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        아쿠타가와 류노스케(芥川龍之介)의 「모모타로 (桃太郞)」에 보이는 문화관

        김효순 韓國比較文學會 2002 比較文學 Vol.28 No.-

        「桃太郞」に觀する作品論は中村靑史の「「桃太郞」論」だけであり, その他は作品集についての解說や童話の桃太郞論等として部分的に言及されている程度である. 作品に對する評慣も否定的な方であり, その重要性もあまり認められていない. 最近になっては反戰作品, 惑いは帝國主義の戱畵化として評價しようとする傾向が現れている. 本稿ではそのような最近の硏究の傾向と軌を同じくしながら, もう一步進んで「桃太郞」の桃太郞像を芥川の文化觀の反映として考察してみた. 今日一般的に知られている桃太郞は日淸戰爭の直前に書かれ, 鬼は皇國に對して敵對的な存在を表象することによって皇國主義の思想を見せている. そのなかで挑太郞は善として惡い鬼を懲罰する國民的英雄となる. 芥川の「桃太郞」はそのような桃太郞像に對する批判意識から出發したと見ちれる. 上記のような芥川の「桃太郞」の執筆の動機としては次のような二つの點があげられる. 第一, 1921年の3月の下旬から7月の中旬にかけての大阪每日新聞社の海外視察員としての中國の訪問である. 彼が訪問した時の中國は民主主義の革命の運動が終結に向かっていた時期とは言え, 相變わらず各地に軍閥が割據し, 勞動者のストライキが頻發する狀況におかれていた. その中でも「桃太郞」の執筆の契機に直接的な影響を及ぼしたのは, 「豫の最も嫌惡する日本人は鬼が島を征伐した桃太郞である. 桃太郞を愛する日本國民にも多少の反感を抱かざるを得ない」という章柄麟の言葉である. この言葉には侵略者としての日本人に對した嚴しい批判と日本帝國主義に對した糾彈が入っている. 第二に, 1923年9月1日の正午に勃發した關東大地震の體驗があげられる. 芥川はあの時, 朝鮮人や社曾主義者からの襲擊から身を保護するための自警團に參加するようになる. しかし, 後に菊池寬との封話を通じて朝鮮人や社曾主義者からの襲擊の恐れは, 政府から造られた流言蜚語であったことに氣づくようになる. このような二つの體驗は芥川の現實の認識に大きな變化をもたらし, 以後の作品に反映されるようになる. それから, それが一番直接的に反映された作品の一つが「桃太郞」なのである. 芥川の「桃太郞」では, 人間と鬼との善と惡との關係が逆轉されている. そのような逆轉は利己的な存在としての人間の矛盾に對した批判, 資本主義の矛盾に對した批判, 侵略的帝國主義に對する批判として讀める. しかし, 作家の意識はそこに止まらない. すなわち「世間」を「人間」と見なすと, 自然界における人間中心主義に對する批判で, 鬼の世界と鬼の文化の存在價値を主張することである. 又「世間」を「日本人」と見なすと, 日本中心のアジア人, アジア文化觀を批判し, それの存在慣値を問う作家の主張とも讀めるであろう. 作家の意圖を, このように周緣文化の存在價値を積極的に主張することとして讀める根據は, 同じ時期に發表した他の作品, すなわち「湘南の扇」,「俊寬」,「第4の夫から」を見ればわかる. 上記のような芥川の桃太郞像の再構築による日本の侵略的帝國主義に對する批判とアジアの諸國家と民族の文化に對する價値の主張が今日も意味がある理由は, 自己中心的侵略的帝國主義は過去の歷史的事件に終わるものではないことにある. 實際に歷史的に見ると, 日淸戰爭期の南京大虐殺の事件で, 天皇の軍隊として貧しい農村出身の若者たちが戰爭に直面していかに勇敢無雙な兵士として殘虐行爲を犯したかを考えてみるとき, 芥川の主張は豫言的だと言えるであろう. それから, そのような作家の主張は日本中心のアジア人, アジア文化觀である日本的オリエンタルリズムに對する批判であり, 西歌中心の東洋觀であるオリエンタルリズムに異議を提起したことのあった芥川であったことを考えてみれば, 當然な歸結だと言える. そして, そのような文化觀の主張は, 中心と周緣との境が薄れ, 全地球的にグロ-バライゼ-ションが加速化されている今日の讀者には示唆する所が多いと思われる.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘에밀레종’ 전설의 일본어 번역과 식민지시기희곡의 정치성 -함세덕의 희곡 「어밀레종」을 중심으로-

        金孝順 한국일본언어문화학회 2016 일본언어문화 Vol.36 No.-

        The goal of this study is to analyze the records of the legend of the Emile Bell, elucidating the influence of the colonial Japanese translations on the Korean records of the legend. The very first records of the legend are the English translations by missionaries. However, these poems or short introductory texts do not specify the temporal or spatial background of the story and focus only on the motif of sacrificing a child in the process of forging a bell. They lack explicit description of the characters and narrative structure, also not showing any relation to the Bell of Bongdeoksa. Only after the 1920’s, when the legend was documented by the Japanese, the records began to convey clear portrayal of the characters, structured narratives and the link to the Bell of Bongdeoksa. Hamaguchi’s “Play Daughter Sacrifice Story” was the first to establish the motifs of “the Emile Bell” legend by explicitly depicting the characters and showing a concrete narrative. Nakamura’s “The Bell of Bongdeoksa” represented the story in connection with the Bell of Bongdeoksa for the first time. Osaka’s record first mentions a woman who voluntarily gives her child as a temple offering. Those records by the Japanese influenced the records by Korean researchers after the 1930’s. The texts feature a range of representations of women, classified into slip-resistance, slip-conformity and voluntary-offering types. The representations of slip-resistance type later developed into the image of women criticizing the Japanese Empire for mobilizing the people of Korea by force. Voluntary-offering type, in combination with slip-conformity motif in artist novels, developed into the image of women used for the propagation of the war ideology. In the light of the images of women discussed above, “the Emile bell” by Ham-sedeok can be seen as a criticism of the “mother of military nation” ideology. Despite the apparent pro-Japanese framework, his work shows how Ihwanyeo resists to the unjust authority that demands sacrifice of a child and thus points out the violent nature of the ideology forcing mothers to send their children to the battlefield.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이상 문학의 불안과 마키노 신이치(牧野信一) 문학의 방법

        김효순 한국일본근대학회 2012 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        본논문은 새로운 문학적 갱생을 위해 도쿄행을 감행했지만, 도쿄 생활 한 두 달 만에 환멸을 느낀 작가 이상의 심경이 어떤 것이었는지를 알아보기 위해 그가 죽기 직전 공감을 표했던 마키노 신이치의 문학적 방법과 자살 배경을 고찰해왔다. 1930년대 초반 사소설, 심경소설을 주축으로 하는 일본의 기성문학이 군국주의화, 근대도시, 소비도시화로의 급격한 사회변화에서 오는 불안, 우울, 공포, 신경증 등을 주요 테마로 삼았다고 한다면 마키노의 문학은 바로 그러한 1930년대 문학의 특징을 그대로 구현했다고 할 수 있다. 그는 사실적 수법에 의한 사소설 작가이면서도 현실의 불안, 공포, 초조 등을 환상적 세계로 재구성하는 하는 낭만적 작풍을 보이는 독특한 문학세계를 구현한다. 하지만, 그의 문학은 현실의 어두움에서 완전히 벗어나게 하지는 못하게 했다. 그 결과 당시 문단에서 그는 소외되고 가장 가까운 가족으로부터도 멀어지고 결국 절대 고독 상태에 몰린다. 그는 신경쇠약과 불면증에 걸려 창작상의 곤란에 봉착한다. 그리고 결국 그의 작가 정신은 그러한 상황에 굴복하여 자살을 선택하게 한다. 이와 같은 마키노의 문학적 방법의 추구와 작가정신이 시대와의 불일치로 인한 실패에서 오는 불안과 공포가, 바로 문학적 갱생을 추구하여 도쿄행을 감행하지만, 한편으로는 이십세기(=근대=소비도시로서의 도쿄)를 추구하며 모던 도시 경성과 도쿄를 살아가고자 하지만, 또 한편으로는 십구세기적(=전근대적=환상적) 가치와 도덕에 갇혀있다는 갈등과 모순을 지닌 자신에 대한 자의식을 발견한 이상에게 공감을 불러일으킨 것이라 생각한다. This paper attempts to understand the mental state of Lee-Sang when he became disillusioned soon after he had arrived at Tokyo in hopes of restart, by focusing on Makino-Shinichi`s literary works and suicide, with whom Lee-Sang empathized right before his death. The works of Makino display major characteristics of 1930`s autobiographical literature, which has themes of anxiety, depression and fear caused by drastic social changes such as prussianization and urbinization. Being realistic and autobiographical, his style is unique in that it recasts the anxiety and tension into a romantic fantasy. However, literature could not save him from the depressing situation. As a result, he fell into absolute loneliness, alienated from the literary world and from his nearest family members. He suffered from a nervous breakdown along with insomnia, which made it difficult for him to continue writing. In the end, he succumbed to the situation and committed suicide. Such discordance between his literary ideal and the social situation triggered anxiety and fear. The discrepancy might have triggered sympathy between him and Lee-Sang, who felt ambivalent about his pursuing modern values while being captured in a premodern way of thinking.

      • KCI등재

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