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      • KCI등재

        노트테이킹 지도를 위한 피드백 모델 제안 : 피드백 평가 항목, 포맷 및 모드를 중심으로

        김훈밀(Kim, Hoonmil) 한국통번역교육학회 2021 통번역교육연구 Vol.19 No.1

        This study aims to propose a model that can be used in providing feedback for students notes taken during consecutive interpreting classes. The feedback model consists of three parts: 1) rubrics for reviewing notes; 2) format in which the feedback is provided; 3) mode of providing feedback. Based on literature review, a set of preliminary rubrics for reviewing the students notes were selected and validated using the actual students notes to ensure their usefulness in identifying attributes of notes that affect the quality of interpreting conducted using the notes. Out of six rubrics initially selected, three- the number of total notes, the effectiveness of notes, and the number of parallel structure captured in notes- were found to affect the quality of interpreting. As for the feedback format, a mixed method combining a direct feedback on students notes and a template-based feedback was found to be most efficient. As for the feedback mode, a student survey showed that the mixed method combing verbal explanation collectively given in class with written feedback on each student s notes was perceived to be most informative. Educational implications and limitations of the study are discussed along with future research topics.

      • KCI등재

        AB 번역에 나타나는 문법오류 유형 분석 및 번역 성취도와의 관계 연구

        김훈밀(Kim Hoonmil) 한국통번역교육학회 2015 통번역교육연구 Vol.13 No.1

        In this study, 27 sets of Korean-to-English translation work by undergraduate students were analyzed for grammatical errors. Errors were tallied by type and by student, from which five high-level categories of grammatical errors were defined: ‘article-bound’, ‘preposition-bound’, ‘verb-bound’, ‘other POS’, and ‘faulty sentence’. Analysis revealed a significant and strong correlation was found between translation scores and total number of grammatical errors of each student (r = .82, p < .01), indicating that the grammatical error was the single strongest factor in predicting undergraduate students’ scores on Korean-to-English translation. Then the students were divided into high and low groups. MANOVA was run between the students’ translation scores(IV) and the number of errors in each of the five high-level error categories(DVs). The result showed that the high and the low groups differed significantly on five error categories(η² = .611, p < .01). ‘Faulty sentence’ was found to have the strongest correlation with the translation scores followed by ‘preposition-bound’ and ‘verb-bound’.

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