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      • KCI등재

        헤이트스피치의 피해자인 재일코리안의 반응과 대응

        김웅기(Kim Woong Ki)(金雄基) 한일민족문제학회 2017 한일민족문제연구 Vol.32 No.-

        本稿は多様な在日コリアンのうち、総連系朝鮮籍者の嫌韓現象によるヘイトスピーチに対する認識に関する聞き取り調査(2014年6-8月実施)の内容を論じたものである。在日コリアン社会の構成は移住時期や国籍、政治的性向などによって細分化されており、かつては多数だった総連系朝鮮籍者は今や少数になっている。しかし、民族教育や同胞コミュニティのつながりが依然として強固であることから、可視的な集団として存在している。他の属性を持つ在日コリアンに比べ、彼らの認識にはいかなる特徴があるのかについて調査を行った。 本調査が特記するに値する特徴は以下の通りである。 第一に、差別に対する認識をはじめとする内面における葛藤を言語化する能力に長けている点である。これはその他の属性を持つ在日コリアンとの違いと言えるものであり、幼い頃から同胞コミュニティが身近に存在することで、自尊感情を毀損されて来なかったことなどが影響を及ぼしているものと思われる。 第二に、差別に抗う意思が強固である一方、権利や公的制度に対する信頼感が低い点である。在特会による京都朝鮮第一初級学校襲撃に対し、告訴を行う過程における逡巡など、これまでの弾圧の歴史によって、制度の活用や日本社会への発信などにおいて消極的にならざるを得なかった点が作用している。実際に反差別に関する発信活動を行ったある朝鮮学校教員は日本人側による執拗な嫌がらせに遭っている。 第三に、民族教育の支援者であり、感謝の対象である北朝鮮よりも、韓国の方が自らのアイデンティティを主張する上で日本社会においては有利という認識が存在している。経済的格差などに加え、金正日による日本人拉致を認める発言以降、日本社会において「朝鮮人」としてのアイデンティティを表に出すことに恐れを感じ、「韓国人」と称する方が安全という認識が存在している。政治的信念が確固たるものとなっている一部を除けば、総連系朝鮮籍者と言えども、日本社会における差別に対する差別に対する不安や苦悩の中に暮していることがわかる。 This paper discusses how pro-Chongryon Chosen-seki Zainichi Koreans perceive hate speech/crime against them escalated by anti-Korean sentiment spread by recent South Korean-Japanese international relations. Comparing to the rest of categories of Zainichi Koreans, they are relatively visible and active in that the ties of their communities and ethnic schools are still firm. The author implemented a research survey from June to August of 2014, and the research method taken was in-depth interview, and the author interviewed 55 Zainichi Koreans. Among them, seven people are pro-Chongryon Chosen-sekis. Discussions in this paper are based on the contents of the interviews to them. The findings are as follows. First, pro-Chongryon Zainichis are good at languageizing their mental conflicts occurred by discrimination. Their ethnic communities gives positive influence on their self-esteem resisting discrimination. Second, the rate of their trust in rights and public institutions is low while the intention to resist discriminiation is strong. It is because of long history of Japan’s discriminatory perception against Koreans. Third, Third, they posess perceptions that claiming South Korean identities are more advantageous than North Korean ones as far as they live in Japan. This type of perception has been possessed even by pro-Chongryons since 2002 when Kim, Jungil admitted North Korea committed abductions of Japanese people.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘1965년체제’와 재일코리안

        김웅기(金雄基) 한국일본문화학회 2016 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.68

        The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the reasons why Koreans in Japan have not been able to improve their social status in Japan. This thesis intends to analyze how their social status in South Korea, a divided nation overwhelming anti-communism, has imposed constraints on improving status in Japanese society. At the same time, a fact that pro-norths and pro-souths live altogether imposes political vulnerability on them. South Korean-Japanese diplomatic normalization brought Koreans in Japan logics of South Korean politics backed by anti-communism. Their loyalty toward the nation of South Korea has been endlessly doubted since both pro-Norths and pro-Souths are living altogether in Japan. From late 1970s to 1980s, many of youngsters were concocted by South Korea’s dictatorial authorities under the name of spy of North Korea. Even after South Korean society achieved democratization, diversity of political value existing in the community of Koreans in Japan has not been approved by their mother nation. This situation becomes constraints for them to assert the improvement of their social status in Japan. For the purpose of the enhancement of social status of Koreans in Japan, they should consider not only their own circumstance in Japan but also that in their mother nation.

      • KCI등재

        반촉성 시설수박 재배농가의 경제적 효율성 분석

        김웅,김재홍 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2006 농업과학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        Technical efficiency of semiforcing watermelon growers is 0.8248 on average, and distributed between 0.6744 and 0.9268. The result showed that semiforcing watermelon growers had by 18% of technical inefficiency and could be assumed that increasing technical efficiency could induce watermelon production more increase. Consequently, if growers' technical efficiency were improved while other environments were constant, watermelon production could be increased. Following the results from the inefficiency effect model, all assumption coefficient such as growers age etc, are significant at 10% level. Estimate of dispersion parameter γ is 0.89, which confirms those differences between practical output and frontier output were derived from the technical efficiencies among growers. Differences of production system between high and low level growers in production efficiency were showed at side altitude, ventilation and heat-retaining in section of facilities and automation, soil test and calcium application in section of environment management, transplant preparation and duration of pollination in section of crop management and shipment place, sorting degree and management record analysis in section of business management respectively. As a result of analyzing consulting data by using standard diagnosis table of watermelon cultivation under structure which cultivated on semi-forced watermelon growers, gap between high and low level growers was 7.0 points in facility automation section, 7.1 points in environment section, 8.8 points in crop management section and 13.6 points in business management section, respectively, which were the biggest one among them. In case of excluding information-related items from the evaluation index of business management section, changes of business achievement are to occur. Therefore, it is recommended for us to review the standard diagnostic table of watermelon cultivation under structure by dividing evaluation index of management section into management and information.

      • KCI등재

        [判例評釋] 권리금 회수기회 보호의 시간적 한계 - 대전지방법원 2017. 5. 19. 선고 2016나108951 판결 -

        김웅 고려대학교 법학연구원 2017 고려법학 Vol.0 No.87

        As for protecting tenant's opportunity to recover the Premium, the current Commercial Building Lease Act prohibits the landlord from interfering with the tenant's collecting the Premium but does not specify how long the landlord should bear such provision. Under Article 10-4 Protection of opportunity to collect the Premium of the Commercial Building Lease Act the contract parties comply with Article 10-1 justifiable grounds to refuse the contract renewal but not explicitly Article 10-(2) which specifies the time limit-entire lease term; therefore, arguably as far as the protection of opportunity to collect the Premium is concerned, 5 year limit is controversial between the tenant and landlord. In this regard, by Article 10 (2), it was most common to judge that the tenant's opportunity to recover the Premium should be the same 5 years as the contract renewal period. However, a meaningful judgment at the lower court has been recently pronounced, according to which, even if exceeding five years of the entire lease term, the landlord still has an obligation to cooperate with the tenant's opportunity to collect the Premium. The study findings confirm that, in order for a judgement to show a different view from the existing precedents, it is hard to easily accept some grounds of judgement while agreeing with a verdict set aside. Protection of opportunity to collect the Premium is a key issue of the Commercial Building Lease Act and requires more sophisticated theoretical support. Continuous studies will help the Commercial Building Lease Act via a verdict more descriptive of the reality to settle down into a legal system which can reflect the original legislative intent. 현행 상가임대차법은 임차인의 권리금 회수기회 보호에 있어서 임대인에게 회수방해 금지의무를 규정하고 있으나 언제까지 이러한 의무를 준수하여야 하는가에 대해서는 구체적으로 정하지 않고 있다. 즉 상가임대차법 제10조의4에서 권리금 회수 보호 제한사유로서 동법 제10조 제1항의 계약갱신거절 사유를 준용하면서도 시간적 한계를 규정한 제10조 제2항을 명시적으로 준용하지 않음으로써, 권리금 회수 보호에서도 5년이라는 시간적 한계가 존재하는지 여부에 대한 해석상 혼란이 발생하게 된 것이다. 이와 관련하여 동법 제10조 제2항을 유추 적용하여 계약갱신기간과 동일하게 5년까지만 보호해야 한다는 판결이 대부분을 이루고 있던 중 최근 의미 있는 판결이 선고되었는데, 이 견해에 의하면 임대차 기간이 5년을 경과한 경우에도 여전히 임대인에게 임차인의 권리금 회수 협조의무가 존재하게 된다. 그러나 대상판결이 기존의 판례와 다른 견해를 보이기 위하여 판결이유 설명 시 많은 노력을 기울였음에도 불구하고, 일부 이유는 쉽게 받아들일 수 없다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 임차인의 권리금 회수기회 보호는 상가임대차법의 핵심 사항으로서 보다 정교한 이론적 뒷받침이 요구된다고 생각한다. 대법원의 최종 확인이 남은 사안이므로 아직 구체적 판단을 하기 어려우나, 이러한 연구들이 지속됨으로써 좀 더 현실을 잘 설명하는 판결이유가 제시되기를 기대한다.

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