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        현대 한국불교의 다비의식 설행연구 - 성철․법정․고우의 사례를 중심으로 -

        김인묵 동방문화대학원대학교 불교문예연구소 2022 불교문예연구 Vol.- No.19

        다비의식은 전통적으로 승가에서 차지하는 위상이 매우 컸다. 현대 한국불교의 상장례, 즉 다비의식 또한 특정 종교의례를 떠나 전승되는 한국문화의 죽음의례 차원에서도 일반인들의 큰 관심을 끈다. 특히 사회적으로 존경받던 큰스님들의 죽음을 대하는 사부대중들은 그/그녀의 다비의식에 직접 참관하는 모습도 보인다. 그러나 오늘날 큰스님들의 ‘전통적’ 다비의식에 조금만 주의를 기울여보아도 그 의식들마다 서로 다르게 설행되는 것을 쉽게 발견하게 된다. 그야말로 전통의 전승에 있어서 무엇이, 왜, 그렇게 의례화되고 있는지를 학술적으로 탐색해 볼 만하다고 본다. 본 논고는 오늘날 한국불교에서 설행되었던 다비의식의 실제 사례를 통해서 위와 같은 문제제기가 갖는 현대적 의미를 다비의식의 문화콘텐츠적 시각에서 논의해 보고자 한다. 본고는 본문에서 다음과 같은 연구에 주안점을 두어 논의를 진행하였다. 우선 일반적으로 통용되는 불교 다비의식의 정의와 유래, 그리고 그것의 불교철학적 의미를 언급하고 있다. 또한 이 의식을 한국불교의 역사적 맥락에서 살펴보고자 조선 중 후기 이래 제작된 의문[의식문]를 검토하고 있다. 이 과정은 현대 다비의식의 원류를 생각해 볼 수 있다고 보았다. 본문의 3장에서는 20세기와 21세기 한국불교계에서 큰 족적을 남긴 성철스님, 법정스님 그리고 최근의 고우스님의 다비의식 사례를 제시하고 이를 문화유산과 현대의 문화콘텐츠적 시각에서 접근하여 해석해보고자 하였다. 무엇보다 실제 다비의식의 사례를 문화콘텐츠적으로 접근할 경우, 다비의식 설행과정에 있어서 유의미한 차이가 발생되는 지점에 대한 이해를 보다 현대적인 의미에서 파악하고 분석할 수 있다고 보았다. 이는 전통 다비의식의 보존과 현대적 다비의식의 고민을 담아 향후 불교 다비의식 문화콘텐츠 연구방안을 도출하고자 하는 목적을 위해서도 중요한 출발점이라고 여긴다.

      • 經英情報 System 의 發展과 意思決定에 對한 考察

        金仁默 세종대학교 1982 세종대학 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        It is generally considered that the characteristics of modern management are expansion of its business size, rapid change of innovation, complexity and specialization of organization and the signifiicance of right decision making. The management information system function in organization has increased in importance as the world business and industrial organization have become more complex and dynamic. The information explosion is also evidenced within our many social and economic organizations. Therefore, it is required that the necessit of modern managers talents are not only 5-M (management essence) which is previously stated concept but also effective operation and control of management information as a managerial resources. Management information systems are to store and retrieve information as required for the use of management and don't create information but rather package it. Management information system is package information into useful quantums of knowledge and it is filtered, rearranged, analyzed and presented in a digestible form. The purpose of this paper is to provide management information system concept according to the change of industrial, political, economical envirnment and to relate the system approach into information theory and to illustrate the development of management information system process. Theoretically, manual system of management information system are possible, however, in real world practical management information system could not be existed without computerized system because of it's accuracy, speedy and mass processing capacity. The matters and recognition of management affair affect the information explosion by rapid increase and communication channel will be increased by complexity of organization. The necessity of computerized system is to reduce manpower and its expense and to develop new technic of mass data processing and to meet right decision making in timely and to increase economic productivity. Consequently, the optimal goals are not information processing itself but the contribution of decision making system which is emphasized practical management. Decision making system is classified into three catagories by its managerial hierachy, as strategic decision making system, administrative decision making system and operational decision making system. Finally, this paper intend to emphasize that future management should be dynamic decision making system in compliance with management information system.

      • 情報의 經濟性과 經營 System

        金仁默 세종대학교 1983 세종대학 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        It is generally recognized that the significance of Management Information System have been shown in various modern management field. However, development of Management Information System is a great evoke point according to the progress of Computer systems technology. The great contribution of Management Information System to business and industrial organizations are its function and role of computer system which can collect, store, process, classify, maintain, develop, and reproduct information. By this seris cycle of information flow and process, output results are expected a number of thousand synergy effect in quantitative and qualitative amount of its inputs. Therefore the position of management information is closed up as well major managerial resources as man, money and material that were highly structured in classical thought of management. Information concept arose from human curiosity to know the unknown world affair but present meaning of information value are major function of decision making tool to solve the problem which concerned with management environment. Therefore, recognition of management information is not only by product of management activity and statical situation but also dynamic activity. It is extremely required that the characteristics and the requisits of information are Accessibility, Comprehensiviness, Accuracy, Appropriateness, Timeliness, Clarity, Felexibility, Verifiability, Freedom bias, Quantifiability. By these Information functions are so contributed to decision making in modern management that the importance of Management Information System is considered as quantitative approach rather than system value. Without quotation of Oscar wild, “Everybody know price of everything but value of nothing,” it is so difficult to measure information value that management often turn away its worth. The purpore of this paper is to propose the economics of information under consideration of Management Information System function. Management information, like other commodity, can be measured economic value of information to compare production cost of information with benefit price of information using profit-loss analysis or applying information cost accounting. Besides, information benefit, Management should account information Value to include reduction of manpower cost, equipment, overhead charge, improvement of sale promotion and affect of organization.

      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 법화사상과 불교의례

        김인묵,심일종 동방문화대학원대학교 불교문예연구소 2023 불교문예연구 Vol.- No.22

        『법화경』의 사상적 내용은 일불승(一佛乘)한 회삼귀일(會三歸一)의 정신을 바탕으로 청문(聽聞)과 수지(受持)가 기본을 이루고 있다. 그리하여 우리나라에서는 일찍이 신라와 고려의 통일 과정에서 사상적 밑받침이 되었다고 할 수 있다. 또 통일신라시대 비록 정토불교가 성행하였고, 고려시대에 선불교가 유행하였지만, 대중들로부터 꾸준히 사랑을 받고 지속적으로 연구가 이루어진 경전은 『법화경』이라고 할 수 있다. 그만큼 한국인들의 내면에 문화적 DNA로 새겨져 있는 법화사상에 대해 굳이 언급할 필요는 적겠지만, 조선 유교사회에 들어서는 『법화경』과 법화사상에 대해 주목하는 일은 아직은 필요해 보인다. 그것은 조선사회가 20세기와 21세기 민주주의 사회에서 법화사상 나아가 한국불교가 걸어 나가야 하는 방향과도 직결되는 문제를 안고 있다고 여기기 때문이다. 본문에서는 조선초기 불교의례의 존립에 대해 『법화경』과 법화사상의 맥락에서 소화하려고 하였다. 우리는 『법화경』이 지니고 있는 대승불교의 논리, 즉 누구나 부처가 될 수 있다는 혁신적인 사유에 매료되어 있다. 또한 『법화경』은 인간은 누구나 내면적인 가치를 존중받아야 하며 인격적인 차원에서 평등하다고 가르치고 있다. 그리고 불교의례의 차원에서 조선초기에도 여전히 불교경전은 그러한 역할을 했던 것을 알 수 있다. 태조와 태종대는 물론이고 세종과 문종대에도 여전히 불교의 힘에 의지하여 자신들의 선왕과 선후의 극락왕생을 빌고 있는 모습은 이 땅에 불교가 들어왔을 때의 모습을 닮아있다고 할 것이다. 조선초기 『법화경』과 법화사상이 이전 시대에서부터 전승되었다는 점과 새로운 시대적 이데올로기를 만났을 때 보여주었던 법화사상의 면모를 살펴보았다. 이때 조선 초기 불교의례라는 문화요소에 법화경이 어떻게 사용되고, 왕실과 사대부 및 일반 대중들에게 무엇을 의미하게 되었는지를 효용과 가치의 측면에서 다루어 보고자 한다. The ideological content of The Lotus Sutra is based on the spirit of Cheongmun [聽聞] and Suji[受持], which is based on the spirit of Ilseung[一乘]. Thus, it can be said that in Korea, it was an ideological foundation in the process of unification between Silla and Goryeo. In addition, although Jeongto Buddhism was prevalent during the Unified Silla Dynasty and Seonjegyo was popular during the Goryeo Dynasty, the Sutra that were constantly loved and studied by the public can be said to be The Lotus Sutra. As such, it is not necessary to mention the idea of Buddhist painting engraved with cultural DNA inside Koreans, but it seems necessary to pay attention to the The Lotus Sutra and the idea of Buddhist painting in the Joseon Confucian society. This is because Joseon society believes that it has a problem that is directly connected to the legalization ideology and the direction in which Korean Buddhism should walk in a democratic society in the 20th and 21st centuries. In the text, the existence of Buddhist rituals in the early Joseon Dynasty was tried to be digested in the context of 『The Lotus Sutra』 and The Lotus Sutra Thought. We are fascinated by the logic of Mahayana Buddhism in The Lotus Sutra, that is, the innovative thinking that anyone can become a Buddha. In addition, The Lotus Sutra teaches that all human beings should be respected for their inner values and are equal at a personal level. And in terms of Buddhist rituals, it can be seen that Buddhist scriptures still played such a role even in the early Joseon Dynasty. Not only Taejo and Taejongdae, but also Sejong and Munjongdae still rely on the power of Buddhism to pray for the paradise of their predecessors and ancestors, resembling the appearance of Buddhism entering this land. In the early Joseon Dynasty, The Lotus Sutra and The Lotus Sutra Thought were handed down from the previous era, and the aspects of 『The Lotus Sutra』 that were shown when meeting new ideologies of the times were examined. At this time, I would like to deal with how The Lotus Sutra was used in the cultural element of Buddhist rituals in the early Joseon Dynasty and what they meant to the royal family, the high officials, and the general public in terms of utility and value.

      • KCI우수등재

        환경 , 전략유형의 중간관리자 인지에 따른 전략결정역할과 성과의 연구

        김인묵(In Muk Kim) 한국경영학회 1995 經營學硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        Recent revolution of information technology has resulted in many changes to the way business operate, specially middle level manager`s role. However, the involvement of the middle management in the strategy formulation is associated with improved organizational performance. The purpose of this study are to examine the role of middle management involvement in the strategic process and to investigate the significiant relationship between strategic type and strategic involvement with environmental characteristic that is not include in previous studies. As the result, top management should roevaluate middle manager`s role and participate them to achieve the strategic objectives. In addition, the finding show that middle manager`s role in prospector organizations is higher levels of upward strategic implementations.

      • KCI등재

        칠칠재의 전형과 변용의 파노라마

        이성운,김인묵 동방문화대학원대학교 불교문예연구소 2020 불교문예연구 Vol.0 No.16

        논문은 한국불교의 사후 칠칠재의 전형과 변용을 의례적 관점에서 살펴본 글이다. 현재 널리 유행되고 있는 사십구재라는 명칭은 근래에 이르러 쓰이기 시작했다. 불교의 생사관에 의하면 인간은 사후 49일이라는 중유 기간에 본인의 선업과 다른 이들이 지내주는 칠칠재에 의해 다음 생에 더 나은 곳에 태어날 수 있다고 한다. 사후 7일마다 행하는 칠칠재는 망자를 위해 명부시왕에 권공하는 것이 핵심인데, 이는 십선을 권장하고자 하는 데 목적이 있다. 망자의 공덕을 닦아주는 또 하나 의 의식으로는 경전을 염송해 주는 법석이 있으며, 법석 가운데 법화법 석이 영산재로 발전하였다. 이와 아울러 불보살의 명호를 칭명하는 정근의식도 칠칠재에서 활발하게 이어지고 있다. 하지만 근현대에 이르러 시왕권공 중심의 칠칠재 의식이 지장보살에 대한 권공의식으로 변천해 가고 있다. 이는 명부시왕의 부정적 이미지가 상단[지장]권공의 긍정적 이미지에 덮이게 된 데 기인하였을 것으로 보인다. 칠칠재(사십구재)는 망자와 산자의 소통통로이자 함께 잘 사는 신행이라고 할 수 있다. This writing considers the archetype of Chilchiljae (七七齋, the weekly ritual for seven weeks) after death in Korean Buddhism and its variation from the perspective of the ritual. The name of Chilchiljae, popular nowadays, used in recent years. According to the Buddhist concept of life and death, it is said that human beings can be reborn in a better world as a result of both their own wholesome deeds and Chilchiljae others perform for antarrābhava (中有, the intermediate existence) during 49 days after their death. the essence of Chilchiljae is the ceremony of inviting The ten kings of hell (冥府 十王) to the offering for the sake of the dead, whose objective is to encourage people to do good. Another ritual for the virtue of the dead is beopseok (法席, Dharma seat), where people chant sutras for the dead. Yeongasnjae (靈山齊, Vulture Peak ritual) originated from Beopwha Beopseok (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka Dharma seat), a form of beopseok. The rite of jeonggeun (精勤, fervent discipline), where they chant buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ name, is active in Chilchiljae. But the main guests of the offering have been changing from The ten kings of hell (冥府十王) to Kṣitigarbha (Earth Store Bodhisattva) in modern and contemporary Chilchiljae. It might be because the positive image of Kṣitigarbha is preferred to the negative one of The ten kings of hell. It can be said that Chilchiljae is a channel of communication and the practice of faith for both the dead and the living.

      • KCI등재후보

        Dynamics of Driven Interfaces in Random Media

        Hyun-JooKim,김인묵 한국물리학회 2002 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.40 No.6

        We introduce two stochastic growth models which describe the motion of the interfaces driven through random media in one and higher dimensions. One model describes the motion of a interface driven though a random medium which can be described by the quenched Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. While the other model is described by the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation. We extend the model which belongs to the quenched KPZ universality class by introducing a temperature-like parameter T. This model shows various dynamical behaviors as T changes from 0 to 1. This model belongs to the quenched KPZ universality class when T = 0 and the thermal EW universality class when T = 1. For 0 < T < 1, this model shows an anomalous crossover behavior from the quenched KPZ to the thermal KPZ class. We also study crossover scaling behaviors of the interface width for various Ts.

      • KCI등재

        Sandpiles on Multiplex Networks

        이규민,고광일,김인묵 한국물리학회 2012 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.60 No.4

        We introduce the sandpile model on multiplex networks with more than one type of edge and investigate its scaling and dynamical behaviors. We find that the introduction of multiplexity does not alter the scaling behavior of avalanche dynamics; the system is critical with an asymptotic power-law avalanche size distribution with an exponent τ = 3/2 on duplex random networks. The detailed cascade dynamics, however, is affected by the multiplex coupling. For example, higherdegree nodes such as hubs in scale-free networks fail more often in the multiplex dynamics than in the simplex network counterpart in which different types of edges are simply aggregated. Our results suggest that multiplex modeling would be necessary in order to gain a better understanding of cascading failure phenomena of real-world multiplex complex systems, such as the global economic crisis.

      • KCI등재

        Magnetic Moment in Proton-Irradiated Graphite

        이규원,이철의,김인묵,Young-Ho Lee 한국물리학회 2005 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.47 No.1

        In an attempt to understand the origin of the magnetic moment in proton-irradiated graphite,we have studied the proton irradiation effect in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). A lowdose irradiation induced Curie paramagnetism in HOPG, and the magnetic moment per irradiated proton was estimated to be 2.4μB.

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