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        Development of a tide-simulating apparatus for macroalgae

        김장균,Charles Yarish 한국조류학회I 2010 ALGAE Vol.25 No.1

        A tide-simulating apparatus was developed for culturing marine macroalgae. The objective of this study was to introduce a novel tide-simulating apparatus that can simulate a diurnal or semi-diurnal tidal cycle in the laboratory. In this apparatus, the seaweeds are move up and down and the water level remains the same during the simulated tidal cycle. The apparatus consists of 18 cylindrical culture tanks (3 blocks × 6 culture tanks) with 12 cm diameter and 24.5 cm long containing up to 2.5 L of seawater. There is a horizontal plate which covered all 18 culture tanks, and it is raised and lowered by a programmable motor that can regulate exposure time. In one application, seaweeds are attached to braided twine hung on Plexiglas air-tubing. The air-tubing is attached to a lid that is set on a horizontal plate. This apparatus is made of colorless Plexiglas to maximize light transmittance. This apparatus is easily disassembled and transportable to any indoor laboratory, wet laboratory, greenhouse, etc. This apparatus also offers considerable flexibility in terms of design. The size of culture tank can be redesigned by either increasing the height of cylinder or/and using a different diameter of cylindrical Plexiglas, therefore, larger/taller thalli can be cultivated. Growth rates of three eulittoral Porphyra species from different tidal elevations have been compared using this device.

      • KCI등재

        Development of a sustainable land-based Gracilaria cultivation system

        김장균,Charles Yarish 한국조류학회I 2014 ALGAE Vol.29 No.3

        Land-based seaweed (Gracilaria) cultivation systems may provide products with high quality and biosafety for human consumption, as well as for other high value applications. However, a limitation for this land based system is high management costs. The objective of this study was to determine if the management costs for Gracilaria cultivation can be reduced without a decrease in productivity by using CO2 injection along with a high stocking density and high photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and commercially available fertilizers. When Gracilaria tikvahiae was cultivated at a high stocking density and high PAR, coupled with CO2 enhancement, the productivity was significantly higher than that at a lower stocking density, low light without CO2 injection. We also found that G. tikvahiae grown in a medium of commercially available fertilizer (Jack’s Special, JS) showed a similar growth rate and productivity to that grown in von Stosch's enriched (VSE) seawater, while the cost for JS media is only 2% of the cost for VSE. These results suggest that CO2 injection and commercial fertilizer may be a potential way to provide sustainability in land-based Gracilaria cultivation systems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Seaweed aquaculture: cultivation technologies, challenges and its ecosystem services

        김장균,Charles Yarish,황은경,박미선,김영대 한국조류학회I 2017 ALGAE Vol.32 No.1

        Seaweed aquaculture technologies have developed dramatically over the past 70 years mostly in Asia and more recently in Americas and Europe. However, there are still many challenges to overcome with respect to the science and to social acceptability. The challenges include the development of strains with thermo-tolerance, disease resistance, fast growth, high concentration of desired molecules, the reduction of fouling organisms and the development of more robust and cost efficient farm systems that can withstand storm events in offshore environments. It is also important to note that seaweed aquaculture provides ecosystem services, which improve conditions of the coastal waters for the benefit of other living organisms and the environment. The ecosystem services role of seaweed aquaculture and its economic value will also be quantitatively estimated in this review.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        녹조 구멍갈파래 ( Ulva pertusa Kjellman ) 의 생장 및 색소조성에 미치는 무기 영양염류 및 중금속의 영향

        김장균(Jang Kyun Kim),한태준(Tae Jun Han) 한국환경생물학회 1999 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Differential growth of Ulva pertusa Kjellman was observed in response to different photon irradiances and seawater. Growth rate of U. pertusa cultivated in the seawater collected from the East Sea was significantly higher than that in the seawater collected from the Yellow Sea. Optimal growth was found at 100 μmolm^-2s^-1 in both cases. Chlorophyll contents of U. pertusa grown in the east sea water were higher than that cultivated in the west sea water at irradiances lower than 60μmolm^-2s^-1. At irradiances higher than 100μmolm^-2s^-1, there was no difference in chlorophyll content in between the two different seawaters with tendency that pigmentation decreased with increasing photon irradiances. Nitrate concentration in the west sea water was 2-fold higher than that in the east sea water, while phosphorus concentrations(0.03 ppm) were similar. Concentrations of Cu^2+ and Pb^2+ were 0.004 and 0.003ppm respectively which are far below environmental standard concentrations(0.02 ppm for Cu^2+ and 0.1ppm for Pb^2+). Taking those data into account, we have done laboratory investigations into the effects of inorganic nutrients and heavy metals on U. pertusa. As nitrate concentration increased from 0.5 to 5ppm, growth rate of U. pertusa increased, but different concentrations of phosphorus did not cause any differential effect. On the other hand, chlorophyll contents increased with increasing phosphorus concentrations. Copper of U. pertusa be toxic decreased the growth and pigmentation as the concentration increased, whereas lead showed no such effect. Concentrations of Cu^2+ employed in the present study were much higher than those in ambient seawater, Intermittent soaring of Cu^2+ level as observed in natural seawater could, however, seriously damage the growth behaviour of U. pertusa. [Ulva pertusa Kjellman, Inorganic nutrients, Heavy Metals].


        Induction of Hepatic Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase by Bile Duct Ligation in Rats

        조준승,김장균 생화학분자생물학회 1985 BMB Reports Vol.11 No.4

        The main purpose of this study is to observe the change of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity after the ligation of bile duct in rats. After the ligation of the common bile duct, the levels of serum alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin were significantly increased, whereas phosphoenoipyruvate carboxykinase was not detected in the serum obtained from the normal and the bile duct lidsated rats. The bile duct ligation in the rat produced in an increase in hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carbuxykinase activity. Within 24, 48, and 72 hours after the bile duct ligation, toepatic phosphoanolpyruvate carboxykinase was increased about 2,3, and 4-fold respectively, but the increase of the enzyme activity was inhibited in the rat by injection of actinomycin U one hour before and 12 hours after the ligation. Incorporation rate of amine acid mixture-^(14)C and orotic acid ^(14)C into the liver protein and RNA was also increased by the bile duct ligation and inhibited by actinomycin D. The above results suggest that the bile duct ligation may causes the induction of hehatic phosphenolpyruvate carboxykinase and this is due to the increases of the enzyme synthesis.


        Changes of Creatine Phosphokinase Activities in Serum and Thoracie Duct Lymph Durig Hemorrhagic Shock in Dogs

        정태호,곽준식,김장균 생화학분자생물학회 1985 BMB Reports Vol.11 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of the activity of creative phosphukinase ;EC, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (EC ana glutamic pyruvic transaminase (EC of serum and thoracic duct lymph in dogs induced hetnocrhagic shock with the blood pressure maintained at 60mmHg. for 4 hours. The serum and thoracic duct lymph creative phosphokinase activities were found similarly increased in both sham (6 animals) and hemorrhagic shock (8 animals) induced groups following hemorrhage. But the increased level was less significant in sham operation dogs. The activities of serum a11d thoracic duct lymph transaminase were significantly increased Due to narrowness between tumor effective dose and toxic dose, there appeared a variety of dose of BCNU to be used in cancer. It was an annoying problem that the seemingly optimal dose in one patient would sometimes induce serious side effects. This study was carried out to determine the efficacy of lower dose of BCNU with immunotherapeutic agent tubercin-3, tuberculoprotein complex, extracted from human type Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ehlich ascited mice. Sixty tumor-bearing mice were divided into 6 groups; 10 animals in each group receiving saline, tubercin-3, 2㎎ or 4㎎ per ㎏ body weight of BCNU, and 2㎎, and 4㎎ per ㎏ body weight of BCNU combined with tubercin-3, respectively in each time. Treatment was started 24 hours after tumor cell implantation and every other day for six times. The tubercin-3 was administered subcutaneously and BC NU intraperitoneally. After treatment began, the animal condition was observed daily two times and the time of death was recorded for life expectation of mice. The average increases of animal life span of each group were respectively as follows. Control is 13.8 days; tubercin-3 administration, 27.8 days; 2㎎ per ㎏ body weight BCNU, 36.4 days; 4㎎ per ㎏ body weight BCNU, 38.6 days; 2㎎ BCNU with tubercin-3, 42.6 days; and 4㎎ BCNU with tubercin-3, 43.5 days. Conclusively, the therapeutic potentiation is reflected to be extened life span in combined treatment of tubercin-3 and BCNU then none combine3 and it was also noticed that the low dose of BCNU could extend the life of Ehrlich ascites cancer-bearing mice when administered in combination with tubercin-3.

      • KCI등재

        Growth and nutrient uptake by Palmaria palmata integrated with Atlantic halibut in a land-based aquaculture system

        Peter Corey,김장균,Jim Duston,David J. Garbary 한국조류학회I 2014 ALGAE Vol.29 No.1

        Palmaria palmata was integrated with Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus on a commercial farm for one year starting in November, with a temperature range of 0.4 to 19.1°C. The seaweed was grown in nine plastic mesh cages (each 1.25 m3 volume) suspended in a concrete sump tank (46 m3) in each of three recirculating systems. Two tanks received effluent water from tanks stocked with halibut, and the third received ambient seawater serving as a control. Thalli were tumbled by continuous aeration, and held under a constant photoperiod of 16 : 8 (L : D). Palmaria stocking density was 2.95 kg m-3 initially, increasing to 9.85 kg m-3 after a year. Specific growth rate was highest from April to June (8.0 to 9.0°C), 1.1% d-1 in the halibut effluent and 0.8% d-1 in the control, but declined to zero or less than zero above 14°C. Total tissue nitrogen of Palmaria in effluent water was 4.2 to 4.4% DW from January to October, whereas tissue N in the control system declined to 3.0-3.6% DW from April to October. Tissue carbon was independent of seawater source at 39.9% DW. Estimated tank space required by Palmaria for 50% removal of the nitrogen excreted by 100 t of halibut during winter is about 29,000 to 38,000 m2, ten times the area required for halibut culture. Fifty percent removal of carbon from the same system requires 7,200 to 9,800 m2 cultivation area. Integration of P. palmata with Atlantic halibut is feasible below 10°C, but is impractical during summer months due to disintegration of thalli associated with reproductive maturation.

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