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      • 개혁주의생명신학의 학원복음화 전략

        김홍진 (Hong-Jin Kim) 대학복음화학회 2011 대학과 복음 Vol.16 No.-

        우리 백석학원은 기독교 대학으로서 학원복음화를 위한 사명을 가지고 설립하였다. 지금까지 학원복음화를 위해 노력해 왔다. 이제 개혁주의 생명신학의 기반 위에 학원복음화에 대한 신학적 이념을 바로 세우고 든든한 배경위에서 이 학원복음화를 계속하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 개혁주의 생명신학이 복음화에 대해서 어떻게 이야기하는가를 먼저 알아본다. 개혁주의 생명신학이 말하는 복음과 전도에 대해서 전 이해를 가진다. 그리고 개혁주의 생명신학이 주장하는 학원복음화란 무엇일까를 연구하여 기독교대학의 학원복음화 사명을찾고자 한다. 기독교대학이 학원복음화 사명을 이루기 위해서 학원공동체가 어떤 사명감을 가져야할 것을 돌출해 내고자 한다. 그리고 학원복음화의 위기와 도전 속에서 전략을 어떻게 세우고 학원복음화를 이룰 것인가 대안을 제시하고자 한다. 제2장에서는 개혁주의 생명신학과 복음화에 대해 개혁주의 생명신학의 복음관과 전도관을 알아본다. 개혁주의를 대표하는 칼빈이 그의 구원론에서 예정설을 말했다. 즉 구원받을 자와 받지 못할 자를 선택했다는 것이다. 그러면 복음을 전할 필요가 없는가? 라는 오해를 풀어보았다. 즉 복음을 전하는 일까지 예정에 포함된다는 것이다. 제3장에서는 개혁주의 생명신학의 학원복음화 사명을 도출하기 위하여 개혁주의 생명신학과 학원복음화의 의미, 대상, 내용을 살펴본다. 그리고 우리대학의 대학공동체가 받은 학원복음화 사명이 무엇인지 설립자, 교수, 직원, 교목들의 입장에서 밝혀 본다. 제4장에서는 개혁주의 생명신학의 학원복음화 전략을 도출해 낸다. 현대에 와서 학원복음화를 하고 있지만 대내외적으로 여러 도전과 위기를 당하고 있다. 이 위기를 해결하기 위하여 전략이 필요하다. 여기에서 6가지 전략을 도출해냈다. 첫째는 소통하는 메시지 전략이다. 둘째는 가르치는 교육적 전략이다. 셋째는 초청하는 관계전도 전략이다. 넷째는 돌보는 상담적 전략이다. 다섯째는 보여주는 문화적 전략이다. Baeksuk Academy was established with missions for campus evangelization and has made a lot of efforts to accomplish the missions. It will found a theological principle with respect to campus evangelization based on reformed life theology, and will continue to accomplish the missions for campus evangelization based on the founded theological principle. Firstly, in chapter 1, this study will find how the reformed life theology addresses as to evangelization. That is to say, it is required to understand how the reformed life theology defines the Gospel and evangelism. Also, this study will refresh the missions for campus evangelization of a Christian academy by probing what the campus evangelization defined by the reformed life theology is about. Additionally, an object of this study is to find callings to be carried by the academy community to accomplish the missions for campus evangelization by the Christian university. Another object of this study is to suggest alternatives as to how to set up strategies so as to accomplish the campus evangelization in the current crises and challenges. In chapter 2, another object of this study is to find the views of the reformed life theology as to the Gospel and evangelism in the context of the reformed life theology and evangelization. Calvin, who was a representative for the Reformation, asserted the doctrine of predestination in that a saved or unsaved person was predetermined. Accordingly, this study made an effort to correct a misunderstanding that there is no need to preach the Gospel in this doctrine of predestination, and concludes that the evangelization is also predetermined in it. In chapter 3, an aspect of this study is to see the meanings, objects, and contents of the reformed life theology and campus evangelization to reach the campus evangelization missions of the reformed life theology. Also, this study shows the missions assigned to Baeksuk university in views of the founder, professors, staff, and chaplains. In chapter 4, this study presents strategies for campus evangelization of the reformed life theology. Although we make efforts for campus evangelization today, there are a lot of internal and external crises and challenges. In order to tackles these crises and challenges, we need strategies. This study suggests five strategies as below. Firstly, a communicating message strategy is provided. Secondly, a teaching and educational strategy is provided. Thirdly, a relational evangelization strategy for invitation is provided. Fourthly, a counseling strategy with care is provided. Fifthly, a cultural strategy showing His love to others is provided.

      • KCI등재

        AHP 기법을 활용한 소프트웨어 제안평가요인의 상대적 중요도에 관한 연구 :

        김홍진(Hong Jin Kim),조동혁(Dong Hyuk Jo),안태호(Tae Ho Ahn) 한국IT서비스학회 2017 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Recently, due to the economic recession and increase of ITO (IT Outsourcing), bidding in software industry has been recognized as more competitive and the importance of software bid evaluation for corporate selection is being increased. This study aims to analyze and prioritize influential factors in the software bid evaluation criteria which is adopted as the main evaluation model of national software businesses by Ministry of Science. The priority was developed by AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) through pair-wise comparison. For the analysis, this study developed analysis model for AHP and conducted survey of experts who have work experience for more than 10 years in the IT industry. As the result of analysis, weighted factors in the evaluation criteria were deduced and differences of priority factors between purchaser and bidder were investigated. The analysis showed differences of view point in the bidding process. With these results, this study suggests how to write a proposal strategically and effectively in perspective of the purchaser. It is expected that priority factors will be adopted in strategic proposals in both bidder and purchaser. For purchaser, the priority will be adopted to select reliable bidder. So, we expect that the priority factors will be used to get more values for both bidder and purchaser in their business atmosphere.

      • KCI등재
      • 노인 교육의 현황과 과제

        김홍진(Kim Hong Jin) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2008 교육연구 Vol.22 No.-

        통계청의 자료에 의하면 노인의 평균수명은 2005년 78.6세에서 점점 높아져 2030년 83.1세, 2050년에 86세에 이르고, 고령인구의 비율은 2000년에 7%, 2018년에 14%, 2026년에는 20%로 지속적이고도 급속한 고령화가 진행될 전망이다. 생활수준의 향상, 생명과학의 발달은 인간 수명을 연장하게 하였고, 그것은 곧 노인인구의 증가를 가져오게 했으며 이는 사회적으로나 국가적으로 노인 부양비의 상승을 가져와 피부양 노인 인구가 증가하므로 경제성장의 둔화까지 염려가 되는 상황이다. 고령화 추세에 따라 사회적으로나 가정에서 권위가 있었던 노인들이 이제는 권위와 역할의 상실, 고립, 생활고까지 많은 노인 문제를 내포하게 되었다. 따라서 고령화에 따른 노인 인구를 국가적, 사회적으로 적극 대처하는 정책이 필요하며, 노인 교육을 통하여 노인 교육의 수혜자로서가 아니라 적극적으로 사회 활동에 참여하여 교육복지를 이루는데 기여할 수 있는 적절한 조치가 필요하다. 이러한 맥락에서 이 연구는 노인교육의 현황과 과제를 고찰하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 노인교육기관의 현황을 사회복지관, 노인교실/학교/대학, 경로당, 종교기관, 정부 및 민간단체 기관 중심으로 살펴보고, 노인교육기관의 문제점 해결을 위한 대책을 단기적 차원과 중장기적 차원으로 구분하여 고찰하였다. According to the research by National Statistical Office, the average life span has been predicted to increase dramatically from an age of 78.6 years in 2005, to 83.1 years in 2030, and 86 years in 2050. The ratio of senior citizens is rapidly growing. It was 7% in the year 2000 and is estimated to grow to 14% by 2018, and is predicted to reach 20% by the year 2026. Because of the aging society, senior citizens who had great authority over family and social matters, face not only losing their influence on domestic and social problems but also matters such as isolation and economic distress which they had never experienced before. A high standard of living and the development of life science has enabled the increase of the average life expectancy. On the contrary, this contributes to the growth of the aging society and the ratio of senior citizens. Furthermore, it may lead to the severe retardation of economic growth because of factors such as the increasing need to support senior citizens, socially and nationally. We need some active policy to deal with the aging population both on a social and national level. Therefore, the goal of this research is to determine how we can achieve the welfare through educating senior citizens, not as the beneficiaries of senior education, but as active participants of social activities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        FDS_EVAC에 적용된 독성가스모델(FED)이 피난에 미치는 영향 분석 및 개선에 대한 연구

        김홍진 ( Hong Jin Kim ),배승용 ( Sung Yong Bae ),최영기 ( Young Ki Choi ),홍기배 ( Ki Bae Hong ),유홍선 ( Hong Sun Ryou ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2013 한국안전학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        When fire occurs in complex or building, toxic gas is important factor for evacuation because it cause death of evacuees. The effect of toxic gas which effects human motion is calculated using Purser`s Fractional Effective Dose (FED). The FDS_EVAC is used for evacuation. However, FED of FDS_EVAC has some problem of application because it dose not considers evacuees`s gender and age groups but using single subject. In this study, numerical analysis using modified FED which considers gender and age group of evacuees was performed. We investigate the effect of improved FED on the evacuation. We applied evacuation analysis to exhibition centre where the evacuees was set one thousand five hundred people. The FED is increasing with children 2%, male 17%, female 4%, adult 13% and elderly people 22%. Fatality is increasing due to increased FED.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        복강경 담낭 절제술 200예의 전후기 비교 분석

        김홍진(Hong Jin Kim),권굉보(Koing Bo Kwun),이수정(Soo Jung Lee),재황(Jae Hwang Kim),서우석(Woo Seok Seo),상운(Sang Woon Kim) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        N/A Authors performed two hundred cases of laparoscopic choiecystectomies (L.C) at Yeungnam university hospital during one year from may 1991. In this study authors compared the results of the first 100 cases (the first half) to those of the following 100 cases (the latter half) to evaluate whether accumulated experiences and improved operative skills could bring out any better result. While 200 cases of L.C were performed 206 cases were tried and 6 cases were converted to open cholecystectomy (O.C) because of, poor operative skills (3 cases) and very hard contracted gall bladder (3 cases). Five of these occured during the first half and the only one developed during the latter half. The average operation time for the entire cases were 57.9 minutes but it had been reduced remarkably during the latter half (45.4 minutes) compare to the first half (70.4 minutes). There was no death during the entire period. Overall complication rate was 7% (14 cases). Ten complications (5%) developed in the first half and four (2%) in the latter half. The average hospital stay has been shortened from 4.1 days in the first half to 2.7 days m the latter half. Remarkable improvements of the results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the latter half suggests that L.C is a safe and effective treatment method for the GR disease when it can be performed by a trained surgeon with meticulous attention to techiques.

      • KCI등재

        퍼지 ID3를 이용한 지속가능경영의 패턴분석에 관한 연구

        김홍진(Hong-Jin Kim),황승국(Seung-Gook Hwang) 한국지능시스템학회 2008 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.18 No.5

        본 논문에서는 중소기업의 지속가능경영을 평가하기 위한 평가모델을 제안하였다. 또한, 퍼지 ID3에 의하여 구해진 패턴분석에 대한 if-then 룰과 의사결정트리를 보여준다. 본 논문애서 제안한 평가모델은 중소기업의 경쟁력 향상의 평가도구로서 사용이 가능하다. 중소기업이 퍼지 ID3를 이용한 지속기능경영의 패턴분석에 사용된 평가 룰을 사전에 알 수 있다면 중소기업들의 자체 평가에 효과적으로 사용될 수 있으리라 기대된다. In this paper, a model to evaluate the sustainability management for small and middle enterprises was suggested. Also, the if-then rules and its decision tree for pattern analysis which is obtained by fuzzy ID3 from the data of sustainability management were shown. The suggested model can be used for the evaluation tool of competition increasement of enterprises. If the enterprise can recognize that the evaluation rule can be taken advantage of the sustainability management pattern analysis using fuzzy ID3, it is expected that they can use the rule effectively for self evaluation.

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