitrogen etc. The results are obtained as follows. 1) The characteristics of domestic nightsoil are different to the foreign data as table 5, but the data of anthracite ash almost are same except the composition of Fe₂O₃ and Al₂O₃. 2) Amount of total free nitrogen are increased by the digestion with the addition of solid waste, as effective absorption, to the nightsoil. 3) The digestion are accelerated by the compounding of ash, but the adding of sulfuric acid to fix the free ammonia reduced reaction. 4) The airation have to proceed slowly at initial step, and then endure enough volume of air at the later step.

      • 糞尿와 都市廢棄物의 混合處理에 대한 硏究 (Ⅱ)

        金熙鐘,孫晋彦,金燦國,金相烈 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1978 硏究報告 Vol.2 No.1

        糞尿와 固形廢棄物중의 燃炭재를 混合合成 하여 肥料化 함에 알맞는 消化條件을 糞尿溶液의 物性(稀釋配率 및 返送汚泥의 配合比率), 燃炭재의 特性(粒子의 크기 및 配合比率), 空氣流量 및 消化時間등의 變化에 따라 硏究하였으며 이 들 사이의 相關關係를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 稀釋律이 클수록 消化速度는 크며 最適의 稀釋律은 10배이다. 2. 消化時間은 24∼36時間 사이에서 가장 消化速度가 크며 12시간 까지는 거의 소화되지 않는다. 3. 空氣流量이 0.1∼0.02 (vol-ratio/sec) (air/sample)의 범위에서는 流量이 적을수록 소화속도가 증가한다. 燃炭재가 混合 되었을 때와 그렇지 않을 경우의 最適流速은 각각 0.025 및 0.018 (vol-ratio/sec) (air/sample)이다. 4. 燃炭재의 粒子의 크기는 클수록 消化 效果가 크며 最適의 粒子의 크기는 5∼10mesh이다. In the composting with the nightsoil and anthracite bully ash for he usable disposal of urban wastes in the city of Busan, the study on the appropriative condition to the digestion according to the ratio of dilution of nightsoil, the compounding ratio of the treated nightsoil and the ash, the particle size of solid waste the flowrate of air and the time of reaction has obtained as the following results. ⅰ) Rate of digestion seems to increase in proportion to the dilution as the optimum ratio of diluton is 10 rimes. ⅱ) Digestion has not been to carried till 12 hrs., but the velocity of reaction is maximum at the 24∼36hrs. ⅲ) In the range of 0.1∼0.02 (vol-ratio/sec). (air/sample), the flowrate of air is in inverse proportion to the rate of digeston. In the case of mixing with anthracite ash the optimum is 0. 025 but wit without case is 0.018 (vol. ratio/sec) (air/sample). ⅳ) The particle size of the ash is accelated to the velocity of digestion such as available size. is 5∼10 mesh.

      • 國産化 콘크리트 膨脹劑 開發에 관한 硏究

        金熙鍾,朴文浩,金勇熙 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1980 硏究報告 Vol.4 No.2

        Expansive agent, that is widely put into use in U.S., U.S.S.R., Japan and other developed countries, has not been made in our country yet. In this article, new expansion agent is attempted by using limestone, alunite and anthracite ashes in order to put into our actual use, and the compressive and tensile strength and the expansion rate of two kinds of concrete, made with Japanese Agent Type A and our developmental expansive agent, were comparised through a lot of tests. According to our test results, when the same amount of agent was admixed in concrete the compressive and tensile strength of our new expansion agent was much higher than that of Japanese and also σ_(28) was increased by 4% as to that of normal Concrete. In case of the expansion rate, if was proportioned to the admixing amount and the most suitable mixing amount in the structual construction was 1%.

      • 洪水量 추정에 관한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 臨河(乙)地域을 中心으로 with reference to the Im-Ha region

        金熙鍾,全裕燦 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1986 硏究報告 Vol.9 No.1

        The objective of this paper is a study on the presumption of the flood discharge in the Nak-Dong rivers. In this study, the flood discharge was compared observed values with calculated values of Nakayasu's method, storage function method using the computer, and its study will be contributed much to the flood forecast at the Im-Ha region in the Nak-Dong revers

      • 韓國河川의 流砂量算定에 관한 硏究 : 洛東江을 中心으로

        金熙鍾,姜周復,申東守 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1981 硏究報告 Vol.5 No.2

        本 論文은 洛東江의 流砂量算定을 위해서 掃流力과 浮遊砂量, 掃流砂量을 實測하여 考察한 것이다. 1. 河川에서 實測한 限界掃流力을 다음 式으로 表示할 수 있다. dm>0.085㎝ : U_(*c)^(2)=Γc/ρ=105.78dm-2.25(㎠/sec^(2)) dm 0.085㎝ : U_(*c)^(2)=Γc/ρ=113.94dm+1.60(㎠/sec^(2)) 2. 實驗室에서 얻어진 限界掃流力式은 다음과 같다. U_(*c)^(2)=34.83dm^(0.788)(㎠/sec^(2)) 3. 浮遊砂量의 算定公式은 다음과 같다. Qs=0.002Q^(1.726) Qs : ㎏/sec Q : ㎥/sec 4. 總流砂量의 算定公式은 다음과 같다. Q_(T)=2.797×10^(-6)Q^(1.44) Q_(T) : ㎥/sec Q : ㎥/sec This paper is studied a consideration on the practical measure of the critical tractive force, suspended load and bed load of NAG-DONG river for the calculation of sediment load. 1. The critical tractive force measured in the river can be represented as a following formula. dm>0.085㎝ : U_(*c)²=Γc/ρ=105.78dm-2.25(㎠/sec²) dm 0.085㎝ : U_(*c)²=Γc/ρ=113.94dm+1.60(㎠/sec²) 2. The formula of the critical tractive force obtained in the laboratory is as follows U_(*c)²=34.83dm^(0.788)(㎠/sec²) 3. The calculation formula of suspended load is as follow Qs=0.002Q^(1.726) Qs : ㎏/sec Q : ㎥/sec 4. The calculation formula of the sedimentation is as follow Q_(T)=2.797×10^(-6)Q^(1.44) Q_(T) : ㎥/sec Q : ㎥/sec

      • 釜山市 都心地內 駐車場의 實態調査分析

        金熙鍾,吳錫氣 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1977 硏究報告 Vol.2 No.1

        A Study on parking problems in metropolitan regions in Korea is a recent concern. In case of Busan, although the master plan for traffic was established in 1974 the and survey for the parking problems were not considered. In this study, the area for this survey was limitted to 3 on-street parking places in Busan C.B.D. The data Survey was carried out for 8 hours from 9.00 A.M. to 17.00 P.M. on 15th oct. 1976. The method of this survey was performed through continuous observation and interview by each vehicles. The Contents of the survey are necessary basic data for the establishment of parking plans such as parking time, parking purpose, parking use and kinds of vehicles, etc. The results of this study are summarized as follows; ① Average parking time~61.7 min. (By the continuous observation method) ② Parking purpose Business and Commercial;88.8% ③ Method of parking use~Daily thicket use:77.1%, Monthly ticket use:22.9% ④ Major kind of vehicle~Taxi:91.1% ⑤ Average parking index~l.30 ⑥ Average rotation index~9.5.

      • 洪水追跡에 對한 硏究

        金熙鍾 東亞大學校 1966 東亞論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        Flood routing is an important technique necessary for the complete solution of a flood-control problem and for the satisfactory operation of a flood-prediction service. This paper described a storage-routing method on flood routing. The storage-routing method is an analytical method in hydrogic methods, techniques for solving the storage equation, using the storage functions in equation(2) storage equation. (I₁+I₂/2)t - (O₁+O₂/2)t=S₂-S₁ (1) Where ??=(I₁+I₂/2)t ??=(O₁+O₂/2)t S₂-S₁=△S Routing equation: ?? (2) ??=O(t+??) Where I: inflow O: outflow f: coefficient of inflow ψ(??): storage function ??: apperance storage for I and ?? ??: time leg t: time

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