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        Questions as NTRIs in Detective Fiction

        김해연 한국텍스트언어학회 2007 텍스트언어학 Vol.23 No.-

        Kim, Hae-Yeon. 2007. Questions as NTRIs in Detective Fiction:⎯An Analysis of NTRI Questions in Hallowe'en Party. Textlinguistics 23. Adopting basic assumptions and methodology of CA, this research examines types and functions of questions used as next turn repair initiators (NTRIs) as a way of exploring the possibility of applying a CA approach to an analysis of questions in Hallowe'en Party, a detective novel by A. Christie (1969). To achieve this goal, this study first examines types and frequency of the questions used as NTRIs. Examination shows that questions used as NTRIs take the following forms: (i) partial repeat of prior turn, (ii) partial repeat with wh-question words, (iii) rephrased candidate NPs, (iv) (you) mean plus additional segments. After that, this paper shows that the following contexts and motivations responsible for the occurrence of the NTRI questions: (i) seeking confirmation from the recipient, (ii) asking for clarification, (iii) seeking specific information about ambiguous referents or pronouns in the prior turn, (iv) displaying speaker's attitudes or stance. After that, this research will claim that the use of NTRI questions is closely related to the writer's technique of providing information about the clues for the solution of the crime to the reader/audience in the development of the story line in detective fiction. Exploration of the properties of NTRI questions shows the roles of NTRI questions as devices for unfolding mysteries of the crimes one by one in an escalating manner. Finally, this research shows that CA notions and methodology can be usefully applied to characterizing structures of the development of a story line in detective fiction. 김해연(2007). Questions as NTRIs in Detective FictionAn Analysis of NTRI Questions in Hallowe'en Party. 텍스트언어학 23. 본 연구는 대화분석의 기본 가정과 방법론을 받아들여, 크리스티의 탐정소설중의 하나인 Hallowe'en Party(1969)를 분석대상으로 삼아 다음말차례수정개시어로 사용되는 의문문의 형태와 기능을 분석하여 대화분석적 방법이 문어담화분석에 적용될 수 있는 가능성을 탐구하고자 한다. 이를 위해서 본 연구에서는 우선 다음말차례수정개시어로 사용된 의문문의 유형과 빈도수를 조사하였는데, (i) 이전말차례의 부분 반복, (ii) 정보의문사동반 부분반복, (iii) 앞말의 대채어, (iv) (you) mean동반 첨가어 등이 그 것이다. 다음으로 본 연구에서는 다음말차례수정개시어가 일어나는 환경과 동기를 조사했는데, (i) 청자로부터 확인요청, (ii) 명확한 답변요구, (iii) 모호하거나 대용어에 대한 구체적 답변요구, (iv) 화자의 감정표시 등의 기능을 수행할 때 나타난다는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 이러한 분석을 통해 볼 때, 탐정소설에서 다음말차례수정개시어기능은 근본적으로 작가가 등장인물들의 말을 통해 범죄사건의 실마리를 하나하나씩 풀어가는 도구로 사용된다는 것을 보여준다. 이러한 점에서 대화분석의 방법은 비록 문어담화의 대화를 분석대상으로 삼지만, 텍스트분석의 도구로 이야기 전개의 방식을 파악해 낼 수 있다는 점에서 유용한 접근방법이라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 영어 어휘의 차용과 번역의 문제에 대한 의미론적 고찰과 분석

        김해연 한국언어학회 2008 언어 Vol.33 No.3

        This research explores how English words were borrowed, integrated, and translated into Korean in the period of the late-19th and early-20th centuries as a study of contact linguistics. It first examines types of loanwords in terms of semantics, applying the semantic theory of Saussure. Examination of the foreign language data in that period shows that English loanwords are divided into two broad types: (i) indirect borrowing via Chinese or Japanese, and (ii) direct borrowing and adopting into Korean. Indirect borrowing was done by adopting loanwords already translated into Chinese or Japanese. Such loanwords were pronounced in Korean-Chinese reading. Direct borrowing was done by transcribing directly English words into Korean. This study shows some characteristics of English loanwords in the late-19th and early-20th centuries: (i) discrepancy between Korean and English due to different phonological systems, (ii) phonetic transcription, (iii) inconsistency and variations in transcription, (iv) spelling transcription, and (v) mixed transcription of British and American Englishes. Finally, this research shows that such problems are not limited to the loanwords in the late-19th and early-20th centuries but they are persistent in traslating and adopting recently borrowed English words into Korean.

      • KCI등재

        Some Sequential Aspects of Yes/No Questions in English Conversation

        김해연 한국언어학회 2007 언어 Vol.32 No.2

        Kim, Haeyeon. 2007. Some Sequential Aspects of Yes/No Questions in English Conversation. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 32-2, 293-317. Adopting an interactional perspective in the study of conversation, this research attempts to characterize the sequential structures of yes/no questions in English conversation. To achieve this goal, this study investigates the distributional properties and sequential structures of yes/no questions by examining the contexts where yes/no questions occur. This research explores the sequential structures of yes/no questions in terms of the notions of adjacency pairs and preference organization in conversation analysis (Schegloff 1972, Sacks 1972/1992, Pomerantz 1978, 1984, among others). Examination of the yes/no questions in the present database shows that 68.7% are responded with yes/no answers in the immediately next turns. By examining these tokens, this study explores reasons for not forming adjacency pairs: (i) the current speaker's turn continuation, (ii) lack of sharedness of information between the participants, (iii) repair or insertion sequences, and (iii) interruption or overlap, and so on. This research also explores the sequential structures of yes/no questions in terms of preference organization, showing that answers to yes/no questions responded with negations are expanded with elaboration TCUs. Exploration of the properties of yes/no questions shows a close relationship between grammatical forms and sequential structures, suggesting the need to investigate grammatical constructions in spoken discourse from an interactional perspective. (Chung-Ang University)

      • KCI등재

        Multi-Question Turns in English Conversation

        김해연 담화·인지언어학회 2007 담화와 인지 Vol.14 No.2

        Kim, Haeyeon. 2007. Multi-Question Turns in English Conversation. Discourse and Cognition 14.2, 51-71. Among many sentence types, questions perform a variety sequential structures and functions in discourse. In doing questioning, speakers observe certain rules such as producing one question in one turn, and one answer in one turn, a question expects an answer, and the answer is usually provided in the immediately next turn, and so on. However, not all questions observe such rules in conversation. This research explores patterns and some aspects of interactional sequences of multi-question turns through an analysis of English conversation. It first classifies multi-question turns into two broad categories: (i) consecutive multi-questions in a single turn, and (ii) discontinuous multi-questions in a single turn. This study also examines multi-question turns in terms of adjacency, showing that adjacency is well observed between questions and answers in multi-question turns when questions occur at the end of the turn. This research also explores interactional sequences and motivations which are responsible for the occurrence of multi-question turns: (i) the current speaker's turn continuation and lack of recipient uptake, (ii) repair, especially, elaboration repair, (iii) seeking confirmation, (iv) checking understanding, and (v) signaling the current speaker's emotional attitudes or stance. Finally, this research suggests that interaction-based research on multi-question turns in their sequential contexts can provide a better way of understanding social actions reflected in the use of multi-question turns in communicative contexts. (Chung-Ang University)

      • KCI등재

        Sharedness of Information and the Sequential Structures in Korean Conversation

        김해연 담화·인지언어학회 2008 담화와 인지 Vol.15 No.2

        In conversation, speakers' knowledge about the referents being talked about is reflected in shaping sequential structures. The purpose of research is to explore how the sequential structures are realized in shaping sequential structures in response to sharedness of the information about the referents. After reviewing prior research on information status, turn-constructional practice, and repair, this study examines the constructions in which knowledge status is of concern: (i) elliptical constructions, (ii) constructions with pronominal elements, and (iii) constructions with an overt NP with a broad or ambiguous category. This research also discusses types of sequential structures in the following two terms: (i) turn extensions and unattached elements, and (ii) repair sequences. Based on the discussion, this study deals with the motivations for the occurrence of incremental TCUs and repair sequences: (i) recipient design, (ii) invitation for uptake from the recipient, (iii) indicating problems in understanding the prior talk, and (iv) request for more specific, clear information. This study shows that these motivations are major interacting factors which are responsible for shaping turns in the processes of sharing information between speaker and hearer. In summary, this research shows an interactive nature of conversation in sharing information between speaker and hearer.

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