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        1930년대 『불교』지 문학장의 구성과 문학적 실현 양상 - 편집인과 직원·기자를 중심으로 -

        김종진(Kim Jong Jin) 불교학연구회 2016 불교학연구 Vol.48 No.-

        근대 불교 잡지는 1912년에 간행된 『조선불교월보』를 기점으로 2~30종정도가 전해지는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이들 잡지 가운데 가장 안정적인 기반을 가지고 오랫동안 간행된 잡지는 단연 『불교』(전108호, 1924.7~1933.7)이다. 『불교』는 다양한 사상적 담론 외에 역사적 문화적 문학적 내용이 호마다 편제되어 있어 종합지적인 성격을 보여준다. 1920년대 『불교』지에 구현된 문학장에 대한 선행 고찰에 이어 본고에서는 1930년대의 문학장 구성의 주체와 그 문학적 실현 양상에 대해 살펴보았다. 연구 대상은 대표 편집인과 소속 직원 및 기자들이다. 이들은 단순히 행정적 역할만 한 것이 아니라 이 시기 문학장 구축의 주체로서 자리 잡고 있으며 실제로도 문학 작품 창작을 통해 문학장을 구현하는데 주도적 역할을 하고 있기 때문이다. 본고는 권상로에 이어 편집인으로 등장한 한용운이 새로운 편제를 통해 신진문사들을 다수 등장시킨 경과를 살펴보았고, 권두언에 새로운 산문시를 게재함으로써 문학지의 성격을 가미한 것을 확인하였다. 이렇게 구축한 [불교시단]을 통해 이 시대 새로 약진하는 강원, 전문학교 출신의 문학청년 40여 명이 시인으로 성장할 기회를 갖게 된다. 만해는 이들 신진 문사들, 불교문학청년들을 지면으로 이끌어내는데 좌장 역할을 한 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 이와 함께 김태흡, 도진호, 김일엽, 안진호 등 불교사의 전 현직 직원 및 기자(촉탁기자 포함)들은 시, 시조, 기행문, 수필, 희곡, 설화, 소설 등 다양한 양식을 활용하여 불교문학장을 확장하는데 기여하였다. 이들의 글은 1920년 말의 일반문인의 문학작품을 대체하면서 종교성과 시대성을 강화하는 1930년대 초의 경향성을 보여준다. With its starting point Joseon Buddhism Monthly Journal published in 1912, about 20~30 modern Buddhist journals have been created and known. Among them, the long-time published journal with the most stable foundation would be Bulgyo (Buddhism), published from July 1924 to July 1933, with a total 108 volumes. Buddhism was composed of historic, cultural, and literary contents other than ideological discourse, showing the character of a general journal. Following exploration of the previous studies on the literature field of Buddhism in the 1920’s, this study investigated the subject and power of a literature field in the 1930’s. The main targets were representative editors, associated personnel and reporters. They did not only conduct administrational works but acted as the subjects to form a literature field as well. In fact, they played an initiative role in embodying a literature field through creating literary works in reality. This study explores the new section created by Han Yong-un (Manhae), the editor who put his own poem in the beginning of the journal, adding a character of literature journal, and also the literary men he introduced through the section. During this process, about 40 new poets from monastic schools or professional schools made their debut through the section Buddhist Poems . Han Yong-un was the center of this change. In addition, former and present reporters including Kim Tae-heup, Doh Jin-ho, Kim Il-yeop, Ahn Jin-ho, etc., were active in various types of literary fields such as poetry, travelogues, essays, plays, novels and legendary stories, and they expanded the horizons of Buddhist literature. At the end of the 1920’s, their works substituted those of general writers and heralded the tendency of reinforcing religiosity and contemporaneity in literature in the 1930’s

      • KCI등재

        당뇨병유두병증에서 유리체강내 베바시주맙 주입술 후 망막신경섬유층 두께의 장기간 변화 2예

        김종진,임종찬,신재필,김인택,박동호.Jong Jin Kim. MD. Jong Chan Im. MD. Jae Pil Shin. MD. PhD. In Taek Kim. MD. PhD.Dong Ho Park. MD. PhD 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.9

        Purpose: To report long-term changes in the average retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in 2 patients who had intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) injection for diabetic papillopathy. Case summary: A 36-year-old patient with diabetes complained of decreased visual acuity (20/200) in the right eye. The fundus examination showed optic disc swelling in both eyes. The average RNFL thickness based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) increased to 278 μm and Goldmann perimetry showed nasal visual field defect in the right eye. The IVB was injected into the right eye. Three weeks after the IVB injection, RNFL thickness decreased to 135 μm and visual acuity improved to 20/25 in the right eye. However, RNFL thickness increased from 126 to 207 μm and visual acuity decreased to 20/32 in the left eye. Thus, IVB was injected into the left eye. In week 3, RNFL thickness decreased to 147 μm and visual acuity improved to 20/20 in the left eye. At 12 months after IVB injection, RNFL thickness was 87 μm in the right eye and 109 μm in the left eye. A 57-year-old patient with diabetes complained of decreased visual acuity (20/200) and showed optic disc swelling in the right eye. The average RNFL thickness increased to 252 μm and Goldmann perimetry showed an enlarged blind spot in the right eye. IVB was injected into the right eye. After 3 weeks, RNFL thickness decreased to 136 μm and visual acuity improved to 20/70 in the right eye. Six months after IVB injection, RNFL thickness was 83 μm in the right eye. Conclusions: Visual acuity progressively improved within 3 weeks and RNFL thickness measured by spectral domain OCT showed progressive thickness reduction in 2 cases of diabetic papillopathy patients who had IVB injections.

      • KCI등재

        만해 『유심』의 창간 동인(動因)과 후속세대

        김종진(Kim, Jong-Jin) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2021 佛敎學報 Vol.- No.96

        본고는 『유심(惟心)』(통권 3호, 1918.9~1918.12) 창간에 내재한 만해의 논리를 파악하기 위해, 만해의 저서 『조선불교유신론(朝鮮佛敎維新論)』이 『불교대전(佛敎⼤典)』과 『정선강의채근담(精選講義菜根譚)』을 거쳐 『유심』으로 이어지는 맥락을 살펴보았다. 『조선불교유신론』(불교서관, 1913)의 「논승려지교육(論僧侶之敎育)」과 「논포교(論布敎)」장은 후에 펼쳐질 저술 활동의 예비적 논리와 다름이 없다. 연설로 포교하고, 신문, 잡지를 통해 포교하며, 경을 번역 유포하는 포교 방식의 주창은 장래 만해의 활동을 선언하는 것으로 의미가 있다. 만해는 『조선불교유신론』에서 밝힌 이상을 구현하는 방안을 모색하였고 그 결과 사부대중이 의지할 새로운 방식의 경전 요약집인 『불교대전』(범어사, 1914)을 펴냈다. 이 책은 만해의 이후 저술에서 강조되는 수행, 수양과 연결되는 지점이 있는데, 제6 「자치품」은 자기 수행을 위한 덕목을 제시하였고, 제7 「대치품」은 사회적 존재로서 원활한 역할을 다하기 위한 여러 덕목을 제시하였다. 『불교대전』의 제6, 7품에 담긴 수양 담화는 『정선강의채근담』(신문관, 1917)을 통해 발전적으로 확장되었다. 이 책은 유불도 등 다양한 사상적 스펙트럼을 보여주고 있어 수양론을 대중적으로 확산하는 호재료로 활용할 수 있었다. 이러한 저술 활동의 연장선에서 근대청년의 수양서로 『유심』은 기획되었다. 『유심』은 잡지의 구성과 필진, 내용 등에서 최남선이 펴낸 청년 대상의 잡지 『청춘』에서 받은 영향이 크다. 후속세대의 창작 공간인 「현상문예」란을 마련하여 청년의 등장을 견인한 것도 마찬가지다. 이를 통해 지면에 등장한 후속세대는 문학계에 널리 알려진 방정환 외에도 20년대 이후 불교청년운동의 대표주자로 성장한 김법린, 이영재가 주목된다. 『유심』 창간호를 읽고 독자로서 투고한 ‘위음인(威音人)’ 도진호 역시 불교청년운동의 주역으로서 공적인 지면에 처음으로, 그리고 함께 등장한다는 의의가 있다. 『유심』은 이들 신진세대, 청년들에게 지면을 제공함으로써, 후속세대의 등장과 성장을 견인한 의의가 있다. This study explored the context of Manhaes works from his book “Joseon Buddhist Reformation” (朝鮮佛敎維新論) through “Corpus Buddhism” (佛敎⼤典), and “the Origin Analects on Jeongsun Lecture” (精選講義 菜根譚) to “Yushim” (惟心) so as to understand Manhaes internal logic in the founding of “Yushim” (Volume 3, 1918.9-1918.12). The chapters titled “Discussing the Education of Monks” (論僧侶之敎育) and “Discussion of Missions” (論布敎) of “Joseon Buddhist Reformation” (1913) are no different from his preliminary logic of writing activities which would unfold later. His advocacy of using newspapers and magazines as means of propagation and the translation and disseminating of scriptures is meaningful as a declaration of Manhaes future activities. Manhae sought a way to realize the ideal set forth in “Joseon Buddhist Reformation”, and, as a result, published the “Corpus Buddhism” (1914), a collection of new-style scriptures that the four types of people who follow the teachings of Buddha would rely on. Furthermore, this book connects to the practice and discipline emphasized in Manhaes later writings. In particular, the 6th “Jachipum” presented the virtues for self-discipline, whereas the 7th “Daechipum” presented various virtues to fulfil ones role as a social being. The discipline colloquy contained in the 6th and 7th “pums” of “Corpus Buddhism” was developed and expanded through the “Origin Analects on Jeongsun Lecture” (1917). This book covered a variety of ideological spectrums, including Buddhism; as such, it was possibly used as good material to spread the theory of discipline to the public. As a result of these personal writing activities, “Yushim” was planned. “Yushim” was launched as a one-man magazine, but various intellectuals of the time participated in it. Furthermore, the influence of “Cheongchoon”, a youth magazine published by Choi Nam-seon, can be observed on the composition, writing staff, and content of the magazine. In “Yushim,” the works of the next generation, which would become the pillars and beams of Buddhism in the future, were discovered and introduced. Bang Jeong-hwan (小波生), who entered the stage through a literary contest, is not the only emerging generation known in the past. This study predetermined a Buddhist youth in Hwaeomsa temple, who submitted work under a pseudonym of ‘WiEumIn’ as Do Jin-ho, and confirmed the discovery of Kim Beop-rin (鐵啞) and Lee Yeong-jae (李英宰),- both of which were selected through a literary contest, and makes up part of influx of the young generation into the magazine. They emerged as representative players of Joseons Buddhist youth movement in the 1920s and 1930s. As a result, this study discovered the significance of “Yushim” in driving the activities of the next generation by providing them with a space. “Yushim” was a three-dimensional structure that opened the way for communication, both vertically and horizontally, in which the knowledge infrastructure of the past, present, and future was built beyond the writings of Han Yong-un.

      • 내장형 음성합성 기술 동향 및 사례

        김종진,김정세,김상훈,박준,Kim, Jong-Jin,Kim, Jeong-Se,Kim, Sang-Hun,Park, Jun 한국전자통신연구원 2008 전자통신동향분석 Vol.23 No.1

        음성합성 기술은 1990년대 중반 음편접합 방법론이 출현하면서 괄목한 만한 기술적 발전을 이루어, 2000년 전후에는 전화망을 이용한 ARS, VMS, UMS 서비스를 중심으로 폭넓게 사용되면서 일반 사용자들에게 매우 친숙한 서비스를 제공하여 왔다. 그러나 최근 텔레포니 기반의 음성 기술 시장은 기업고객 위주로 그 성장이 더딘 반면, 지능형 로봇, 텔레매틱스, 홈네트워크, 차세대 PC와 같은 전략적 국가 신성장동력 산업분야나 MP3 플레이어, 휴대폰, PMP 단말기, 휴대용 단말기와 같은 임베디드 분야가 음성 기술의 새로운 시장으로 주목을 받고 있다. 임베디드 분야에서 요구하는 음성 기술은 기존 서버급 시스템에서 운영되었던 기술과는 상당히 다른 기술 특성을 가지고 있다. 이에 본 고에서는 음성 기술 중 특히 음성합성 기술에 관한 임베디드 분야의 요구사항을 고찰하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 최근의 기술적 발전 동향 및 응용 사례에 대해서 기술하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of removal torque of dual-acid etched and single-acid etched implants in rabbit tibias

        김종진,조성암,Kim, Jong-Jin,Cho, Sung-Am The Korean Academy of Prosthodonitics 2019 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.57 No.4

        목적:불산과 염산/ 황산을 두 번 사용하는 임플란트 표면처리 방식은 선반가공한 표면에 비하여 강한 결합력을 보이지만 두 번 산처리하는 방식은 티타늄의 피로도를 야기시켜 미소균열을 야기시킬 수 있으므로, 염산으로 한번 산처리하는 방식이 비슷한 결합력을 가진다면 단순하고 효율적인 산처리 방식이 될 수 있다. 재료 및 방법: 9개의 지름 3.75, 길이 4 mm의 두 번 처리 방식의 임플란트와 같은 크기의 한 번 처리 방식의 임플란트를 토끼의 경골에 심어서, 10일 후에 회전제거력, 거칠기, 젖음각도를 측정하였다. 결과: 두 번 처리 방식과 한 번 처리 방식의 회전제거력은 차이가 없었고 (P = .995). 두 번 처리군의 거칠기는 $0.93{\mu}m$, 한 번 처리는 $0.84{\mu}m$이었다 (P = .170). 평균젖음각은 두 번 처리는 $99^{\circ}$, 한 번 처리는 $98^{\circ}$ 이었다 (P = .829). 각 변수 모두 두 그룹의 차이는 없었다. 결론:산으로 한번 처리하거나 두 번 처리 하거나 두 그룹의 회전제거력, 거칠기, 평균젖음각의 차이는 없었기 때문에 종래의 dual acid treatment보다 한번 처리하여도 유용한 것으로 보여진다. Purpose: Chemically strong-acids (HF and $HCl/H_2SO_4$) dual etching implant surfaces have higher strengths of osseointegration than machined implant surfaces. However, the dual acid treatment deteriorates the physical properties of the titanium by weakening the fatigue resistance of the implant and causing microcracks. The removal torque comparison between the dual-acid etched (hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, HS) and single-acid etched implants (hydrochloric acid, H) could reveal the efficiency of implant surface acid treatment. Materials and methods: Nine $3.75{\times}4mm$ dual-acid etched SLA implants and nine single-acid etched SLA implants were inserted into New Zealand rabbit tibias. After 10 days, removal torque, roughness, and wetting angle were measured. Results: Mean removal torque values were as follows: Mean removal torque were 9.94 Ncm for HS group and 9.96 Ncm for H group (P=.995). Mean surface roughness value were $0.93{\mu}m$ for HS group and $0.84{\mu}m$ for H group (P=.170). Root mean square roughness (RSq) values were $1.21{\mu}m$ for HS group and $1.08{\mu}m$ for H group (P=.294), and mean wetting angle values were $99^{\circ}$ for HS group and $98^{\circ}$ for H group (P=.829). Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the removal torques, roughness, or wetting angles of the two groups. Conclusion: In this experiment, we found no significant difference in removal torque, roughness, or wetting angle between dual-acid etched and single-acid etched implants.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        환경적 스트레스 자외선 - B 조사에 의한 피나무 유묘의 초기생장 특성

        김종진,홍성각 ( Jong Jin Kim,Sung Gak Hong ) 한국환경농학회 1996 한국환경농학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        This studies was carried out to know the effects of ultraviolet-B(280∼320㎚) irradiation on the initial growth of Tilia amurensis Rupr. seedlings. UV-B irradiation inhibited the hypocotyl elongation, height growth, leaf growth, and chlorophyll formation. The inhibition was dose-dependent, and consequently those growths were more inhibited depending on the increase of UV-B levels. Morphological change such as leaf length/leaf width ratio was also observed in the leaves of irradiated seedlings. UV-B irradiation produced scorching, glazing or chlorosis, and stunting or dwarfing in the first or second leaf of the seedlings.

      • KCI등재

        신생혈관녹내장에서 아메드밸브삽입술의 장기 결과와 베바시주맙의 전방내 주사 효과

        김종진,신재필,Jong Jin Kim,Jae Pil Shin 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.5

        Purpose: To evaluate the long-term surgical results of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation (AGVI) and the effects of intracameral bevacizumab injection in neovascular glaucoma (NVG) after diabetic vitrectomy. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 57 patients with NVG after diabetic vitrectomy who underwent AGVI with or without intracameral bevacizumab injection. In each group, preoperative and postoperative intraocular pressure, the number of glaucoma medications, and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) were compared. We analyzed the rates of surgical success, postoperative complications, and risk factors. Results: The cumulative probability of success was 87.7% at 1 year, 78.8% at 2 years, 70.5% at 3 years, and 61.6% at 5 years. Intraocular pressure and the number of glaucoma medications were significantly reduced and BCVA was significantly better at all postoperative follow-up time points in both groups. There were no differences in mean intraocular pressure, the number of glaucoma medications, BCVA, or the rates of surgical success between the two groups. The incidence of hypertensive phase was significantly reduced in the intracameral bevacizumab group, but neither the surgical success rate nor intraocular pressures were different compared with the control group. Conclusions: Ahmed glaucoma valve was a good therapeutic modality for long-term treatment of NVG occuring after diabetic vitrectomy. Intracameral bevacizumab injection had no effects on the surgical results of Ahmed glaucoma valve surgery. J Korean

      • 장 회전이상 환자에서 연령에 따른 임상적 특성의 차이

        김종진,정규환,박태진,정성은,박귀원,Kim, Jong-Jin,Jung, Kyu-Whan,Park, Tae-Jin,Jung, Sung-Eun,Park, Kwi-Won 대한소아외과학회 2009 소아외과 Vol.15 No.2

        Intestinal malrotation presents with different clinical characteristics, depending upon the age of the patient. The medical records of 44 patients treated for intestinal malrotation with/without midgut volvuls between January 2002 and August 2009 at Seoul National University Children's Hospital were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were grouped by the age criteria of 1 and 12 months. Fourteen patients were under 1 month of age (31.8 %), 9 patients between 1 month and 12 months (20.5 %) and 21 patients over 12 months (47.7 %). Twenty patients (45.5 %) presented with volvulus. Vomiting (66 %) and abdominal pain (20 %) were the most common symptoms. UGIS (68.2 %) was the most frequent diagnostic tool. Mean postoperative hospital stay was 13.7 days. There were 7 mild postoperative complications. Volvulus was more frequent in patients under 1 month (p=0.025) than over 1 month. The interval between diagnosis and operation was shorter in patients under 1 month (p=0.003) than in patients over one month of age. In the age between under and over 12 months, volvulus was more common in those under 12 months of age, but the difference was not significant. The interval from diagnosis to operation was shorter in patients under 12 months than over 12 months of age (p=0.001). Vomiting was the most frequent symptom in patients under 12 months. On the other hand, abdominal pain was the most frequent symptom in patients over 12 months. In conclusion, patients with intestinal malrotation had age-related differences in the presence of midgut volvulus, the interval between diagnosis and operation, and clinical symptoms. The age of the patient should be considered in order to determine adequate treatment of malrotation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        자연기흉의 임상적 고찰

        김종진,장정수,Kim, Jong-Jin,Jang, Jeong-Su 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1987 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.20 No.2

        In this study, 186 cases of spontaneous pneumothorax experienced at the Dept. of thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery, chosun University Hospital during from Jan. 1978 to Mar. 1987 were analysed retrospectically. The results were as follows: 1. The sex ratio of the stadied patient was 2.5:! in male prominence and the incidence and the incidence was highest in the adolescence between 20-29 year of age. 2. The clinical symptoms were frequently Dyspnea (52.2%) and Chest pain (38.7%). The etiologic factors were as follows, Tuberculous origin in 55.9%, Unknown origin in 17.2%, Bullae in 11.8%. 3. In the method of treatment, closed thoracotomy was the most effective procedure in achieving the expansion of collapsed lung in 87.1%. Other methods were bed rest with high oxygen inhalation, thoracentesis and open thoracotomy. 4. The incidences of complication were developed in 12.4% and recurrent rates were seen in 9.7%.

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