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      • KCI등재

        동해 해전과 독도의 전략적 가치 -러일전쟁과 일본의 독도 강탈을 중심으로 한 고찰-

        김화경 ( Hwa Kyong Kim ) 대구사학회 2011 대구사학 Vol.103 No.-

        The Battle of East Sea and Dokdo`s Strategic Value -Focused on the Russo- Japanese War and the Forced Seizure of Dokdo by Japan Kim, Hwa-kyong [Abstract] This study is to prove out that Japan seized Dokdo forcedly by its strategic value at the Battle of East Sea during the Russo-Japanese War. Additionally, this study aims at asking some researchers to reconsider who take no account of the fact that Japan`s forced seizure of Dokdo was committed as a step toward complete colonization of Korea. That is to say, Japan`s forced seizure of Dokdo was just not an incident to capture an island but Japan`s intentional forced seizure for the victory at the Battle of East Sea and further at the Russo-Japanese War. Actually, Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, and then Japan was able to colonize Korea completely and successfully. Above all, it is pointed out that Japan`s justification for the forced seizure of Dokdo, that is, Japan`s insistence on the acceptance of Nakai Yosaburo`s petition to incorporate Dokdo into Japan`s territory is just a fiction. He already knew that Dokdo was an annexed island to Ullengdo of Korea. For his fishing business, he planned to ask for a lease from the Korean government via the Ministry of Trade and Commerce of Japan. However, it is found out that he submitted the petition abetted by officers, who fronted for Japanese overseas invasion, like Maki Naomasa(Director of the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce), Kimotsuki Kaneyuki(Hydrographic Director of Japanese Navy), Yamaza Enzaburo(Director of Governmental Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The submission of the petition abetted by these officers tells us that Japanese government power intervened in the forced seizure of Dokdo. To inquire into why the national power as mentioned above intervened into that matter, the battle situations of the Vladivostok Fleet in the East Sea are examined out. The Fleet was defeated in the battle in the coastal waters of Ulsan. But previously, it damaged much the Japanese combined fleets. And hearing about the organization of the Baltic Fleet(the Second Pacific Squadron), Japan had to give the Battle of East Sea first thought. As a result, Japan government made Nakai Yosaburo submit the petition on the incorporation of Dokdo. The procedure of incorporating Dokdo led to the forced seizure of Dokdo by Japan. This study tries to clear out that the forced seizure of Dokdo is an indispensable step or measure of Japan for the victory of the Battle of East Sea. However, this writer admits frankly that the related evidences for that matter end up in circumstantial ones. However, under the circumstances that Japan refuses to go public with the related materials on the ground of the judgement of Japan`s Supreme Court that it is righteous not to go public with the disadvantageous materials to Japan government, it should be added that it is not easy to prove a logical inconsistency of the Japanese unilateral declaration for Dokdo.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        안용복의 정문에 대한 연구

        김화경 ( Hwa Kyong Kim ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.107 No.-

        This paper aims to refute the content of Japan side material paper of 「A reiew on Ahn Yong-bok Event」 which has been delivered on Dec.02, 2011 by Ikeuchi Satoshi((池內敏) at the ``A Symposium for Ulleungdo·Dokdo in view point of Korea·Japan`` in Ahn Yong-bok Research Center of Daegu Hanui University. Ikeuchi assumed that Ahn Yong-bok`s document was aimed to protest the unfair treatment for him by Dottori regional government when Ahn Yong-bok was abducted by fishermen of Oya Family(大谷家) in 1693 and transferred to Tsushima. However, this paper assumedmen Ahn Yong-bok`s protest for ``Ulleungdo belonging`` issue at Dotori regional government based on the records 「A Record Concerning One Choseon Ship Landed(朝鮮舟着岸一卷之覺書)」 and 『Gosaihunitski(Diary of Central Government Office(御在府日記)』 from materials of the regional government. This assumption was proved it`s validity by the article about discussion on criminal of Ahn Yong-bok at 『Seungjeong-won Diary(承政院日記)』 on September 27, 1696. Also this paper assumed one more matter which was raised by Ahn Yong-bok at Dottori regional government was ``Ulleungdo Belonging`` and ``False Action of Tsushima Governor(對馬島主) Concerning Reduction of Present Quantity and Question of An Intention to Acquire Ulleungdo``. To say, Dottori tried to reduce quantity of present from Chosen government to report to Edo Bafuku by gaining interest and distorting Bafuku Order to acquire Ulleungdo. Though this Ahn Yong-bok`s document matter was known to Tsushima but it is a vague issue why there is no more record still. This issue should be proved by more active material collection and obvious verification of it.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국사상(韓國思想)(문학(文學)) : 바리공주 신화의 연구

        김화경 ( Hwa Kyong Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.46 No.-

        본 연구는 진오귀굿에서 구송되는 바리공주 신화에서 바리공주가 어떤 신격을 가지고 있으며, 왜 그녀가 무조신이 되어야만 했던가? 그리고 이 신화가 진오귀굿에서 구송되는 이유는 무엇인가 하는 문제를 구명하기 위해서 마련되었다. 그리고 이런 문제의 해명을 위해서 이 신화가 여신 신화라는 것을 전제로 하였다. 이런 전제로부터 문제를 해명하려고 한 이유는 여신에 대한 숭배가 남신의 그것보다 앞서 형성되었다는 종교학에서의 연구 성과를 받아들여, 바리공주 신화도 이와 같은 전제를 충족시키고 있으므로 그 역사가 매우 오래 되었다는 것을 증명하기 위해서였다. 다시 말해 바리공주 신화가 비록 구전되는 것이기는 하지만, 상당히 이른 시기에 한국에 전래되었다고 보았다는 것이다. 그리고 이렇게 일찍 한국에 들어온 이 신화는 지모신 사상을 바탕으로 하고 있기 때문에, 바리공주가 농경신·지모신적 성격을 지녔을 것이라는 상정을 하였다. 또 바리공주가 저승에 가서 부모를 살려내는 약수를 구해온 것은, 수메르의 이난나 신화와의 비교를 통해 원래부터 이 신화가 가지고 있는 것이라는 추정을 하였다. 이런 추정은 이 신화가 불교나 도교의 영향을 받아 만들어졌다는 종래의 연구 성과를 재고하기 위한 것이었다. 또 무당이 저승에 가서 사람을 살려내는 약수를 구해온다는 것은 무당이 수행하는 역할의 한 단면을 표현한 것으로 보았다. 그러면서 영웅담의 구조적 모델로 된 바리공주 신화가 진오귀굿에서 구송되는 것은 무조신인 바리공주로 하여금 죽은 사람의 영혼을 좋은 곳으로 천도하지 않을 수 없게 만들기 위한 수단이라는 사실을 밝혀냈다. The aim of this thesis is to clarify what kind of divinity Princess Bari has in the myth of Princess Bari which is recited in Jinokwi-gut, why she becomes a founder of shaman, and why this myth is recited in Jinokwi-gut. To elucidate such questions, the premise that this myth is a goddess myth is set forth. The reason this study is to elucidate the questions from the premise is that this study accepts the research achievement of Religious Studies, which is, the goddess worship is formed more earlier than the god worship. And also as the myth of Princess Bari suffices the premise, it is possible to prove that the myth of Princess Bari has a very long history. In other words, even if the myth of Princess Bari has been handed down orally, it was introduced in Korea in much earlier period. As the myth of Princess Bari which was introduced in such early period is based on the thoughts of Earth Mother, it can be possible to have a presumption that Princess Bari has a quality of farming god·Earth Mother. And also, through the comparative study between the Inanna myth of Sumer and the story that Princess Bari goes to the Underworld, and brings the Yaksu, it is suggested that originally the myth of Princess Bari has the story. This suggestion is for reconsideration of the previous study achievement that the myth of Princess Bari is made up under the influence of Buddhism or Taoism. And then, the story that the shaman brings the Yaksu which can save a person from death is considered as an expression of a phase of the shaman`s activities. And it is found out that the recitation of the myth of Princess Bari, which becomes a structural model of heroic episode, is a method to get the founder of shaman, Princess Bari, to transfer the soul of the dead to a better place.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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