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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이슬람 금융자산 운용의 시장 조건

        김중관 한국이슬람학회 2011 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.21 No.1

        The Islamic financial services has witnessed a frenetic pace of growth during the last 50 years. Since its inception three decades ago, the number of Islamic financial institutions worldwide has risen to over 300 at present in more than 75 countries. They are concentrated in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and they are also expanding into Europe and the United States. The Islamic finance industry is worth about US$500bn in assets, and has been growing at about 10% a year during last 10 years. One of the key impediments to the growth of Islamic finance is lack of awareness among scholars about the alternative models of banking, insurance, and investments in Korea. The paper will start with the beginnings and development of the Islamic Economics in writings and thoughts. Characteristics, goals, morals and principles of Islamic finances will be taken in details. Also basic concepts of Islamic economics and the Islamic concept of development adherence will be discussed. The paper will also concentrate on the Economic problem and the role of work in Islamic financial assets. Money and monetary policy in Islamic economics will be taking into consideration while discussion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        탈석유화 시대의 대중동 경제협력에 대한 분석: 전망 및 정책적 시사점

        김중관 동국대학교 사회과학연구원 2018 사회과학연구 Vol.25 No.4

        중동지역은 한국의 제3위 교역권으로 높은 성장잠재력이 예측되고 있어서 원자재, 플랜트‧건설 분야 등에서 협력 효과가 크다. 탈 석유시대에 대비한 산유국의 국가발전전략 수립과사회간접자본 등을 고려한 중동의 수요에 최적화한 협력 모형을 기반으로 對중동 경제협력전략을 마련할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 걸프아랍지역이 한국의 동반진출 효과가 크다는전제 하에, 걸프아랍 산유국에 한정하여 경제협력에 대한 환경분석을 통하여 미래를 예측하고, 탈석유화시대의 새로운 경제협력 모형 구축을 위한 분석 및 전망을 통하여 지역연구의학술적 접근방향을 제시하는 한편, 정책적 기준을 모색하였다. 걸프아랍 산유국 국가들이경제체질 개선 및 혁신 위주의 개혁정책을 추진하면서 기존에 석유중심 경제를 통해 조성된체제적 특징도 변화할 것이라는 예측과 더불어 중동 경제의 탈석유화 산업구조를 평가하고변화 방향에 대해서 전망하였다. The objectives of research are to analyze on the economic cooperation procedure between Korea and oil producing Gulf Arab countries to take advantage of the positive atmosphere following the post oil era. As oil prices continue to trand at lows not seen for more than decade, petroleum exporting countries in the Middle East are looking to reform their economies so that they can weather the shock of far lower oil revenues – and prepare for a future after fossil fuels. The question of diversifying traditionally-oil based economies and reducing the reliance on oil has become a key issue in the Middle East. Oil producing Gulf Arab countries are diversifying the sources of energy and also diversifying the sources of income and developing their economy expecting that the non-oil economy's contribution is growing. This study result showed a wide range of explanations for the economic slowdown in the Middle East have been analysed, including structural economic imbalances of natural-resource abundance, deficient political systems, conditions of war and conflict and even culture and religion. This paper reviews the economic cooperation in the development era of the Middle East, with a focus on issues that are especially relevant to current efforts for economic and political reform.

      • KCI등재

        중국‧이란간 연대와 협력의 요인 분석: 新실크로드 개발효과를 중심으로

        김중관 한국동북아학회 2017 한국동북아논총 Vol.22 No.2

        중국과 이란은 新실크로드 개발 계획을 통하여 정치적 연대와 경제적 협력관계를 확대하고 있다. 중국의 ‘서진(西進)’ 전략에 대한 분석을 통하여 한국의 전략의 방향과 목표를 수립할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 대이란 경제제재 완화조치 이후를 중심으로 중국과 이란의 정치적 연대와 경제적 협력관계의 조건에 대하여 분석하고 다면적으로 평가하였다. 신실크로드 물류인프라 공동개발을 중심의 중국과 이란의 정치·경제·안보 전방위적인 협력에 대한 본 연구의 분석과 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지정학적 관점에서 연대를 강화하여 장기적으로 상생할 수 있는 국제정치·안보전략을 구체화하고 있다. 둘째, 지경학적 관점에서 신실크로드 개발계획 하에 에너지 자원에 대한 수급구조를 확고하게 구축하고, 양국이 동반성장의 토대를 마련하였다. 셋째, 한국은 중국과 FTA 체결과 더불어 무역구조를 개선하고, 산업간 보완관계를 통하여 물류인프라를 포함한 중앙아시아 공동개발의 기회를 확대할 수 있다. The objectives of research are to analysis on the political solidarity and economic cooperation between China and Iran. That is the new dynamic concept of the New Silk Road of China is even more important, as they may imply strategic vision. China drove up for a rapid the deal with Iran through the new alliance. As we survey on China and Iran with the New Silk Road, part of that deal will be devoted to the construction of a multiple purpose among the both countries. In the context of this mutually profitable strategy, the new silk road interplays between Iran and China are reinforcing the power and the influence of these two countries within the Middle East and Central and South Asia, It is also a political statement about the “new silk road”, also known as the “One belt, One road” is aimed at creating a worldwide land and sea bridge system in order to attract supplies and diverse resources much-needed by the rapidly growing Chinese economy. This research concluded that the collaboration between Iran and China will be developing its extracting capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Linguistic Acculturation in the Kazakh

        김중관 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 러시아연구소 2020 슬라브연구 Vol.36 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the linguistic acculturation of Kazakh through word-building possibilities with Russian, Iranian and Arabic borrowings in the Kazakh language, and to determine their place in word formation. Studying borrowed foreign language words, in the respect of word formation, can reveal not only their internal capabilities, but also their development nature and peculiarity in a different language environment. Considering features of Arabic as a religious influence, Iranian as a geographic influence and Russian as a political influence, borrowings’ functioning in the modern Kazakh language, determining their place in Kazakh word formation system contributes to build a theoretical system in the word formation. Analyzing characteristics of Arabic, Iranian and Russian borrowings’ development through their participation in the word-building process is important for Central Asian Islamic society in a Complex language environment. In conclusion, the word-formation properties of foreign language borrowings determines the status of linguistic acculturation in the Kazakh.

      • KCI등재

        수피이슬람의 사상과 신비주의적 교의 -인식체계와 수행양식-

        김중관 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2020 철학·사상·문화 Vol.0 No.33

        In the history of Islam, the Sunni Muslim jurisprudence (Ulama) was a strong leader in the Muslim community shortly after the Prophet Muhammad. The purification against material pursuit and selfish secularization took place from the earliest era. Sufism is believed to have occurred then, and the mysticism of Islam at that time did not enter the institutional sphere, while the movement sprang up in the public, mainly to ordinary Muslims. Sufi's philosophy goes beyond the preaching of Shri’a, final destination of practice is through self-destruction (fana'), which is to achieve total union with Allah’s bless, in particular, in the process of establishing the methodology of Gnosticism (ma'rifah). The theological system of Sufi mysticism shared by philosophies of hellenism and gnosticism. that has evolved into a lighting philosophy, leading to mystical intuition, emphasizing asceticism as the basic value of Sufism, and finally leading the way in the Muslims practice. In conclusion, Sufism got historical significance and philosophical values and evaluated as a unique Sufi Islam thought through contemplation of Muslim standards and inner reflection. This paper accessed to 1) examine Sufism ideological characteristics and mysticism type, the factors and ideological value of Sufism. 2) Also dwell upon sufi practice principles through analysis of sufi performance steps and theological basis of Sufi philosophy, and 3) evaluate the principles of sufi mysticism practice through the early mystic development process within Shari’a expansion, and 4) Sufi’s historical role through expansion of Islamic history. 이슬람의 역사에서 순니 이슬람 법학파가 이슬람 사회를 강력하게 제도화하는 과정에서 세속화와 정치화에 대한 정화운동이 신비주의적 교의를 표방하며, 초기부터 활성화 되었다. 수피주의도 이 시기에 제도권 밖에서 일반무슬림을 중심으로 교세를 확장해 나갔다. 결국, 제정일치의 국가권력 체제를 갖춘 순니와 쉬아 이슬람이 수피주의의 교의를 포용하게 되었다. 수피의 철학은 신에 대한 ‘마으리파’(靈知; ma‘rifah)를 넘어서, 수행의 최종 단계인 ‘파나’(自己滅絶; fana’)을 통하여 ‘카라마트’(神人合一; karāmāt)에 도달한다는 논리이다. 특히 신일합일 실현의 방법론을 구축하는 과정에서 수피사상은 헬레니즘과 영지주의 철학을 공유하는 신비주의의 신학체계를 형성하였다. 수피주의는 신비적 직관을 최고의 목표로 두었고, 금욕주의를 강조하면서, 무슬림의 행동양식의 선도하여 왔다. 수피의 철학적 가치인 무슬림의 독실성과 내면의 사색을 강조하는 조명철학으로 발전되었다. 본 연구에서는 이슬람의 신비주의를 중심으로 수피주의의 사상적 기반과 신비주의의 특성을 살펴보았다. 특히, 수피주의 발생 요인과 더불어 수피학자들의 신학적 이론을 확인하였고, 수피수행의 단계와 수피 수행의 양태를 분석하였고, 수피의 신비주의 도입 과정과 샤리아의 해석내용 및 수피사상의 철학적 의미와 더불어 수피의 종교·역사적 역할측면에서 수피주의 교의와 수피교단의 사상적 결집에 대하여 평가하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Contribution of Ibn Khaldun within Economic Thoughts -Focused on the Muqaddimah-

        김중관 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2018 철학·사상·문화 Vol.0 No.28

        Ibn Khaldun is the most important scholar in the sociological sector in Arab history. Khaldun’s economic thoughts inform the foundations of classical economic and modern economic theory. As a consequence, his achievements have been studied extensively in political economics and sociology. This paper aims to explain the concept of Ibn Khaldun and to analyses those micro and macroeconomic sectors within the scope of his work. The paper’s major contents include the conditions of the assessment of Ibn Khaldun’s economic concept and its economic ideas through labor theory, categorization on earnings, and specialization on the products of advantage, and others. Ibn Khaldun contributed on his idea of labor as a means of formation to the wealth of a nation, as stating that labor effort and increase in productivity, as well as exchanging of products in markets, are the core reasons that bear on wealth and prosperity of one nation. Modern economists have also been complimentary in their analysis of Ibn Khaldun’s works, considered its definition of government the practical discovery of political economy theories.

      • KCI등재후보

        자카트의 경제적 가치에 대한 해석

        김중관 한국이슬람학회 2004 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.14 No.2

        Economic concept of Islam does not particularly concern itself with those causal relations which Neo-Classical treats as objective and scientific laws and tendencies. Whereas the economic system and behavior in Islamic society are entirely based on the Islamic axioms and criteria founded in the Sharia. The object of this paper is to analysis the Zakat tax system, one of ideal and real phenomenon of the Islamic economic tradition. In order to distinguish one economic system from another, it need to focus on and compare the fundamental elements. The Zakat is different from the Kharaz, Jizya and Ushr on the way of management, that is discussed in this paper. The characteristics of the Zakat system could be distinguished by: (i) a rational macro distribution structure; (ii) a co-ordinating mechanism based on the tax system; (iii) the promotion of proper economic behavior through moral incentives as well as collective incentives. In the conclusions, the Zakat system would be identified as an proper experience in the form of religion provides a framework by the aid of people to another according to the Shria, which is divine basic Islamic law. An economic system, whether theoretically articulated and recorded or traditionally practised over the centuries, is a right function of how society organizes itself to address the basic economic problems of what is to be create the economic justice. In the process of the satisfying the economic balance, all the factors in the Zakat interact through organizations and institutions that may developed typical Islamic tax system.

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