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      • KCI등재

        침입범죄 방지를 위한 방범유리의 성능기준 제정에 관한 연구

        김효건(Hyo-Gun Kim),박현호(Hyeon-Ho Park) 한국셉테드학회 2020 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        방범유리의 저항성을 검증하고 이를 표준화할 수 있도록 연구를 진행하였고, 이에 따라 딱딱한 물체에 대한 충격은 “낙구 충격 시험”으로 온도조건이 추가된 딱딱한 물체와 날카로운 물체의 충격은 “내열성 충격 시험”으로 구분하여 방범유리 성능 평가항목을 선정하였다. 성능평가 결과 일반 단층유리들은 방범에 매우 취약한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 최소 1등급 이상의 성능을 발휘하기 위해서는 10T 이상의 강화유리를 사용하여야 되며, 그 이하의 제품으로는 방범역할을 기대하기 힘들 것으로 판단된다. 또한 일반 접합유리의 경우 유리의 두께가 두꺼우면서 필름의 두께도 두꺼운 제품들은 대체적으로 높은 등급에 속하였으나 필름 두께가 너무 두꺼워 주거용 창이나 문에는 적합하지 못한 제품들이었다. 결론적으로 방범유리는 성능 향상을 위해서는 유리 자체의 강도도 중요하지만 부가적으로 사용되는 필름 및 레진의 강도와 두께가 그 제품의 성능을 결정한다고 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 현재 국내 실정으로 볼 때, 앞에서 제시한 낙구 충격 시험과 내열성 충격 시험의 평가 방법 및 등급 설정은 범죄예방 목적 및 국내 유리 제품 현황들을 잘 반영하고 있어 적합한 시험법으로 판단되며, 추후 꾸준한 제품개발과 국내 여건 변화에 발맞추어 시험 방법 강화 및 등급 상향을 통해 지속적 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. While many studies have been conducted on crime prevention hardware, there has been a relative lack of research on security and crime prevention glass. In order to establish performance evaluation items of security glass, the research reviewed domestic industry trends, technology development conditions, and current technology level in various ways based on CPTED analysis and international standards, and developed evaluation methods to enable evaluation of various applied products such as banks, expensive product retailers, and security buildings that require high performance as well as relatively low crime prevention functions. The development of the evaluation method was conducted to verify and standardize the resistance of the security glass to external impacts. Accordingly, the impact of the rigid object was selected by dividing the impact of the rigid object and the sharp object with the temperature condition by the falling impact test into the heat-resistant impact test . Performance tests have shown that general fault glass is highly vulnerable to crime prevention. In order to perform at least 1st grade, a minimum of 10T of tempered glass must be used, and it is judged that it is difficult to expect a crime prevention function for products below that. Also, in the case of general junction glass, products with thick glass and thick film thickness generally belonged to a higher grade, but the film thickness was too thick to fit for residential windows or doors. High-grade, thin-thick products are currently difficult to produce with domestic technology, and more research and development by production companies is needed. In conclusion, the strength of the glass itself is important to improve performance, but it is no exaggeration to say that the strength and thickness of the film and resin used additionally determine the performance of the product. Given the current domestic situation, the above-mentioned methods and grading of fall impact tests and heat-resistant impact tests are considered suitable test methods as they reflect the current status of domestic glass products and the purpose of crime prevention, and it is judged that they will be able to be applied continuously in the future by strengthening test methods and upgrading grades in line with steady product development and changes in domestic conditions. The establishment of the certification system will lead to the activation of related research and the securing of the quality of the products, which will bring about the development and economic effects of related industries, contribute to the localization of products and technologies through the use of established standards, and actively respond to the growing demand for safety through the commercialization of development technologies to secure global competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        주거침입범죄 방지를 위한 방범문 하드웨어의 성능기준 제정에 관한연구

        김효건 ( Hyo Gun Kim ),문상철 ( Sang Cheol Mun ),박윤규 ( Yun Kyu Park ),박현호 ( Hyeon Ho Park ) (사)한국전시산업융합연구원 2014 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.15 No.-

        With a basis on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) to which much attention has been paid by scholars and practitioners as an effective crime prevention method, this study explored the need for establishing performance standards for residential burglary prevention hardware. Specifically, by conducting performance tests on doors that are used as primary enter ways for burglars, the study results suggest future directions for the performance standardization for crime prevention hardware. Following is the research method and procedure employed in this research. First, official data from the National Police Agency, the Supreme Prosecutors` Office, and the Statistics Korea were analyzed to examine different crime types, methods for break-ins, and the environments that make people susceptible to burglary victimization. Through the analysis, settings that were similar to the real-world situations were constructed for testing. Moreover, the cases from other countries were assessed and their test procedures for crime prevention hardware were reviewed in order to examine the suitability of establishing an authentication system for the domestic products which are at their embryonic stages compared to those of foreign countries. Furthermore, in order to find the problems of the products that are currently in the Korean market, gathered data was reviewed thoroughly and comparison with foreign products were carried out. This helped construct the test sites and determine the cut-off levels for noise. Additionally, an experiment for each type of doors was conducted to assess their performance. The following was the conditions under which performance tests were administered. Since burglaries are committed in diverse locations without being restricted by time or weather, an appropriate test site was characterized by a place that was 500 square meters or bigger and embodied normal temperature and humidity as well as the reverberation time of one second or less. It was prescribed that the noise level of eighty-four decibels (dB) produced by the test was not to occur more than three time when measured from a two-meter radius. A person with standard physical conditions of a Korean man (height of 175±5cm and weight of 75±5 kg) was included to act as the burglar. Also, the test tools used by the examiner were categorized into three groups, A, B, C, based on length and mass. With the method described above, tests were conducted in simulated settings on four types of doors that were sold in the domestic market. The results revealed that all the subjects tested did not last long before opening or allowing the space greater than the permitted breadth to let the tester inside. It took an average of one minute forty-nine. In conclusion, the performance of the hardware being used for crime prevention was found to be unsatisfactory. By presenting specified test procedures according to the types of products, this study is expected to make a contribution to improving the performance of crime prevention hardware and suggesting effective policy measures to reduce casualties and property damages caused from burglaries.

      • KCI등재

        침입절도범 재소자의 수법 특성과 타겟하드닝 관련 인식

        박현호(Park Hyeonho),김강일(Kim Kang-Il),김효건(Kim Hyo-gun) 한국경호경비학회 2019 시큐리티연구 Vol.- No.60

        최근 사회의 심각한 문제 중 하나인 범죄문제를 줄이기 위해 사용 되는 다양한 전략 중 하나인 소위 타겟하드닝(Target Hardening)의 효과성을 실제로 증명해 낸다는 것은 상당히 어려운 일이다. 특히 3분~5분이 침입범죄자들이 포기하거나 중단하게 되는 골든타임(golden time)으로 많이 사용되고 있는데 이는 외국의 사례와 국내의 일부 간접적인 연구사례를 근거로 기준을 제시했을 뿐 보다 직접적으로 실제 침입범죄자들을 상대로 평균 침입작업 시간이나 침입공격에 방범 하드웨어가 저항하는 시간의 경과에 따른 포기 시간 기준 등을 확인한 연구 사례는 전무하였다. 이에 이 연구는 교도소에 수감된 90명의 침입절도범 재소자들 표본을 상대로 2018년 8월 한국의 전형적인 전문 침입절도범의 평균 범죄 경험 횟수, 교육수준, 연령, 키, 몸무게 등을 프로파일링하고, 구체적인 범죄수법과 평균 침입작업 시간, 그리고 뚫리지 않을 경우 포기하는 시간 기준 등을 국내 최초로 조사 및 실증하였다. 분석결과 침입절도범의 수감 전 절도범죄 횟수에 대한 조사에서는 설문조사에 참여한 응답자들의 상당수가 상습적 전문침입절도 범죄자였고, 신체적 특성으로는 보통 성인 남성들과 큰 차이가 없었다. 침입범죄를 가장 많이 저지른 장소는 주거시설이었고 그다음 상업시설, 교육시설 순이었다. 주거시설 중 침입범죄를 저지른 시설 유형에 대한 조사에서는 주거시설 중에는 단독주택, 다세대・다가구주택, 아파트 고층(3층 이상), 아파트 저층(1~3층)순으로 나타나 단독주택이 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고, 예상보다는 아파트의 경우 저층보다는 고층의 비율이 높아 아파트 고층이라고 해서 안전하지는 않았다. 침입범죄를 위해 장소에 침입하는데 걸린 평균소요시간 응답을 보면 상당히 짧은 시간 안에 신속히 침입에 성공하나, 도구로 침입 작업을 할 때 일반적으로 시간을 재면서 하지 않다보니 다소 침입이 어려웠던 곳에서 오래 걸렸다고 판단하는 심리적 시간이 작용했을 것으로 추측된다. 범행을 포기하는 시간의 경우에는 절반이상의 응답자가 4분 이하의 시간에도 범행을 포기하겠다고 응답함으로써 방범시설이 4분 내외의 침입저항 성능만 확보되어도 침입범죄가 절반 이상 예방될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. 이는 즉, 방범시설의 침입저항 성능이 5분 이상 발휘된다면 대부분의 침입범죄자가 침입을 중도 포기하는 경향이 있다는 점을 증명한다. It is quite difficult to actually prove the effectiveness of so-called target-hardening, one of the various strategies used to reduce crime, one of the serious problems in society recently. In particular, three to five minutes is often used as golden time for intruders to give up or stop, which is based on foreign and some indirect research cases in Korea, but there were no studies that more directly identified the average break-in operation time or the abandonment time based on the elapsed time when the shield hardware resists intruders. This study was the first of its kind in Korea to investigate and verify samples of 90 inmates of break-in burglars who were imprisoned in August 2018 by profiling the average criminal experience, education level, age, height and weight of typical Korean professional break-in thieves, and specific criminal methods, average break-in operation time, and the criteria for giving up if not breached. According to the analysis results, in the survey on the number of pre-invasion theft crimes by intruders, many of the respondents who participated in the survey were criminals of professional invasions, and by their physical characteristics, there was not much difference from ordinary adult men. Residential facilities were the highest in the world, followed by commercial and educational facilities. According to the survey on the types of facilities that committed intrusion into residential facilities, it was not safe to say that single-family housing accounted for the largest portion of single-family housing, multi-family housing, apartment high-rise (more than three stories), and apartment low-rise (more than one to three stories) among residential facilities, and that the ratio of apartment high-rise was higher than expected. Based on the average time required to break into a place for an intrusion crime, it is assumed that the psychological time worked in a place where the break-in was difficult, since the break-in was not performed while measuring the time of the break-in operation. In the case of time to give up a crime, more than half of the respondents said they would give up the crime even in less than four minutes, suggesting that a significant number of intrusive crimes can be prevented even if the facility has four minutes of intrusion resistance. This proves that most intruders will give up the break-in if the break-in resistance performance of the security facility is exercised for more than five minutes.

      • 면내 지진파에 대한 부지응답해석

        김효건,최홍석,손영호,최광규 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 1999 硏究報告 Vol.23 No.2

        The site responses of seismic waves were considered when in-plane P and SV waves are incident to alluvial deposit of arbitrary shape. Parametric variables such as the incident angle and the dimensionless frequency and the sheat wave velocity ratio and the mass density ratio between the half-space and the allvial deposit were selected. For numerical analysis, the inhomogeneous alluvial deposit was modeled by using 8-node isoparametric finite elements and the surrounding homogeneous linear elastic soil half-space was modeled by using 3-node isoparametric boundary elements. The two elements at the interface were coupled together with the equilibrium condition of the tractions and the compatibility condition of the displacements.

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