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        통신비밀보호법 제14조 제1항이 금지하는 ‘공개되지 아니한 타인 간의 대화 녹음’

        김종헌 사법발전재단 2024 사법 Vol.1 No.68

        피해아동의 담임교사인 피고인이 피해아동에게 수업시간 중 교실에서 정서적 학대행위로 평가되는 발언을 하였다는 이유로 기소된 사안에서, 피해아동의 부모가 피해아동의 가방에 녹음기를 넣어 피고인의 수업시간 중 교실 내 발언을 몰래 녹음한 녹음파일 등의 증거능력이 문제 된 사건이다. 통신비밀보호법 제14조 제2항, 제4조는 ‘공개되지 아니한’ 타인 간의 대화를 녹음하여 취득한 대화의 내용은 증거로 사용할 수 없다는 취지로 규정한다. 대상판결의 원심은 피고인의 수업시간 중 교실 내 발언이 ‘공개되지 아니한’ 타인간의 대화에 해당하지 않는다는 이유 등으로 위 녹음파일 등의 증거능력을 인정하였다. 대상판결은 ‘공개되지 아니한’은 ‘일반 공중이 알 수 있도록 공개되지 아니한’이라는 의미이고, 공개된 대화에 해당하는지는 발언자의 의사와 기대, 대화의 내용과 목적, 상대방의 수, 장소의 성격과 규모, 출입의 통제 정도, 청중의 자격 제한 등 객관적인 상황을 종합적으로 고려하여 판단해야 한다는 종전 대법원 2022. 8. 31. 선고 2020도1007 판결 등의 법리를 재확인하고, 피고인의 수업시간 중 교실 내 발언은 ‘공개되지 아니한’ 타인 간의 대화에 해당하므로 위 녹음파일 등의 증거능력은 부정된다고 판단하였다. 초등학교 교실은 출입이 통제되는 공간으로 수업시간 중 불특정 다수가 드나들 수 있는 장소가 아니고, 수업시간 중인 초등학교 교실에 학생이 아닌 제3자가 별다른 절차 없이 참석하여 담임교사의 발언 내용을 청취하는 것은 상정하기 어려우며, 피고인이 교실 내 학생들이 아닌 제3자에 대한 공개를 의도하거나 감수하고 발언하였음을 인정할 사정도 없으므로, 피고인의 발언이 일반 공중이나 불특정 다수에게 공개된 것이 아니라는 점이 주된 이유였다. 피고인의 발언이 특정된 30명의 학생들에게만 공개되었을 뿐, 일반 공중이나 불특정 다수에게 공개되지 않았던 이상 대화자 내지 청취자가 다수였다는 사정만으로 ‘공개된 대화’로 평가할 수는 없고, 발언 내용이 공적인 성격을 갖는지 여부나 발언자가 공적 인물인지 여부 등은 ‘공개되지 않은 대화’에 해당하는지 여부를 판단하는 데에 영향을 미치지 않는 점도 이유로 들었다. 대상판결은 ‘공개되지 아니한’의 의미와 그 판단 방법에 관한 기존 법리를 재확인하면서, 특히, 대화당사자가 다수이거나 대화 내용이 공적인 성격을 갖고 발언자가 공적 인물이더라도, 발언자의 의도, 기대, 발언 장소, 청중의 폐쇄성 등에 비추어 일반 공중, 불특정 다수에게 공개되는 발언으로 평가되지 않는 이상 ‘공개되지 아니한’ 대화에 해당한다는 점을 명확히 하였다는 점에 의의가 있다. 헌법 제17조, 제18조가 사생활 및 통신의 불가침을 국민의 기본권 중 하나로 선언하고, 통신비밀보호법이 통신 및 대화의 비밀 보호, 통신 및 대화의 자유 신장을 목적으로 한다는 점 등을 고려하여 제3자가 녹음하고 청취하여도 통신비밀보호법 제14조 제2항, 제4조의 증거사용금지 규정이 적용되지 않는 ‘공개된 대화’의 범위를 엄격하게 제한하면서 그에 관한 구체적인 판단 기준, 판단 방법을 제시한 것이다. In a case where the criminal defendant, who was the teacher of a child victim, was charged on the grounds that the criminal defendant made remarks evaluated as emotional abuse to the child victim in the classroom during school hours, the main issue lies in whether the recording files shall be admissible as evidence where the parents of the child victim secretly recorded remarks that the criminal defendant made in the classroom while giving a lesson by putting a recorder in the school bag of the child victim. Articles 14(2) and 4 of the Protection of Communications Secrets Act stipulate to the effect that the contents of the conversation acquired by recording a conversation between others that is “not open to the public” cannot be used as evidence. The lower court of the subject case determined that the above recording files should be taken as evidence of guilt on the grounds that the remarks made by the criminal defendant during school hours do not correspond to a conversation between others that is “not open to the public.” The subject case reaffirmed the legal principles of the previous Supreme Court Decision 2020Do1007 decided August 31, 2022, which viewed that the phrase “not open to the public” means “not open to the public to the extent that the public may easily recognize, and whether a conversation between others corresponds to a conversation that is open to the public should be determined after comprehensively considering objective circumstances, such as the intention and expectations of the person who made remarks, contents and purpose of the conversation, number of the other parties, nature and size of the place, degree of access control, restrictions for the qualifications of an audience, etc., and determined that the remarks made by the criminal defendant in the classroom during school hours correspond to any conversations between others that are “not open to the public,” and thus the above recording files are inadmissible as evidence. The main reason therefor was that the criminal defendant’s remarks were not open to the public or many and unspecified persons in that the classrooms in elementary schools, as the areas that are cordoned off, are not the places where many and unspecified persons can come in and out during school hours; assuming that a third person, not a student, attends a class and listens to the details of the remarks made by the teacher in a classroom of an elementary school without any special procedures is difficult; and there are no circumstances to admit that the criminal defendant intentionally opened the class to a third person, not students in the classroom, or made such remarks at any risk. Another reason therefor presented was that as long as the criminal defendant’s remarks were merely open only to 30 students who were specified and were not open to the public or many and unspecified persons, such remarks cannot be deemed “any conversations between others that are open to the public” on the sole basis of the circumstance where there were large number of interlocutors and listeners, and whether the contents of the remarks have a public character or whether the person who made remarks is a public figure has no effect in determining whether such remarks correspond to “any conversations that are open to the public.” The subject case is significant in the sense that the subject case reaffirmed the existing legal principles regarding the meaning of the phrase “not open to the public” and the method of judgment thereon and, particularly, clarified that even if the parties involved in the conversation are the majority, the contents of the conversation have a public character, or the person who made remarks is a public figure, unless such remarks are deemed those open to the public or many and unspecified persons in light of the intention and expectations of the person who made remarks, place where such remarks were made, and closed-minded audience, such r...

      • 중생대 육상식물의 변천과 동아시아의 중생대 고식물지리구

        김종헌 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1998 自然科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        중생대 식물군의 변천과 동아시아의 중생대 고식물지리구에 대하여 검토하였다. 중생대에는 겉씨식물이 가장 번영하였고, 그 주요한 분류군에는 종자고사리류, 소철류, 화석소철류, 은행류, 구과류 등이 있다. 동아시아의 트라이아스기 후기에서 쥬라기 초기의 식물군은 그들의 조성에 의해 Danaeopsis-Symopteris 식물군과 Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris 식물군으로 구분되며, 쥬라기 후기 및 전기 백악기의 식물군은 領石型, 受取型 및 混合型 식물군으로 대별된다. This paper presents a general review on the change of Mesozoic landplants and Mesozoic phytogeography of East Asia. In Mesozoic time gymnospenns are the most predominant group, and they are mainly composed of Cycadofilicales, Cycadales, Bennettitales, Ginkgoales, Coniferales in higher plant taxa. Late Triassic and Early Jurassic floras in East Asia are divided into the Danaeopsis-Symopteris and Dictyophyllwn-Clathropteris floras on the basis of their taxonomic components, and Late Jurassic and Early Creataceous floras are classified into the Ryoseki-type, Tetori-type and Mixed-type floras.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경성의학전문학교 부속 의원의 건축사적 의미를 통해 본 국립현대미술관 서울관의 장소성

        김종헌 한국근현대미술사학회(구 한국근대미술사학회) 2019 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.38 No.-

        It has been six years since the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul(MMCA) opened in November 2013. The purpose of this study is to clarify the meaning of place and architectural history through the process of change of the Affiliated Hospital of Kyungsung College of Medicine, which was originally established on this site. The purpose of this study is to examine how the architectural value of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Seoul can be utilized by tracking the architectural image accumulated at the place of the Affiliated Hospital of Kyungsung College of Medicine. From the perspective of a researcher studying modern architecture, I think the 2013 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul should have an exhibition with the theme of place and history. The contents of the research so far are as follows. In 1916, Kyungsung College of Medicine was established and training was carried out in Yeongeon-dong using a medical lecture center attached to the Hospital of the Japanese Governor-General of Korea. The Medical School of Kyungsung Imperial University was established in 1924 as students of Kyungsung College of Medicine led the 3.1 Movement. As a result, the Hospital of the Japanese Governor-General of Korea was incorporated into The Medical School of Kyungsung Imperial University. At the same time, faculty and medical facilities at Kyungsung College of Medicine were transferred to Kyungsung Imperial University. Due to protests by the students of Kyungsung College of Medicine, which required clinical education in the hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Kyungsung College of Medicine began on November 29, 1928, at the site of the Office of the Royal Genealogy in Sogyeok-dong, next to Gyeongbokgung Palace. At this time, the building has a triangular-shaped plane with the classical gable surface and the vertical window highlighted with ⊥ shape plan. In 1929, the L-shaped plane was connected to the ⊥-shaped plan with the symmetrical front of the vertical window, completed in 1928.. The newly connected building is square in size and has brightened the room. It also has a feature that emphasizes functionality. Hanok, which was used as the Office of the Royal Genealogy's Haengnangchae (buildings on both sides of the main gate where servants live, servants’s quarters), was used as an outpatient ward, forming a unique view of Kyungsung College of Medicine. In 1931, a unique block with a semicircular staircase connected to a previously built hospital. The window shows the horizontal window structure of the curtain wall that stretches laterally from the previous vertical window. The building, with a modern image like the Bauhaus in Dessau, Germany, became the main image of this school. The construction of the ward changed the location of the main entrance of Kyungsung College of Medicine. In 1936, the training system of nurses was installed, and the Affiliated Hospital of Kyungsung College of Medicine was expanded to become a finger plan, showing the appearance of a completed hospital as a general hospital. Throughout the 8.15 Liberation and the Korean War, the space has been transformed into the National Armed Forces District Hospital and the Headquarters of the Republic of Korea(ROK) defense security command, which is located near the Blue House and has a close connection with Korean modern political history. Finally, in 2008, the ROK defense security command moved and the existing the Affiliated Hospital of Kyungsung College of Medicine was registered as Registered Cultural Property # 375. The Affiliated Hospital of Kyungsung College of Medicine, which was used as the Education and Management Bureau of the Japanese colonial period after the Office of the Royal Genealogy in Joseon Dynasty, has undergone a continuous change process and is now used as the Seoul National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul in 2019. It is said that the placeness and historical characteri...

      • KCI등재

        Si3N4/니켈크롬강 접합체의 계면구조 및 접합강도에 관한 연구

        김종헌,유연철,우정택 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1994 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        Silicon Nitride(Si₃N₄) and Ni-Cr steel were bonded by using Ti/Cu laminate layer and the interfacial structure along with mechanical properties were investigated. It could be shown that the reaction products formed at Si₃N₄/Ti interface were TiN and Ti-silicide. The thickness of reaction product layer formed at Si₃N₄/Ti interface was almost constant, independent on bonding condition. However room temperature bond strength was affected strongly by the thickness of Ti/Cu reaction layer and decrease of copper layer due to press in high bonding temperature. Bond strength according to testing temperature was similiar to room temperature value (162MPa) to 400℃, while above 400℃ it was decreased abrubtly due to softening of copper layer. In this study, dominant factors controlling mechanical properties of the joint were the extent of the reaction between Ti and Cu and the change of copper layer thickness.

      • KCI등재

        방진합금기술의 특허동향

        김종헌,창규,곽희환,Kim, Jong-Heon,Kim, Chang-Gyu,Kwak, Hee-Hwan 한국주조공학회 2012 한국주조공학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        As the industrial civilization develops, humankind can expect to receive the convenience and richness. But the various by-product which it leaves as the pollution threatens the natural environment. Especially, noise and vibration of these pollutions are causative of the mental instability and hard of hearing. In addition, they cause the performance degradation of the precision instrument and the early rising fatigue fracture of parts of precision instrument from the industry side. So recently interest in the damping technology and damping alloy is increasing. Therefore, in order to grasp the advanced technology of the damping alloy, we analyzed global techniques and patents information in this paper.

      • KCI등재

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