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        연관규칙 마이닝 기법을 활용한 관광지 이미지 빅데이터 분석에 관한 연구

        김홍범,심영석 (사)한국관광레저학회 2018 관광레저연구 Vol.30 No.12

        The stream of existing literature with respect to destination image has much focused on the structural relationships based on quantitative scales rather than possibly more realistic association between cognitive and affective components of perceptual dimensions. These existing studies have had some limitations in reflecting tourists’ true experience and their reproduction of memories for considering the demand aspect of tourist destinations, which might be quite different from the suppliers' point of view. This study aims to explore perceptual relations between cognitive and affective components of tourists as market segments. Specifically, the study tried to discover more meaningful patterns of evaluation for destination image by applying association rules of data mining to collected online-reviews from tourists. The findings indicate that there are certain meaningful patterns of interrelationships among specific keywords of attributes and those of cognitive and affective components, when tourists evaluate destination images by their own thoughts. The result of this study would provide meaningful implications for establishing an effective marketing strategy to represent positive images of tourist destinations.

      • KCI등재

        Cooperation and Coordination between the Financial Authorities: A Review of the Experiences of the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, and Korea

        김홍범 서울대학교 경제연구소 2009 Seoul journal of economics Vol.22 No.3

        As far as institutional collaboration between the financial authorities in pursuit of financial stability is concerned, Korea has remained seriously backward. Although the issue is widely regarded as important, scholars and policymakers in Korea have tended to stop short of putting microscopic lenses to it. Presented is a comparative review of the experiences of the United Kingdom, Norway, and Sweden, all of which, like Korea, have adopted the regime of integrated financial supervision. The paper finds that in Norway and in Sweden institutional collaboration is more about substance and practice over form and procedure, whereas the opposite is true in the United Kingdom. Policy implications to Korea as well as a couple of tentative interpretations of these findings are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        금융안정을 위한 공공기관 간 협력 및 견제

        김홍범 한국은행 2004 經濟分析 Vol.10 No.2

        한국의 금융시스템 관련 공공기관 사이에는 수평적기능적 분업관계 대신 수직적권위적 위계가 자리잡고 있다. 그 결과, 공공기관 간 실질적 협력 및 견제를 통한 조정의 여지는 거의 존재하지 않는다. 제 Ⅱ장과 제 Ⅲ장에서는 금융시스템 관련 공공기관 간 역할분담의 분업구조를 전제로 평시상황 하에서 금융안정을 추구하는 각 공공기관의 실제 역할이 무엇이며, 공공기관 간 협력 및 견제가 왜 필요하고 중요한지, 그리고 협력 및 견제의 활성화를 위해 어떤 전제조건이 충족되어야 하는지 등을 이론적으로 검토한다. 제 Ⅳ장과 제 V장에서는 한국 금융감독의 사례를 다룬다. 우선, 최근 금융안정을 크게 위협하고 있는 신용카드회사 및 가계 부실화 문제에 대한 관련 공공기관들의 지난 수년간 대응을 각 공공기관의 관련 보도자료를 이용하여 분석한다. 그리고 신용카드회사 및 가계의 부실화와 이에 따른 신용불량자 양산 및 연체율 상승 등은 지난 수년간 재정경제부의 정책지배(policy dominance) 하에서 공공기관 간 협력 및 견제조정과정이 생략된데 기인하는 감독실패(supervisory failure)의 결과라는 사실을 밝혀낸다. 따라서, 한국 금융감독의 개선은 금융시스템 관련 공공기관 사이의 협력 및 견제 활성화에 초점을 두고 모색되어야 한다. 이 논문은 감독 개선방안도 제시한다. In Korea, the authoritative vertical hierarchy, as opposed to the functional horizontal relationship, has taken deep root between the public agencies that are responsible for the financial system. This paper offers in Sections Ⅱ and Ⅲ a theoretical review of their respective roles, the importance of supervisory cooperation and checks and balances, and of the preconditions to make such cooperation and checks and balances effective. This paper turns in Sections Ⅳ and V to the credit card companies prudential problems and the households accumulated debt problems. It traces back the whole course of the supervisory process so far, arriving at the finding that all those problems are the consequence of the supervisory failure, which is mainly due to policy dominance that the Ministry of Finance and Economy has wielded upon the other public agencies for years and to the resulting vacuum of institutional supervisory cooperation and checks and balances. Also discussed are the ways to enliven institutional cooperation and checks and balances.

      • KCI등재

        학교문법의 개념 정립을 위한 ‘독서와 문법’ 교과서와 지도서 분석- ‘단어’를 중심으로

        김홍범,전후민 한국문법교육학회 2013 문법 교육 Vol.19 No.-

        The grammar textbook published in 2002 was used in high school before. However, four different government-authorized textbooks titled as 'reading and grammar' replaced the old one and are being adopted in high shool since 2012. Then what should be the selection criteria for current ? To answer this question, it is necessary to compare and analyze the content and structure of 'reading and grammar' textbooks and establish the concept of school grammar. The importance and influence of school grammar is as significant as language policy of Korean. Therefore, the contents of textbooks as well as guidebooks should be carefully selected and explained for school grammar. This paper analyzes parts of speech, word formation, and, the word sematics, all of which are centered on the 'word' part of 'reading and grammar'.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중앙은행과 은행감독기능 : 은행감독의 이론과 실제를 중심으로

        김홍범 한국금융학회 1996 金融學會誌 Vol.1 No.2

        이 논문에서는, 은행감독의 이론과 실제를 중심으로 은행감독제도 운영의 基本原理를 도출하고 銀行監督機能의 중앙은행으로부터의 분리가 갖는 타당성 여부를 검토하고자 한다. 이를 위해 은행감독기능의 전반적 체계를 이론적으로 정리한 후, 미국, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 그리고 일본 등 주요국 은행감독의 실제적 운영구조를 監督效率과 牽制均衡의 측면에 유의하여 각기 분석한다. 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중앙은행(또는 정부)이 은행감독권을 全擔하는 경우 중앙은행(정부)은 사전적 사후적 감독권을 包括的으로 보유하는 것이 감독효율을 위해 필요하며 중앙은행(정부)에 대한 견제장치는 은행감독권 전체에 대해 간접적으로 마련되는 것이 적절하다. 둘째, 정부와 중앙은행이 은행감독권을 分掌하는 경우에도, 중앙은행과 정부는 적어도 實質的으로는 사전적 사후적 감독권을 포괄적으로 공유하는 것이 감독효율 위해 필요하다. 이러한 두 가지 결론은 주요 선진국의 감독 경험으로부터 발견된 공통분모로서 감독제도 운영의 기본원리가 된다. 셋째, 이 기본원리가 준수되는 한, 은행감독권의 관장 유형(중앙은행 전담, 정부 전담, 정부 및 중앙은행 분장) 자체가 감독효율과 견제균형의 측면에서 이렇다할 차이를 가져오는 것은 아닌 것으로 판단된다. 실제로, 중앙은행이 은행감독권을 전담하는 경우가 보편적이긴 하지만 여타 유형에 속하는 국가도 다수 존재하고 있다. 끝으로, 銀行監督權 管掌 類型에 대한 한 나라의 개별적 선택에 있어 고려할만한 判斷基準들이 논의된다.

      • KCI등재

        호텔 식음료 위생관리 시스템 도입에 따른 장애요인 지각에 관한 연구-HACCP를 중심으로-

        김홍범,최윤영 한국외식경영학회 2008 외식경영연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Recently, due to the various wants and needs of consumers, the F&B branch of the hotel industry has begun to consider tastes, costs, nutritions and hygiene of its services. Therefore, domestic hotels need to come up with the effective introduction process of HACCP system should they wish to survive in the vast global hotel market. The objective of this research is to plan the effective introduction process of the HACCP system by identifying the obstacles in introducing HACCP system for Hotel F&B according to hotel characteristic, sanitation management rate, sanitation management system and introducing the purpose of HACCP and these characteristics The comments of this research are as follows; First, in order for HACCP to be firmly established into the hotel Food and Beverage branch, HACCP education and advertisement must provide a foundation for the expansion of this system. Second, an alternative to compensate for the feeble budget must be provided should HACCP is implemented. Third, because the HACCP manual is too complicated for the system to be implemented, and because the hotel may experiment post-implementation obstacles, there need to be simplified measures provided so that the F&B branch can effectively administrate and manage the HACCP, which is the midpoint management standard of food hazard. Recently, due to the various wants and needs of consumers, the F&B branch of the hotel industry has begun to consider tastes, costs, nutritions and hygiene of its services. Therefore, domestic hotels need to come up with the effective introduction process of HACCP system should they wish to survive in the vast global hotel market. The objective of this research is to plan the effective introduction process of the HACCP system by identifying the obstacles in introducing HACCP system for Hotel F&B according to hotel characteristic, sanitation management rate, sanitation management system and introducing the purpose of HACCP and these characteristics The comments of this research are as follows; First, in order for HACCP to be firmly established into the hotel Food and Beverage branch, HACCP education and advertisement must provide a foundation for the expansion of this system. Second, an alternative to compensate for the feeble budget must be provided should HACCP is implemented. Third, because the HACCP manual is too complicated for the system to be implemented, and because the hotel may experiment post-implementation obstacles, there need to be simplified measures provided so that the F&B branch can effectively administrate and manage the HACCP, which is the midpoint management standard of food hazard.

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