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        해양패류 렉틴 ( Ⅸ ) 백합조개 체액 렉틴 , MLA - 1의 분리정제 및 당 특이성

        김장환,정시련,전경희 ( Jang Hwan Kim,See Ryun Chung,Kyung Hee Jeune ) 생화학분자생물학회 1990 BMB Reports Vol.23 No.3

        D-fucose, L-arabinose, D-galacturonic acid and D-glucuronic acid specific lectin (MLA-1) has been purified from the hemolymph of a shellfish Meretrix lusoria (Veneridae) using ion exchange chromatography on DE 52, hydroxyapatite and gel filtration. The MLA-1 lectin agglutinatinted nonspecifically erythrocytes of human ABO blood type and of several animals. In carbohydrate inhibition assay, MLA-1 lectin activity was most strongly inhibited by three carbohydrates, D-fucose, L-arabinose and D-galacturonic acid, whose pyranose rings share the same configuration as the C2, C3 and C4. A molecular weight of MLA-1 was calculated as 330 Kd by gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B column and the subunit was determined as 42 Kd by SDS-PAGE.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국회의원 기록관리 방안 연구

        김장환,Kim, Jang-hwan 한국기록학회 2018 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.55

        본 연구의 목적은 국회의원 기록관리의 현실을 짚어보고 바람직한 대안 을 제시하는 것이다. 1999년 ?공공기관의 기록물관리에 관한 법률?이 제 정되기 전까지 기록관리는 행정부나 입법부 모두 문서관리 수준을 벗어나 지 못하고 있었다. 오히려 국회는 회의록과 의안문서를 체계적으로 관리 하는 기록관리 전통이 제헌국회 이래 국회사무처를 중심으로 남아 있었다. 기록관리법이 제정된 후에도 적극 대응하여 기록관리 체제를 정비하기 시 작했다. 2000년에 ?국회기록물관리규칙?을 제정하여 시행하고, 영구기록 물관리기관 설치가 의무사항이 아님에도 국회사무처의 보조기관 형태로 영구기록물관리기관을 설치하였다. 또한 국내에서 처음 기록연구직으로 전문요원을 배치하고, 국회기록물분류기준표도 행정부에 비해 빠르게 만 들어 시행하는 등 선도적으로 대응하였다. 그러나 2007년 전부개정 법률에 따른 규칙 개정이 2011년에 이르러서야 완료될 정도로 국회사무처 시기 국회기록보존소의 기록관리 동력은 크게 떨어졌다. 국회의 경우 행정부의 직접적인 영향력이 미치지 않기 때문에 참여정부 당시 기록관리 혁신에 따른 긍정적인 영향도 거의 받지 못했다. 국회기록관리 영역 내에서도 국회의원 기록관리 분야는 실무적으로나 학 술적으로 매우 미미한 상황이다. 국회의원은 기록관리법상 대상에서 아예 제외되어 있기 때문에 기록관리를 강제할 수 있는 법적 근거도 없다. 이에 본 글에서는 주로 국회기록보존소 내부에서 수립한 국회의원 기록 관리 계획과 추진 현황을 중심으로 국회의원 기록관리의 문제점을 분석하 였다. 그리고 원론적인 수준에서 향후 국회 영구기록물관리기관 역할을 수행하고 있는 국회기록보존소에서 추진해야 할 국회의원 기록관리 방안 을 관련 법규 제정·개정, 국회의원실 기록관리 컨설팅 지원, 행정정보시 스템 데이터세트 및 웹 기록물 이관 방안 마련 등 세 가지로 구분하여 제 시하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the reality of the records management of the National Assembly members and suggest a desirable alternative. Until the Public Records Management Act was enacted in 1999, the level of the records management in the National Assembly was not beyond that of the document management in both the administration and the legislature. Rather, the National Assembly has maintained a records management tradition that systematically manages the minutes and bills since the Constitutional Assembly. After the Act was legislated in 2000, the National Assembly Records Management Regulation was enacted and enforced, and the Archives was established in the form of a subsidiary organ of the Secretariat of the National Assembly, even though its establishment is not obligatory. In addition, for the first time, an archivist was assigned as a records and archives researcher in Korea, whose role is to respond quickly in accordance with the records schedule of the National Assembly, making its service faster than that of the administration. However, the power of the records management of the National Assembly Archives at the time of the Secretariat of the National Assembly was greatly reduced, so the revision of the regulations in accordance with the revised Act in 2007 was not completed until 2011. In the case of the National Assembly, the direct influence of the executive branch was insignificant. As the National Assembly had little direct influence on the administration, it had little positive influence on records management innovation under Roh Moo-Hyun Administration. Even within the National Assembly, the records management observed by its members is insignificant both in practice and in theory. As the National Assembly members are excluded from the Act, there is no legal basis to enforce a records management method upon them. In this study, we analyze the records management problem of the National Assembly members, which mainly concerns the National Assembly records management plan established in the National Archives. Moreover, this study proposes three kinds of records management methods for the National Assembly members, namely, the legislation and revision of regulations, the records management consulting of the National Assembly members, and the transfer of the dataset of administrative information systems and websites.

      • KCI등재

        백합조개 체액으로부터 새로운 렉틴 MLA-II 및 MLA-III의 정제

        김장환,정시련,전경희,Kim, Jang-Hwan,Chung, See-Ryun,Jeune, Kyung-Hee 대한약학회 1994 약학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        As a previous step for the development of immunostimulating substance from marine natural products the two new lectins, MLA-II and MLA-III, have been isolated and purified from the hemolymph of Meretrix lusoria in addition to the previously reported MLA-I. The new lectins molecules were characterized as pure by electrophoretic studies.

      • KCI등재

        분산 모바일 임베디드 시스템 기반의 새로운 위치정보 관리 시스템

        김장환,Kim Jang Hwan 한국통신학회 2004 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.29 No.12B

        모바일 망에서는 지속적으로 변하는 개별 가입자의 위치 정보가 관리되어져야 한다. 이와 같은 분산 환경 속에서 위치 정보 관리의 핵심 역할을 수행하는 내장형 시스템인 HLR system은 table 관리 기능과 색인 관리 기능 그리고 백업 관리 기능을 제공한다. 본 논문에서는, 현재 사용되고 있는 HLR system의 문제점을 철저한 분석을 통해 파악하여 그 문제의 해결 방안을 제시하고, HLR system을 위한 새로운 구조를 제시하였다. HLR system에서는 가입자 정보의 실시간 접근과 갱신을 제공하기 위해 주기억장치 데이터베이스 시스템이 사용되고 있다. 따라서, 더 나은 실시간 기능을 제공키 위해서, 가입자의 정보를 보다 신뢰성 있게 관리하기 위해서, 보다 많은 가입자에게 편의를 제공하기 위해서는 이의 성능 개선이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는, HLR database transaction의 특성을 고려한 효을적인 백업 방법을 제안한다. 이단계 색인 기법은 기존의 T 트리 색인 기법보다 검색 속도와 기억 공간 사용 효율 측면에서 우수하다. 버켓 연결 해슁 기법은 기존의 변형된 선형 해슁 기법보다 삽입과 삭제 시의 오버헤드가 적다. 제안한 백업 방법에서는, 빈번한 위치 등록 기능 수행으로 인해 야기되는 성능 저하 문제를 해결하기 위해 두가지 종류의 갱신 플래그를 사용하였다. 가입자 수용시, 제안 기법을 사용하게 되면 기존 기법보다 메모리 사용량 절감(62% 이상), 디렉토리 증가 작업제거, 백업 작업 감소(80% 이상)를 제공받게 된다. In mobile cellular network the ever-changing location of a mobile host necessitates the continuous tracking of its current position and efficient management of location information. A database called Home Location Register(HLR) plays a major role in location management in this distributed environment, providing table management, index management, and backup management facilities. The objectives of this paper are to identify the p개blems of the current HLR system through rigorous analysis, to suggest solutions to them, and to propose a new architecture for the HLR system. In the HLR system, a main memory database system is used to provide real-time accesses and updates of subscriber's information. Thus it is suggested that the improvement bemade to support better real-time facilities, to manage subscriber's information more reliably, and to accommodate more subscribers. In this paper, I propose an efficient backup method that takes into account the characteristics of HLR database transactions. The retrieval speed and the memory usage of the two-level index method are better than those of the T-tree index method. Insertion md deletion overhead of the chained bucket hashing method is less than that of modified linear hashing method. In the proposed backup method, I use two kinds of dirty flags in order to solve the performance degradation problem caused by frequent registration-location operations. Performance analysis has been performed to evaluate the proposed techniques based on a system with subscribers. The results show that, in comparison with the current techniques, the memory requirement is reduced by more than 62%,directory operations, and backup operation by more than 80%.

      • KCI등재
      • Lectin from Marine Shells (IX): Purification and Carbohydrates Specificities of a Lectin, MLA-1, from the Hemolymph of Meretrix lusoria

        김장환,정시련,전경희,Kim, Jang-Hwan,Chung, See-Ryun,Jeune, Kyung-Hee Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1990 한국생화학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        D-fucose, L-arabinose, D-galacturonic acid, D-glucuronic acid에 특이성인 렉틴(MLA-1)을 이온 교환, Hydroxyapatite 크로마토그래피 및 겔 여과법을 이용하여 백합조개, Meretrix lusoria(Veneridae), 체액으로부터 분리 정제하였다. MLA-1 렉틴은 사람 혈액 ABO type과 몇 종의 동물 혈액에 비특이적인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 당 저해시험에서, MLA-1 렉틴 응집은 pyranose ring이 2,3,4번 탄소에 대해 같은 구조인, D-fucose, L-arabinose, D-galacturonic acid, 세 가지 당에 의해 가장 강하게 저해되었다. MLA-1 렉틴의 분자량은 Sepharose CL-6B 겔여과 결과 330 Kd, SDS-PAGE에 의한 subunit의 수와 크기는 단일의 형태이었으며 그 분자량은 42 Kd로 밝혀졌다. D-fucose, L-arabinose, D-galacturonic acid and D-glucuronic acid specific lectin (MLA-1) has been purified from the hemolymph of a shellfish Meretrix lusoria (Veneridae) using ion exchange chromatography on DE 52, hydroxyapatite and gel filtration. The MLA-1 lectin agglutinatinted nonspecifically erythrocytes of human ABO blood type and of several animals. In carbohydrate inhibition assay, MLA-1 lectin activity was most strongly inhibited by three carbohydrates, D-fucose, L-arabinose and D-galacturonic acid, whose pyranose rings share the same configuration as the C2, C3 and C4. A molecular weight of MLA-1 was calculated as 330 Kd by gel filtration on Sepharose CL6B column and the subunit was determined as 42 Kd by SDS-PAGE.

      • KCI등재

        탐구형 초등과학수업 '호흡' 차시에서 교사의 경력에 따른 교수행동 및 시각적 주의 분석

        김장환,신원섭,신동훈,Kim, Jang-Hwan,Shin, Won-Sub,Shin, Dong-Hoon 한국초등과학교육학회 2018 초등과학교육 Vol.37 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the teaching behaviors and visual attention according to teacher's career in Elementary Science Inquire-based Class. Participants were four elementary school teachers in Seoul. They were all in grade 5 and taught science. According to the experience of elementary science education, two novice teachers and two expert teachers were identified. Participants taught Respiration in the 'Structure and Function of our Body' in the elementary science fifth grade. The mobile eye tracker used in this study is SMI's ETG 2w, which is a binocular tracking system. In addition, a video camera was installed behind the classroom to record the entire class. We recorded all the contents of the recorded video and analyzed the results. In this study, the actual practice time, participant's visual attention, and decentralized attention ability were analyzed by class phase. The results of the study are as follows. First, there was a difference between planned class time and actual practice time. The novice teachers were having difficulty in reconstructing the contents of education, and the expert teachers were reconstructing the curriculum and interacting with the students with high understanding and application of the curriculum. There were many differences between the novice teachers and the expert teachers in the tour guidance to confirm student activities. Second, if we look at the visual attention on the area related to teaching and learning by class phase, the novice teacher concentrates all the steps in a specific area, expert teachers showed an equal visual attention to meaningful areas of teaching and learning activities. Third, there was a statistically significant difference in activities 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, and 2-2 when the participants' decentralized attention ability. Expert teachers frequently checked students' understanding and interests. There was a lot of interaction with students. It is also shown through the decentralized attention ability that the novice teachers concentrate on a specific area, and the expert teachers have a high degree of decentralized attention ability and visual attention evenly.

      • KCI등재

        테니스 동호인의 참여동기와 몰입경험이 여가만족도에 미치는 영향

        김장환(Jang Hwan Kim),최환석(Hwan Seok Choi),엄대영(Dae Young Eum),정진영(Jin Young Jung) 한국사회체육학회 2007 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.31

        By analyzing the participation motivation and flow experience of people in the tennis associations and its influence on their satisfaction degree of recreation, the purpose of this study is to maintain, promote the physical activities of the people in the tennis associations and let them enjoy the increased leisure time through tennis sports as the healthy life physics, providing the practical research data to improve the tennis sports. The survey was made with 348 participants from the tennis associations located in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province, through the convenience-extract method. The following findings are acquired by applying and verifying the factor analysis, reliability and validity by scales such as the participants` general traits, motivation, flow experience and satisfaction degree of leisure time, as the research tool. First, from the participation motivation according to the demography traits, the male participants showed higher figures in the self-exposure motivation, indicating the interests, physical health reason in order in 40`s age band, and the highest interest motivation in more than Kw 4 million in the income bracket. Concerning their health degree, healthier persons showed higher figures in the interest and education motivation. According to the experiences, the experienced participants with more than 3 years, showed highest interest and physical healthy reason. Secondly, in the ages from their flow experiences according to the participants` demography traits, people in the 40`s age band indicated the highest flow experience degree, showing healthier person had higher flow experiences in the recognition and activities. According to the period, experience participants with more than 3 years showed the highest figure, showing the significant differences in the recognition flow experiences in the frequency, with no difference among the groups. Thirdly, from the flow experiences according to the participation motivation of people in tennis associations, the participants with higher sociable motivation had higher flow recognition flow experiences while those with higher level of interests, education and sociable motivation had higher activity flow experience. Fourthly, from the satisfaction degree of their leisure time, the participants with higher level of interest, physical health and sociable motivation showed higher physical satisfaction degree, while those with higher education, self-exposure, interest, physical health and social motivation had higher physical psychological degree. Fifthly, according to their flow experiences, the participants with higher level of recognition and flow experiences had higher satisfaction degree of their leisure time. From the conclusive analysis from aforementioned results, it is regarded that people with higher level of the factors such as interest, education, sociable reason, physical health and self-exposure to utilize their increasing leisure time have higher recognition and these high level of low experiences is expected to lead to the increased satisfaction degree of leisure time, allowing people to be continuously involved in the activities in the tennis associations.

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