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        金紅梅(김홍매) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2014 디아스포라 연구 Vol.8 No.1

        1980년대 이후 중국의 과계민족문제에 대한 연구는 많은 학자들의 주목을 받게 되었고 상당한 진전을 이루었다. 그러나 학문적 개념으로 놓고 볼 때 과계민족연구는 근본적인 문제 즉 과계민족의 개념과 내재적 함의를 정의하는 문제는 합리적인 해결방법을 찾기 어렵다. 오히려 전반적인 학술연구의 과정 중에 기본적인 개념은 정의하면 할수록 모호해지거나 복잡하고 모순된 현상을 나타내기도 하였다. 따라서 과계민족문제에 대한 해결은 일치한 방안을 형성하기 어려웠다. 저자는 본 연구를 하면서 우리가 이 문제에 대해 해답을 찾지 못할 경우, 이후의 깊이 있는 연구를 함에 있어서 오해의 소지가 될 것이며 결과적으로 볼때 연구의 요지가 보류밖에 될 수 없는 상황을 초래할 수 있다고 본다. 이 연구는 과계민족연구의 현황, 과계민족의 개념 정의 및 오류 검토, 과계민족과 현대범민족주의 관계, 새로운 과계민족이념의 정립 등을 중심으로 살펴보고 있다. 첫째, 과계민족 문제의 연구와 범위는 세계적 범위내의 상관된 민족문제로 확장되었고 오늘날 세계 각국에서 과계민족문제는 테러 활동, 종교 침투, 마약밀매, 초국가적 범죄, 분열활동과 민족문제 등이 연루되어 있다. 둘째, 과계민족은 긴 역사 발전에 의해 형성된 두 개 혹은 두 개 이상의 국가접경지역에 인접하여 거주하고 있는 동일민족을 가리킨다. 그러나 과계민족을 구성하는 기본요소에는 역사적으로 형성된 원생형태의 민족, 동일민족이 두 개 혹은 두 개이상의 인접한 국가에 거주, 민족전통 거주지가 국경에 의해 갈라져 있지만 서로 인접해 있는 것 등이다. 하지만 일부 학자들이 제기한 과계민족의 개념은 비교적 복잡하다. 전체적으로 볼 때 학계에서 “과계민족”에서의 “민족”개념에 대한 인식은 여전히 “민족”의 함의와 엇갈리고 있기 때문에 개념의 혼란을 초래한다. 또한 정확성의 부족과 일방적 의견이 강하거나 혹은 심층적 연구의 부족현상을 초래한다. 셋째, 과계민족과 현대범민족주의는 깊은 상관관계를 가지고 있다. 현대범민족주의가 과계민족영역에 대한 영향은 매우 뚜렷이 나타나고 있다. 우리가 과계민족문제를 정확하게 탐구하지 않으면 쉽게 현대범민족주의의 영향을 받게 되며, 더 나아가 우리의 과계민족연구는 극단적인 민족문제의 갈림길에 빠지게 된다. 넷째, 과계민족에서 민족의 함의에 대한 이해는 사학적 민족요소를 고려해야 한다. 만약 현대 민족국가가 개척한 민족의 함의를 피해간다면 연구범위가 좁아질 뿐만 아니라 국가 정치영역에서 오는 제약을 받기 때문에 자신이 곤경에 빠지게 되거나 심지어 범민족주의에 치우칠 수 있다. 결론적으로, 과계민족문제의 깊이 있는 분석은 기본적인 개념의 이해를 떠날 수 없다. 현재 과계민족개념 가운데 두 개의 쉽게 헛갈리는 개념에 대해 자세히 살펴보아야 한다. 하나는 특정된 어휘로 구분하여야 한다. 예컨대, “과계인민(跨界人民)”이라는 표현이 적절한지, “역사민족(歷史民族)”이 맡은 역할이 무엇인지 등이다. 다른 하나는 비슷한 함의의 어휘, 즉 “과계(跨界)”, “과경(跨境)”, “과국(跨國)” 등 연구의 경중을 분명히 하고 구분하여 대처해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교재 출현 현황 분석을 통한 의문대사 ‘怎麽’·‘怎樣’·‘怎麽樣’의 교육 연구

        金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2021 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.126

        This paper is a preliminary study that can be used for developing ways to teach the interrogative pronouns “怎麽,” “怎样,” and “怎麽样” in Modern Chinese to Koreans learning Chinese as a second language. “怎麽,” “怎样,” and “怎麽样” are interrogative pronouns frequently used in written and spoken language. They are categorized as the same kind of interrogative pronouns and are studied in various ways. Studies have been conducted on them independently, studies have compared them with each other and with other interrogative pronouns with similar meanings, and studies have been conducted to determine suitable pedagogical methods for teaching by analyzing errors committed by learners. Most of the error-analysis studies have shown that the most common error is the incorrect use of similar interrogative pronouns in place of “怎麽,” “怎样,” and “怎麽样,” which led to the comparative analyses of these three pronouns with similar pronouns. This study examined the causes of these errors in sentences by analyzing Chinese teaching materials used in class. The results showed that these words were contained in teaching materials of the old HSK level 甲, the new HSK level 1, and BCT level A. These are some of the first interrogative pronouns that learners of Chinese as a second language encounter, so they appear at the basic level as learners learn the most basic ways of [asking how to] and [asking about state]. Though they continue to have different meanings at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, they appear mostly as ways of [asking about reason], [asking how to], and [asking about state]. Otherwise, they sometimes appear as ways of [asking about characteristic], [negative expression], [counter-question expression], [arbitrary reference expression], and [indefinite reference expression]. This study showed that their appearance is unbalanced by level, so it is difficult to make pedagogical suggestions about how to develop effective curricula and teaching materials for Korean learners of Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘NP很能VP’구조의 양태적 고찰

        金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2015 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.93

        In contemporary Chinese language, many scholars always pay attention to the volitive auxiliary “能” which is used frequently and has priority over other words; and they have analyzed the semantic features of “能” in different perspectives. Also many scholars do study on the syntactic features and semantic features of “?”, which is used most frequently among all degree adverbs, when “?” is used to modify verb and verb phrase. However, the studies on the degree adverb “?” modifying volitive auxiliary phrase are not comprehensive. Although there are some existing theoretical study results, they cannot explain various and complex actual linguistic data. This paper takes “NP?能VP” as the object of study, analyzes the actual linguistic data of more than 900 “NP?能VP”. The paper firstly discusses the opposite between “Bounded” and “unbounded”, which is formed in people’s cognition, the specific reflection in the deontic modality “NP?能VP” and the epistemic modality “NP?能VP”; later the paper analyzes the distribution of its semantic focus in modal semanteme “NP?能VP” and under the “Bounded” and “unbounded” of VP.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘很能VP’구조의 경계특징

        金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.100

        Today, the deontic modality of ‘很能VP’ construction is used to express outstanding and exceptional capability in contemporary Chinese. This study aims to examine special features of boundaries of ‘很能VP’ construction and its formation mechanism based on analysis of ‘很能VP’, focusing on VP as disyllabic verb or idiomatic phrase. This paper demonstrates example sentences when ‘(是)+很能VP+的’ is used as a predicate, the semantic feature of the sentence weighs on ‘很能VP’ and the boundaries between the elements become rather ambiguous. This paper also analyzes from the perspectives of both internal and external elements, the characteristics of boundaries of ‘很能VP’ in a sentence where ‘很能VP’ is used alone as a predicate. In addition, with analysis on the text corpus of example sentences, this paper discloses the outcome where‘很能VP’ as a predicate assumes central role in a sentence, omission of ‘很’ is determined, influenced by external information excluding ‘很能VP’, and the features of its boundaries are affected accordingly. During the expression process, when the sentence excludes ‘很能VP’ or the conversational context of the sentence provides information that implies outstanding and excellent capabilities similar to the level expressed by ‘很能VP’, ‘很’ can be omitted and be understood as an idiomatic element modifying and emphasizing ‘能VP’. Moreover, regardless of the external information, the emotional element of verbs shown in VP in the example sentences affects the presence or omission of ‘很’. For instance, when VP is an emotionally neutral verb expressing action that is habitual in nature requiring no learning process or efforts, ‘很’ can be dropped as the expectations of the reader or the listener go beyond the possibility of VP and thus will suffice to convey the implication of ‘很能VP’ without use. On the contrary, when VP carries positive or negative meaning, ‘能VP’ expressing only the possibility of realization of VP is not sufficient enough to express the implications of ‘很能VP’; in such instances, ‘很’ cannot be omitted.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘很能Ⅴ’구조의 경계특징 연구

        金鉉哲(Kim, Hyun-cheol),金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.99

        In this paper, a survey was conducted over the structure ‘很能吃’ in modern Chinese language, in which the verb phrase of this structure basically indicates the bare-verbs. While there still are plenty various degree adverbs could modify the structure ‘能VP’ besides the adverb ‘很’, such degree adverb ‘很’ is still used most frequently than the others and more often appears in the nature linguistic data by modify the structure ‘能VP’ relatively. Basic on these points, this paper primarily studied on such kind of sentence structure of ‘很能V’. The structure of Chinese ‘很能V’ lies in bare verb of one - syllable word, separable word, phrases, and such other forms. This thesis focused on the bare verb served as the verb phrase in the structure. The sentence which consisted of the Modal verbs could be invited into the deontic modality and epistemic modality by their different Modal semantics. Though this structure just only indicates the deontic modality when the verb phrase be a bare verb. In this case, the meaning of structure ‘很能V’ indicates the people is good at doing something of have a good ability to do something. Meanwhile, this structure also could express the character meaning. By investigation of the nature linguistic data, the structure ‘能VP’ mainly expresses a dynamical character meaning without being modified. However it will express a static character meaning be modified by the adverb ‘很’.

      • KCI등재

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