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        분광학적 방법에 의한 계면활성제의 확인

        안종일(Chong Il Ahn),조종희(Jong Hoi Cho),박신자(Shin Ja Park),김종길(Jong Kil Kim),전지혜(Ji Hye Jeon),이정복(Jung Bock Lee),박홍수(Hong Soo Park) 한국유화학회 2001 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        N/A Our study is aimed at proposal of systematic verification method of molecular structure using measuring method of selective ionic determination and spectrometry on 34 kinds of surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) which are most widely used today. In the IR spectrum, unsaturated fatty acids reveal themselves by HC= at 3000~3020㎝^-1, and intensity of 720㎝㎝^-1 depends on carbon length of alkyl group. Also ethylene oxide(EO) adducts exhibit weak characteristic bands by -CH_2-CH_2-O at 1350, 1100 and 950㎝^-1. Isethionate can be distinguished from diester succinate by intensity ratio of 1740 and 1200㎝^-1 spectrums, the ratio of latter is close to 1 due to 2 carboxylate radical in diester succinate. Quaternary ammonium salts exhibit characteristic band of C_4N^+ at 1000-900㎝^-1. In the case of dialkyl dimethyl ammonium salts in quaternary ammonium surfactants, the spectrum of 3000㎝^-1 by N-CH_3 collapses to a very weak band at 3020㎝^-1. In ammonium heterocyclic derivatives, pyridinium salts show characteristic bands at 1640 and 1460㎝^-1, while imidazolinium salts exhibit characteristic band at 1620-1610㎝^-1. In the characteristic spectrum at 1080-1050㎝^-1 on OH radicals of the alkyl esters, primary alcohol appears as weak band and the 2 bands show in almost same intensity when primary and secondary alcohols exist together in one molecule. Also, alkyl ester of polyhydric alcohols appears as various broad band.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        멧누에 ( Bombyx mandarina ) 난간단백질 유전자의 유전적 분석

        성승현(Seung Hyun Sung),김순정(Soon Jeung Kim),염승식(Seung Shic Yum),김종길(Jong Kil Kim),김기세(Ki Sei Kim),김근종(Keun Chong Kim),문준옥(Jun Ok Moon),이병순(Byong Soon Lee),서동상(Dong Sang Suh) 한국유전학회 2001 Genes & Genomics Vol.23 No.4

        Two multigene families, high-cysteine A(HcA) and high-cysteine B(HcB), are located within 140 kb region of chorion locus in Bombyx mori. Each family consists of 15 members and one of each members are transcribed in pairs. We report isolation and characterization of HcA and HcB genes of the wild type silkmoth, Bombyx mandarina. In this study, we examined 6 repeating units out of 15 HcA genes and 6 units of 15 HcB genes of B. mori and B. mandarina, respectively, and found that the arrangements and expression units of these are dramatically different. In addition, we found that most of the sequence variations were located within the C-variable region. These results suggest that the likely mechanism of concerted evolution is gene conversion-like event in HcA/HcB gene pairs.

      • KCI등재

        알콜금단 증후군의 치료에서 Carbamazepine과 Lorazepam의 효과 비교

        이현정,김정기,김종길 大韓神經精神醫學會 1994 신경정신의학 Vol.33 No.1

        In order to compare the effects of carbamazepine and lorazepam on alcohol withdrawal syndrome, a comparative study of carbamazepine and lorazepman was conducted with 40 cases of alcohol withdrowal syndrome during period from March, 1990 to August, 1991. The patients were assigned randomly to either carbamazepine(600mg/day) treated group or lorazepam(6mg/day) treated group for 8 days. During the trial period, target withdrawal symptoms and side effect were recorded daily. In general, carbamazepine was more efficacious to lorazepam in treating the withdrawal syndrome and not different with respect to side effects. It is concluded that carbamazepine, which is well tolerated and does not produce any addication, might offer a valuable alternative drug in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

      • KCI등재

        신경매독에 관한 임상적 연구

        김종길 大韓神經精神醫學會 1976 신경정신의학 Vol.15 No.2

        Twenty-three cases of neurosyphilis who were admitted to St. Mary's hospital, Catholic medical College, from Jan. 1971 to April 1976 were observed and discussed in the view of clinical characteristics. Then the following results and suggestions were obtained: 1) The incidence of neurosyphilis was 23 cases (0.041%) of total 43,500 inpatient (obstetric patients were exclued) and the average age was 40 years old and the sex ratio of the male to the female was 2:1. 2) Classifications : Asymptomatic ‥‥‥‥‥ 6 Meningovascular ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥5 General paresis ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥12 Tabes dorsalis ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥2 Spinal cord syphilis ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥0 3) Symptoms : memory impairment(57%), Psychotic manifestation (52%), headache (52%), disturbed speech(32%), generalized weakness(18%), dizziness(15%) insomnia (15%) etc. 4) Signs : Abnormality of DTR(52%), alternation of muscle tone (43%), ataxia(35%), tremor(26%) etc. 5) STS : VDRL (Serum) : 18 patients were reactive (79%) and 5 were non-reactive. RPCF (CSF) : 21 patients were reactive (91%) and 2 were non-reactive. 6) Cell counts (WBC) and total protein of CSF: Asymptomatic- 9/cu mm. 70 mg/dl Meningovascular- 23 〃 52 〃 Tabes dorsalis- 51 〃 44 〃 General paresis- 29 〃 69 〃 Average 25 〃 61 〃 7) STS of spouses were checked in 7 cases and 5 of them revealed reactive (71%). 8) Four out of 14 cases showed abnormal tracing in electroencephalogram. 9) It is recommended that those of patients admitted to psychiatric department as well as other departments should be taken STS as a routine examination. 10) No evidence of increase in incidence was noted comparative to one of past 5 years (1965-1970) and neurosyphilis among Koreans have scantiness of symptoms and signs (or atypical feature) compared to prepenicilline era andso many physician may be confused with this atypical or unfamiliar form of neurosyphilis.

      • KCI등재

        Diphenhydramine 급성 중독 한 예

        김종길,김헌석,한상엽 大韓神經精神醫學會 1974 신경정신의학 Vol.13 No.2

        Diphenhydramine, a kind of antihistamines, is occasionally taken as hypnotics by layman, can also ce used as a drug of choice for suicidal attempt. a clinical case with prominent visual and auditory hallucination, disorientation, and confusion due to acute Diphenhydramine poisoning, is reported, which resembled schizophrenic-like symptoms. The patient took 2000mg of the drug in an attempt to commit suicide and recovered 3 days later without specific treatment but accumpanied by temparary hypertension (especially increased diastolic, up to 170/130), which returned to nearly normal range as the symptom subsided.

      • KCI등재

        해외이민 신청자의 건강진단 중 신경정신과에 의뢰된 사례

        이영호,김종길,김광수 大韓神經精神醫學會 1977 신경정신의학 Vol.16 No.2

        Sixty six cases (male 36, female 30) were consulted to psychiatrist among 66, 532 cases of emigratory VISA applicants for their emigration during 4 years, from Jan. in 1976 at St. Marys Hospital. The authors reviewed the 66 cases in the view of clinical psychiatry and got results as followings: 1) Consulted cases was 0.1% of the all aplicants (66, 523), which was about 43% total emigrants in our country in the same period. 2) Age distribution: predominantly (90%) below thirty years old, who almost dependent life to their parents or relatives. 3) Diagnostic classification: 31 cases (47%) of mental retardation, 26 cases (40%) of cerebral palsy, 3 cases of schizophrenia, 1 case of psychotic depressive reaction, 1 case of depressive neurosis, and 4 cases of others. These feature suggests the purpose of consultation was not for help any psychological troubles rather but for their official procedure to emigrate. 4) The relationship between EEG findings and retarded intelligence: Twenty five cases of mental retardation and 27 cerebral palsy associated with mental Retardation were checked EEG, which flndings revealed trend that the more mentally retarded the worse EEG findings. 5) Psychiatric treatments and disposition: Two cases of schizophrenia, one of depressive neurosis and one psychotic depression were able to emigrate after adequate psychiatric treatments and revaluation but one case of chronic schizophrenia abandoned to. All cases of mental retardation and cerebral palsy emigrated after receiving the permission to enter the special institute for mental retardation and or physical handicap of immigrant countries.

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