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      • KCI등재

        Prostaglandin A₂-induced Apoptosis is Not Inhibited by Heme Oygenase-1 in U2OS Cells

        Kyoung-Won Ko(고경원),Sun-Young Lee(이선영),Ji-Hyun Ahn(안지현),Jaetaek Kim(재택),In-Kyung Kim(인경),Ho-Shik Kim(김호식) 한국생명과학회 2008 생명과학회지 Vol.18 No.11

        Prostaglandin A₂ (PGA₂)는 사람 골육종 세포인 U2OS 세포주에서 apoptosis와 heme oxygenase (HO)-1의 발현을 함께 유도하였다. PGA₂에 의한 apoptosis는 HO-1의 과도한 발현이나 HO-1에 대한 small interfering RNA에 의한 발현저하에 의하여 변동되지 않았으나 H₂O₂에 의한 세포사망은 HO-1의 발현 수준에 반비례하여 변동되었다. 또한 thiol antioxidant인 N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC)은 PGA₂에 의한 세포사망과 HO-1의 발현 증가를 모두 차단하였지만, non-thiol antioxidant인 butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)과 ascorbic acid는 세포사망과 HO-1의 발현 유도를 차단하지 않았다. 이와 같은 결과들은 PGA₂는 산화성 손상에 의해서가 아니라 PGA₂의 thiol-reactivity에 의하여 apoptosis와 HO-1의 발현을 유도하며, HO-1의 발현은 PGA₂에 의한 apoptosis와는 독립적인 현상이거나 기능적으로 apoptosis 유도의 하부에 위치하고 apoptosis의 진행에는 기여하지 않을 것이라는 것을 시사해 준다. Prostaglandin A₂ (PGA₂), one of cyclopentenone PGs, induced both apoptosis and heme oxygenase (HO)-1 expression in U2OS cells. PGA₂-induced apoptosis was not perturbed by either over-expression or knock-down of HO-1, whereas H₂O₂-induced cell death was inversely modulated by the expression level of HO-1. In addition, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), a thiol antioxidant, blocked both apoptosis and HO-1 expression induced by PGA₂. But, non-thiol antioxidants like butylated hydorxyanisole (BHA) and ascorbic acid did not block either apoptosis or HO-1-induction. Taken together, these results suggest that PGA₂ induces both apoptosis and HO-1 expression, which are critically related to the thiol-reactivity of PGA₂, but not oxidative stress, and HO-1 expression may be independent or functionally located downstream of apoptosis by PGA₂ without contribution to apoptosis progression.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국산 거미의 종 목록(2015년도 개정)

        주필(Joo Pil Kim),예성훈(Seong Hun Ye),이준기(Jun Gi Lee),이준호(Jun Ho Lee) 한국거미연구소 2015 한국거미 Vol.31 No.1

        한국산 거미 목록을 최근 분류체계와 새롭게 추가된 분류군을 총망라하여 재정리하였다. 그 결과, 한국산 거미류의 수는 총 48과 281속 795종으로 조사되었으며, 이전 김과 김(2010)의 발표보다 2과 16속 69종이 많았다. 이전의 김과 김(2010)의 목록에서 이용된 분류체계와 비교해 크게 변동된 사항으로는 기존의 코리나거미과(Family Corinnidae)에 속하는 3개 속(Genus Cetonana 괴물거미속(개칭), Genus Paratrachelas 어리괭이거미속, Genus Trachelas 괭이거미속)과 2개 속(Genus Orthobula 십자삼지거미속, Genus Phrurolithus 도사거미속)이 각각 괭이거미과(Family Trachelidae)(신칭)와 도사거미과 (Family Phrurolithidae)(신칭)로 분리, 신설되었으며(Ramírez, 2014), 밭고랑거미과(Family Liocranidae)의 족제비거미속(Genus Itatsina)이 미투기거미과(Family Miturgidae)의 1속(Genus Prochora)에 하위 동종이명(synonymy)으로 편입됨(Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2013)에 따라 Prochora 속의 국명이 족제비거미속으로 개칭되었다. 또한 오소리거미과(Family Zoridae)가 미투기거미과(Family Miturgidae)에 하위 동종이명으로 편입되었으며(Ramírez, 2014), 기존에 미투기거미과에 속해 있던 1속(Genus Cheiracanthium 어리염낭거미속)이 미투기거미과로부터 분리, 신설된 장다리염낭거미과(Family Eutichuridae)(신칭)로 분류되었다(Ramírez, 2014). 그 밖에 속, 종의 단위에서 분류군 신설, 동종이명, 오동정 등의 분류 체계 변동 사항이 있었으며, 이를 본 목록에서 확인할 수 있다. 더불어 근래에 추가된 2종의 무자격명(Nomen nudum) 처리된 종과, 국립공원 생물종 목록집(2012)에 기재되었으나 논문으로 정식 발표되지 않은 미기록종 22종을 별도로 기술하였다. 한국산 거미류는 접시거미과(101종), 꼬마거미과(84종), 왕거미과(79종), 깡충거미과(73종), 그리고 늑대거미과(57종) 이하 순으로 종수가 많았으며, 위의 5과가 전체 종수의 약 50%(394종)을 차지하였다. 전체 795종 중 한국산 고유종은 173종(21.8%)이었고, 일본산 거미류와 512종(64.4%), 중국산과 497종(62.5%), 러시아산과 360종(45.3%), 대만산과 103종(13.1%) 동일종이었다. 또한, 구북구산(Palearctic region)이 80종(10%), 전북구산(Holarctic region)이 37종(4.7%), 그리고 세계공통종(Cosmopolitan species)이 13종(1.6%)으로 분석되었다. A revised new-version of the check list of Korean spiders, including recent systematic systems and new taxa, is presented in this paper. According to additional references in the last 5 years, a total of 795 species of 281 genera belonging to 48 families were checked in Korean spider fauna, and there are 69 species of 16 genera belonging to 2 families more than the previous check list(Kim & Kim, 2010). Typical examples of some changes in systematic systems of Korean spiders compared with the previous check list(Kim & Kim, 2010) are as follows : Two families, the family Trachelidae and the family Phrurolithidae, previously in the family Corinnidae are raised to family status(by Ramírez, 2014). In Korea, the family Trachelidae includes 3 genera(Gen. Cetonana, Gen. Paratrachelas, Gen. Trachelas) and the family Phrurolithidae includes 2 genera(Gen. Orthobula, Gen. Phrurolithus); The family Eutichuridae is raised to family status, which was previously in the family Miturgidae(by Ramírez, 2014). There is one genus(Gen. Cheiracanthium) in the family Eutichuridae in Korea; The family Zoridae is included as a junior synonym of the family Miturgidae(by Ramírez, 2014); The genus Itatsina is included as a junior synonym of the genus Prochora in the family Miturgidae(Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2013). One Pisaurid species(Dolomedes jirisanensis) and a Sparassid genus(Gen. Joopilia, Joopilia joopilis) are nomina nuda. Additionally, There are 22 unrecorded species, which was found by Korean National Park Research Institute(2012) but was not described as papers, check list of them is presented separately from the check list of Korean spiders in this paper. Linyphiidae(101 sp.), Theridiidae(84 sp.), Araneidae(79 sp.), Salticidae(73 sp.), and Lycosidae(57 sp.) spiders are the most in the Korean spider fauna, and species in that 5 families formed about 50%(394 sp.) of the whole Korean spiders. In zoogeographical distribution, Korean spider fauna was found containing 80 Pa, 37 Holarctic, 13 Co, and 173 Korean endemic species. And comparison with faunas of neighboring countries, 512 species of Korean spiders also live in Japan(64.4%), 497 species live in C(62.5%), 360 species live in Russia(45.3%) and 103 species live in Taiwan(13.1%).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 점봉산(강원도, 인제군)의 거미상 [2]

        주필(Joo-Pil Kim),채준호응(Jun-Ho Chae) 이응재(Eung-Jae Lee),성민규(Min-Kyu Sung),이정준(Jung-Jun Lee),동훈(Dong-Hun Kim),정재훈(Jae-Hun Jung),예성훈(Sung-Hun Ye) 한국거미연구소 2013 한국거미 Vol.29 No.1

        2012년 6월부터 10월까지 강원도 양양군과 인제군 사이의 군계를 이루는 점봉산일대를 한국거미연구회 회원들이 채집 조사한 결과 23과 65 속 118종과 두종의 신종이 조사, 연구되어 이에 보고하는 바이다. The authors investigated the spiders of jeombong-san from June~ October, 2012. In the present paper jeombong-san. from 118 species of 65 genera belong to 23 families, were identified. And there were discovered two new species by this survey.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기의 ‘圖賴’와 다산 정약용의 비판

        김호 ( Kim Ho ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2015 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        조선은 성리학의 자율적 도덕 공동체를 정치 목표로 삼았다. 인간의 본래적 선함을 증명하는 자료들을 수집하고 이를 격려하거나 이에 반대되는 인간의 악행을 無知와 예외로 규정하거나 응징하면서, 사회질서를 유지했다. 충ㆍ효ㆍ열에 명예와 보상이 함께하자, 가짜 충효열 등 僞善이 끼어들었다. 악행을 엄벌에 처하자 악의를 숨기려는 시도는 점점 교묘해졌다. 善의 표창에 끼어든 위선을 갈라내고, 악의를 교묘하게 숨긴 범죄는 가중 처벌되어야 했다. 살인무고를 기본으로 한 圖賴는 특별히 악의적인 범죄였다. 한편으로는 살인으로 타인을 무고하면서 고발하지 않은 채 이익을 도모하면서, 다른 한편으로는 무고율의 처벌을 피하려는 간교한 범죄였다. 도뢰의 악의를 처벌하기 위해 『대명률』에는 별도의 도뢰 조문이 입법되었다. 조선후기에 이르러 도뢰 범죄의 증가를 우려하는 목소리가 커졌다. 도뢰와 같은 악의적 범죄들은 도덕적 인간에 대한 신뢰를 불신으로 바꾸었다. 악의를 숨긴 奸計의 증가로 성리학의 정치 기획은 근본적인 위기에 봉착했다. 다산은 도뢰를 인간 본성의 선함을 부정하는 증거로 삼지 않았지만, 더 이상 예외나 무지의 결과로 치부할 수 없다고 주장했다. 이제 선의에 호소하지만 더 이상 선의에 의존할 수 없었고, 그렇다고 엄형함으로써 성선에 대한 믿음을 부정할 수도 없었다. 점점 진정한 善만을 권장하고 간교한 악의를 정확하게 징벌할 필요성은 늘어갔다. 다산의 지적대로 지방관들은 눈앞의 사건이 해결된 데만 안심하고 가벼운 처벌을 仁政의 증거로 취하는 데 바빴다. 다산은 도뢰와 같은 악의를 특별히 엄하게 징벌해야 한다고 강조했다. 다산은 상상조차 어려웠던 도뢰사건을 현실로 환기함으로써 성리학의 정치계획을 근본에서부터 성찰하고자 했다. 다산의 질문 속에는 인간 본성에 대한 비판이 포함되어 있었다. 다산은 성리학 정치의 한계를 넘어서고 있었다. Joseon was a country that aspired to establish inside it an autonomous moral community based upon Neo-Confucianism. It tried to collect examples and evidences that would prove the inherently good and honest nature of a human being, and then encourage the people to retain it, or dictate that any bad deeds on the opposite of such good facets as actions that would come from an ignorant individual placed in an extra-ordinary situation, and therefore actions that would have to be punished. It was the Joseon way to preserve social order and stability. As it became apparent, however, that loyalty, filial piety and ultimate sacrifices out of faithfulness to one’s husband would be followed by compensation and reputation, false recommendations for such actions began to increase. Such offenses were severely punished, but as the punishments grew stronger, attempts to cover one’s tracks became more thorough and cunning as well. In order to filter out all kinds of false ones from the entire pool of recommended good deeds, and prevent them from being applauded by the society, crimes hiding in seemingly good actions had to be punished even more severely. “Tu-Lai(圖賴),” which was primarily an act of murdering a victim as a way of preventing a falsely accused one from defending oneself. It was an especially heinous crime. It was also an act of framing a person, without even making an accusation, by killing that person off. it was a carefully staged one as the offender would evade being charged with the Punishment of Framing Law. In order to punish crimes in this vein, a separate clause was inserted in Dae-Myeong-ryul. It was an exceptional crime that continued to occur during the latter half period of Joseon, and was in no way a rare one. Public’s concern over the frequency of the perpetration of this crime continued to grow. Crimes like this tested the public’s trust of the natural morality of a human being, and people started to grow weary of such notion. With the surge of such offenses, hiding a hostile intention in its charades, the Neo-Confucian idea of a political integrity, and a platform that would ensure its continuation, was facing a serious danger of collapsing. Tasan Jeong Yak-yong did not consider such crime as an evidence against the good will and innocent nature of a human being, but he also recognized the fact that such crime could no longer be excused or explained away namely as a result of ignorance or extraordinary circumstances. He still wanted to implore to the humans’ good will, but did not have the luxury of relying upon it any longer, while punishing such crimes severely on the other hand, would be nothing but a denouncement on the previous notion of humans being good in nature. The necessity to encourage real goodness and sincere intentions, and punishing vile intentions with precision, continued to grow. As Tasan pointed out, the local prefects were only content upon resolving cases shoved in their faces and were quick to promote their own governance as benevolent ones with mellowed punishments. Dasan believed Tu-Lai should be punished especially severely. By bringing such unthinkable and unimaginable crimes like Tu-Lai to the public’s attention, he wanted to ask the public to join the task of contemplating upon the Neo-Confucian politics and society, and not to mention its very foundation. In his questions, there were his thoughts and criticism on the human nature. He was going beyond the simple ‘Neo-Confucian paradigm’

      • 제설환경 대응 교량의 설계·시공 및 유지관리 개선방안

        홍삼 ( Kim Hong Sam ),기환 ( Kim Ki Hwan ),최현호 ( Choi Hyun Ho ),진철 ( Kim Jin Cheol ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2019 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        De-icing work in highways has been changed from sand and calcium chlorides spreading to pre-wetted salt spreading since 2000s. Recently, the concern on the premature deterioration of concrete structures due to de-icing salts and its counter measurements has been increased. This paper describes the change of de-icing methods and deterioration due to chloride attack and specification of durable concrete.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        高麗 後期 ‘色目人論’의 背景과 意義

        金浩東(Kim Ho-dong) 역사학회 2008 역사학보 Vol.0 No.200

        In the Mongol empire a number of peoples and cultures met and were mixed together, and its rulers did not force people to follow the Mongol customs. Mongols had their own law called jasagh, but, except for a few articles, they did not try to apply its entire regulations to the people under their rule. In fact, it was improbable from the first to formulate a single legal code that could embrace various ethnic groups in the empire all of which had their own distinctive legal customs. Therefore, they applied jasagh to the Mongols, shariah to the Muslims, and Chinese law to the Chinese, i.e, both Hanren and Nanren, There is no doubt that the so-called Yuan law codes, such as Zhiyuan xinge, Dayuan tongzhi and Zhizheng tiaoge, and privately compiled Yuandianzhang too, were basically made to govern the Chinese. In these codes we find some cases dealing with Mongols and Semurens, but they are the cases involving more than two different ethnic groups. Viewed from this perspective, the case of Koryo people was rather peculiar. First of all, Koryo people living in the realm of Yuan empire, including those in Liaodong area, were classified as a group similar to Hanren and Nanren and received legal treatment accordingly. Although in the beginning there seems to have been some confusion about this classification in view of a few cases where Koryo people were treated not different from Semuren, in the end they were excluded from the category of Semuren on the basis of the judgment that Koryo people had family names just like Hanren. However, the Koryo people living in the peninsular, unlike those in the Yuan territory, were not the subject to the Yuan law. The articles about Koryo people found in the extant Yuan legal codes are for those who were living in the Yuan domain. In other words, because Koryo was acknowledged as an independent political sphere directly under the rule of the king of Koryo, the people under his rule were also considered to be out of the confines of law that regulated Hanren and Nsnren. In this respect, a series of incidents that took place around 1340 were diametrically contradictory to the legal practice current at that time. The prohibition against carrying weapons, imprisonment of King Chunghye after the death of King Chungmok, and political maneuvers of the Simwang group were all denying the political and legal autonomy of Koryo. It is not surprising to see that officials and intellectuals of Koryo were shocked at this unexpected development and realized the gravity of the situation. Therefore, the "Proposal for Semuren" that was raised in this strained milieu and put forward to break through such critical situation should not be regarded as an argument only to improve the status of Koryo people. Rather, it was brought up to declare the true identity of Koryo people and to make the Yuan court acknowledge it. The logic behind the "Proposal" was that Koryo made contributions twice, by "giving assistance with troops" in the time of Chinggis Khan and and by "submitting spontaneously" in the time of Qubilai, Because of these contributions Koryo king could become 'the son-in-law' of the emperor and his kingdom was guaranteed "not to change local customs". Thus, according to Lee Jehyon and An Chuk who wrote the "Proposal", Koryo people should be distinguished from Chinese and classified in the same category with Semuren.

      • KCI등재

        하수슬러지 열분해 조건에 따른 생성물의 특성

        성천 ( Seong Cheon Kim ),승호 ( Seong Ho Kim ),전영남 ( Young Nam Chun ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2010 공학기술논문지 Vol.3 No.1

        The present work explores an alternative method to the one generally employed for the pyrolysis of sewage sludge. This method consists the pyrolysis of a dried sewage sludge as it was produced in the sewage sludge dryer i.e. with a typical moisture content of between 0 and 10 wt%. A bench-scale pyrolysis process was carried out for the treatment of a sewage sludge. The aim of this study was to understand the characteristic of pyrolysis sludge. The pyrolysis of a sewage sludge, produced by a Gwangju urban wastewater treatment plant, was carried out in a laboratory furnace. Pyrolysis conditions (heating rate) was tested so that their influence on the characteristics of the resulting gases, liquids and solid residues could be studied. The result of the experimental pyrolysis conditions, showed different yield as the heating rate changes. Solid, liquid and gas yield were 42%, 28% and 32% at 60 ℃/min heating rate.

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