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      • 대전광역시 정주쾌적도 분석을 통한 대전시 발전전략 모색

        김태명 ( Tae Myung Kim ),서수복 ( Soo Bok Seo ) 한남대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구는 대전광역시를 사례지역으로 정주쾌적성을 결정하는 요인을 실증적으로 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 정주쾌적성에 대한 개념을 정립하고 정주쾌적성 요인들이 정주쾌적성의 만족에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하기 위한 지표를 설정하기 위해서 선행연구들을 검토하여 실증적연구를 위한 이론적 배경을 구축하였다. 정주쾌적성 요인이 정주쾌적성 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 이론적 배경을 중심으로 조사연구를 설계하였으며 이의 관계를 규명하기 위하여 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구는 정주쾌적성 결정요인의 분석을 통해 궁극적으로는 도시의 발전전략을 수립하는데 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. Enhancement of amenity as a city`s growth strategy has become a very important issue to foster a livable urban environment. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the foundation for the theory of urban development by analyzing amenity for the individual cities and identifying the factors that determine the city`s growth. In this context, the purpose of this study is to analyze determinants of amenity in Daejeon city. In order to achieve those purpose I theorized about the concept of amenity and built a theoretical background for the empirical research to establish indicators for analyzing by reviewing previous studies. The research model was designed to analyze the impact of factors consists of amenity on satisfaction of it and Regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between determinants of amenity as a explanatory variable and satisfaction of it as a dependent variable. The meaningful of this study is to provide basic data for the city`s development strategy ultimately.

      • 제천의 경제구조에 관한 연구 -산업구조를 중심으로-

        김태명 ( Kim Tae-myung ),서문석 ( Seo Moon-seok ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2003 지역문화연구 Vol.2 No.-

        This article studied about the economic structure in Jecheon. Major result of this article are first, The proportion of mining and manufacturing industries is insignificant in comparison with its specific gravity of Chungbuk and Korea. second, There are many 'Establishments' on Loading & Food business, Wholesale & retail trade, repair of motor vehicles in Jecheon. And there are many 'Works' on Transport, Storage & Communication, Loading & Food business, Loading & Food business, Wholesale & retail trade, repair of motor vehicles in Jecheon. Third, Manufacturing industry is very weak on 'Establishments' and 'Works'. Therefore that is a difficulty on continuous development in Jecheon.

      • KCI등재

        외환위기에 따른 IMF관리의 경제체제가 대전시 지역경제 구조조정에 미친 영향분석

        김태명(Kim Tae-Myung) 한국도시행정학회 2003 도시 행정 학보 Vol.16 No.1

        It is the purpose of this study to analyze the impact of IMF management system on the structural change of Taejeon regional economy during the period of 1998-2000. To analyze the impact of IMF management system on the structural change of Taejeon regional economy, Taejeon regional economy with fourteen industries of 1998-2000 was first extrapolated by the average trend of 1995-1997 economy under the assumption that without foreign currency crisis Taejeon regional economy would have continued on the basis of the past economic trend. And . then the extrapolated regional economy was compared with the actual regional economy made under the IMF management system. It was shown by study results that 11,496 firms had been dropped out, resulting into 27.67% structural change during the IMF management period. As a result, out of 14 industries four industries had been positively restructured while eight, negatively restructured; and one, not restructured. The structural change shows that the Taejeon economic structure characterized by consumption -centered service industries like food & beverage industries had been changed into the economic structure characterized by production-centered service industries like communication industries. The policy implication of this study results is that the structural change achieved during the IMF management period is the result of the forced structural change by the IMF management system. It is therefore recommended that the policy efforts to accelerate and sustain the above structural change should be continued more strongly than ever.

      • KCI등재

        관자의 정치경제사상에 관한 고찰

        김태명 ( Tae Myung Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2008 유라시아연구 Vol.5 No.3

        This paper investigated Guanzi`s political and economic thoughts by researching for Guanzi, Guannzhong`s writings, in hermeneutical analysis. As a result, Guanzi``s political ideal was focused on the constitutional government in which the goal was to worship a King and the governing method was to comply with people. This kind of constitutional government purported that a King was the principle body and law was nothing but a ruling tool. This was a kind of personal government and differed little from a Confucian in which a King was a supreme exerciser of political authority. The only difference between two school was that Confucian intended to govern a country by courtesy and Guanzi wanted to govern a country by the law. In conformity with this kind of constitutional government, a new administrative organization by centralism based on the regional units was suggested, while an administrative organization by blood relationship collapsed. Guanzi accurately understood human being``s profit-seeking nature, people`s richness and poverty were factors determining political safety and danger, and by regarding these ideas as the political basis he intended to govern a country through various Qingzhong techniques of political policies. In industrial policies, he went ahead with ``the simultaneous emphasis on agriculture and manufacture and commerce`` in which he attached great importance to agriculture and further attempted the balanced development of commerce and manufacture, which was different from ``the agriculture-first but commerce-last policy`` that was the main thoughts of schools other than Guanzi. In the case of tax policy, he insisted that land should be impartially distributed according to the land class, taxation be graded and tax be imposed and collected to enable farmers to maintain reproduction. Guanzi`s Qingzhong in price regulation was the core of his political and economic thoughts. The constitutional government by ``worship-a-King-and-follow-people`` idea was the cardinal point of political thoughts, the core of economic thoughts was the Qingzhong technique of economic policies in which a nation intervened on the market, adjusted the distribution, monopolistically issued and distributed currency, and the final goal of these thoughts was wealthy nation and wealthy people. To conclude, the root of Guanzi`s political and economic thoughts was that based on the constitutional government, the power of ruling and control towards people was determined by economic ruling capability. And the exercise of ruling power in politics and economy by utilizing human being``s profit-seeking nature was Guanzi`s excellent political-and-economic thoughts coming from correct understanding the then reality. These kind of Guanzi`s political and economic thoughts are judged to cast suggestions to grope for anther direction at this point of time when neo-liberalism is being collapsed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리나라 관세정책ㆍ제도의 변천 및 향후과제

        김태명(Tae Myung Kim),조성제(Sung Je Cho) 한국경영사학회 2008 經營史學 Vol.47 No.-

        세계 경제환경의 급속한 변화 속에서 진행되고 있는 국제무역의 활발한 진행으로 인해 각국은 자국 산업보호와 재정수입의 정책실현을 위한 정책적 수단을 사용하기 시작하였다. 무역정책의 일환인 관세란 일정한 영역을 통과하는 물품에 부과하는 조세로서 일국의 재정수입과 국내산업보호의 정책적 효과를 가지고 있으며 경제정책 중 무역정책의 일환으로 활용되고 있다. 우리나라는 1948년 관세와 관련된 법체계를 구축하면서 관세법을 제정한 후 현재까지 세계경제환경과 국내 경제환경의 상호적 유기관계를 고려하고 국민경제 목표실현을 위한 정책적 수단으로 변천되어 왔다. 국내 관세법상 관세체제는 단기적으로 재정수입확보와 국제수지 개선을 위해 관세율 조정정책을 활용하였으며 장기적으로 국내산업보호와 국제경쟁력 향상을 위한 방안으로 활용되었다. 특히 1990년 이후 수입자유화과정에서 산업보호와 경쟁력 강화 방안을 위한 무역정책의 유일한 수단으로 평가될 수 있다. 우리나라의 관세법의 시대별 변천사를 살펴보면 초기관세정책은 조선의 식민지화 과정에서 시작한 구조를 시작으로 변천되었으며 성장위주의 산업정책 시행으로 관세정책은 전근대적이고 체계적이지 못한 구조적 특징을 지니고 있으며 제도적 지원정책의 한계점을 지니고 있었다. 그러나 1980년대에 들어서면서 국내산업의 성장과 더불어 관세정책에 대한 인식의 변화와 제도적 정비를 통한 개선방안이 시도되었지만 관세정책 및 제도에 관한 인식과 정책적 지원의 한계로 각 시대별로 체계적인 변화를 충분히 이루지 못하는 한계점을 지니고 있었다. 그러나 1995년 이후 세계무역기구의 출범과 더불어 국제무역환경질서의 변화로 인해 국내 관세정책 및 제도에 관한 변화의 시기를 맞이하였으며 질적 변화를 통한 제도적 지원방안 도입 그리고 글로벌화된 관세협력체계 구축 변화를 맞이하게 되었다. 또한 인적, 물적구조의 변화에 따른 차별화를 시도하여 새로운 관세정책 및 제도의 시대를 맞이하게 된 것이다. 향후 우리나라 관세제도는 대외경제여건을 반영하면서 시기적인 적절성과 보다 전문적인 체계를 갖춘 제도로 변화해야한다. 관세제도이 변천을 살펴보면 관세제도의 초기인 해방후시대에는 재정수입과 보호효과적 측면을 강조한 정책에 기인하였지만 1970년대 수입자유화 확대를 통해 보호효과 이외에도 국제관세협력이 보완되어 강조되었다. 그러나 산업화를 이루면서 지속적인 보호적 성격의 관세제도를 유지하는 것은 현실적으로 어려움이 있으며 장기적으로 보호가 필요한 부분은 관세정책 지원이외의 정책수단으로 변화하는것이 필수불가결한 것이었다. 이처럼 관세정책 및 제도의 변천과정을 살펴보면서 향후 우리나라 관세정책 및 제도의 대응방안은 국제무역 및 경제환경을 반영한 탄력적 관세제도의 정책 수립을 비롯하여 국제관세협력의 적극적 활용을 통한 국내 관세제도의 국제화를 유도하고 세계관세 변화동향과 연계되어 적극적인 무역정책 수단으로 활용할 수 있어야 한다. 또한 관세제도 개선방안으로 국내 관세제도의 적용범위 및 대상에 대한 일관성을 유지할 수 있는 법제도를 개선하고 품목분류관리에 대한 세분화 및 전문화 구분을 할 수 있어야 한다. With the launching WTO 1995, The World Economy has been changing economic structure and system of every countries. Especially Korea was a model developing country in the 60’s and 70’ and stepped in to the 1980’s as a so called newly industrializing country. The tariff policy and system was first introduced with kwanghwa treaty, which result in creating conventional duties followed by series of unequal treaties signed under duress by the developing world power in korea. By passing the time the korea tariff and system is change gradually. tariff rate in customs system have been adjusted partially or fully through the 35th amendments since the first independent customs law was enacted on August 1948 until the present. In the course of changes, the role of tariff policy and system has been converted from revenue reference to the industry protection and recently to the strengthening of the industrial competitiveness to keep up with the fluctuation of the economic situation in the all of the country. Tariff system of korea tried to meet the policy goal by the coordination of the tariff rates whose characteristics can be generally summarized to the attainment of the revenue income and the improvement of domestic industry and the strengthening of industrial competitiveness for long period of time. In an attempt to recommend an improvement on and a solution to the various problems involved in the tariff policy and system. this paper arranged and suggested the contents of the development process of tariff policy and system, customs law aspect in korea from the time of 1948 to the present. In conclusion, The government, trader and enterprise will so consider the specific tariff and system development implications method in the near future application on the new circumstance in world open economiy to facilitate the trade strategies of custom clearance in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        천리안 위성과 극궤도 위성 자료를 이용한 북서태평양 해역의 합성 해수면온도 산출

        김태명 ( Tae-myung Kim ),정성래 ( Sung-rae Chung ),정주용 ( Chu-yong Chung ),백선균 ( Seonkyun Baek ) 대한원격탐사학회 2017 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.33 No.3

        국가기상위성센터(NMSC)는 2011년 4월부터 천리안 위성(COMS) 해수면온도자료를 생산해왔다. 본 연구에서는 천리안 해수면온도 알고리즘을 이용하여 북서태평양 지역에 최적화된 해수면온도 산출 알고리즘 및 정지궤도와 극궤도 위성의 해수면온도 자료 합성 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 북서태평양 해역에 최적화된 천리안위성 해수면온도를 산출하기 위해 천리안 위성 자료와 부이(Buoy) 해수면온도 자료를 이용하여 해당지역에 최적화된 회귀계수를 산출 하였으며, 정확도 향상을 위한 새로운 구름 및 기타 오염 화소 제거와 부이자료의 품질검사 과정을 수행하였다. 그리고 본 연구에서 산출한 북서태평양 지역에 최적화된 천리안위성 해수면 온도와 극궤도 위성(NOAA-18/19 and GCOM-W1) 해수면온도 자료를 이용하여 합성해수면 온도를 산출하였다. 합성 방법은 국립기상과학원에서 개발한 합성해수면온도 알고리즘을 응용하여 적용하였다(NIMR ,2009). 북서태평양 해역에 최적화된 천리안위성 해수면온도를 산출하기 위해 2011년 4월부터 2012년 3월까지의 위성 및 부이 자료를 사용하였고, 합성 해수면온도를 산출하기 위해 2012년 7월부터 2013년 6월까지의 자료를 사용하였다. 합성 해수면온도와 부이 해수면온도 자료를 비교한 결과 0.95 °C의 평균 제곱근 오차(RMSE)를 나타냈다. National Meteorological Satellite Center(NMSC) has produced Sea Surface Temperature (SST) using Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite(COMS) data since April 2011. In this study, we have developed a new regional COMS SST algorithm optimized within the North-West Pacific Ocean area based on the Multi-Channel SST(MCSST) method and made a composite SST using polar orbit satellites as well as the COMS data. In order to retrieve the optimized SST at Northwest Pacific, we carried out a colocation process of COMS and in-situ buoy data to make coefficients of the MCSST algorithm through the new cloud masking including contaminant pixels and quality control processes of buoy data. And then, we have estimated the composite SST through the optimal interpolation method developed by National Institute of Meteorological Science(NIMS). We used four satellites SST data including COMS, NOAA-18/19(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-18/19), and GCOMW1(Global Change Observation Mission-Water 1). As a result, the root mean square error of the composite SST for the period of July 2012 to June 2013 was 0.95 °C in comparison with in-situ buoy data.

      • KCI등재

        유가의 경제사상에 관한 연구

        김태명 ( Tae Myung Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2009 유라시아연구 Vol.6 No.4

        The objective of this article is to grope for the framework and direction of useful and meaningful thoughts in the confusion of neo-liberalism in which texts of Analects of confucius and Mencius Xunzi, works of Pre-Qin Confucian scholars, will be analyzed and reinterpreted on economic thoughts from present point of view. Followed by the introduction, concept and relationship of gain and rightousness recognized in Pre-Qin Confucian scholars are analyzed. The concept of benefit in Pre-Qin confucian scholars was classified into public one and private one. Private benefit which was regarded fundamental physical base recognized in necessity, but the unlimited pursuit of private benefit owing to human avarice should have been restricted because private benefit ran counter to the maintenance of harmonious social order. As for production though the increase of production was considered important since it contributed to the increase of national finance and stability of the people`s economic life, they passive in accumulation of wealth through the increase of production. This means that they deeply recognized the increase of production was physical base to the people`s life and found that to make people wealthy was the basis to governing a country. As with distribution, all of Pre-Qin Confucian scholars advocated uniform distribution. They insisted relative uniform distribution in proportion to order in social position since the relative poverty caused by the concentration of wealth on a small number of people might give rise to class conflict and national crisis. For consumption, they demanded that production be increased and consumption be moderate. Confucius looked upon consumption life temperate in individual avarice and extravagance as practice of rightousness. Mencius placed the ideal concept of consumption on few wants and let the daily life as a consumer based on courtesy stop extravagance and waste of ruling class, and wanted to guarantee the people`s basic consumption life. Xunzi`s consumption viewpoint was rooted in thrift just like Confucius and Mencius. To conclude, economic activities based on the economic thoughts of Pre-Qin Confucian scholars aimed at enhancing equal and sustainable quality of life of community members and placed ethical basis of activities on rightousness and solved preponderance of profits concentrated on minorities. Further they intended to settle the inequity and instability by making use of few wants and thrift. The economic thoughts of Pre-Qin Confucian scholars are judged to suggest desirable directions in probing for new economic order in the following aspects. First, the economic thoughts of Pre-Qin confucian scholars could adequately ensure people`s living rights and provide mental basis of economic activities by rediscovering ethical values for sustainable community lives. Second, they could present establishment of economic policies to seek equitable quality of lives by letting government`s rational participation solved the concentration of wealth on minorities and by impartial redistribution of wealth. Third, spirits of few wants and thrift could provide colossal framework to ecological and environment-friendly economic life in which they could interrupt waste of resources and environmental disruption brought about by unlimited consumption of today.

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