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        15세기 국어와 현대 국어 복합어의 유형에 관한 비교 연구

        김재욱 ( Jrawook Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2004 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.34

        In this paper, I defined a compound word only as a combination of words like a non-syntactical compound word which is morphological combination, defining the compound word as `a word consist of two or more stems or roots`. and excluding the combinations of words like syntactical combinations of the Korean language from the range of the compound words. There were five types of compound words -compound nouns. compound adjectives. compound verbs. compound adverbs and compound pre-nouns in the 15th century Korean. In the modern Korean. on the contrary. there are four types of compound words -compound nouns. compound adjectives. compound verbs and compound adverbs. Furthermore in 15th century Korean. modifiers get involved directly in the combinations of compound nouns. compound adverbs and compound modifiers. contrary to that there is no case that a modifier get involved in the modern Korean. but after being changed to a adnominal form of a inflected word. it get involved in the combination relation as a syntactical construction. In cases of compound nouns, in the modern Korean there are various parts of speech those get involved in the construction of compound nouns like ``noun +noun``. ``adjective+noun``. ``verb + noun`` and ``adverb + noun`` combinations, compared to the fact most of the combination were` noun + noun`` in the 15th century Korean. For the compound verbs and compound adjectives, however, they were more productive in 15th century. There were plenty of cases of compound word with a combination of stem and stem, and especially, for the compound adjectives, there were even ``verb + adjective`` combinations, In conclusion, in the 15th century there were lots of morphologic combinations like non-syntactical compound words those deviate from the syntax-semantics conventional structure of Korean language, when words get combined and form a compound word. On the other hand, we can find that morphologic combinations like these have disappeared gradually and more syntactical compound words those conform the syntactical convention of Korean language, as the modern Korean has developed.

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