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      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 유소년 축구지도자가 본 축구교실 운영 개선방안 실태

        강유원(YuWonKang),김이수(YiSooKim),김평석(PyungSeokKim) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        This study was conducted in search of improvement plans for revitalization of young boys' soccer class activities, from the viewpoint of the team coaches. Method of research includes collection and analysis of data using focus group interview, a qualitative research method, conducted on 12 research objects. This was done for an in-depth analysis of the phenomenal experiences of the 12 team coaches. Analysis of interview materials on improvement plans of soccer teams resulted in 7 categories of themes.1) Planning of specified soccer training programs suited for the development stage of young boys2) Increase of training opportunities for the team coaches3) Need for securing and improving facilities for young boys' soccer activities4) Securing jobs and improving society's treatment of soccer coaches5) Cooperative efforts and support from organizations and official departments6) Improvement of systems and policies for young boy's soccer activities7) Fostering horizontal relationship and cooperative atmosphere among team coaches.In order to achieve the goals mentioned above, it is advisable to activate a cross-team development system for young boys' soccer activities, based on liaison of official organizations including the Soccer Qrganization. Also, building educational institutions such as the so-called (Boys' soccer research center' or the 'Boys' soccer training center/ which enable gathering of soccer professionals, sports administrators, and educators in one place, will be helpful in developing and planning professional and systematic programs for the boys.

      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 한국의 신체문화에 나타난 수행과정과 몸닦달의 의미

        강유원(YuWonKang),김이수(YiSooKim),김평석(PyungSeokKim) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        This study aims to discover the somatic culture of Korea through physical education, which based on human experience using the body. In other words, looking from the viewpoint of an autonomous body(MOIV^, this study aims to explain the somatic aspect underlying Korean culture that is different from the generally understood by Western culture. This study enploys the term ’DAKDAL(cultivation)/ meaning ’cultivation^ in order to explain the educational processes of the human body(physical education), which embodies the Korean somatic culture. Thus cultivation of body, the 'MOM-Cultivation/ Fortunately the meaning of MOM as used in Korea had many similarities with the Western sense of ’SOMA/ which helps making present research cross-oilturally valid. This paper includes the definition of terms MOM and SOMA, based on which the term DAKDAL, the training process used in Korean somatic culture, is elaborated. Thus the concept of ’MOM-Cultivation/ as appears in Korean somatic culture, constitutes the basis of knowledge in this research.1. The Korean understanding of 'body is synonymous to the ’subjective body or the 'body of energy/ represented by 'SOMA' in Western culture. Thus MOM refers to a unified whole, which includes the concept of both body and mind, or body and soul.2. ’DAKDAL(cultivation)’ means disciplining of the body or governing one’s mind, and refers to the process of cultivation which is emphasized in Confucianism Its initial form is a passive concept but is ultimately transformed into an active concept.The MOM-Cultivation is a corr^rehensive concept, which includes the processes of both disciplining the body and governing the mind. Therefore those who are weak in MOM(who suffer from MOM-sori or MDM-burim) and who are dishabille and dull may train themselves through MOM-Cultivatioi\ through IVDM-pulki (body relaxation) and MOM-dakki (body discipline), and revitalize and cleanse their bodies (MOM-salim) through the process of body decoration, which enables their bodies to move freely and thus ultimately leading them to nobleness and beauty.

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