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      • KCI우수등재

        사회체육 : 직장체육활동이 직무만족 및 생산성에 미치는 효과

        김혁출(KimHyeok-Chul),손두옥(SonDoo-Ok) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        This study has a firm purpose which examines into the facts on the scene application as gymnastic activity of company in induced reduction physical stress and interference with a person's job. Also, the gymnastic activity of company, on the basis of the existing study research, that contributed greatly to increase of satisfaction of person's job and productivity through experiment study.In order to attain this purpose, "K enterprise"(as initial letter) which owns four plants in Incheon, Osan, Daegu, Busan divided the 1,116 employees of production parts into two groups, experimentation group(551 employees) & control group(565 employees) and then in Incheon & Osan plants was setting up as a experimentation group operated aerobic activity program of working place 2 times a week during the 3 months.Question sheet & field survey as the measuring instrument operated two methods at the same time to examine have effects on satisfaction of person's job and advancement of productivity. In the field of society survey, investigated about preference rates of gymnastic activity program of working place & absorption, satisfaction of person's job. In the field of field survey, measured productivity included in the rates of aerobic participation. Analysis of the gathering datum operated using by "SPSS/PC PROGRAM" that Analysis of covariance, Multiple classification Analysis, Regression Analysis.As a result of analysing effect of gymnastic activity at one's place of work upon job satisfaction and productivity. for the purpose of identifying its effect on improving level of job satisfaction and productivity the following conclusion can be obtained:First, gymnastic activity as one's place of work showed as improving level of specific job satisfaction of employees, inner motivation for work, conncentration to job, self-appraisal, job satisfaction and achievement Average of level of specific satisfaction of emplyoees (M=4.55), inner job motivation (M=4.75), job concentration (M=5.29), self-appraisal and achievement before the processing of experiment showed increase after such processing with respective figures being 4.58, 4.86, 5.31 and 4.80 while control group showed decrease.Second it was revealed that gymnastic activity at one's place of work improves productivity. Productivity index of the experiment group showed higher level of increase in comparison with that of the control group(7.5705).

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠행정 경영 : 지방자치 전 · 후의 생활체육행정 비교 연구 - 15개 시 · 도를 중심으로 -

        고연화(KoYeon-Hwa),김혁출(KimHyeok-Chul) 한국체육학회 1997 한국체육학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        민주화와 자율화로 상징되는 지방자치제도는 체육의 민주화를 표방하는 생활체육운동과 그 맥을 같이한다는 관심에서 우리나라의 지방자치 실행이 지방 생활체육행정에 긍정적인 반응이 보일 것으로 예측하여 지방자치단체장이 주민에 의해 직접 선출된 1995년을 기준으로 지방자치전(1994년)과 지방자치후(1996년)의 15개 시·도 생활체육행정을 비교 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.1. 지방자치 이전의 지방 생활체육 행정기구는 내무국 소속 문화체육부가 대부분 생활체육 업무를 담당하는 획일적인 경향이었으나 지방자치 후에는 지역별 문화와 지리적 여건 등을 고려한 자율적인 다양한 기구 명칭과 기능을 부여하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.2. 공공 체육시설은 지역별 체육시설의 수는 증가하고 있는 반면, 시·도별 면적의 점유율에는 지역별 편차가 크게 나타나고 있었다.3. 개층별 생활체육 프로그램 운영은 전반적으로 참가인원이나 비용 등에는 많은 증가를 가져왔으나 어린이(-23.68%), 청소년(-22.19%), 노인(-2.25%) 대상 프로그램의 교실수는 감소한 것으로 나타났다.4. 생활체육교실 운영은 교실수(34.1%), 참가인원(2.0%), 운영비(35.9%), 운영종목(1.9%) 등은 증가하였으나 지도자(-77.7%)는 감소를 가져왔다.5. 시·도별 1인당 생활체육 투자 지방비는 지방자치 전에는 전남(3,220원), 충북(3,186원), 서울(2,993원), 광주(1,176원) 순으로 높았으나 지방자치에는 충북(5,759원), 전남(4,448원), 광주(3,826원), 전북(1,519원), 경남(1,510원)순으로 높게 나타났다. The democratization and liberalization in the symbol of the local autonomy have characteristic that people directly take a chance to participate in politic. According to the sports of democratization is professedly for Sport for All with local autonomy.After our local autonomy worked, the Sport for All 15 cities and provinces are desired to change in the way.The study of comparison as the central figure in Sport for All project organizations, facilities, program, expenses investment etc.This study reach a following conclusion.1. According to the recent survey by the Ministry of Culture and Sports(문화체육부), local administrations under the bureau of Home Affaire(내무국) retitled as the bureau of Culture and Sports(문화체육국) in November 22, 1993, is in change of sports affairs in 13 cities and provinces(시?도) except for the Seoul Metropolis and Cheju Island. After the enforcement of the local self government(지방자치) the district administrations(지방행정) were operated in 15 cities and provinces as follows; Seoul, by the Section of Social Development under the Bureau of Home Affairs; Pusan, by the Section of Citizen Cooperation under the Bureau of Home Affairs; Daegu and Daejeon by the Section of Sports Development under the Bureau of Culture and Sports;Incheon, Ghwangju, Ghyung-ghi, Chungnam, Jeonbuk and Jeonnam, by the Section of Sports and Youth under the Bureau of Culture and Sports; Chung buk and Ghyungnam, by the Section of Cultyr and Sport under the Bureau of Culture and Tourist Service Ghangwon, by the Section of Sports and Youth under the bureau of Tourist Service and Culture; Cheju, by the Section of Culture and Sports under the Bureau of Tourist Service and Culture.2. Comparing the prior and the after the periods of enforcement of the local self-government, there are some changes in public sport facilities. They are as follows; Seoul`s sports facilities decreased the most from 10.5% to 7.1%, the decreased rate is 3.4%. Pusan`s increased from 2.6% to 3.1%, a difference of 0.5%. Daegu`s decreased from 2.8% to 2.3%, a difference of 0.5%. Incheon`s decreased from 2.9% to 2.8%, a difference of 0.1%. Ghwangju`s decreased from 1.3% to 1.1%, a difference of 0.2%. Daejeon`s has not changed. Ghyung-ghi`s decreased from 21.6% to 19.0%, a difference of 2.6%. Ghangwon`s decreased from 8.1% to 7.5%. Chungbuk`s decreased from 4.4% to 4.0, a difference of 0.4%. Chungnam`s decreased from 4.4% to 4.1%, Jeonbuk`s decreased from 4.9% to 4.5%, a difference of 0.4%. Jeon-nam`s decreased from 5.8% to 5.6%, Ghyungbuk`s increased from 6.0% to 6.6%, Ghyungnam`s increased the most from 10.2% to 20.6%, even a difference of 10.4%. Cheju`s decreased from 13.3% to 10.4% a difference of 2.9%. Now we will put numbers and percentages of the public sports facilities from the highest to the lowest. Before the enforcement of the local self-government Seoul possessed 749 items, the highest percentage of 28.6%, Ghyung ghi had 352, percentage of 13.4%. Ghyungnam had 230, percentage of 8.8%. Jeon-nam had 180, percentage of 6.9% And after the enforcement of the local self-government Seoul possesses 697, decreased, a difference of 52, 19.2% in total. Ghyung - ghi has 481, 13.2%. Ghyungnam 402, 11.1%. Before and After the enforcement of the local self- government, though the rates of possessing the public sport facilities have changed, the orders have not.3. Though the number of participants and the amount of cost in local sports program have increased, but the number of classes in Children`s Physical Fitness Class and Youth`s Physical Training Class has not.4. In the case of Life Sports Class the number of classrooms increased a difference of 34.1%. The number of participate decreased a difference of 2.0%. The number of leaders decreased a difference of 77.7%. The total sum of working expenses increased, a difference of 35.9%. The number of operated events(종목) increased, even a difference of 1.96%, the number of used facilities increased very much a difference of 62.25%.5. The pure local funds for local sports in 15 cities and provinces before the enforcement of the local self-government are as follows . The order is from the highest to the lowest Jeonnam expended the most which was 3,220 won, Chungbuk 3,186 won, Seoul 2,993 won Ghwangju 1,176 won, Ghyungnam 901 won, Jeonbuk 900 won and after the enforcement of the local self-government as follows; The order is from the highest to the liwest Chungbuk 5,759 won, Jeonnam 4,448 won, Ghwangju 3,826 won, Jeonbuk 1,519 won, Ghyungnam 1,510 won, Cheju 1,171 won, Seoul 1,004 won.

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