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      • KCI등재후보

        구성주의 심리운동의 시민성 개념과 시의적 활용 가능성

        김일명(Kim, Ilmyeong) 조선대학교 민주평화연구원 2021 민주평화연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The Pandemic of COVID 19 has revealed the individualistic trend and the generalization of untact culture, which is reducing citizenship gradually. This paper aims to study the concept of citizenship shown in the constructive psychomotricity to recover the spirit of community and present the possibility of using it in a timely context. Firstly, this research introduces the concept and theory of psychomotricity from the angle of sociality and diagnoses the necessity of it in the 21st century. I suggest the extended methods of utilize psychomotricity in the conclusion, after discussing the aspects of citizenship implied and resulting from the constructive psychomotor practice with the help of Lev. Vygotsky and Ernst Kiphard s theory. In the end, this research has the meaning of the time in that this academic area is explored in a limited area of improving the psychological aspect of children with disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        심리운동의 전체론적 개념과 융복합성 고찰

        김일명(Kim, Ilmyeong),박규리(Park, Kyuli) 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2021 국제문화연구 Vol.14 No.1

        The upcoming scientific technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution after the pandemic of COVID 19 cannot replace the interaction of human mind and body. The research of psychomotricity in Korea, however, has been done in a way separating psychology from motricity, which has made the disorganized and fragmented state of this academic domain. This paper reviews the original and philosophical concept of psychomotricity by looking into its history from a holistic angle and referring to the preceding material from European countries including Germany. This article study the holistic tradition of Europe emphasizing the human social nature, the function and contents of psychomotricity, and Laban s analysis of movement. Next, the noncompetitive and voluntary attributes of Ernst Kiphard s psychomotor theory is discussed. All this review leads to pursuing the convergence of psychomotricity by consolidating all the related academic information and knowledge with providing the examples of application. Lastly, this paper argues that the research range of psychomotricity should be expanded into the area of therapy besides education by inviting all the efforts related to the interaction between mind and body for developing the human welfare.

      • KCI등재후보

        학교 민주시민교육 실천방법으로서 심리운동의 자아존중감 향상 효과

        유수연(Suyeon You),김일명(Ilmyeong Kim) 조선대학교 민주평화연구원 2022 민주평화연구 Vol.5 No.1

        2020년과 2021년 코로나 팬데믹으로 인해 우리나라 초등학생들은 학교를 대신하여 가정을 주된 활동공간으로 하여 학업은 물론이고, 신체와 정신 양 측면에서 발달이 저조한 상태를 경험했다. 한국건강증진개발원(2021)과 대한비만학회(2021)가 실시한 조사에서 학생들은 코로나 이전에 비해 체중이 평균적으로 3.5kg만큼증가했는데, 일상생활에서의 활동량(52.1%)과 운동량의 감소(34.3%)가 가장 커다란 이유인 것으로 드러났다(데일리메디, 2021). 그리고, 초등학생들의 이러한 운동 결핍은 신체발달은 물론이고 자신감의 결여와 열등감의 증가를 발생하게 하여 자아 발달에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다(김호자, 2014). 그동안 심리와 운동을 연구해왔던 학자들은 양자 간 밀접한 관계를 강조했는데, 하미향 외(2011)는 장기간 운동으로 인한 신체이미지의 개선을 통해 신체 존중감과 자아존중감을 향상할 수 잇다고 말하고, 김성애(2009)는 Pica(1997)의 연구를 인용하여 인간의 동작 활동이 신체건강을 경유하여 친사회적 행동과 문제해결력을 향상하게 한다고 주장했는데, 이는 신체활동을 통한 자아존중감 향상을 의미한 것이다. 문제는 성격 형성기에 있는 초등학생의 자아존중감 결여 현상은 학교와 사회의 민주공동체에 치명적인 악영향을 미치게 될 것이라는 점인데, 자신의 가치를 낮게 평가하는 학생이 낮은 자아존중감으로 인해 학교에서 친구와 교사와의 갈등을 원만하게 해결하지 못할 가능성이 크다고 말한 연구를 통해서(김병오, 2013; 김영숙, 2002), 이를 충분히 짐작할 수 있다.… In the 2020s, Korean elementary schools are once again realizing that organic communication between schools and families, which are the source of emotional support, is necessary as a contraction of the future society after experiencing a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper examines the effect of psychological exercise on self-esteem of low-grade students in general elementary school and examines the advantages of using it for school democratic citizenship education. To this end, the theoretical background of psychological exercise and self-esteem is examined, and specific research methods and results are introduced and discussed. As a result, it is argued that psychological exercise can have a significant effect not only on the school, social, and general self-esteem of lower-grade elementary school students but also on the family side. This study is meaningful in suggesting a direction of effective school democratic citizenship education through organic relations between school and family by emphasizing the advantages of psychological exercise that can activate the interaction between elementary school students and exercise.

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